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Everything posted by drafan

  1. He was probably the ONLY one up. Where are they going? Nowhere. What are they doing? Nothing. They're certainly not getting ready for school. Jeremy eating those hockey pucks made me wince......I'm sure he didn't grow up with the scrape, scrape, scrape of plastic cutlery on styrofoam plates. Never mind that the plastic fork most likely couldn't pierce the puck without snapping it's tines. Ugh. Mullet : "Jeremy, you're so tall." Seriously? To a 30-year-old? Did she forget he wasn't one of her own "grandbabies"? Or is that her go-to birthday proclamation? Maybe the cue card slipped out of sight. Bailed on the rest of this ....JB and his nauseating promotion of bodily fluids...this time is was tears. Fake ones. Go away.
  2. I think it's a style thing....I haven't tucked in a shirt with a belt in at least 5 years. These Fundies seem to pick a thing that's trendy but safe......like the small barrettes holding over their bangs (from a few years ago), the flip-flops, long loose curls, leggings, maxi-dresses, infinity scarves, etc. Their execution isn't always the best......and they're often at the end of the trend. I think I've seen some of them with belted dresses (Jill?).
  3. Oh Joy...you were THIS close............. ((This episode brought to you by the word "real".))
  4. I loved the original TS back in the day.....I think it was one of the first "home design" shows on TV. (My all-time fave was "Curb Appeal"....wish they'd bring that one back.) I watched a few of these vintage episodes in the past week or so....my thoughts..... Genevieve's pseudo-baby-voice was super-annoying. Hope she gives that up in the reboot. Vern used too many candles......so dangerous and who was going to light wall-candles to eat dinner every night? Ty talked like he had a mouth full of nails. Doug's shtick was bordering on sexual harassment. I think once TLC caught onto the Bad Boy Doug theme, they encouraged the behavior. Frank's rooms all looked like baby nurseries. Paige's little bitty t-shirts are so dated. I think Vern cheated and spent more money or pre-bought his stuff. It's so funny watching them wrangle huge bulky TVs. The rooms were all horrible by today's design show standards. I think the invisible crew did most of the work. The carpenters are mostly shown measuring, or nailing something already completed. I think all the designers look great (in the previews) .....maybe they've had "work done", or have just aged well. Can't wait to see them back ! ((Glutton for punishment!!))
  5. With one big slimy exception....JB does. And I think he still has his greasy mitts all over this show. And he probably negotiates more $$ for home births. And bodily fluid drama of any kind (in his warped mind) = ratings = more show = more money for Mullet and him.
  6. They all already knew. This was a stupid reenactment for TLC. It was whatever fit into the episode. But not now.
  7. MY take-away from seeing snippets of this: Jana is wearing shorts. OK, big step, but they looked like Denim &Co., ordered off QVC late at night. WTF was that confetti about? I noticed Jackson frolicked in it for the remainder of the scene. Aren't Jessa's kids already on the "Cousin Crew"? Like many times over? Mullet's voice was all screechy and high-pitched during the "grandbaby" announcement , of course she was in the presence of JB. Then when she was in the kitchen (out of her element), I wondered who had the low drag-queen voice. Also: The announcement was all about JB and Mullet...."Oooh, our tenth grandbaby!" "We're in double digits now!" "Let's see if we can say their names." Puke. Austin's mom was cute when she was young. These Fundies (Is she a Fundy?) go down hill quickly, I guess. All of a sudden, there's someone familiar getting married to a hunky guy! Oops, that's Kindra and her hot dad...... and her guy's not hot. The Babes will never have a coffee business, but props to them for getting TLC to buy them a nice new roaster for the episode. And I noticed that Jinge wears skirts (albeit short ones) for filming. Just how is Jessa going to have only 6 or 7 kids? I wish someone had asked her. She's trying so hard to be the next Joanna Gaines. Too bad she's an uneducated bumpkin. Joy will have the quintiten-whatever-it-was litter of kids because she won't know how not to.
  8. Not impressed. My rescue dog came with this description. Never mind how utterly stupid she looks. I hope she falls, gets tangled in it and they have to cut it off her....... and they film the whole thing. Who is that prematurely paunchy Jboy in that skiing pic? Jessa is so sly (tm Jessa) ....she had someone else say she's not pregnant....that way she can claim she wasn't outright lying...she could say they just didn't know.
  9. Silly you....Jessa never announces the gender of her baby. She even deceives by hinting that it could be twins. And she waits days or weeks to announce the name. Must keep everyone guessing.... and watching.... and clicking on her IG.
  10. Well, if she's living with Deanna now and hanging out with Amy, she's probably having some fun. Even if it's just rolling her eyes at Amy, it's more fun. And much quieter. Jackson will most likely be the longest-enrolled cadet in the system.
  11. Not HAD, he HAS a vidoe game console...it's just regulated now. And Spurgie watches cartoons. Most likely with Bin. That haircut....OY...looked exactly the same before and after, since no comb or brush was used. Bin's was awful too. And Jessa is one rough little dominatrix. I covet the Babes' bookshelves....I think they are California Closet-type semi-pre-fab (maybe now sold at Home Depot now that closets have gotten fancier), but still, pretty nice. ((Thanks, TLC!))
