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Everything posted by drafan

  1. All those grannies gushing over Dalton was just the cutest thing ever. Trent's puppy is so adorable, and I want it. LaPorsha's baby is beautiful. = Even playing field in the world of living and breathing props. I'm so sad for the end of this show, but I do believe it ended years ago. This season seems so 'off'. I tried to drum up some interest with some people who used to love it, but got nowhere.
  2. Because the AI brass has come to their senses and realize they all suck. They have nothing left to lose, so they're not even pretending anymore. LOL
  3. God, this show has lost it's magic. I remember when it was all everyone talked about, and it was so much fun. Oh well.... David Cook!!! My favorite winner ever. (notice I said winner) I was so excited when he won...finally one who I actually rooted for..... and back then the show was awesome. Still love him. In the background of DC's song, I couldn't even remember some of those winners...actually had to think who they were. LaPorsha......no, she is NOT the second coming of Tina Turner. Not even close. MacK....so wimpy and boring. Trent...that was pretty good. Has he gotten chubby now that the mono is over? Dalton and Sonika, huh? Both so pretty. ETA: OK, so it's Dalton, trying to be Adam Lambert but without the voice. Oh, that was awful. ((Small voice)) I actually kinda like looking at Kat McPhee. She's like a singing Kate Middleton. LOL Dalton's second song ::::: SO desperate it's embarrassing. Oh dear god, make this show end.
  4. Duh.......for ratings....JB realized that the courtships/weddings/babies are the stuff that sells. He still has his greasy, Bryll-creamy mitts all over this show. He'll force some J-kid into something. Gross. I flipped by this for 2 seconds, and Binjermin was counting out diapers. Forget being the next TV preacher,....he could be the new cool-hatted Mr. Rogers (and no offense to Mr. Rogers, who was way more awesome than BIn).....I was waiting for him to stare into the camera and say, "Can..... you.... say..... nine?" I'm kinda scared that some little leg-humper is going to get pregnant so she can offer up her spawn to Jessa Blessa in a private deal, with JB at the helm of the contract, of course. Speaking of greasy and creepy.......where is Josh ?? Were there any sightings?
  5. I've totally lost track of them and are bored stiff by them....but shouldn't someone be knocked up by now? Did I miss a cake-cutting / flyover / balloon-popping event ??? The previews didn't hold my attention for 10 seconds. Who is watching this stuff?
  6. Haven't seen any of this, but tonight, during Say Yes to the Dress there was a "sneak preview' (gag) , which was basically a 5 minute infomercial for finding Jana a husband. So, yes, Jim Boob's big slobbery hand is still all over this show. Will. Not. Watch.
  7. While this would be all kinds of awesome, I do believe Adam would say ,"No thanks, I'm good." Dalton: Can. Not. Sing. Needs to go home, but will probably win. Trent: Can't get past the weird. Can kind of sing OK? Sonika: Sounds pretty good, but that's it. McKenzie: Not sure what to say. Reminds me of that kid heading to Berklee School of Music from last year, talent-wise. LaPorsha: Best singer of the bunch, which is not saying much. I think Adam L was brought on as a show and tell of how the best singer usually doesn't win. I would never buy one single thing from any of them, nor care if I ever saw them again. I think Seacrest should be the "bookend" they keep yapping about. This season should've been a daytime game show. Will stick it out just to see old Idols perform. Who's next?
  8. Martha will be 75 in August. She was bored out of her mind at Kleinfelds. Did that overly enthusiastic (I felt sorry for her) sales associate say she BOUGHT her book for her to sign? Geez. You'd think she would've brought a few to give away. She sounds exactly like a Kardashian when she talks....maybe high-end Botox immobilizes your throat or something. And she's still pissed because her daughter wore a suit to her own wedding. heehee
  9. In her defense, I honestly don't think that hair is capable of being pulled back. I've never witnessed that amount of volume on any human head before, even in a wig. And the audience loses their shit over it. Go figure. Dalton can wax on about Daughtry all he wants, but last night cemented the deal (for me) that he studied every nuance of every Adam Lambert performance ever. Also: If you SAY you're self-deprecating, then aren't you kind of...not?
  10. Agree, Kelly is one of the better Idols. It was probably smart of her to come on while she's pregnant/not touring....keeps her out there in the biz.
  11. Lee: Has a nice speaking voice and has tons of potential. Seems young, but quite likable. Avalon: Looks like a young Demi Moore ( before all the plastic surgery). Like her voice. LaPorsha: Why did the audience loose their shit over that? Harry would've told anyone else to cut with the runs. MacKenzie: Ho Hum. Gianna: Way too, or not enough something. Trent: Couldn't get past the Dudley Do-Right get-up, so didn't really listen. Tristan: Not bad. Dalton: Wow, that voice is weak. Didn't notice until now. Sonika: Want her to stay just to hear Keith say her name with his Aussie accent. She was really good vocally. There must be someone else...can't recall at all. Oh, Olivia!! She was OK, but why didn't her dad buy her into the biz??? I'm sticking with this season, just because I've been here so long and I want to see any and all former Idols they trot out. That's been the best part so far.
