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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Hope the little Ms aren't getting duded up for the filming of their parent's "vow renewal". Gag. ((And who wrote the caption ??? JB , natch . "Strapping " ? Told ya he's been watching reruns of The Andy Griffith Show. And of course, "strapping" would only apply to boys.))
  2. Is that good or bad? Pretty sad that he's hooked onto fame and fortune as the means to provide for his family. I'm sure he's watching reruns of The Waltons, The Andy Griffith Show, and Little House on the Prairie to come up with some new and fresh plot lines. While feverishly hunting for some more mail-order-mates for his kidults.
  3. The only things I gleaned from watching that little video above: Jessa probably got TLC to pay for the Melissa and Doug puzzle when she went shopping for toys for the friend's kids. Jessa talks baby-talk to Spurge ...."horsie" for "horse". ((Pet peeve ....grrrrr.)) Spurge has a cute smile, but those earlobes are unfortunate. Grow, ringlets, grow. That's about it. Is she a 'better mother'? Who knows.
  4. Aaaaaand...it appears that Jackson is running into photobombing position. Has there ever been a Dugg pic without him in it? ((I think it's Jackson anyway, maybe there's a new photobomber in training ????)) Derick (in above pic) looks like he was normal in college and is a dead ringer for his dad. Shorts-and-character-T-shirt wearing Izzy is cute...hope he doesn't dorkify too quickly.
  5. Wasn't there some kind of 'crisis' that was alluded to months ago...something vague that Derick posted ......and then JB and Mull flew down to see her?? Maybe this was something to do with it. To be fair to Jer, and I honestly don't care, but I think every scene with him is at least "Take 36".
  6. Ding ding ding ding ding !!!! This is absolutely it......they hand-waved the molestation away thinking that would be the end of it and they'd get their show back. The reason they're pissed is they want their TV show back full-time. And the bolding up above is mine...the operative word being "caught".....if it had never been revealed to the public, they probably wouldn't even care, never mind get all sobby about it. They are trying to distance themselves from Josh to 1) make the viewers forget about the molestation scandal, which was actually a CRIME, and 2) to keep their boring-ass show chugging along. Plain and simple.
  7. ....because she is stupid and brainwashed. She had her chance to get out of there. She will have more little M-kids.....remember, she had "baby fever" right after giving birth to one of them..... maybe the second? Sadly, I predict many, many more. She's that dumb.
  8. OMG...flipped by this last night and Jinge was explaining about her soccer-jersey love-interest pillow, which was cringe-worthy for several reasons.....1) she sounded and acted like my sister did when she won a stuffed bear at a carnival in 3rd grade; 2) it felt like she was explaining the fundie version of pre-marital sex. Then I thought I saw a preview where she is "saving" her ring finger from potential danger....please tell me this did not happen. Wasn't there supposed to be hope for Jinge?
  9. I swore I heard the agent say that an above-ground pool would cost $40,000, and an in-ground one would be higher. WTF???? No AG pool costs that much, even in Westchester county. I live in CT, and AG pools are not taxed (not a permanent fixture), but a surrounding deck would be (attached to the ground). Some new subdivisions here have ordinances against AG pools, tag sales, clotheslines, sheds, RVs, vinyl siding, etc. Older areas usually don't. They were looking at established older neighborhoods, so they could probably put up an AG pool, but it wouldn't add anything to the value of the house.
  10. That shirt is nobody's friend...I've seen better in assisted living homes. The cabbage roses are leading my eyes off her I Dream of Jeannie countenance. Ben has his Sharpie ready for autographs (pic above) but there doesn't seem to be any 'fans' around ....and his shirt is open and there's something white underneath...probably a "wife-beater" (the slang for that shirt, not saying he is one).....wow, with the backwards hat.....how thug can one get....
  11. ...and the pleated pants, circa Clinton/Gore first campaign. JB looks like that big nerd from QVC who sells cooking stuff and eats the food on live TV and goes into orgasmic orbit over it. Mullet's hair is shaped like a vending machine grabber.....like a claw hand that just grabbed a fake Elmo. ((Didn't even click on it. Just can't.))
