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Everything posted by drafan

  1. But in this case, they look really cute and the outfit is adorable. Any normal 20-something would wear that. I'm coveting the setting....love the doorway and the iron work and the greenery. Nicely posed pic. Beautiful place. ((Anyone know where it is?))
  2. Only his top half......his bottom half is totally (tm Jill) on board. Her hair would look so cute cut up where it is on her right shoulder. I put my hand over the left scraggle and I think she looks so nice.
  3. Can't believe I got sucked into this crapfest......the snark just writes itself though...... Jessa, reality pro that she is, sure knew how to head off the "Who's the LEAST handsy of the married Duggs?" question, since she knew they would all point at her. LOL Mullet and JB are surprise guests? ...worming their way in via the grandkids? ....when we all know they've been there out of camera range the entire time. Spurgeon needs a haircut in the worst way, but then he will become a total mini-JB, so maybe not. JD is such a rube...if this was an ad to find him a wife, he just lost some ground. Kendra's dad looks younger than Joe. And way cuter.
  4. LOL Was just coming on here to comment on the birthin' hips. Kristin Chenoweth is dating Ben Affleck??? Back to topic......Kendra is cute. Too young to be gettin' hitched. I've been to some (first time) weddings recently where the bride and groom were about the same ages as her parents.
  5. OK, how is JB avoiding these NIKE moments when eyetraps are so close by? And why would anyone, other than Mullet, be snuggled up so close to JB in the first place? The "+2" pic ? That big Jbutt is not exactly anything that should be photographed and shared. Better get him married off before he gets into Joshley-levels of doughiness.
  6. Why is there a halo around JB's junk? And Mullet is defrauding me with her Dolly Parton circa 1960 blouse and pleather-panelled skirt.
  7. Last night was a couple (both former models) who had 3 boys and then the 4th was a girl. They were pretty cool, but then the wife kept saying, over and over and over..... "This deck will be great so (whatever the girl's name was ) and I can watch the boys surfing." ......."This beach will be wonderful so (daughter) and I can watch the boys playing football." and on and on and on. It was probably producer-driven, but a) it drove me crazy, b) gave the message that girls watch boys do things, and c) it was stupid. I hope the daughter never watches the episode and becomes the best surfer in the family.
  8. I have a feeling she meant that there are too many Duggars , in general. Not specifically the Dillards. Just the collective lump of Duggs. She should direct it toward Joshley and BabyFeverAnna, where it belongs.
  9. That's probably the whole point of the silence...to get viewers to watch the show. Of course, the preposterous part of this is there wouldn't be SEVERAL Duggs eating in the hospital cafeteria.......it would only be JB and Mullet. (All snark aside, I hope everything is OK. Geez,)
  10. Like being blurred out of pictures or using human shields to hide them from view ?
  11. But for Jackson it's the ATTENTION !! and the SCREEN TIME !! and the HAT !! And all the photo-bombing opportunities. Poor kid. Constantly competing with Josie for attention. He will have the biggest adjustment when the TLC cameras stop rolling.
  12. I hope this doesn't mean that their "pattern" is kids names ending in "-el". Gag. Next comes Ezekiel, then Abel.......then the girls.....Ariel, Rachel, and Mabel. The possibilities are endless.
  13. I have no problem whatsoever with them going to a shooting range and target shooting safely. And , when in Texas.......... Jinge looks cute in her well-fitting jeans ....and the T-shirt doesn't have an accountability layer under it. I find it amusing that her HAT on her HEAD has the Nike swoosh on it, which is in the opposite direction that the Jboys were trained to look. Which means she probably doesn't give a rat's ass. Go,Jinge. She doesn't look like she's feeling left out of the baby-birthing club.
  14. Gorilla Glue?? You must mean G-glue from Dollar Tree, silly.
  15. Nothing will slow her roll....and it's not her roll to slow....the baseball (or was it football??....isn't that Bin's fake ministry thing??) team idea is Bin's....so it sticks. Bet those outfits will get rewrapped and given to the last Mgirl and Mboy for their birthdays. Surprise, Mkids!
