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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Pssst......Hey, Jinge, if you're reading here......here's all you have to do.... 1.Get a black Sharpie and open up the top of the O. Then color over the apostrophe with the same black marker. 2. Get out your pink nail polish and close up the top of the U. ((Can you tell I've had to fix a few Made in China plaques from Christmas Tree Shop?))
  2. LOL. Other than the saying on the chalkboard, there is NOTHING on that wreath that suggests Jesus' birth. Very ambitious wreath, however. And maybe the apostrophe means The Vuolo's Home, with the home part implied. (God, am I defending them???) As for "cornhole" and "ladderball" games ......I recently attended a wedding that had both and were called just that. Jinge's hat (#loveyourmelon) is the hottest thing right now.
  3. Advertising #loveyourmelon is actually a good thing and one of the most charitable things the Babes have done. 50% of their profit is given to fight pediatric cancer. (also :Made in USA) I love their hats....I think there are scarves too. Now if Jinge would only donate some of that scraggle to Locks of Love......
  4. Yay! I may have to start watching again just to spot the 2 pixelated blurs of Laurel and Hardy.
  5. I think that's why Spurgie didn't want to touch it. In that video, you can hear the waitstaff person say "I'll put in your birthday discount". ((Something like that.)) Of course they had to remind her.
  6. Also: "Joy, don't forget to cover up your 2-month-along belly. Mechelle, you don't have to do anything zany, you just pose in the center as the Queen Bee that you are. And Josie, you can do anything you want, but be sure you're up front and in the middle because you're a miracle. " Poor Jackson, doing his photo-bombing best in a group situation. (And is he wearing hooves?) And who is the lost girl who got stuck with a left-over Walmart dress from Jill's wedding? Joshley needs dress shields.
  7. I think it was written by Bin himself. I was guessing there would be a horse-head drawing at the end. Or entwined hearts with a cross in between. Jes posts "harried housewife" pics so everyone will know how "busy" she is with three boys under the age of 23.
  8. Not to defend any of them, since I think they're all nuts, but I get the feeling that all the Duggs use the word "meek" to mean more like "humble". "Meek" is an easier spelling word at the SOTDRT.
  9. I've come to the conclusion that these people use the word "meek" to mean "humble". If you get out your thesaurus, it will come up eventually. With "Jes"? Always.
  10. I'm not even sure about that. I think everything we see is a show for the cameras (TLC and Instagram posts). Oops! This is the Babes' thread. Did we know that? I like Jinge's heeled boots. She needs to cut her hair, but most 20-somethings have length just like hers....can't see her cutting it like her MIL's.
  11. Hahaha. That seemed like her sassy-pants persona that she was faking for the cameras. She couldn't wait to marry him....even threatening to elope to push it forward.
  12. I'm surprised she even knows what a bell pepper looks like.
  13. I thought it was Kelly Clarkson. But Little Izzy was so dang cute squishing up the bananas. (I hate kids touching food, but at least it will be subjected to 350 degree of heat.) Izzy in his "cave" was also cute. (Hope it's really a "cave" , and not a punishment spot.)
  14. Because he needs the paycheck. Never mind paddling kayaks and rafts......oy. I was super jealous of Babe and Jinge in that store. The pottery was gorgeous. I hope they got to keep some of it. And ...LOL...I see that Jinge had on her requisite TLC (very nice, I might add ) outfit...a Boob-approved skirt for filming.
  15. Wasn't that Anna's punishment area while Joshley was in Jesus Jail?
  16. Jessa must be getting pressure from Boob to sell off Jana. And she might get a percentage of the brokerage fee. ((Pssstt...Jessa.......Listen up....get Jana to ditch the "skirt under a dress" thing. Complete turn-off.))
  17. The Ghost of Joshley Past. Hope it remains that way til the end of time.
  18. OK, we all need a heads-up on 2018......The Joshley Redemption Tour, Joshley Turns 30 and Spouts Off Advice, Anna Turns 30 and Spouts Off Advice, followed by the Glorious Celebration of Joshley and Anna's 10th Anniversary with More Advice, then the Announcement of Blessing #6 !!!! Gag. Don't say you weren't warned.
  19. Nah...just looks like Jessa carrying out her sister-mom duties.
  20. I instantly got the creeps when they said this.....they were looking over at (stereotypical....ugh) "street kids" and Randall's been wanting a boy all along. So they bring in a older boy who is "troubled', throw him into a house with 2 pre-teen girls.......recipe for disaster. So horrible, that I would be edgy watching this show every week, expecting a molestation story line. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. No. Probably even dumber, but more Ken Olin-y, is if they make him have a rough adjustment, then a breakthrough, then Bingo!!! , he's the perfect big brother. Ugh again. All the previews and hype leading up to this season premier mentioned "crying" and "tears"....is this what is expected of the viewers each week? If so, I'm out. Stupid.
  21. Well, this would explain why Anna never took the kids and ran away from Joshley. And never will. Oops, this is Jinge and Babe's topic.....saw a few minutes of last night's show...did she survive a day or two without Baaaaaabe? That looked like it was going to be a hardship. ((Any Dirty Dancing fans here?))
  22. And why is her jaw suddenly out of line with an underbite? Does she think it's cute? OK, preview time: Why do they have to sob every time a sister gets close to her wedding date. They don't go anywhere. New drinking game (and it's a fast-moving one).... A swig of something every time Jana says "Ya know". And be warned that you can drown while gulping water quickly. Mullet holds onto a grandbaby (tm Mullet) hoping the kid will do something so she can comment and/or get attention. Aaaannnnd......Jackson photobombs the fake bridesmaids -dresses-arriving scene. The only Ds I can stomach are Izzy and Henry.
  23. Jeremy's feet?? Noticed them right away. It's a "pleased as punch" stance......so happy he's on TV and/or being photographed. Jana was probably edited out so JB can keep the "Selling off Jana" storyline going. Gotta make it look like she's home doing all those Gothardly duties like child-rearing, sewing, gardening, cooking, redecorating, etc. I'm still convinced she doesn't do any of it.....just spun that way for the show/brokering her off. Back to Babe....I was with some friends who were talking about The Little Couple because of the Houston storm. This led to talking about TLC in general. None of my friends watch the show, but have seen Babe on People Mag or in previews. ALL of them think that Babe is hot, Jinge is cute, and the rest of them are NOT.
  24. LOVED the "Instagram Husband" bit above. ^^^ Thought "Nate" was Joshley until he said he loves his life so much. Then I knew that couldn't be him.
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