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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Even if she revealed one letter per day for 8 or 10 days and "fans" had to scramble it, nobody would still be able to figure it out. I'm positive.
  2. LOL. Ben looks certifiably insane in that pic. And, except for his hair, he's just as scruffy as Derick. The Jgirls all have new footwear, so FU internet. Jana (and I never thought I would say this) looks like an Oompah Loompah. Maybe this pic was photoshopped together from various events : Derick saving Jill from falling overboard , Jessa and Ben auditioning for "Up With People", various Jboys doing The Chicken Dance while their hair falls out at an alarming rate, Joy practicing her adoring gaze upward, as her future headship revels in his new-found celebrity, Jana ready to run off and cook dinner, and Jinge and Babe looking completely like normal people because the picture was taken in Laredo. Jinge has newly-exposed knees!! And cute box-heel booties! And a nice suede moto-jacket! And no infinity scarf! Must be prime thrifting in the Laredo area. Go Jinge!!!
  3. That flower head-band baby has a dress or skirt on ...it's bunched up above her shoulders. Horrors. For the sake of Spurgeon, I hope they give #2 an equally horrendous name. If he's Calvin, it won't be fair. #2 has the same unfortunate ears as #1. Must be a dominate trait. Both of them look like JB/Josh.
  4. Total nitwits....spin until you get so dizzy you fall down ......while mom tells you to go faster....I almost puked watching it.
  5. This made me LOL so hard......."babe" ????? Or did she mean "Babe" himself ?? Either way, funniest shit ever. Is Jana the only non-gestating member of that group? She also applied Mullet's bronzer all over her countenance. The heavily made-up "friend" is drinking a 500 calorie, artificially-flavored cup of crap. Jessa's may be also....hers looks like it had complicated and bossy instructions written on it. Anyone know what they're going to be buying 2 of to get the free thing (s)? Jana and clown-make-up will probably be the buying 2....the 2 Counting Ons think they deserve free stuff. Jessa is so "street" now that she's been to a concert. Sistas. And it's supposed to have an H. Sistahs.
  6. Sadly, this has been said about every one of the CODs (Counting On Duggars) as they got married. And we've seen how that worked out. By this time next year, Jinge will already have a Baaaaaabe-y and Joy and Jessa will be knocked up. Jill will be peeing on DollarTree test sticks. Anna probably is preggo as we speak, and hiding it from the sure-to-be-horrified masses. Jinge can hide in her mud-colored maxi-dress for months waiting for the lull in Dugg-ville, when JB decides she can announce it for ratings.
  7. Yes, they (Mullet, and the 2 Counting-Ons) smirked and smiled their way through a seminar about putting safeguards in the home....even thought it was an idea that maybe they could get behind. This was televised.....aaaannnnd then they got their show back.
  8. Um, no......Styrofoam plates. Duh. A reenactment. Like totally. Ben wants the paycheck. And by putting that crap into luggage rather than mailing it ahead, TLC had to foot the bill. Who was the Jboy wearing tight hipster shorts? He also had on a free advertising Tshirt for Joy's future season of having a life-long servant's heart. The whole Derick gag-jogging event was staged . JB knew he would gag, so set the whole revolting thing up , complete with throat-microphone. Same with Jill's neck thing. I'm surprised there wasn't a sound effect to go with that too. Luckily, I can't remember if I watched this show last week, so this memory will hopefully be erased by tomorrow. Jessa is so not having twins...she's saying "boy", so it's most likely a girl. Jessa is sly and she's pissed they're not getting the football team they bragged about. And WTF was she hammering to that wall inside of a dusty old tag sale frame? It looked like a used tampon. When is Jinge/Babe's blessing announcement?? Did I miss it?
  9. "Decorator" Jessa broke about every single rule of interior design......crappy, tacky, homemade "art" , all hung too high (known as "skyed"), taking down meaningful things like books, paintings, and substituting Hobby Lobby shit...the list goes on. Must go: Words: Bittersweet. Babe. Unreal. Surreal. Things: Infinity scarves. Car lots/auctions. Jill's clothes. Ideas: Flashbacks. Flashbacks to flashbacks. Recaps. Made-up careers for the girls, who really don't have any. Derick is gagging. I will attest to that. (Not to defend any of these fools, but he sounds kind of desperate, and he probably heard that The Flip or Flop guy found out he had thyroid cancer from a nurse viewer, and he's open to suggestions.) It did sounds like TLC ***cough JB cough** stuck a microphone down his gagging throat. Gross. JB thinks gross = ratings. ETA: The bachelorette party was effing BEADING at the TTH???? Did I see that correctly? Well, at least they'll all be ready for craft time at assisted living someday.
  10. ...or himself. Give him time and he will worm his way in also. I feel like KO likes to hit viewers over the head with a frying pan of schmaltz. Toward the end of 30-something, when I think he was into the writing/directing end of things, he (or they) made one of the characters (Gary) into an effing GHOST. The movie "Ghost" had just come out and was a hit, so they jumped (the shark) onto that bandwagon. MM was just OK in this episode. I felt like the scene at the liquor store was more like a MadMen-era thing. Strange. She's kind of bland compared to the other characters. And, not to nitpick, they looked like they were 8 lbs apiece....... wouldn't actual 6-week-early triplets be super-tiny and have to stay in the hospital a bit ?
