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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Probably to hide his shaved head from his recent "Alert" adventure. Can't believe I'm watching (part of ) this. If i had to hang out with a bunch of hens cackling about labor, deliveries, pregnancies, and babies, I'd never come back from Laredo ever. Births-aren't-my-thing-Jinge doesn't seem one bit homesick. Izzy seems like the smart analytical type. Who knew? At least five pairs of ungloved hands touched every piece of that shower food. New drinking game : chug every time Jana says "little one". Love the Jazz-ads and the endless vagina talk.
  2. And Mullet's donation would only be a scraggle of back mullet. Well, with a camera crew following her. But at least she's left alone with the camera crew....Duggarettes couldn't even do that an hour before their own wedding.
  3. Why isn't webster4ever doing the Modern Modest Tour? That dress to top conversion (top pic) is so dang clever. Cute clothes. Cute shoes. Is it TOO stylish for the average Fundy frump to aspire to?
  4. Is she a friend of Joshley? Jessa Blessa's outfit is hideous, but when you see her audience (posing behind her), you realize how much help they really need and why she would be their role model. Bin is sooooooo doofy.
  5. If they have such "servant's hearts", why aren't they growing it for Locks of Love? That I could understand. Every JGirl would look better with shoulder-length hair. Who on earth would copy Jessa's "style"? Oh right.....Jill.
  6. The blurry figure (Jana??) is hiding another blurry figure....do I see a doughy arm? The camera probably has an auto-blur feature in case Joshley's around. Most likely to the length of Joshley's favorite porn star.
  7. But they don't have to ....it's a given.....at least 10 more kids until her her uterus falls out / menopause sets in, whichever comes first....and a state of "baby fever" in between each pregnancy. Yes, with a grubby facecloth.
  8. OMG....that bottle/cup thing hanging out of his mouth......dangerous and horrible for his teeth, alignment-wise. And the hair is reaching clown-status.....maybe it's being grown to permanently keep Cousin Amy away.
  9. This pic of this Bates girl with kids is adorable. Why is she not dong the "Modern Modest" speaking tour instead of sloppy Jessa ? They all look completely normal....and the girls are wearing PANTS with cute tops. And the hair bows aren't out of control. The Bates mom (Alyssa??) is beautiful and I'm sure young Fundies would love her style. (Yikes! .....the older daughter has gorgeous eyes.)
  10. A cautionary tale if either of them try to make a run for it someday. Henry seems worried. This is Jessa's Father's Day/ FU internet we-don't-just-read-bible-stories combo pic.
  11. But then ALL their kids would have to have a name beginning with 15.
  12. I figured it had to be some kind of biblical symbol.
  13. Of course it's a Bates....she's wearing the best shoes of the bunch. And she is unable to sit on her hair. She has lace sleeves......not the same as the bridesmaid's dresses. She's probably donated her breast milk to Josie back in the day. It will be explained by Mullet in the wedding special and take up at least 75% of the show. Those desserts up there? Puke color and love the blatant grease oozing forth. What's up with the "&" sign? Aaaannnnd...once again Jana is promoted as "good with children" on the FundiDate website.
  14. JB most likely shopped Joshley around to get a quick marriage to keep him out of sexual trouble. I bet Anna wasn't the first choice. But Pa Keller was probably the dopiest and cut the deal with JB, then presented it to mousey Anna as a chance to get out of the mobile home aaaannnd on TV to boot. Didn't they say they "met" at a conference? Yeah, I bet. Probably in an inner office with the dads presenting the deal. They probably told her he had gotten into a little "boys will be boys" stuff, and now she would be getting a TV!! wedding!! beyond her wildest dreams. Jill "this happens in most families" Dullard? At least she was crying on cue. How about Jessa "he was really very, you know, sly" Seewald. She was pretty impressed that he was better at it than most of those other in-house predators.
  15. Total turn-off. Also: Jana does not need the cami layer under her t-shirt at all. It's so stupid. Like Mullet levels of stupid. Up in the other pic (don't want to create a giant-sized post) Jinge's coat is missing a button. Wonder if fuddy-duddy Babe noticed.
  16. Jana and Jinger are up one step. That pic is a denim and curling iron nightmare.
  17. Ole pervy Gothard must've had a thing for Princess Di, since all the eye trap "fashions" look like her 80s wardrobe, especially #5...... which is a complete rip-off, even her stance. I can also imagine JB drooling (or worse) over a magazine cover with Princess Di. Hence, Mullet's wardrobe to this day.
  18. That $26 boxy men's Hanes t-shirt with 5 letters on it is described as "adorable"? Really? Who writes this stuff? Jessa's skirt is awful. Looks stiff and like it would twist around you as you walked.
  19. I hope that outfit on Jessa is not an example of what she will be sporting on her "Modern Modest" tour. The skirt is ill-fitting and the T-shirt has a big eye-trap on the front. Is that 20-something Jboy really wearing a shirt with happy and sad teeth on it? Bin's doofiness comes through even in still photography. This Lularoe stuff needs to stop. Is it a Fundy thing? So now they're gunning for Jana to find her 'hands-on" guy and have her own fixer-upper show? Well, they'd have to find a guy at least 50 times goofier than Chip Gaines to balance out the flatline that is Jana.
  20. But they can shift them around and make more room...Anna probably bought the Arrow 24-Pack at Hobby Lobby. Aaaannnd Anna is smirking cuz she would be hauling water from a stream up to her brother's camper if she had listened to advice from anyone who is sane.
  21. JB was probably holding up the "CRY" cue card and that's the best she could do. Either that or because she was forced to starve for weeks before ...and wear a dress. Yet.
  22. ......by her own doing. NOT feeling sorry for her in the slightest. "Baby Fever" will rear it's ugly head again as soon as this one pops out.
  23. Actually, it sounds like a page in a small child's book. I hope Jinge means she likes reading books, and not hollowing them out and making purses and boxes out of them. I could assemble an outfit for Babe from thrift stores.....and it would be equally as nice as that golfing outfit, if not better......just give me a few days. (( OMG....are you listening, TLC ?? ...a new show, "Thrift Shop Challenge"!! Infinitely more interesting than the Duggs.))
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