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Everything posted by drafan

  1. This sounds like "Conservative Christian Cracker Barrel" (which means it's a slight tweak of CB) .....so therefore it would attract Fundies and Grannies....good thing they'll never get around to doing it.
  2. Of course they're open.......everything Joshley did was her fault, so now it's her job to watch him at all times. Can't imagine that rag collection being popular. (Probably clearance at that LuLaRoe Fundie Frock site.)
  3. For the gross Smuggar Smooch or the revolting frock on Anna?
  4. How about Meechelle...lots of brownie points there. They should do a consult with Joshley.
  5. Looks like she's holding his hands away from the cradling the belly position. Tsk, tsk, Ben. You forgot that there's a paycheck to be gained from waiting. Jessa must be ecstatic that her role model, Joanna Gaines, is having a billion kids, along with her (JG's) sister. ((And that's a mustard-colored DRESS bought off the same clearance rack as the mustard-colored sweaters. It's too short for Fundy acceptability, so therefore the leggings.))
  6. That's a piece of her hair. There is some weird photo-filtering going on in that pic. She needs Clinton and Stacey from What Not to Wear! Saw it was on in reruns over the weekend....remember "locked and loaded"? They could do wonders.
  7. I did a double-take when I saw the pic.......he looks like no fewer than 75 young guys I know. It's a very popular look. Kendra's posture is already taking a hit....and she's gotta get a few pointers from Jessa on how to highlight the bulge properly, including jutting, cupping, and pouting. Don't worry, she'll get lots of practice....she has 30+ reproductive years left. Not that Deanna is an overly big woman or anything, but my friend had BR and they made her lose weight first. IIRC, it was to see how much of it was fat that could be eliminated before the surgery.
  8. Just look for the professional photobomber in each pic. But most likely didn't come back with it. OK, everything about this had me ROTFLMAO ....and then made me remember to take my dog outside.
  9. That Ghost of Smuggar Xmas Past video above was barf-inducing. Seemed like Joshley was trying out to be a QVC host and Jackson was auditioning for Glee. And the irony of Joshley's hoodie is that now we know he was more into the X (rated) than in keeping the (Christ) in Xmas.
  10. In that pic of the Duggar Xmas bedlam, there were some brown cardboard boxes with scribbling in black marker on them...."To J-whoever. From Mommy and Daddy" (blech) That's Mullet's idea of "wrapping". Straight from the Amazon warehouse to Jkid. ETA: JessaBlessa will probably read this here (Hey, Jessa!) and post a pic and caption of how her mom doesn't waste paper and tags because she's concerned about the environment.
  11. That synthetic skirt/slip on the outside of the snowsuit exceeds all my expectations for supreme stupidity. Makes Mullet's swim get-up look positively sane. (ETA: Above sentence brought to you by the letter S.)
  12. Looks like at least 2 old cast members from SNL made it....Ed Grimley in the back, and "Pat" right in the center. Joshley is now being forced to wear Crocs to keep him from running fast to check his IPhone in private. ETA : Anna has two giant candy canes on her chest. Huge eye trap, I'd say. Or maybe Joshley saw something like that while watching "Candy Stripers Gone Wild" and made her wear it.
  13. Yup...we should've known that ....the scarves have fringy ends on them......now they all wear infinity scarves ad nauseam. Don't know why Mullet ever wore a watch......when was she ever worried about the time?
  14. Don't let that puffed-sleeved blouse fool you...it's just the pale pink version of her green one. Looks like she had Jana sew one of Princess Beatrice's royal wedding hats (known as a fascinator, but the SOTDRT wouldn't teach a word that long or foreign) onto an old denim skirt she found lying around. The legs/shoes look like Minnie Mouse. Hope one of the younger girls ties all those scarves together and escapes some night.
  15. I think she looked uneasy about being filmed.....she glanced at the camera several times. Then when they panned the room, there were a bunch of "outsiders" watching that were making her even shyer. I think she seemed embarrassed about the whole spectacle. As for the dress....yes, a great thrift shop find, but Mullet was humble-bragging about it. Likewise the "baked" vegetables. It's all about JB/Mullet 24/7. And the show, of course. Ugh.
  16. It's a popular song by Clean Bandit. Probably introduced to Jinge by Babe's family (violins and stringed instruments). Or, yup, maybe Babe wrote that himself.
  17. They all use "meek" when they mean "humble". ((Egads! I'm defending them!!!! But we've had the discussion of this term before.))
  18. Oh my....sitting on counter tops, hair everywhere, no gloves, eating other finger food while baking, probable licking.....ick, ick, ick. Wonder who will be "gifted" with the corn-syrup-coated Cheerios? Jyler is a cutie. Looks like a young Jason Bateman.
  19. Those look more like boiled wool slippers ....the kind from World Market. Jinge looks adorable and very happy. Nothing else to say except her hair should be lopped off to about half-mast.
  20. Does anyone know if the house (Jack & Rebecca's) is the exterior of the house from either thirtysomething or My So-Called Life? It could be either, but I'm leaning toward MSCL.
  21. So gross with all that hair flying around, and now Spurgie is included in that category. You could not pay me to take a bite out of one of those cookies, even after undergoing 350 degree heat. I'm sure frosting, with lots of licking, is next.
  22. Just some random thoughts..... I didn't want to spoil it, but I saw on the show's website that the actor who played Deja was listed for 4 episodes. So I knew she was going. Enough with the William stuff. I swear the writers dream up these plots one week at a time. Irritating!!! (From last week) Kate sings a few songs, so now she's applying to Berklee. Of course Randall is considering Harvard (somewhat believable). Next, when Kevin's football career is over and he discovers acting, he'll probably be applying to NYU. Good God, show ......there are other schools besides the top in every major. I was waiting for Deja to draw a picture and want to go to RISD. Or take her science project to show Stanford. Geez. I'm waiting for Ken Olin's wife to appear as some kind of vixen. Ugh. It's just a matter of time. The previews instructed us to cry, so of course I didn't. The Cat Stevens song at the end made me miss the acting of Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon. That's when I was thinking about crying.
  23. OMG!!!! Not on Sue Sue Heck's birthday!!! ((The Middle reference here.....I love me some SSH.))
  24. Of course she did...her shoulder is pressed up against his pec. Look at her astoundingly normal face. She flashing back to age 15, before she met JB. Amen..... she looks fine. Although, her quilted vest is a men's style, which hopefully does not mean she's covering up a bump with Babe's (nice) vest. Maybe she was just cold.
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