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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Anna looks like Patty Hearst , aka Tania, happily holding a machine gun at the bank robbery with the SLA. Pretty good proof that Anna has Stockholm Syndrome.
  2. Because he hasn't attended enough Journey to Alertness (or whatever the boy indoctrination camp is) . He's a tough one, but they'll break him.
  3. The girls are in onesies...no overlaying skirts!!! The head-bows get more hideous as they go down the line....the baby on the right looks like she's getting ready to dust Scarlett O'Hara's credenza.
  4. Hahaha. First grade ? There was never such a thing. And in the case of Joy, this plan hatched less than a year ago, so there was most likely never much "dreaming", until after she made at least six trips to Journey to the Heart to knock the tomboy out of her. Joe up there in that pic? Looks like he inherited Mullet's missing back muscle. And Kendra created an "eye trap " with that necklace. Aaaaannnnnd I thought it was Joy.
  5. This sounds like an episode of "The Middle". Aaaannnnd the sell-off starts early....she's a photographer and a gardener. Maybe she sewed that dress too.
  6. Nobody is dressed like that (shorts, T-shirts) this week in the northeast...it's been cold and rainy. That's a summer pic. Duggs like to deceive.....wouldn't deception be a Biblical form of lying? Goeth forth and deceiveth not, or something?
  7. If JB and M were out on a date (gag), maybe the babysitter (5th victim) was there, caught Josh pawing her, and threatened to call the cops. So Joshley talks her out of it by promising to tell JB and M himself. JB and M get home, Joshley tells what happens (under threat) , but JB knows that the babysitter still might rat out Joshley, so runs to the cops proactively. There is NO WAY ON EARTH that Joshley voluntarily fessed up on anything in the history of ever. Not buying it. They are all such stinking liars. They will make the jury member's heads spin.
  8. Jackson is the ultimate photo-bomber, so, yes, that's probably where he's been. But photo-bombers gotta bomb, so he hasn't successfully prayed it away yet. If you can't photo-bomb, then you try to look like Josie. Poor kid.
  9. But did she get caught in the "Feminine Products" aisle, where they sell the pee sticks? (Something that says "Regular" on the shelf behind them....maxi-pads?)
  10. Hate to say this, but since JB will have his greasy hands all over the interviews, these questions won't be too far off. The questions will all be concocted by JB, rehearsed over and over....and the same with the answers....they will all be scripted by JB. I think he was sitting out of camera range for the Meghan Kelly interview.....maybe even holding cue cards, and knowing Jill is his go-to girl for starting tears over absolutely anything, was most likely giving her a big thumbs-up. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, about this family gets shown without JB's greedy drool all over it. This will be no exception. The "interviews" or the court case. Everything will be rehearsed , and if the girls get thrown for a loop, they will be instructed to cry. And, for the record, I cannot stand the sight of Jessa.....after she sat at her scripted interview on TV and smiled and bragged that Josh was kinda, you know, SLY about the (non-) molesting.....so, in other words, it doesn't really count, so let's get on with the show! And is everyone forgetting that stupid trip to the "Safeguard Seminar", which the three maxi-skirted dolts attended "just in case they should ever need this information". Jessa loved her screentime for that one also. The InTouch lawyers should play it all back in court.
  11. I think this is what Jessa and Bin are going for.
  12. Aaaannnd the boys get to do the outdoor activities..... while the girls get to cook, pray, and sit in swings while waiting for the boys to be finished so they can serve them dinner.
  13. She's been banished because of the sleeveless top. It's the Fundy Hunger Games.
  14. The use of the picture is one (albeit, bad) thing. The answers to those questions would infuriate me, if I were Matt McCarthy. Josh is so gross. I think that could be him on the surveillance video from the dollar store. Looks more like him than this DJ guy. (But LOL on Josh for looking so long and hard to find that pic. Proves he was spending much too much time on this type of activity. ) I bet he was erasing incriminating evidence, like cell-phone texts or pix. They never said he took a purse or money.
  15. Oh, silly you...nothing will ever belong to Jana.....not even her infinity scarves.
  16. All you need is room in your heart for a dog. I wouldn't be able to walk away from that place without one of them. Looks like a nice farm or whatever it is. Jinge and Babe may be one of those young couples who put off having kids and lavish attention on their dog. Nothing wrong with that. I know many of them. Egads! I'm defending them!!! What is wrong with me??? Oh yeah....I like dogs more than Duggs.
  17. They are all probably vitamin C deprived. This is the closest any of them will get to eating an actual tomato. At home, their vegetable is Aldi brand ketchup.
  18. That clip was disgusting and totally scripted by JB to build up excitement for the next season. barf. JB's simplistic thought process is this: Weddings boost ratings, lets have more weddings. Births boost ratings, let's have more births. Dangerous births boost ratings, let's have some more of those too. Maybe Mullet's uterus will fall out while filming someday and the ratings will soar . Then they can keep stuffing it back in to keep the show going indefinitely.
  19. Aaaannnnd Jana needs to look no further for proof of this ..... Exhibit A : Anna. This is the "posing for pictures" hold. Bin's hat is in"posing for pictures" mode also. The Duggs have made me hate faded denim, infinity scarves, cardigan sweaters, brown sandals, overly long hair, stripey knit skirts, camisoles.... and now I'm beginning to hate babies. Thanks, Duggs.
  20. Hopefully that drink is some kind of highly caffeinated frothy coffee thing...and not some settling-your-queasy-morning-sickness-stomach hot herbal thing. (Obviously I don't know my lattes/cappuccinos/Starbucks creations.) And WHO videos their guy bringing them a beverage? Oh..... someone who just got the "freedom" of Instagram and has the bestest Babe ever. Jinge's pix from up above...she looks adorable, and even tho the Duggs have ruined infinity scarves for everyone forever, she gets a pass for the dog print one.
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