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Everything posted by drafan

  1. I kinda like J&D and their wrinkly, hippie-throwback look. Jill has said that she's not a 'shopper' and it's pretty obvious fashion is not her thing. Derick probably spent a lot of time hiking/climbing in Nepal...his clothes and gear (in that stupid zip-lining episode, where it was apparent that he more than knew what he was doing, but was not allowed to show up JB, the king buffoon) looked it. He and Jill wear REI-type sandals. He wears shorts. His hair has gotten longer, which doesn't jive with the Gothard pamphlet of helmet-headed grooming. I can see J&D&I all getting into the local look on this mission. I kinda (as much as I can stand any Duggar) like them. I just hope they're going for all the right reasons, and not to film for TLC and $$$$. We'll see.......
  2. I kinda like her swim get-up. Looks like she raided Bin's closet for it though. The shirt is Adidas and the shorts look just like his. Baby steps....not up to Bates levels of cuteness yet, but it's a start. Speaking of NIKE!!!!!!!!....Bin's shorts/swim trunks/whatever they are....they are WET !!!!!!!!! and WHITE !!!!! Whew.
  3. Cuz she's still anglin' for her spin-off, doncha know? The next selfie will probably have a dress with a side-slit and her leg sticking out. She's perfecting that Angelina pout. I wish TLC would have the guts to pull the plug on this mess. They're just going to have courtship after courtship, wedding after wedding, baby after baby. All of them. Even Anna. ETA: It's hard to tell if they've moved or which house is which....they all have Hobby Lobby frames and framed-writing-crap all over the walls.
  4. The Bates girls have it all over the Duggettes in the looks department. Jessa doesn't even come close. They're pretty hot, even in the non-Fundie world. And they wear great shoes. Michelle: Meh. Could be OK if she would un-gell the mullet. JB: Gross anyway you slice it.
  5. I think she googled Angelina Jolie : Pregnancy Pout/Smirk. The minute these Duggettes get preggers, the layers get shed, the (one ) top gets tighter, the stripes emerge, and ruffles sprout from somewhere. They really don't need any surprise announcements.
  6. I still maintain we're seeing the JB-edited version of Jana. I think he's been trying to 'sell her off' to a fundie guy for years . Therefore the keeping sweet, cooking, child-rearing, sewing, etc.....all the desirable traits for a fundie wife. I'd bet she isn't "Cinderjana" when the cameras aren't rolling. Who knows...maybe she had a thing for the guy that Erin Bates snagged...or somebody else that JB didn't approve of...or JB picked out someone for her that she hated. She just seems shy and reserved, so we'll probably never know. It's just so sad that this is the big goal in life that has been set up for her. And equally sad is the fact that with or without the show, this will remain her goal. But it's probably just sad to viewers, and not to her. JMHO
  7. Yup, it's just like the safely drawer locks and plug covers that new parents get as gifts. Standard practice. This was just her way of saying she's going to have a gazillion kids. As soon as Josh got the little hide-away video studio in the new house, the "No rug rats allowed" one given to him by TLC, I thought to myself, "Wow, a private place to watch porn!" Guess it didn't work. Have to say though, as creepy as that pastor "friend of the Duggars" was last night, he did suggest they GET THE EFF OFF TV!!!!! So there's that.
  8. That was sooooooo creepy. Jessa and Jill were smiling and animated and happy the whole time they were talking about the Josh story. Then they went to serious bitch-face (Jessa) and hormonal weeping (Jill) when the topic turned to the media. The fact that they said that the media outing recently was "1000 x worse" than what actually happened 12 years ago was quite telling. Jessa remembered to say "accredited counseling" (something like that, maybe "licensed?") , but the way she said it really fast made me feel like 1) she was told to say it and and just remembered she was supposed to , 2) she was lying, so she said it fast and continued on, 3) she flew through that whole part so there would be no additional questions, and 4) she didn't know what she was talking about. I still think the only reason Josh was taken to any authorities is because it had now moved to someone outside of the home and they were terrified of him being arrested, and that it was still going on after he came back from whatever his "rehab' was.....so JB decided to scare him with the police-friend. I think Pa Keller and perhaps even Anna knew the whole story about Josh, since JB was shopping him around for a wife to "cure" his behavior. I have a feeling she was several notches down in the pecking order. JB is the ultimate huckster.....just gross. Maybe his next TV gig can be selling those "But WAIT!!!!......" things late at night. So now that they have proclaimed to be so forgiving, guess the next step is to lay it on their hearts to forgive the press for releasing the police report. ETA: They really shouldn't be all that concerned or even KNOW about what was in the media, since THEY DON"T WATCH TV OR GO ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!
