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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Holy Crap!!!! There hasn't been a proposal yet ? Are you kidding me? I didn't watch anything this season except a few snippets last week.....figured Jinge and Babe were already engaged. Thought that was the whole point of the episode....printing out and enforcing engagement rules and regulations. They are so fucking boring. Why is TLC airing this snoozefest? Yup, the Texas state necklace will be a two-parter. I'm convinced now.
  2. In this family, it would be impossible to NOT step on a milestone. And the sad part is, a Duggar milestone is only a birthday or a wedding.
  3. Aaaannnnd, next week....Babe will be wandering down the street with "Mr. Duggar" and Ben (of course) and happen upon a jewelry store where , lo and behold, there will be that Texas necklace, which will coincidentally be just the right length for Jinge, and Babe will hem and haw and then "surprise" Jinge with a visit and the necklace. And Jinge will squeal "Baaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbe" at least 349 times. And TLC will recap it and preview it and recap the preview and recap the recap and then get all other Jkids opinion of it, one by one,...then Mullett will show some piece of crappy jewelry that Boob (TLC) bought her and she and JB will smooch, and then Jill and Jessa will each talk about a piece of jewelry from their "man". There's the whole hour. DVR guide version : Jinger gets a surprise.
  4. The pic up there with Spurge holding onto the fireplace screen made me gasp. One of my kids sliced his wrist open playing around a brass frame like that at about the same age. Clean slice....didn't even cry, but needed stitches. Kid looks just like Boob and Joshley. Yikes. Xmas shirt could be PJs, so she gets a pass. Oops...no outlet covers. Tsk. Thought that was a whole episode....childproofing.
  5. I looked up that horrendous clothing line just for fun. There is menswear!!!! I hope they have another season so we can see Kody rockin' the pink bermudas!!!
  6. But he can always sneak off to Walgreens for a Straight-Talk iPhone. He can hide it between his moobs.
  7. I will admit to having this on in the background. It sounded like an endless supply of recaps, backtracks, flashbacks, recaps of flashbacks, previews, previews of flashbacks, and recaps of recaps. Did they really ask the Wild and Crazy Jboys about hair color and height of their future wives? Sounded like it was right off Josh's Ashley Madison sign-up questionnaire. These Jkids know nothing about each other. Nothing. Just like Mullet. I could tell you more about the people I work with. What happened to that dog? Hope it escaped. It would be a first....an actual freed Duggar. Wish it could write a memoir. Jinge is nuts. Babe should be embarrassed to be "courting" the likes of her, but I think he's equally as crazy. Wonder if any of his old Orangeman teammates are watching this and howling with laughter.
  8. Nope, still not feeling sorry for her.....1) She could leave...she's been given the opportunity. 2) She was the one with continual "baby fever" ...she chose to have all those kids with him. 3) She likes the lifestyle. I only feel sorry for the Mkids for being under the Duggar thumb, just as I feel sorry for all the under-18 Jkids. Once they come of age and stick around and abide by the stupid rules, nope, no more sympathy.
  9. I went back and reread, and yes, I agree, this sounds pretty legit. Anna wasn't wearing jeans, which would've been a big red flag that this was made up. However, the reread forced me to the "Swapping Spit Strawberry Social", and it made me throw up in my mouth picturing JB and Mullet hey-hey-hey-ing through it. Josh, on the other hand, is probably a pro at it, but it was most likely Anna's first time. Poor guy (the author)....what a horrible way to spend a weekend.
  10. ....except that he said that Anna was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Wouldn't that be scandal enough?? Not sure I believe "him", or whoever it was. Could be good fan-fic.
  11. I think the name for this is "Arranged Marriage".
  12. That pic up there??? That could be her new Fundie-whore look....no layer underneath the white unlined V-neck T-shirt.... a hint of a tan line.... shirt ready to veer off to the side ,possibly exposing a shoulder.... necklace taking the focus off her countenance and onto her right boob....I dunno...looks borderline defrauding to me. Aaaannnnd...I don't feel sorry for her for one second. She could leave. She likes things like that SUV or minivan or whatever it is that she's getting into. I'm sure there's a Coach purse there somewhere.
  13. Marjorie and her dad look like normal people. Her dad has a young Kevin Costner vibe coming off him. She looks cute and stylish. Whatever were they doing mixing with the Duggs? Bet she's glad she got out of Duggerville while the getting was good. She'd be herding around little blessings by now.