  12. I started to scream at my TV to warn sweet BJ Hunnicut not to pose for that pic, since it would be posted on social media within 5 minutes. Then I remembered there was no Facebook in 1995. Phew. Andrew's self-gift of designer shoes: 1) Shoes as a gift? Really? This also applies to the shoes he bought for Jeff. 2) Would high-end designer shoes be in a box with a big whoppin' UPC code on the end, like they came from the back room at JCPenney? I was thinking about DC and this role......well, let's put it this way, if I called for a repair person and DC showed up with a toolbox, smiling that smirk....I would probably have a coronary on the spot. He's approaching Anthony Hopkins-levels of creepy.
  13. Depending upon where these ports were, the natives may have wanted them for toilet paper, which is why they went back for seconds. ....with the tile and grout that was purchased weeks before and with their own tile cutter.
  14. I actually know someone with this name and its spelled/pronounced "Audiel". So now the writers are reaching into Mandy Moore's film past and making her a star-gazer like in "A Walk to Remember"...what's next ....her walking around simpering/singing...oh wait! ...she already did that. Hopefully, she doesn't get leukemia soon. Ugh. ETA: Oh yeah, remind me that I can purchase a full-sized piano as a gift, put a big bow on it, roll it into a house, and no one will notice until I say "Ta-da!"
  15. This has to be my most favorite typo ever. I only half-watched this boring mess. Some thoughts on what I saw: Kendra's parents are adorable....her dad in particular....hotter than her Duggar fiance by 100 miles. The Babes playing tennis was all kinds of cute....Jinge is the first Duggar to participate in a sport wearing appropriate attire. Points for her and for Jer's ass in his shorts. And Jinge wasn't half bad at tennis. Too bad she'll probably never play again. "Bossy" Jess was wearing her wanna-be-Joanna Gaines shirt. JB so wrote that scene.....the painter was probably priming the cabinets before they even filmed it. Good lord...now Jana is a tile-layer too. Another JB-inspired segment. Must. Marry. Jana. Off. Soon. Austin mentioned Utube and Joy didn't stare in puzzlement.....hmmm...how would Joy know about Utube???? And, Austin, Joy does not have 19 siblings....that would make a total of 20.......I hope he's not in charge of the measuring on that house project. At least the Babes try to communicate in another language. But, good grief....do you think Babe likes books? Joe and Kendra and the holier-than-thou courtship bit. Just UGH. And puke.
  16. During Joshley's first stint in Jesus Jail, Anna was probably counseled to act more hookerish, since that's what Joshley was after....they most likely had that pole installed about then.
  17. Save your applause....she threw in two packets of premade Gravy Mix....blech. And of course she used a bag of baby-cut carrots (which are usually just whole carrots cut up and spun around in chlorine). Would've been too much to cut up some whole carrots. Not impressed.
  18. Did Randall really say building/renovation was "in his blood"? Wouldn't that mean William was a builder? Sometimes, I feel like there's no game plan for this show at all.....and the writers are writing the Super Bowl episode as we speak. And because they keep telling us we will be crying...I won't be.
  19. Marjorie gave him back the pieces with a "No, thanks". Aaaaannnnd .......Mechelle is missing a back muscle, so it's almost the same thing.
  20. More like: JB: "OK, listen up, everybody. All of you, except Jana, move away from the luggage for a few minutes. Now, Jana, lean over and pretend that you're repacking it or something. And make sure your hair is hanging down in front. Now, Josiah, take a picture but make sure Jana's knee-covering skirt is visible. OK, great, you can all grab your luggage now....oh, and make sure somebody gets all 5 of mine and Mamma's." JB: (to Mechelle): "We gotta get that picture out there as soon as possible. And add "Travel Manager" to her profile. Another birthday has come and gone, and still no contract."
  21. No normal young people would attend that "party"....there would need to be wings, a keg, and a game on a TV. J&A already the requisite Hobby Lobby J&A creation on their wall. Bet it was a wedding gift from another Fundie. They should've gotten wider rods and more curtains and hung the rods on the walls.......could've covered the fuse box with pushed-over drapes. Oh well, Fixer-Upper-Wannabe Jessa only "decorates" when the cameras are rolling for a paycheck. Is there any heat in that house? Everyone is pretty bundled up....except for the birthday boy, who is probably warm from the excitement of his party (snerk) and beanpole Derick, who probably has an overactive thyroid. ETA: Joy should be decorating her dorm room.
  22. ...and not just "Is she or isn't she?".........also "Is it twins?....or triplets?" .....and doesn't she hide the gender too...and the name? This is Jessa we're talking about, one of the original "sly" ones. She trickles out her info. I think she was keeping Bin's hands from cradling her pregnant belly, so she can go full-on dramatic reveal when the deal/paycheck is ready.
  23. Pssstttt....Jana........next time you feel that your stripey dress is too short, think about putting a pair of capri leggings underneath it, INSTEAD OF ANOTHER FREAKIN' SKIRT. You will never land "Prince Charming" wearing double skirts...... but maybe that's your goal. ((On a shallow note, for some reason Jana looks like a young Heather Locklear in the stripey skirt-skirt get-up pic. She also looks like she's been up all night with the baby, which she probably was.))
  24. ....and no TLC camera crew. Funny, I think with this announcement, interest in the Babes is waning. They've probably been "trying" since the day they got married, and people here were just hoping they weren't. The Kool-Aid runs too thick and deep, I fear.
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