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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Tied with : Keeping a TLC show on the air and hoping to change it to "19 Kids and Counting....up to 200 Grandbabies", starring Mullet and her wonderful husband.
  2. OMG. A picture of that could be used to replace Ipecac Syrup in first aid kits.
  3. Just be patient. JB is out brokering a few new ones as we speak.
  4. Jessa is the most media-savvy of the Ds, so yes, she's trying desperately to hang onto the show, even if it takes "normalizing" them for the cameras. Not buying any of it. I forgot about this new "season", flipped past the part where they're touring the house grounds with a nice-looking friend. Turns out the friend is Kendra's dad, who looks younger than her courtship partner. Were the hallowed grounds where Joshley molested the Jgirls? ....if so, it was like the scene in Forrest Gump when he razes Jenny's old house to erase her past. Ugh. Puke. And way creepy. Got bored.... it was so staged. Saw Mullet scream her fool head off over the courtship ring.... because courtship ring ...leads to engagement ring ...which leads to marriage... which produces GRANDBABIES!!!! She's so gunning to be the star of "100 Grandbabies and Counting" while wearing matching shirts with her headship. Barf.
  5. The tortillas are for feeding the animals. The farm probably provided them. God, I'm defending them. Ugh. However, both kids are cute. Izzy looks like one of those smart and pensive kids.....have to admit I have a soft spot for those types.
  6. But the Yay was quiet because Jessa reads here (Hi Jessa !!!) and Spurgie hasn't been weaned off the Yays yet. Hopefully those Jinge pix aren't to show Babe what their expected arrival might look like ....ugh.
  7. Blech. In general. STFU, Mullet and Boob. Just go away. Even your green blouse is breaking out in hives. Henry looks like Joshley, poor kid. Spurgie needs Birth to Three (speech therapy), and probably won't get it. STOP with the Yaying. And stop teaching the next generation to Yay.
  8. Hate to ever defend the Duggs for any reason, but I just happened to go to a RheaLana consignment event last weekend in another part of the country. There were Melissa & Doug toys there. They're mass-produced now and the market is saturated.....Marshall's, TJMaxx, Kohl's, Ross......etc. Oh Jessa, desperately trying to save the show by defending where the toys came from. So sly. Kids should NEVER be allowed to press buttons on the dash of a car. So dangerous. Made me cringe. ((Waves to Jessa.... defensive explanation in 5...4...3...2....)) And ALL Duggs, cut with the "Yay" and clapping over everything. ( Bad. Learned that the first day of student teaching in Pre-K special ed.)
  9. ....named McCartney. OMG. Such fake hipsters. His hair was so amazing that I was fearful they dyed it that color using a vat of carrot juice. They will probably name the next kid Lennon. I guess Cameron was a "full-time" musician??? Didn't catch what she did.
  10. Did Jinge get Jana to hem her wedding dress for her? (Other than the fact that the dress looks white, and may not be, and she's wearing it to someone's wedding, she looks very cute.) Is that a Jboy??? Or Blake Lewis from Season 6 of American idol?
  11. Does she realize that the same God also gifted her with Joshley?
  12. I think she has also said that Mullet is her BFF , so take everything she says with a grain of salt. Wow, the Jgirls get better looking as they get older, while the Jboys do the reverse. Interesting. Those bangs on Jinger look like they've been smeared with Boob's Brylcreem. And the pic looks like it was taken at a funeral parlor.
  13. And it's big enough to hide Fifty Shades of Grey.
  14. There would've been Jezebel and Jayla and Jacob and Joel and Jonah and J'etc......
  15. Your eyes are supposed to be drawn to the NIKE swoosh on his shirt. You were warned.
  16. HAHAHA Can't believe I just watched that, but I wanted to hear the non-baby voice. Did they all go tubing in denim? So funny that they blurred out the Nike swoosh on Joe's shirt, right over his moobs (or are they Joobs?) I mean, come on, it's NIKE !!!
  17. Well, if one of Joshley's hook-ups comes forward soon, and reveals Joshley's 5th kid, with complete DNA proof, before Anna pops out this next one....then yeah, it would be news....and it would sell a shitload for People Mag. No...Anna's Mkids are spit out every two years.....pop out the M, nurse for a year, get BabyFever (tm Anna) , get pregnant, whelp another Mkid. Repeat...repeat...repeat.....
  18. Family renovating a condo , wife with a Dutch (?) accent??? Anyone else skeeved out by the two kids sharing a Murphy Bed ? ....boy is 12, girl is 10. He will be a teenager soon......creepy.
  19. Young couple buying in Portland , Oregon....he of the formerly long hair who fancied himself a bike-riding hipster......anyone else think he sounded like Mr. Lumbergh from Office Space with those long "Uuuuuuhhhhhs" down in his throat at the end of every sentence? Had to mute the sound.
  20. If they're at a Dugg event and someone yells out "Baaaaabe" or "Lovey", half the place will come running. (Well, maybe not come running, cuz they don't exert, but look up from their I-phones.) Now "Babe" and "Lovey" join my hate list along with slouchy cardigans, denim skirts, and infinity scarves.
  21. Well, if you mean on her 50-something-year-old mother-in-law? Then...yes. On her former role model (Mullet) ....then....no. If that neckline did some plunging, I could see it on cousin Amy.
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