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Everything posted by drafan

  1. There are at least one million people who are studying to be teachers or coaches who would be hired before Bin.....the ones who are doing volunteer work with kids on the weekends, assistant coaching, working for low pay to gain experience while taking courses, doing things like student teaching, working in a school as a paraprofessional or tutor or sub...... just about anything than exceeds showing up for one day of handing out t-shirts at a football camp or rolling around on the floor with his own kids for a propaganda video. I don't see him putting in the effort nor showing that he'd be any good at it.
  2. Which one? I see two stallmates. One with yellow teeth. One with white.
  3. Do those two dopes realize they're co-selfie-ing? (And it kind of looks like a third party took the pic.)
  4. The sisters with their stringed instruments on the back of the CD are lovely ....bet they're friends of Mrs. V, the elder. The Babes' furniture and throws, blankets, etc........they're the only Dugg fabrics I could ever touch without retching. Babe is getting more exposure by hooking onto Jinge.....I mean, who gets their wedding televised in the normal world? He wouldn't as a soccer player. He won't blow that opportunity by cheating.
  5. Do the Duggs need the concept of Ugly Christmas Sweater explained? This looked like a really lame costume party. Some of them are dressed as bad as they look every single day. Josh is just ugly, so didn't need to try that hard. Didn't recognize Joy at all. Had to stare at the pic. Why the pot belly on her hubby? Is that real? Jill looked really cute. That sweater, which is actually clean, is maybe something she thinks is cool! Yay! Henry is the cutest grandkid by a mile. JD looked like one of those brothers who showed up at Bob Newhart's inn with roadkill. His wife looks adorable. I see choreographer Travis Wall from SYTYCD showed up wearing a hat in the first pic. (OMG....a DANCER, plus GAY....horrors.) I so don't want to see the "baked goods". So lots of thanks for that omission. But there's still Part 2..... Aaaand Bin wins the contest, hands down, for that awful turtleneck.
  6. If that is Jana in the pic above, she seriously needs to burn that whole massively unflattering outfit, including the sandals. Along with Mullet's blouse. And the zig-zag hemmed dress with accountability T-shirt under it on some Jgirl. The Walmart where I formerly lived had a huge Mennonite population living nearby. That's the only explanation for those shoes.
  7. Forget the jeggings......whose house is that? JB's & Mullets? Looks like an uncovered outdoor plug.....and there are tons of little grandkids around. Geez. And the siding is in serious need of a power-washing.
  8. All I can focus on in this pic is "Momma" braying like a donkey , and that horrible concoction that looks like it had 26 grimy hands and/or paws touching it before he got it. And, just for the record....styrofoam, stacked and ready!!!
  9. Look closely...the headship, who I will not comment on because it's Xmas, is giving us all the finger. ((I have no idea who these people are, but I've known families who look just like that...the genetics, when young, are the pale skinny type....then they fill out when they get older. Aaaaaand, even though they look like an ad for Good Will, showing how to put together outfits from their store...... at least they get to wear what they want.))
  10. Just wait.....he will lose, then start a school, then a daughter will turn gay, Kate's baby will be diagnosed with Asperger's, then another person will get cancer and go through chemo.......aaaannnd we have Parenthood #2. These ghosty people (Jack, William) have been done in Thirtysomething (Gary) and Brothers and Sisters (William). Killing someone off never removes them.
  11. You can solve that problem, Bateses......stop having kids. I hope this adorable blond Bates girl gets lots of attention for that cute haircut. Maybe the Duggettes will be jealous and copy. Every one of them would look better with that style.
  12. In the polka-dot dust ruffle dress, she looks like she's on QVC selling a Charlie Brown Xmas tree in a bag. Move over, Marie Osmond. Love this so much. The horrendous sandals that go everywhere with her look exactly like their name...brown (eww) thong underwear from Victoria's Secret strapped to her feet.
  13. I only saw MM as the girl in A Walk to Remember , and as (formerly) married to Ryan Adams. I kept seeing references to her as "the Candy singer", so one day I googled it and was skeeved out. The video was a combination of kiddie porn and someone attempting to produce another Brittany Spears. Really awful.....mediocre voice, lots of pouty lip action, and she looked 12. Not liking either voice. Totally believable that neither would be signed to any label. Anyone know what's wrong with Jack's crooked mouth? Always looks like someone just punched him. His brother looks like Ernie from My Three Sons.
  14. If my parents posted those pix, one being a "birthday boy" enjoying "a treat", the other on a ride-on toy, with that message on my 16th birthday, I would've run away from home from the humiliation.
  15. All you have to do is watch old episodes of Thirtysomething, Brothers and Sisters, or Parenthood and you'll understand the sequence.
  16. Izzy looks like he's already surpassed most of the J-kids in educational skills. There is hope.
  17. Simple explanation. Derick was in Nepal and it was an arranged marriage. That "can of bread" (I can't believe I just typed that) (and now I can't believe I just used parentheses) (three times) brought back memories of my gramma getting it for us once a year. I loved it as a kid.....it's very moist. ETA: I'm actually impressed that they have a ton of kids books in a nice kid-accessible bookcase. OK, OK, some are Bible-related, but the rest look like classics. And the box-with-card-slot homemade game for Sam is pretty cute and age-appropriate. The dinner, OTOH, looks barfy. And carby and fatty....can't believe Derick's still that slim. He'll probably be one of those guys who drops dead and everyone shakes their head in disbelief. (Except the folks on this forum.) (Oh no...more parentheses!!)
  18. That's beyond gingham...that's buffalo-check. And Boob must've directed her to tie it like his dream girl, Ellie Mae Clampett. Jessa's hair is revolting. I'm not even sure Locks of Love would take it. Boy, does Anna love those two-part bell sleeves. I couldn't click on her congratulatory video. Blech. Jana must've sneaked out to one of those spare hangars with Ben and a bong.
  19. I think Josh would've enjoyed this immensely.
  20. Miniature Mikey Walsh (Sean Astin in The Goonies).
  21. They share it, is how I read that. Why do I picture them "Off to see the Wizard" for these body parts?
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