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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Ed Grimley. Wonder if Nathan is a Wheel of Fortune fan? ((Apologies to Martin Short...he's awesome and funny and has had heartbreak in his life.))
  2. But, meanwhile, Jyler looks like a cool kid. I'm still putting my money on Jackson and Josie making a run for it someday. Those other SisterMoms are naturally assuming the pose of the Fundie Belly Cradle (hereby known as the FBC). I know Josie has a modified version, but that's just to throw Mullet off her scent.
  3. Off to Alert tomorrow. AMH is a big ole hunk now, he def improved with age...the opposite of male Duggars.
  4. A just-turned-17-year-old-with-no-formal-training has "fixed" their bus????? As in a BROKEN bus??? A bus that carries a shit-ton of Duggars?? OMG. I would be terrified to get in that deathtrap. Complete morons.
  5. But please remember that she was probably tiling a bathroom floor in a denim skirt. And maybe fiip-flops. Ugh.
  6. ...or snuggled up next to him on a beach wearing matching jackets. Barf.
  7. ....and the consistent and constant selling of Jana ( Look! Now she's in the law biz! What CAN'T Jana do? ).....maybe her hemline will creep up in 1/16th of an inch increments per year until she's sold.
  8. Valentine's Day is probably an exception because it may produce BABIES!!!! Anything for BABIES!!! Or now maybe courtships are included, because that will lead to weddings...which will lead to BABIES!!!
  9. It's blackened. It looks good, but the piece is HUGE. All those pix are old......Jing's hair is dark ...and the California Babes would NEVER have flowered wallpaper or little glass violins on their walls. Must be at the V-folks or GrammaV's ....and a while back.
  10. Other than the hair, the Babes' is the only Dugg household where I would eat anything .... in terms of both ingredients and cleanliness.
  11. I thought it was a pic of Bake Lewis, former American Idol contestant. (And it was a long time ago, so he's probably close to 40.) Go, Jed ! Beat-box your way into office. It would help.
  12. Proven by Clinton and Stacy on What Not to Wear for years on end. Maybe Jer is angling to host one of those makeover shows next.
  13. Well, these outfits do look super comfy. I can see Jinger wearing them soon.
  14. Yeah, that was confusing. The red-headed Cassidy on The Middle was extremely annoying, so I hated her in this. Also: on The Middle she looked like a teen pre-lip-plumped-and-botoxed Taylor Swift. Girlfriend has not aged well.
  15. Say what you want about Jing, but she's NEVER leaving this new lifestyle. She loves it. Nothing can convince me otherwise.
  16. I will take his to the grave...she wanted Chad Paine (wasn't there an episode where all the Paine Clan visited the Duggs?). But Chad fell for the Fundie Prom Queen, and Jana never got over it.
  17. Step right up, Fundie Guys! Look what we have up for bidding.....Jana! Dressed in a baggy 1950s schoolmarm shift. Flanked by a gestating couple and creepy hovering parents. Overseen by a pervy brother and a million potential chaperones!
  18. I have one thing to say about this episode: Pool Flashback Shirtless Jack: Was waiting for him to break into "We Will Rock You" and was disappointed. So Freddy Mercury. Hair. Mustache. Profile. Otherwise, I had a hard time staying awake.
  19. I don't think she really does any of this ...it's all just part of the Selling-Off-Jana PR scheme. All for filming/cameras. ...until they're pregnant...then it's a couple sizes too small. The bar is set very low. In that pic above ^^, at first I thought the slit-dress girl was a Bates. As for Jana and where she gets all her ideas, recipes, gardening tips, etc.......from the Gaines' empire, of course!!! No need to surf the web, you sillies.
  20. Well, they WERE left alone and we all know how that worked out for Jill and the other 3 . She may have a form of PTSD. (( These people are all lunatics, but I do feel sorry for those girls.)) So while I'm in a weak moment, getting a dog may be the best thing for Jill (always having a companion) and the boys ( dogs are so loving, loyal, and forgiving). We can all just hope they take good care of it.
  21. So here we go..... Deja is going to start dating Malik. Malik's dad is going to have an aortic aneurysm and die ....we've already seen the shoulder pain. Malik is going to attempt a drug deal to support his daughter and get shot and/or killed. Grandma will be too old and stressed to deal with any of it......soooooooo....Randall will take the baby. Tie that one up with a big red bow of obvious. Futurama Jack will become the biggest thing ever...for no reason other that he's a Pearson. Flashback Jack will deliver a long boring self-praising monologue every week. Rebecca will stick out her lower lip while gazing at St Jack in adorement. All the previews will come with instructions that we will need tissues. Maybe they will start releasing cry level ratings each week.
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