  14. I managed to make it through about 3 random minutes of this.....so now Jana is being sold as an "interior decorator" ? I seriously don't think she cooks, cleans, gardens, decorates, sews, child-rears....any of it. It's just Boob's big sell-off of poor spinster Jana. You can just feel the panicky desperation of finding his next season of Duggar Courtin'/ Maybe Without Rules. Tune in to find out....... oops, sorry, there's creepy rules. Boob is probably gunning for JoyAnna next. Gah.
  15. Yup, if you don't click past those two pix up there. After that it's pure Boob/Josh clone. Poor kid.
  16. Hmmm....I swear someone here said they spotted one in The Hey-Hey-Hey Hovel. Aaaaannnd...all of them could be saying they don't have a TV, but they could be watching 24/7 on all the other Apple devices.
  17. This may actually work in her favor.....get too thin and fertility drops. ((Not always, though. I come from a long line of naturally skinny women who were super-fertile. Lots of honeymoon babies.)) TVs in the homes of these fundies? I think they all have one and try to hide it. You can't exactly 'follow' all these fave teams without actually, you know, watching them. Didn't someone spot a satellite dish on the Smugnest? And Ben plasters that Razorback stuff over everything. Just sayin'.....
  18. It's a stupid contrived plot line ( by JB ) 1) to demonstrate how they "do things differently" , 2) strictly for the cameras rolling, 3) for JB to insert his big cattle-head into a scene, and 4) to keep JB and Mullet useful when it really isn't their show anymore. I'm sure JB is Fundie-combing for the next 15 courtship victims to keep the show rolling. Yup. One courtship per season, coming right up. Why can't Jinge be called Ginny/ Jinny? Wouldn't that be the usual nickname for Ginger/Jinger ? I know it's close to Jenny, but all their names overlap and/or sound the same already. I hope thrift-shopper Jinge gets to have some fun in Laredo before she starts popping out little Babe-babies, but I think I'm dreaming.
  19. OMG. And NO to the millionth degree. Chad is a hottie. JD is not in his stratosphere. Fundie guys ranking: Chad Paine (four thousand spaces) Chad's brothers (there must be some) Jeremy Ben Some of the Bates guys Derick The rest of the J boys (seven trillion spaces) Josh
  20. This ^^^^^^ pisses me off more than anything. A thrift store habit is not exactly acting like you're Kim Kardashian. I have several friends who are self-proclaimed "thrift-store-addicts" and they have the best clothes and in one week spend about what people spend (ahem...Mullet) buying Starbucks. God, creepy dad, way to take away one of the only things Jinge really likes. Pissed. Makes me want to root for Jinge and Babe. I wanna smack JB's smug and smarmy cattle-head with a frying pan, cartoon-style. No she certainly didn't. Jill wears bagged-out maxi-skirts with a mustard sweater poured over the top. Also: JD is NOT a catch, maybe in Fundie-land, where the pickins are slim, but real world???? .......no.
  21. OMG...Now I have the Eric Carmen song "Hungry Eyes" playing in my head, and one of my fave scenes from Dirty Dancing is consequently ruined forever. Well, not yet anyway...... wait til Jinge gets all those leg-humper wedding gift cards from Hobby Lobby. Since I maintain that JB gets all his plot ideas from old TV, this one seemed like a cross between Deputy Dawg and Petticoat Junction. Also, is there a category at the Emmys for "Show you can watch entirely through previews and recaps", cuz this one nails it.
  22. .......but that what she was trained to do (cued by JB) during all of Anna's THs. Of course I did not watch this, but 1) please tell me this didn't happen , 2) it almost made me barf, and 3) where did he get that out-dated term from? A rerun of Happy Days? Now that is just sad......wouldn't you think that a "thrift-shop addiction" would be a plus for a preacher's wife. Poor little Jinger....now I actually feel for her.
  23. OMG...My goosebumps have goosebumps from thinking about the plastic spoons scrape-scrape-scraping against those styofoam bowls. Is the middle Jkid having a birthday and her gift is the homemade card and unwrapped gift of another girl outfit? Aaaaaand...is it national side-pony-tail throwback day? Or is that my vertigo?
  24. I hope she slipped with those clippers and cut off at least half of that mane of hers. Is that pic current? Who is that kid? And where is her Trophy Belly?
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