  16. Jessa always performs for the cameras. She's just gotten a new role. Miss Cathy was raising the D-boys along with Pistol Pete Senior. Maybe it was PP Sr who was strict. Most 19-year-olds are...they are finishing their freshman year in college, have gone to keggers, dated many immature boys, gained the Freshman 15, pulled an all-nighter, snuck out of the dorm, gotten drunk and puked, etc, etc,etc. That's the maturity level of most 19-year-olds. Poor Joy. She gets to mix cream cheese and boxed pudding together with an electric mixer.
  17. It was probably Take #73 of the scene and they were sick of it. I was sick of it and I saw it once. JB is getting lazy and sloppy....Joy drove off "alone" (with the camera crew)......in the past episodes, the Jgirls had to have the visible accountability partner, in addition to the camera crew. Tsk. Tsk. As for Jinge not eating carbs....she probably had enough growing up (tater tots, macaroni and cheese, Ramen noodles, etc) that she never needs another gram.
  18. He was 15 months old. He should be saying about 14 words. Of course, no Duggar would know anything about developmental milestones or know to teach him baby signs to ease his frustration. Back to the show: completely forgot the quote of the night: Joy : "So we should get married. Then we can do it." ( slightly paraphrasing here) I think she was talking about making cheesecake for her beloved, but one never knows. That cheesecake looked like it had 5 ingredients.....pre-made crust complete with pan, cream cheese, pudding mix, cherry pie filling, and of course the 5th ingredient in all Duggar "cooking" , someone's hair (in this case the MIL's) . There was no "baking"...that oven scene was faked.
  19. But then the 2 points get taken away for not putting contacting Birth to Three for early intervention, or, at the least, getting the book called "Baby Signs". He should be talking better than that. Henry was wobbling backwards to avoid the splatters from the food in the hot As Seen on TV copper pans. Smart kid already. When Jessa threw Henry down on the couch and opened up her bible, I had to stifle a laugh....she most likely watches the Kardashians during naptime when the cameras aren't around.. That secret investigation or whatever it was, was the dumbest thing ever. Every time a clue was found, the camera was there to film it. Geez. Pretty hard to figure out by the home-schooled-by-Mullet-Jkids, with a TLC camera person crawling under things ahead of them. We'll probably be seeing that hat on Jackson until he leaves for Alert Camp.
  20. Do you mean that he's already spouting nonsense? I wasn't sure if that was 2 "before" pix, 2 "after" pix, or one of each. All the pix look like JB with a wavy wig.
  21. Yes!!! JB knows any bodily fluids = ratings. Careful of that Kool-Aid. It'll sneak up on you.
  22. Example of an oxymoron. Her negotiated deal was for Joshley. I don't think she had any other choices.
  23. JB's big gloppy paws are still all over this show......he believes bodily fluids = ratings, so they have to amp up the drama. I never for a second believed that Jessa was in grave danger after Spurgeon's birth. Well, it was winter...so the soup sort of made sense. Bet it had an astronomical sodium count. And did I see Crisco getting scooped into "Mom's Famous Recipe Brownies". The secret ingredient is probably hair.
  24. Yup, she's desperately trying to keep the show going. Remember, it was originally called "Jill and Jessa: Counting On". She knew damn well those questions were coming, she made it sound like she wanted no part of that discussion.....so she covered for the dopey sisters. Wow, does she read the boards .... ((waves ....hi Jessa Blessa) OMG. I thought this was a joke at first. I don't think anyone likes attention MORE (well, maybe Jackson, who jockeys for it...and Josie, who constantly gets it). Jessa just wants to be in control of how it goes down. I don't see one lick of difference in Jessa's vs Jill's mothering skills. Jessa is just media savvy and Jill isn't . I think Derick is pretty snarky. Izzy just seems like a smart, more introspective kid. So poor Spurgeon Elliot has to be called Spurgeon, but Henry may be getting a nickname based off of Wilberforce? Please tell me I heard that wrong. Please, no show starring Jessa, Spurgie, and Jinger. Not unless they do a crossover and Jazz becomes their nanny. At the end, was that Cousin Amy worming her way into the scene by carrying Josie around? Way to work it, Amy!
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