  11. Another fakety-fake dress-picking event. I think Mullet even slipped and said the "designer" does great work ....as in final product on the third one. I love Wendy, or how the Duggar-drawlers say, Windy. I was hoping she/he was going to be revealed as a drag queen. That would've been priceless. Dang. I now loathe infinity scarves. Izzy is so pensive and serious. I think I love him. Now off to Hobby Lobby for some frames for those horrendously sucky paintings. At least Jill and Derick know it's totally stupid.
  12. IIRC, he has some of the strangest ears that I've ever seen on a baby. So.... hurray for the curls. I hope he keeps them.
  13. Aaaaaand table-kid has what looks like a space-themed toy....how would he even know what it is??? Minimum of 3 pieces of Styrofoam (you can see a peek of white in the hand of the 1920s-era newsboy , probably Jackson) . Check. And no, nobody looks like they're having a "blast". Look, you aging Fundy guys!!! Jana's got mad teacher skills!!!!
  14. Everyone in the above pic needs a drink in his/her hand. Josie spit out her celery on the counter. The baby doll, complete with Fundy hairband/bow, has been abandoned by her "mommy" in training. Tsk. (Or maybe it's a real baby, and the "mommy" is pregnant with the next one, so doesn't care anymore.) Jill/Derrick need to cut this out. Is that blob (in the arm-folding left corner group) Joshley? ETA: Two more pieces of styrofoam!!!
  15. Hey, remember that little seminar Mullet and the 2 Counting-Ons went to? They got so many great ideas to put safeguards in their homes to eliminate hiding places, etc. So therefore a sheet-swag has been created to block off the upstairs. So, FU, doubters. I LOVE playing I Spy, so here goes..... Joy is now wearing flannel 24/7 , getting ready for her new role as a Family Camp Slave. Over to the far left (background) everyone is standing in a circle with arms folded across their chests.....they all look ready to Do-Si-Do ......or else it's a fun Fundy Game or they're all really bored. Or both. A minimum of 6 pieces of Styrofoam at every event. Check. Is that a red Yeti cup ? If so, it's probably Mullet's and she's the only one who gets one ($$$$). Bin's stupid backwards cap is attempting to crawl away and hide. Jessa didn't get the infinity scarf memo. ((ETA: Of course she doesn't have one....the scarf may hide the bump. Duh.)) Somebody who is not Mullet is slaving in the kitchen. Anyone spot Joshley ???
  16. Izzy is so cute and serious buying his produce (which, unlike all the other D-kids and spawn, he actually seems to recognize as food). I want to venture onto Jill's Instagram just so I can post that I have a sure-fire solution to morning sickness....stop getting pregnant. And tell her to cut with the "mommy" business. Is there any other identity in this cult? Gross.
  17. My pet theory is that she had her eye on Chad Paine. And there's nobody else in the Fundy tribe who could live up to that. I'm sure it doesn't help that Erin keeps posting pix of her guy building things / holding babies / bringing home puppies / doing laundry / flexing.
  18. This is so funny...I think Izzy looks the LEAST (of ALL the GRANDSONS...... the M-girls look like Anna ) like a Duggar. Spurge is a complete mini-JB. Izzy seems more serious....some kids are just that way. Nothing wrong with that, from my experience.
  19. Her dress is already picked out....it can be seen in the mirror behind Jessa & Bin. Must be an accessory-picking trip or a reenactment (ugh). With a stupid modesty panel hanging out from under it. I just can't get past the D-hair....all disgusting and bordering on Warren Jeffs Cult length and style. Bin looks even more doofus-y than usual, if that's even possible. And he was probably the one cleaning the barn. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the succulent tree in the Jinge/Babe pic. It's managing to survive someplace where it seems pretty cold (NJ??).
  20. Just saw this for the first time......I would rather tour a house with David than any old realtor. And, yes, definitely as staged as they come. Cuz he's hot???
  21. Aaaaannnnnnd the paperwork is being filed to change his name to Jyler.
  22. OMG. This made me laugh so hard. Anna always looks pregnant...she's in a perpetual state of "baby fever", which makes her uterus expand as the fever rises. That pic above: Minimum of two take-out drinks. Check. Styrofoam container of food (marked with an M, for Mullet of course). Check. Puffed sleeves on Mullet. Check. Jinge holding coffee. Check. Unnecessary layers on Fundie friend. Check. Prop bananas. Check. Pickles. Check. Anna drinking water in preparation to pee on a pregnancy test stick. Check.
  23. Was this person their waiter in a restaurant, and the tract was the "tip"?
  24. OMG I watched that clip of Austin's family. That brother must've flown the coop by now. Nice foul mouth for a fundie kid. The mother and father look like brother and sister. I didn't get the feeling the parents were strict AT ALL. They were just mildly sprucing up their family camp and asking the kids to help. Was the skinny (non-featured ) kid Austin? Total bunch of hicks.
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