  12. Soccer-playing couple from the US buying in Paris........he with the unfortunate 'do of strands of hair masquerading as "bangs"? I was completely distracted by "Alex, the property manager" (who was young and most likely the family owned the properties). WTF???? So dang good-looking, and with that accent??? I kept thinking the female half of the couple was going to dump fringey and run off with him. There was no indication that she would, but I would've.
  13. Awwww....I give Chad Paine a pass on just about everything. He and Erin are just so 50s-style cute that I can't stand it. And they have hobbies, and interests, and vacation without an entourage, and actually DO STUFF. Love them. Didn't know the "season" of this show had started and flicked past it a few times...... Jeremy seems WAY too old and worldly for Jinge. Thought the flowers-in-coffee-mug was sweet....Jinge has never had coffee from a non-styrofoam cup before. She probably wondered what it was. Maybe Jeremy will introduce her to the world of stainless utensils and Fiestaware. Jessa annoys...those kids were way too old for that level of child-proofing. 6 and mature 3? Stoopid. And, of course she chose stereotypical girl toys for them. They would never have gotten Melissa and Doug stuff if TLC hadn't been footing the bill. And did I see something with dinosaurs????? Hmmm..... JB? Go away. Aaaannnnd take dopey "expert mom of 7 years" Anna with you. I swear you can watch this whole thing by flicking by periodically ,with all that "recapping" .
  14. Mullet looks like the older Schmucker woman from Return to Amish in the pic above. Thought it was a 'before' makeover shot....like maybe the stylist from What Not to Wear caught her on the street. Yay! Another fake dress shopping episode!! Glad I won't be watching. Is there any evidence that any Duggar ever has consumed anything that wasn't encased in styrofoam? Shirtless Jeremy was rather entertaining. Thanks.
  15. Nah, I doubt she's fundie......tight jeans, form-fitting T-shirt without a modesty cami under it, trendy sunglasses, necklace pointing in a cleavagely direction ........she's probably someone who just happened to spot the Jboys and had her pic taken. Jboy on the right is a real buzz-kill wearing that T-shirt. Ugh. Does he think some chick will see that message and sleep with him and get pregnant and then be forced to have his kid? If so, .....not happening. That shirt is basically a walking advertisement for birth control.
  16. Poor Joy. Her indoctrination into the "All Things Girlie" camp is almost complete. They're even getting her to look as if she likes it now.
  17. Fraternal twins look no more alike than any other brother/sister. JD looks more like the identical twin of Howdy Doody.
  18. They are all wearing swimsuits....why aren't they in the pool (to the right behind them)? I'm somewhat defrauded by the splits in the fronts of the Jboys shirts, and especially the one on the left with the red 3-button focal point. JoyAnna has properly learned the womanly art of hand-coverage.
  19. Yup, she had her eye on Chad Paine.......I'm sticking to my guns on that one. I don't think she's THAT much of a worker bee.....JB is just advertising/promoting/selling her that way. Gross.
  20. For a family who doesn't watch TV (supposedly), they have a Razorback plastered onto everything. How do they follow the team?
  21. ....where she will try on 3 dresses, two ill-fitting with the t-shirt underneath....and one that miraculously fits perfectly because it's been pre-orderd and pre-altered. Then all female Duggars will voice their fake opinions and Joy will say , "It's nice", while she daydreams about driving a quad around the yard. And, oh yeah, Jackson will be at home sulking because he was not allowed to go along and photobomb the whole shebang, but has to stay around and do some kind of 'guy' thing, such as grease engines.
  22. From those "church" pix...... Short-shorts and exposed thighs. Shadow of cleavage on white t-shirt lady. Female wearing male clothing. Strappy top w/ exposed bra straps AND exposed knees. PANTS on women. Must not be fundie. Hope Jeremy is enjoying the scraping sound of a plastic spoon on a styrofoam bowl, because this will be his life from here-on out. I want to know where his tattoo is located (per the mag article).
  23. ....well, if he isn't allowed to get his mitts on any, he's gotta grow his own.
  24. LOL. I LOVE those back alleys....every time I see one, I'm completely enthralled that they still exist. I probably would've picked that house JUST for the back alley.
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