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Everything posted by drafan

  1. I've never even heard of this show. Did the mother really give birth to all those kids? I'm blown away by the fitness level of these two people. Well, I mean before any TLC money kicks in, and they start with the plastic surgery, etc. When do they have time to work out?
  2. ....aaannnd the liver damage is causing her to be jaundiced to the point of orange.
  3. Saw the second half of this, which probably means I saw it all. Jinge's dress was beyond stunning. It was very detailed and fit her perfectly, which means it couldn't have been cheap. (The train was epic. Can't wait to see the fakety-fake shopping for it, when it was probably ordered and altered months before.) The bridesmaids' dresses were so matronly....but they can save them for being a fundie mother of the bride or groom in a few years. The colors made no sense and they fit horribly. Fail. The candle-lighting was painful...where was the best man for that mess? Jessa gets a pass since she had enough work handling that 6 mile train. Mullett's dress was OK....the top fit alright, but the bottom looked cheap. I would say the puffed sleeves were out of style, but I may be wrong since the future first lady just appeared in a million dollar puffed-sleeve dress this past week. I'm sure Mullett's came from the bargain rack from the local bridal shop and not from 5th Ave. Jinge and Babe have sooooo smooched before. She had the guilty pull-away-before-getting-caught look still going out of habit. So JB has arranged another courtin' season, huh? So gross. He really is the ultimate huckster.
  4. OMG....Baby Josh on the piano. Wait til she has 5 little blessings all banging at once. Has any leghumper named their kid Spurgeon yet?
  5. I flicked past this last night as it was ending. Looked like another recap of a rehash retrospect. Jinge was standing there wearing a dusty-looking granny gown with a Fred Rogers cardigan, both in compost heap colors. Babe was all duded up with new kicks on bended knee...and they were both STANDING ON TAPEMARKS. So I say Take 25 ....at least.
  6. I honestly thought it was Kelly Clarkson wearing one of Adele's dresses. The hair on all the Jgirls is appalling. Crossing into Warren Jeffs territory, if you ask me. Jinge's looked nice because it was tucked up and controlled. Jessa's dress was probably too long because she ordered it bigger to accommodate the bump and then hiked up the front. She got the best color. The melange of colors was bad....Jinge should've picked a tone, like all lighter colors...or a color family, like all pink and red family. Too hodge-podgey. Can't wait to see Mullet's dress. Mama Babe looked nice...I don't like beads because they usually scream "Mother of the Bride / Groom", but no jacket, so that's a plus. Could've used some Spanx tho (see sideview pic). Otherwise....pretty. I liked Babe's patterny get-up, but year's from now he's going to look dated in the pix, while Jinge will not. My bridal-business friend said that Kate Middleton brought back sleeves, so Jinge is trendy yet classic. Good job, Jinge. Oh wait, that IS her only job. So...Babe Jr in mid-summer?
  7. ....because a waitress probably just went by the table and she's monitoring his pulse rate.
  8. Jinge's dress is very on-trend.....wide neck, lace sleeves. No modesty inserts / T-shirts sewn in. Her hair, make-up, and flowers are gorgeous. I have a feeling Jinge is a closet Pinterest queen. Now for the snark....say good-bye to the waist, Jinge. Starting tomorrow, it will start to disappear forever....look at your sisters for evidence.
  9. Because JB probably saved the cue cards from the first wedding episode and stored them in the warehouse.....why waste that posterboard and Sharpie ink? I hope Jinge wears Jessa's wedding dress, or something equally as nice......it was really beautiful, even if the whole "shopping for it with 80 Duggars in tow" was a sham. Tomorrow, huh? Cue JB's big alligator tears. Might watch that episode just to see the pixelated blob formerly known as Josh.
  10. If the Jinge/Babe wedding is Saturday, Jinge will be most likely be knocked up by this time next week. Just sayin'...... The little Jgirls are getting trained into manicures and pedicures cuz heaven forbid they play outside with the Jboys any longer. Case in point: Joy. I don't think any Duggar gives a rat's ass what date anything else was/is. After a while, they will have something (and by "something" I mean birthdays and/or anniversaries, since those are the only events that matter to them) every single day of the year. That's a lot of ice cream. Probably why JB likes them nearby.
  11. These charms are from Hobby Lobby (of course) ...the heart goes where it fits, without getting too close to the edge. They are $1.99....$1.20 with a coupon. Uh oh, Jinge is putting her love of Texas: Home of the Babe above her "love of the lord ". tm
  12. Poor Joy. Little does she know that most 19-year-olds are running around with their friends today, hitting up the Good Wills, IPartys, and Sally Beautys to put together their outfits for the college parties tonight. That sundae looks OK, except for the outside of the glass dish, which was probably touched by 8 people before the fudge sauce dripped down it. Oh, never mind...this is her once-a-year chance to eat with real, non-plastic spoons and non-Styrofoam dishes. So....go JoyAnna, I guess. Aaaaannnnd...at least the State O'Texas necklace is not a cross. The T-shirt is unfortunate though....Jinge must be slipping in her thrifting abilities now that she is courting/purposing/engaging/whatever it's called to Babe. I wonder how that plan (on that T-shirt on the flatbed Jboy) is going to work exactly. Somebody should ask him.
