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Everything posted by drafan

  1. ....repeated by every one of them at least twice each ..... I was waiting for Josie's turn. The whole thing was an infomercial to keep watching the 'specials' until the whole creepy lot of them can worm their way back onto TV.
  2. IIRC, didn't Oprah offer real medical training for the girls (nurses or midwives )????....... and they (JImBob) said no. I don't give a rat's ass about them any more....unless one of them comes forth and REALLY wants to break away, they can just go stew in their own juices.
  3. I'm sure some leghumper grannies already have.......as well as gifts for the 3 babies. (My mom worked with a woman who sent clothes and toys to the English princes every payday....and my gramma had a friend who saved up her money and bought Clay Aiken's dog a Burberry leash. I wish I was making this crap up.) As for the Lonely J's....I don't care anymore. They can stay locked up forever if that's what they want. The only one who will probably do whatever she wants is Josie, which she already does, so now I'm Team Josie for the win.
  4. I can donate a couple WTFs. So let me get this straight......you guys agreed to lie about the molestions, which are A CRIME, to get the show back. Then once your collective feet were back in the TLC door, the world found out about the cheating, which is horrible, but NOT A CRIME, so, oops, you all backpedaled that you shouldn't have lied for him. So now Josh becomes expendable (TLC probably said 'no Josh'), and now everyone's teary over Josh cheating, but still zip over the molesting. My head is spinning. I still bet the crocodile tears are about the evil press. They are all despicable, every single one of them. I honestly don't care if any of them ever "escape" or not. And, while I'm at it, I want someone to slap the smug off Jessa's self-absorbed mug.
  5. I caught a few minutes of K+8 last night...I think Mady has been calling her mother "stupid" since she could talk. And, no, Kate, those teen-age boys were not "flirting" with your daughters. They saw a kazillion camera people on a beach and wondered what the deal was. Duh. And chill. All of the kids are pretty sassy-pants and selfish. I haven't seen them in years and it was rather depressing.
  6. And they never will. Unless there is huge $$$ attached to a special interview with Anna, she will not address anything about the scandal on these specials. They can tease it all they want, but I ain't falling! And if they do have the 'special" of just Anna , it will be pimped and teased for months...then there will be no content. She will chirp along like usual. And speaking of chirping...boy, Jessa is just pleased as punch to be back on TV, isn't she.
  7. ...if she's in it at all. They're teasers, that TLC.
  8. That pic up there^^^^^^....yikes !! Collarbone !! Nursing boobage !! Shadow of cleavage !! Tight top !! Un-modest sitting postition !! Bare feet !! I feel defrauded in every way possible. Oh, yeah...and doofy husband. Why doesn't he just slice the brims off those stupid caps.
  9. She giggled because she did not know 5 words of English. At first I thought he was Frank Gifford with a new younger mistress. Then I remembered FG is dead. Interesting to see her never-ending fashion show of bikinis and Daisy Dukes. But who is going to see them now that the HH filming is over? Oh, never mind, I'm sure the unspoken plan for the secluded island is that clothing is unnecessary, per order of Larry. ......who gives me the creeps, BTW. I hope Luba has family somewhere on earth who knows where she's located.
  10. ....and return home pregnant. I keep chuckling at the Amy as snitch accusations. I don't think she's that smart. It's probably nobody. The tabloids just love to make stuff up.
  11. Yes, no photo montage is complete without Jackson. If he hadn't made the cut, he would've photo-bombed another shot. Yes, the cute dress kid looks like M1...which makes me sad. She is always dressed to the hilt with her hair adorably styled......which means there is no way EVER that Anna will give up that lifestyle.
  12. That Spurge looks exactly like Jill's kid. Quite unfortunate ears, however. Egads! Violins! Why?
  13. ...aaaaand the marketing continues. JB tried selling her as seamstress, and chef, and sister-mom, and domestic slave. Now it's "Look! She can flip mattresses and lug groceries." C'mon, Jana, sew the pantlegs back into that firefighter uniform and RUN!!!
  14. Noooooo.....by Duggar logic, she would be mad at credit companies for issuing those work-of-the-devil plastic cards. Aaaaaand, he was sly......remember, slyness means it didn't happen. So, no, no problem.
  15. That was so vague and out of context...she could've been talking about a broken clasp on her Coach bag. Don't worry ...the real show won't mention any of what is IMPLIED in those teasers. TLC is all about weepy previews....don't the Sister Wives blubber and dab their way through promos too? ((TLC = Tears Likely Coming)) I blame Barbara Walters....didn't she get Patrick Swayze to cry on camera about his dad or his horse or something and her ratings went through the roof??? ETA::: Yeah..."what had happened" means the Ashley Madison hackers outed Josh to the press, not that he cheated. That ding-dang press...just when the Duggars thought everything was finally all hushed up ......and BOO HOO..... they're 'victims' yet again.
  16. Oh, this was absolutely what it was...JB shopped him around and meek, mousy Anna was all that he could come up with. There was no way on the face of the earth that he was going to end up with an Erin Bates. Now he's pimping out Jana....after hearing that Bin saw Jessa on TV, he's going all-out selling Jana as the best little domestic slave that a Fundie guy could ever dream of. I'm sure his infomercial will continue on the Jill & Jessa : Counting On The Paycheck specials. He's probably on ebay looking for a butter churn and a washboard.
  17. Thank goodness....I was lusting after that gorgeous table. All those thin and fit actresses pigging out on that beef made me laugh...they're probably all vegetarians in real life.
  18. That hat looks hand-crocheted .....bet some granny leg-humper whipped it up for Spurge. Those large pom-poms always seem so top-heavy and hot.
  19. Oh no..... more weepy shit from Jill, I'm sure it's about the evil media outing their story. "The fire" being the bad press. Boo hoo. Ryan Adams has a song called "Cry on Demand"....Jill could be the star of the video for it. Then here's Jessa, as pleased as punch cuz she got back her show. It's been kinda scary there for awhile thinking her "man" may have to get a job. Phew. Aaaaand now Anna, trotted out for titillation of the sleazy Josh story. Ya know what, none of this will EVER be mentioned in the show. This is all teaser, just like the "conference" they attended to find out about sibling molestation in the home, JUST IN CASE IT EVER HAPPENS TO THEM. Wow....TLC needs to have their collective heads examined. {{ETA:: Apologies to Ryan Adams for mentioning his song in the same sentence as a Duggar.}}
  20. Under oath??? Like that's any different??? They will blatantly lie to save their asses and, more importantly, the spin-off show. They've lied on TV...why would they stop now???? I bet Boob still thinks he's getting his original show back.
  21. He looks like Boob in every pic. All the grandboys do...it's so creepy. This spin-off show is going to be incredibly boring. Hope someone here is brave enough to watch it so we can fully snark. I'm scared to browse through People Magazine in line at the grocery store, for fear it will be counted as a hit.
  22. I'm new to this show, and I think Joanna is beautiful....but i just heard her say something about being 35 (older show) . So I looked it up and she is 36 and Chip is 39. I nearly fell off my chair....I thought they were late 40s / pushing 50. Shocked. ETA: Oops...new episode is about Chip turning 40!!! Then I'm assuming Jo is 37. They still seem a decade older......
  23. I think all the grandsons look like JB. The two MGirls are clones of Anna. Or maybe it's just that JB looks like a waterlogged newborn.
  24. This ^^^^^^, plus if Bin eats peanut butter and bacon sandwiches and starts shooting a gun at his TV (well, maybe Jezza's MacBook, since they supposedly don't have a TV) , then we'll know he's the reincarnation of Elvis.
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