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Everything posted by drafan

  1. That Sierra (whoever that is, never heard of her) up there....is she highlighting her husband's Man Boobs? If so, gee thanks. Judging by that pic of Jezza (the way Bin says her name) and Bin, little Spurge is going to look more like Jay Leno than anyone else. Maybe Bin was stuffed up when he revealed the name ....maybe it's Serge and his middle name is Jannelliot.
  2. Oh, don't worry...either it was a fake set-up or Mullet scurried out of the screen-shot or had to be edited out, per order of JB. It would've been Bikini-gate all over again...men all over the world fantasizing about mattress-laying Mullet, leaving their wives , divorcing, etc. Phew. Also: I still maintain JB is painting Jana as a domestic prize...we'll see if this changes once the show isn't (supposedly ) his to control.
  3. Yup, the name is idiotic, but what is even worse is the fact that People Magazine is teasing in the front page headline that this is a story about "coming through a bad year". There is NOTHING in the article about any bad year, any scandal, Josh....nothing! Shouldn't the teaser be about what's in the article. Bad journalism. Stupid, stupid magazine. God, Kim K better beg some quack to deliver that direction kid soon.
  4. Yup, me too. I've taught a million kids , some with very unique names, but I have never heard of anything this bad. I can't imagine the uneducated Jkids being able to pronounce it or even repeat it. Is there even a nickname for that...Spur??? Ginny?? Sounds like a Depression-era name for the malnourished 28th kid in the family. ETA: Bin's being called a 'doting Dad', huh? Six whole days of doting??? Laughable. But I guess he's got all day to dote.
  5. Oh, boo fuckin' hoo to Princess Jessa. I know people who have had a C-section, came home to 2 or 3 other little kids, nursed, had a husband who had to go to work the next day after they came home from the hospital, had no family around them, had to go back to work themselves in 6 weeks, and they survived. This whole thing boggles my mind. Name the kid Wade Bolton Seewald and be done with it....he's gonna have the T-shirt anyhow. (FYY, Doe vs. Bolton was the other abortion trial going on at the time.) Aaaaand BTW........HI, JESSA !!!!! I'm not watching your show. ((waves)) We all know you're on here!
  6. Trust me, this is all for garnering interest for the show aaaaand money from People. The crib was all set up in their room (and some astute poster here even noticed boy-patterned bedding)...I'm sure Hobby Lobby Letters spelled out his name on the wall , just out of camera range. Remember, they showed an untrasound of one baby, then a few months later, were trying to fool people into voting if they were having twins. They are sneaky tricksters, those two . (Which I do believe Jessa has said is an asset. ) The James Michael bit is probably to throw people off the scent, so they can go back to Gabriel. Pretty sad if the name gets changed because Bin's sister leaked it and they won't get their payday. Sad because naming a kid gets them a paycheck. The rest of us have to, you know, WORK for it. Oops, back to Hobby Lobby for more wall letters, Jinger and Joy. Or they can rearrange them into "Gerbil" or "Regal". Yes, "Regal"...they can one-up any Kardashian baby!! Their show is going to be epically pathetic.
  7. Beyond A List....they act like this is the future King of England. I'm waiting for trumpeters to blare out the announcement of the name. Well, duh...for the money. I bet a home birth is worth more in the TLC contract. Yup, anything to hold the public's interest. By this time next year, Jill will have had #2, Anna will be knocked up, and some other Jkid or two will be courting or married. It's going to come fast and furious.
  8. That's a shout-out to Oprah, hopefully to get on her show....or channel or magazine, or whatever it is that she has. Jessa 's having her hair and make-up done. I've never heard of this, ever. Seriously, this isn't the royal family. Normal families just call each other....sister calls grandpa who then calls aunt who then calls...... And please, Hobby Lobby Gods, stop encouraging this humongous self-portraits over the mantel business.
  9. When I saw this pic, I realized just how infuriating this cult is.....Josh and the Jboys got to mix into a crowd of kids at this event, wearing pretty normal-looking, albeit, hot-looking clothing....while the girls look like a Depression-era Montgomery Ward catalog page. If they were lucky, the other kids thought they were part of the period-costumed performers at the event. Now I can see why Jessa does her "modern modest" thing and is so fixated on her look. The older girls are scarred, y'all !!!! Gah.
  10. Is this pineapple advice from in-house expert Dr. Jill? What's next? A needle dangling by a thread over the pregnant belly to determine the sex of the baby? Old-wives tales, circa 1947. And the shocker of the Meredith pic....she's wearing PANTS !!!!!! and there's no giant-sized Hobby Lobby blossom on her head.
