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Everything posted by drafan

  1. I love her new haircut...the color could use some tweaking, but the cut is nice. The blouse has a nice drape to it and it's a pretty color. I actually like the outfit.....with the best part being the obviously NON-PREGNANT stomach area. Jinger is NEVER EVER going back to Arkansas.
  2. Because they just hit the thrift shop and MKid scored the David Bowie vest and JKid snagged the Members Only jacket. They think they're cool. (They're just posing with the harps...they actually look happy for a change...must be the jackets.) No explanation for the thin cotton granny dresses.
  3. Some random thoughts..... Justin H is an OK -looking guy, but all the younger versions of Kevin are much better looking and also don't look like him AT ALL. It seems like they were casting for "good looking kid" with no thought that JH's face is very long and narrow. Every time they went back to the present, I felt like he is the one at the class reunion where everyone says, "Damn. What happened to him?" Also, someone commented on his teen hair....that's Jordan Catalano 90's hair in the blond version. Yup. I also thought he was going to sleep with Sophie's mother. Sophie is so bland that I forgot she existed. Griffin Dunne is the best actor in this entire show...by miles and miles. Which leads me to......Chrissy Metz ..... just terrible. Teenage Kate is a much better actress. The depiction of Alzheimers ? The writers need an intervention and a workshop. Disturbing for people who have witnessed the real thing. How long before Ken Olin inserts himself into this?
  4. You won't have to wait very long, #littleduggar, in about 8 years you will have your own. The baby is in the same outfit as the night of the double date with Lolli and Pops (gagging on the thought of JB hey, hey, heying with the lolly and the stick connotations). Which means....the J'Slaves Generation B had to watch all the kids. Don't most grandparents want to watch the kids so the parents can go out alone? Oh, never mind..... silly me, JB has to keep an eye on Joshley. And be in on any going out to dinner, of course.
  5. I don't think she's crying. Looks more like she just caught sight of Joshley.
  6. Does she have a photo of (Olympic-era) Bruce Jenner in her bible?
  7. Lolli looks like she has a mangy cat wearing a crown sitting on her shoulder. Starting the second she agreed to marry "Sweetie".
  8. This Bates is gorgeous. And I think she knows it. Layla? As in the Eric Clapton song? Very sexy name ..... ETA: Everyone is so focused on the two Keller brothers, who look as though they're flying somewhere to meet up with their Robotics Team, that everyone has failed to notice that the #Davidncil family are all dressed as matching pumpkins.
  9. Flash forward 10 years.....oldest M'girl on the right will be holding her own blessing, the M'boy next to her will be acourtin', there will be 5 more #littleduggars standing in the front, Anna will be holding another M'newborn, and Joshley will look as smug as ever. M'Puke.
  10. He thinks he's the Fundie/even more Christian Donnie Osmond. It is that exactly.
  11. Mullet still has that , well.... that mullet 'do. Yup, Jana, the dirt pile would've continued to be your "world" if the show hadn't come along to send you on trips. That "thank you" note should really be addressed to TLC. I spy a hospital bracelet.
  12. It's a real talent when you can even make restaurant food look sickening.
  13. OMG. The Bates girls wear F*** Me Baby shoes all the time. Remember: Jinger had no fashion role model growing up....only Mull in her puffy green blouse and nun-aspirant shoes. Or when she and JB dolled up for one of the weddings as Jim Bobber and the Silver Mullet Band.
  14. LOL She's trying, but the latest frock is fresh off the set of "Breaking Amish". Oh Jill. Two clodhopper steps back.
  15. Is the guy on the back Jill's little one? If so ....he's got the cutest sweet face. I won't even snark about the "with with" because I've been feeling sorry for Jill. Keep on keepin' on, JillyBean!
  16. Layers and layers and layers of junior frump. Are they trying to look like they're having fun? What the year has in store??? The same. And attending more bridal showers, baby showers, and weddings.
  17. They had to wait until there was a free payout, of course. Maybe Jackson and /or Josie will run for something someday. If/when the show stops those two will be desperate to get back into the spotlight. JB and Mull will forget all about their no women in office rule and shove preemie Josie out there as attention for old brood mare Mull.
  18. The couch is micro-suede, but it's probably slippery due to Jessa giving birth/hemorrhaging on it. Ben is so so dorky. Definitely a posed event.
  19. Who is sitting on the ottoman with about 14 accountability layers? OK, I hate fake-fade-spotted denim skirts because of them, now add cardigans and MukLuk boots to that list. Where do they send the menfolk off to when holding events such as this? Skeet shootin'? Bet JB can't wait to get back to that spread.
  20. Awwww...gotta love any kind of Gramma time. Those wooden toys are all "Melissa and Doug" brand. Zoo truck on the right. Beautiful toys. (Can be pricey.)
  21. Do you think the Bates girls know they look like sex kittens and just play dumb about it?
  22. OMG. Can we change the title of this thread? And this was so bad that it was good. Seriously can. not. stop. laughing.
  23. A California 1 (scale of 1-10?) at best. ((And she upped her game for this visit.)) Didn't even look at him because I was blinded by doofus Bin. That hair part. No words. Where are Jessa's boys? Have they now been cast aside for Ivy? Like a reverse Fundie phenomenon? Thought the pic was done by Jinger in sepia tones with the pink colorized in......and Jessa? Cut the mustard. No pun intended.
  24. LOL. You need to watch an episode of the Kardashians. Jinger's jeans are "modern nun" compared to theirs. As for comfort, almost all current jeans have an element of stretch to them. Some are deceivingly not even cotton denim.
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