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Everything posted by drafan

  1. I can't click on that arrow, since I no longer view anything Duggar that moves, but I do believe Boob is wearing Mullet's famous lime-green blouse.
  2. I think she is shocked that the baby is 6 months old and she's still interested in her. Her "role model" was on to the next pregnancy by this point and passed the baby off to one of the slaves. She's surprised that she's still feeling motherly love for the baby. She didn't know it was possible. Or Michael Jackson dangling Blanket from a balcony.
  3. Wouldn't this be the time for Jessa and Ben to make their move?....didn't they tease in THs about adopting slews of kids? Oh yeah, right. Just like all the twins she's given birth to.....
  4. Maybe Babe had a thing for Brittany Spears back in the day. But at least the jacket is nicely tailored and fits her really well. Aaaaannd ...lest we forget.......... she buys those Breaking Amish, the Early Days dresses in "tall" so they're even more modest.
  5. It looks like the three jean-wearers are laughing at Jana's skirt over pants. And rightly so. Yes, Boob is trying to attach Jana to the Holy Hipster Babes I, II, and III.
  6. More like a young Sally Field PLAYING a Stepford wife in a made-for-TV movie.
  7. Mullet picked that skirt because she had "Dirty Dancing" shorts back in the day and Boob loved them. ETA: Can anyone see the size? Can't believe anything fits over that uterus, but lately she's been looking like Kate Gosselin around the middle, (after her tummy tuck) so who knows......
  8. Aaaaand ...the mustard sweater is back and "goes" with everything, including her new granny gown. Boob is working overtime to get that TV wedding for ratings Jana.
  9. This looks like a "Show us how you styled it" entry on PierOne.com. Ikat print reading chair. $359.99 Buffalo plaid throw. $59.99 Textured pillow. $34.99 (Buy one/get one 1/2 price) Wood/metal end table. $159.99 (Sale price) Teapot. $29.99 Oversized mug. $14.99
  10. ....and she does't even know how to....she's got Babe the Third in a massive crotch grab. Is Mullet really eating her adult daughter's birthday sundae? Is this how Jana is spending her ((30th???)) birthday......with her creepy, narcissistic, attention-hogging parents?? Yes, Mullet and JB think they're the first parents on earth and would love to be called "Adam and Eve". Don't give them any ideas.
  11. That was so stupid...I think he meant the kids were tech savvy...they're playing with a IPhone. Duh.
  12. Who knows how many times Jessa made him rehearse. He looked bored. That pic of Jana ^^ up there...she looks absolutely gorgeous. Bet Jinger took the pic. And I see thigh-above-the-knee-tops!!! So....has Babe The Third's head ever been exposed in it's entirety?
  13. Aaaaand Babe is the dead middle focal point. The photographer probably said "OK, cleanest in the center and then fan out accordingly." That's why there's no Jessa nor Jill. She absolutely knows what she's having. This is her form of suspenseful teasing. The "twins" will be thrown out there next week.
  14. Fifteen. She probably thinks it's the name of a month. There are no words for that dress. Give her a bonnet and she could switch over to that Breaking Amish show. They're going to have a bajillion kids. Make note.
  15. Oh, don't worry...Fundies would use heroin it if it meant having another blessing. Erin and her stupid "Baby Fever".....don't forget.....Anna and Jessa live with it every day. Mullet still has it in her delusional mind. Menopause has not been kind to Kelly Jo. Whitney was carrying on like she murdered someone and got away with it. I think she just wanted to wear a sexier dress on TV. ((Never saw this show before....my new cable carrier has it ...has it been on long? It's boring but not as bad as the Duggs, which I no longer watch. All the Bates kids are very, very camera-friendly.))
  16. Aaaaaaaand, most likely has a wicked case of "Baby Fever".
  17. Well, Josh IS lurking in the back there. ((shudders)) One trip to Dollar Tree would do it. A red stocking with a fluffy top for each of them....then a set of glitter markers. Each kid could decorate their own. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm surprised Josie's bag doesn't say "#19" on it.
  18. I have a feeling that plastic bag is her Xmas stocking.
  19. Also note that most of the guys at the counter bar are fiddllng with Iphones and Ipads. Joshley looks like he just rolled in from the back room after a phone "session". ETA: Jana and the oldest single Jboys have to hold babies since they're the next ones on the marrying-off docket.
  20. Holy Crap. Those mustard-colored sweaters have reproduced and spawned a swing dress for Jessa. Mullet is clinging to the last vestige of her reproductive worth, AKA Josie. Where in the bible does it say to go forth and adorn oneself in denim?
  21. How did Mullet manage to look 12 and 60 at the same time? #nooneshouldwearasailordressexceptdaisyduck
  22. That's a toddler fight. UnderBite is trying to get a toy away from FilthyFeet........ Go, FF !!!! It's probably the last time you will triumph over a DuggMale.
  23. I've seen every picture of her that they've posted and I've never seen her head.
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