  11. That quote came inside the Hobby Lobby frame that they got last weekend as a baby shower gift.
  12. But, remember, Jackson is the family's professional photo-bomber. He's in every picture possible. Yup, Izzy is wearing a 'cowboy' get-up, 1950's -style. He probably just chewed on the barrel of the red pistol that one of the Mkids was holding in another pic. Gotta train 'em to play "Cowboys and Injuns" just like Boob did in his childhood. //Soooooo non-PC//
  13. Yes, all of this. Except, they are probably more devastated that "their brothers' OTHER misdeeds" also came to the attention of the press. They only care because it got discovered and then the show got cancelled. I doubt they really give a rat's ass. And, boo f-in' hoo about the tears. Really, Jill? Again? And, after seeing the big tented thing (was that Mullett's nursing schmatta?) over Jessa as Dr. Jill fake does whatever she does, there is NO WAY ON EARTH that Jessa will let TLC film her panting and blowing and screaming. No way. She's probably be "in the other room" and Bin will be out to give updates. In other words, It will be staged after the real birth.
  14. Anna does look beautiful, but the most shocking thing in those pictures is the FRESH FRUIT in the basket behind them!!!! APPLES, and not Applejacks!!! Wonder if the Jkids know what to do with them......they probably identify them as something that was once in the middle of a caramel thing on a stick.
  15. ....then the cap will be that way for the next 25 years at least....
  16. Did I get this right....did Jessa request GIFT CARDS TO TARGET AND WALMART ??????? OMG. That has to be the worst, even for the brief time it was posted. She can't reveal the "gender" because she isn't getting paid to spill, she lies that it "might" be twins to keep fans interested, she posts her little "name game" to get hits......can it get any worse???? So, let me get this right....she wants gift cards, but she won't post a registry ( which would be what someone might do if they were expecting a shower from a friend) , because the registry is for FANS and if she had baby items on the registry it might reveal what she was having???? Sickening. I think she is more "Smuggar" than Smuggar himself.
  17. I used to like most of them (never Manny) , but now it's just Phil. Oh..... and Phil's dad, before he became a widower.
  18. Yeah, Anna woke him from a deep sleep and he was probably surprised that it wasn't one of his hookers. No, seriously, that was the stagiest staged thing that was ever staged..... and such bad "acting"...it was probably Take 26 and he was tired from being up all night with internet porn.
  19. .........yeah, the 'hell' the rest of us live in every day...the one without a TV show, a cushy job, fame, money, magazine covers, Hummers, trips, Invisalign braces, personal trainers, Coach purses, etc. I suspect JB is plotting the redemption tour as we speak. Can't wait to see how this "little snafu" will be waved away.
  20. Wasn't there an episode where the Jkids weren't listening. at. all. , and another SisterMom threatened to turn the offenders over to Jana, and they all jumped to attention???? Maybe I'm dreaming, but if so, it seems more like she's the stern disciplinarian. I think she just likes babies...she's always the one holding an infant. Maybe she's more like Mullet than anyone knows.
  21. Yes, so she will smell like a perpetual baby. Someone better tell Mom Kardashian. With the show off the air, I wonder how JB is going to 'sell off' the remaining Jgirls. Wait, that's probably what Duggar Studios is all about.....the camera will pan the room . Look, there's Jana sewing, there's Jinger cooking, there's Joy ironing, there's Johanna sweeping. Wow, what a coincidence.
  22. The pix are beautiful. Love the cake. It matches her dress. At first I thought she was having her make-up done by Carmindy from What Not to Wear. Thought it was a TLC crossover thing. Jessa's slip/hem extender thing is ruining the Jgirls pic. The photographer should've hidden her in the back. And someone should burn those stupid brown sandals while she's sleeping. Josie is not the only one with leggings under her dress. And they couldn't push them up under her dress for 5 minutes? Jana is slipping in her Mom duties. Were there any flowers at all???
  23. It probably was white when it was fresh from GoodWill....it must've gotten washed with all the Jkids' urine-soaked bed sheets. Hate to say it, but this is very on-trend right now......having food trucks at a wedding reception is very "in". Total confession: When I was in my early 20s, I bought a white cotton eyelet sundress and wore it to two weddings that summer. Nobody said a word about it one way or another. My friend wore a black dress to the same two weddings. Nobody cared. No one mistook us for the bride nor a mourner. I think Jilly's maternity dress is navy.
  24. .......aaaaaand Jackson, the professional photobomber, is at it again.
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