  12. Why does his hat spell out L I C E ?? Sorry, but that ice cream parlor looks filthy.....dirty and cracked floor....and foot marks all over the front of the counter bar. Ick. Oh well....they probably feel right at home.
  13. Was I asleep during this, or did some guy look exactly like Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley? They were all kind of a blur. Agree, Dalton is the blond-highlighted Adam Lambert, but without any kind of edge. Adam could sing I'm a Little Teapot and make it dangerous and sexy. Who is paired with Constantine tonight??? Whoever it is will be totally upstaged. Can't wait.
  14. Thank you for pointing this out........All By Myself is always being credited to Celene Dion for some reason....did her husband purchase it for her or something? Eric Carmen was a musical prodigy (Harry, I'm looking at YOU for not clarifying this.). I thought Thomas was going to sing the theme song from Toy Story (was there a theme song?) when he came out dressed as Woody. Mackenzie is trying to be John Mayer. New haircut worship guy forgot about his wife and kid yet again. I hate Kanye West songs. Anyone who sings one should be sent home. Can't wait to see Constantine tomorrow night...he must be about 56 by now.
  15. Whoa here.....didn't Mullet and the two Counting On...the Paycheck girls attend a seminar where they concluded they would be putting "safeguards" in place already....such as no hiding places, no forts, no hide and seek, etc, etc,etc ???? Did they not listen to themselves??????
  16. That hair is Lily Tomlin as Ernestine, the phone operator on Laugh-In. You would have to time-travel back to 1970 to recreate that look.
  17. There were many left over after the Warren Jeffs FLDS cult got busted. Jenn (J Blo)....Gotta give the girl props for losing the weird for a few minutes while she's singing. And her clothes truly are vintage finds, so I do kinda love her. Thomas Stringfellow...You cannot convince me that Nate Ruess' (from the group f.u.n.) mom didn't sneak off and get knocked up by the Walton (Jason?) who was musical on the show and in real life, and then placed Thomas in that foster home. Avalon....love her, but she should lose the Bill Cosby sweaters, for obvious reasons. Mono Boy (don't know his name)...thought it was Colton Dixon from a few years ago, back for another try. Baby Green Day....my friend just told me her tweenie daughter and her friends have their glitter guns locked and loaded. He's charismatic and adorable. He's gonna win. ETA:: Did I spy Constantine smarming around in the preview for next week, with every greasy strand in the exact same place as when he left the show??? Can. Not. Wait. Also DAVID COOK!!!!!!!
  18. The one billion people who tried out could've been whittled instantly by just using these guidelines: 1) No headwear of any type. 2) No scarves, either around neck, hanging from pocket, or attached to microphone. 3) No D-List celebrities or former Idols hovering around. 4) No babies/ children in performance areas. 5) No instruments other than guitars or pianos. 6) No squatting. 7) No contagious diseases. 8) No J Lo flattery. 9) No military or worship leader references. 10) No runs. 11) Contestant must have a last name. 12) No sobbing/crying/wailing/sniffling/whining. 13) Minimum of 4 fingers on the microphone at any given time. 13) No saying this is for the betterment of your kid/ parent/ entire extended family. That shouldn't be too hard. That probably leaves about 10 contestants total. Let the voting begin!!!!
  19. Aaaaand she's wearing Auntie Mullet's famous divorce-causing Daisy Dukes!
  20. I gasped when I saw it ....I thought it was Casey Anthony all spiffed up to go clubbing.
  21. That insert was from the medical supply store.....it's an assisted-living bib for casino night. The bubbly stuff is spit-up tapioca from snack time.
  22. I think this Danny is a better singer than Travolta...so "Sandy" sounded sooooooo much better than in the movie. Liked it. Julianne is a cute Sandy, but is she asleep? This is the lowest energy performance I've ever seen...and I've seen middle school productions that had 2 weeks of rehearsal. Don't think this will become a classic. But I do appreciate the lack of 70s disco moves. So...yay?
  23. Quote of the day ^^^^^^ I haven't watched this episode yet...and I knew exactly who this was from that description.
  24. Blech. If she gets pimped, I'm out. Another Idol who we will never hear of again as soon as the last piece of confetti falls.
  25. Just watched this and couldn't remember anyone until I came on here and read about them. Blond Baby Billie Joe Armstrong (thanks poster above).....oh geez, now I have to root for him just cuz I love BJA. Annoying Straight Bangs Girl.....at first I thought it was Coach Sylvester's sidekick, Becky ,from Glee...to which I said "Sweet!" Then was disappointed it wasn't. Brillo Hair with a Baby.....not feeling the love. Thank goodness I DVR...will be FFing through that, which will go on for a long time, I fear. Spawns of Old Singers #1 & #2......nope. Thank God it's Not an Osmond J-Blo.......nope. Weepy Teletubby Sisters.....go home. All "Worship Leaders"...didn't we learn anything from the Danny Gokey debacle? If you're not as awesome as Reverend Tim Tom (from The Middle) , go away. Face-makers....Good God, P2 started that and it needs to stop. Anybody Smarmy, which includes skeevy family members and JLo fake lust.....gone. All One Name, or First Name with Middle Name contestants....out. Liked a few who got cut, but forgot who they were.
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