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Everything posted by drafan

  1. This looks like a 1960s ad for Maxwell House Coffee..... And you can't convince me that "dress" isn't a Lanz of Salzburg summer nightgown (also circa 1960).
  2. Aaaaaand......#headwrap #hairbow #headband #turban #hat #giantflower #flouncything #ouch ETA: Newborns are so funny...she looks like Elton John.
  3. Don't worry...they won't fit for long..... ((Probably already knocked-up.....))
  4. Bad posture and the shame of an empty uterus.
  5. Just occurred to me who Lauren looks like, body type and face......a 1940s Pin-up Girl ! (Not a bad thing.) Just has to put her hair into some kind of updo. And maybe wear short-shorts and hold a wrench.
  6. Hate to say it, but she looks like Miss Piggy in that dusty pink thing. That dress has to be the worst of all these schmattas....ill-fitting around the neck and sleeves....and then that "bandaid' wrinkling around the hips and thighs. Ugh. And aren't those the fug freebie sandals from somebody's wedding?
  7. Meechelle looks insanely happy in a deranged way. Did JB tell her she gave birth to this critter? #20blessingsandcounting #getoutthemybreastfriend
  8. Johannah's purity ring finger is in a splint. Is she being punished for something? Her (bad) posture makes her look just like Jana.
  9. Maybe TLC is planning a Sister Wives crossover show?
  10. I love Bin's Dirty Dancing roll-cuff jean shorts. I haven't heard anyone say "storybooks" in thirty years.
  11. They most likely aren't, but they were /are the two old not-married-offs for a long time, so they were /are being sold off on TV by JB. Now that JD is married, it's going to be the even harder sell of Jana every episode.
  12. Oh, good lord, no. First, she's cagey about if she's even pregnant, wearing "swing" dresses to keep everyone speculating. Then she finally announces it, only to hint that it may be twins. Then she finds out the gender, but keeps it under wraps with little teases. Then she finally gives birth, of course with some drama.....and also doesn't tell right away. Then she keeps the name a secret for a while after that. This is called......milking a pregnancy for all it's worth. Every step of it needs a paycheck.
  13. OK, I just looked at that mag pic, and what in the world is that black blob spreading across her knees?
  14. I hope they make Spurge's shirt in Womens and Mens , S - XL, for the Dugg crowd.
  15. I thought this was Martin Short playing Ed Grimley with one of those hook-over-the-ears fake beards.
  16. That little romper hanging on the closet door is a baby girl thing...ties with bows on the shoulders. No macho D-boy would ever wear that, lest we get get confused as to the gender. If Bin is stuffed up now, wait til that tree starts collecting dust, which should be in about a week.
  17. I think Babe is more hipster than Jer and Audj . My friend ran into J&A & baby in an airport (I think, or somewhere on the WC) and said they are adorable....she went up to them and they were very sweet and polite to her. I don't listen to one word that any of these people spew, but if TLC is looking to create some kind of a spin-off, Babe, Babe, and Babe the Third; and Jer, Audj, and offspring are the most camera-friendly of both tribes, and that's probably all they care about.
  18. It's very probable that Jackson thinks Mullet is his (Jackson's ) aunt. He probably sees her occasionally. Is Lauren's tongue too long for her mouth? Just asking. She's annoying AF.
  19. Wait until these nitwits find out that the term "pirate" is no longer PC......it's "Privateer" now. I'm serious. Jiily's week-old-mushroom colored blouse is one size too big and those are seatbelt wrinkles. At least we can't see her waist-length Warren Jeff's cult hair.
  20. Joshley must be off to Alert in that kid group pic up there. I can't look at those older girls without wanting to puke in Joshley's honor. The little Jboys were adorable. The Jgirls were going through super-gawky. Now it's reversed....interesting. Amy was the cutest Duggar grandkid, by a mile. She probably positioned herself in front of the heart so she'd be noticed.
  21. I flipped past this last night ....three of the girls were doing a TH. Me: "Oh look....this must be one of those Teen Moms in the middle, another one is on the right. And Jenna Bush must be interviewing them, because she's there on the left, sitting kinda close. Oh wait, that's not Jenna Bush, must be her twin. But wait. Her twin looks nothing like her and this chick looks just like her. Who is this?" Then I realized this was the Bateseses show and that's Erin, the piano playing sister. KellyJo must've had a fling with Dubya. There's no other explanation.
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