  13. This is the only part I saw. They all made stink faces and weren't ready to fess up, until goaded by the Queen B, that it was a TATTOO PARLOR, for eff's sake. Like hazmat had to come in first and wash the wordly, ungodly, decadent, heathen stench out of the place before they could set their holier-than-thou feet into it. Sickening. Glad that's all I saw. Glad I missed Jill's fake sobbing-on-cue for yet another sympathy ploy to continue the show. Aaaaaand.....did they drag out Anna?
  14. HEY, I saw him first!!! He's also my pet fundie, and I hate fundies. But I also adore Erin...... I think they're the cutest 50's throw-back prom king and queen. Oops, back to this episode, which I did not watch.....Jana, the untrained interior decorator......hmmmm.....JB seems to be cycling the eligible Js around......does Chad have a comparable brother?
  15. I think she wanted Chad Paine and has never gotten over it. I bet they meant that ChooChoo understands Spanish.....not speaks it. So after the Jinge/Babe wedding, can this thing get cancelled for once and for all? The other TLC shows with scandals tend to get whisked off the air in two seconds flat.
  16. I'm sure Jinge found this shirt on one of her thrift shop runs. I'll defend thrift stores to the end....great place for nice stuff. Go, Thrift-Store-Habit Jinge !! I like the shirt (probably also thrifted) and the hair. My problem in that pic is the way he's laying down drinking that bottle.....I was always told that was bad because it can lead to ear infections. As bad as the nickname "ChooChoo" is (really??) , Spurge would've lucked out with it.
  17. Well, we have Amy Farrah Fowler on the left, followed by some JillyMuffin/Tiny Tim crossbreed, then the AlmostDuggar, then the bride-to-be wearing the drabbest thing she could find accessorized with a 1950's secretary pen-on-a-chain , then the pretty stylish sister , then a harlot in jeans. Are these Jinge's "friends" ??..... and why have they never been seen before ? And why are the AlmostDuggar and sis still hanging around?
  18. Prissy pic??? She looks like Gwyneth Paltrow in one of those "Stars Without Their Make-up" shots. Those crooked pix always make people look as if they're on a boat.
  19. Poor Jana. The first Duggar to hang a thing on a wall that wasn't a family clusterfuck photo, a prayer, or an inspirational word....and she had to fight for it. Too bad she can only dream of living in any of those places. Mullet is certifiably insane. That high-pitched shrieking over the 'surprise' announcement was nuts. Luckily, there are going to be so many blessings coming (stay tuned y'all !!) that she will most likely develop throat polyps and we won't have to hear her ever again. That's all I saw...guess it will all be regurgitated next week. yay.
  20. All the Dwomen look about 4-5 months pregnant all the time. Watch out Jinge, that missing back muscle is coming for you.
  21. Did I see a preview with handmade signs and banners? What's with these idiots? They can't identify the 400 family members, along with a huge camera crew in the airport ? And let me guess? Mullet will say the returnees are such blessings, and their return is an answer to her prayers.....right after she skyped with Jill earlier in the day. Then every single Jkid will say the same thing. Please. TLC, no more banners OR ice cream socials. It's starting to be an assisted living plot line.
  22. She'll wear the one Joy has on AFTER the baby...right now it's all cling / all the time. Must show off the bump. The bushes of that place (venue) are better trimmed than that horrible hair on all of them. They would look great with at least half the length gone. Izzy is adorable , especially because he looks the least like Boob/Joshley than all the grandboys.
  23. I broke down last night and watched/FFed this On Demand, just to see 1) Derick's long hair, 2) the board shorts, and 3) Babe's gramma. 1) I like Derick's long hair. I actually don't mind his look at all....kinda have a soft spot for the semi-grungey hippie bit that he and Jill are both into. Did I see a pic where he was subbing in a school? Where I work, the kids love those type of subs....young guys, hippie-trippy look, can tell travel stories, etc. Just sayin'..... 2) The board shorts...are stupid. They made both Jgirls look massively overweight and frumpy (er). Speaking of lumpy, ALL the Dwomen , Mullet, Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy, and Anna looked from 4-6 months pregnant in every scene. Maybe it was the OnDemand distortion, but it was bad. 3) Babe's gramma was awesome. Did she mumble something about arranging this match ? Maybe she watches the show and found Jinge for Babe? Hmmm....anyone else catch that ?......I think Jinge tried to change the subject. Liked Babe's soccer friend....are they Fundies too? Lots of babies. And why did he need to carry the ring into NYC? For an extra paycheck? Didn't make sense, but maybe I lost interest at that point.....it was sooooooo dragged out with the "praying for weather to change" (Agree, gross for the people who are living with drought, hurricanes, etc...ya know, actual weather catastrophes. Tsk, tsk, Babe.)
  24. Nah, Jackson is still in attempted photobomb position. He just can't get out of the gaggle of Jgirls, almost all of whom have surpassed him in size. Who is that spare kid? Is he wearing one of those fake football camp shirts that were printed up just for that one episode? The Jboy has Abdow's Big Boy hair. The only thing on that list of birthday fun with Mullet that would interest the average 11-year-old is the ice cream cone.
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