  9. That was so super-infuriating. When JB kept saying the girls were asleep and never knew about it until someone else told them, my first thought was, "OMG, he also drugged them!" JB made it sound like it was "Touch and Confess" within a matter of seconds...like Josh touched , then ran to them, crying of course, and told them what he had just done three seconds earlier. Well, OK.... JB's hand motion about touching a breast over the couch was beyond creepy. The Jessa/Jill thing coming up looks even worse...I got the feeling that the tears (Jill) and bitch-face (Jessa) are for the finding out and not about the abuse. Remember, they aren't victims of Josh, just the evil outing. They want their spin-off show, dammit. They all need to go away ASAP. Every one of them.
  10. I think he is 27 now...so that makes him 15....one year makes a big difference at that age. Wasn't there some scuttlebutt about "sin in the camp" years ago? Like they found him touching some girl at one of those convention-things they all go to? So they sent him off to one of those 'camps', he disappeared from the show for awhile, then came back with a shaved head? Or am I dreaming? That would explain why JB went on a hunt for a wife for him...he probably confessed that he was horny, so JB figured he would solve that problem ASAP.
  11. Maybe ruffles on a wrinkled top are a secret Fundie sign that you're knocked up. Jana's top actually matches that fug striped skirt on Jezza (how Benjermin says her name)....but together it would be even worse. The light-wash denim skirt on Jana looks like the one from Jezza's selfie from the day before....which people were getting all excited about because they thought it was actual jeans. Benjermin looks like Davy Crockett in his coonskin cap. God, I need a life. Seriously.
  12. Another Nutmegger (CT) weighing in here.... Kinda cool that a person from NE finally won, but the selfish part of me didn't want any attention drawn to the CT shore, since I don't want anyone to get interested in moving here... to drive the prices even higher than they already are, cuz I want a CT beach home someday. ;) Anyhow, congrats to Nick. Wish he'd tone down the Daughtry imitation tho. I, too, thought the elimination of Jax was strange....when I started watching, I thought I missed the first hour, and they were already doing the cutting part. It felt like they had to pay her if she set foot on the stage, so decided to save a few bucks and cut her backstage. I was waiting for a vaudeville hook and an old suitcase with travel patches. Either that, or they dug up some dirt on her and wanted her gone. Anyway: weird. Then that performance last night cancelled any sympathy for her really quickly. Ick. Lying on the judges table with that old wasp-like thing dressed in 4 Stevie Nicks get-ups? Just no to the whole thing. Too bad Idol doesn't use that X thing like AGT...that would've been kinda sweet. Tyanna was the best Jackson by a mile. I wish old man Jackson would stop negotiating these deals to keep the family solvent. Daniel was embarrassingly horrendous......what was that long plaid thing? It looked like they threw some clothes over a nightshirt since it was past his bedtime anyway. Awful. Ah, for the old days of Idol, when people actually TALKED about it in the real world. P2 tried out for AGT and got cut on Day 1. Doesn't that tell ya something about how bad Idol has been for about 5 or 6 years?
  13. WGWGOP Guitar OR piano. My guy walked by during this ...hates AI and never watches...declared Clark the winner. Then was overjoyed to hear that the show is ending.
  14. Anyone can say what they want about Taylor, but he always seems beyond happy for his Idol experience, which is actually kind of refreshing. This describes Carrie in a nutshell.....she can sing the crap out of "Before He Cheats", but you know she was never cheated on nor trashed some dude's truck. (She's the other one eternally grateful for the Idol experience.) Was Jax really wrapped up in a tattered American flag at the beginning of the Who song? Did she fling it off onto the stage? Really? After all the Daddy 9/11 stuff every week? And memo: Daddy 9/11 is so not hot. I like Clark OK...but "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" reminds him of home??? In Tennessee? I was thinking, well, maybe there's a bay of a lake with a dock....but "the tide"....umm....no. When SB was surrounded by the other contestants from this season, I was searching my brain trying to remember where I'd seen them before. Maybe the finale will have some of the past, more interesting, AI participants. Like...where is David Cook these days?? Heck, I'd settle for William Hung or Sanjaya or even that stuttering guy.
  15. I will believe she writes her own songs only if someone locks her into a room alone with only her guitar and a pad and pencil, and she emerges with some new stuff....both lyrics and music. And I need witnesses. At least Nick is getting a beautiful weekend here in CT. What is the theme this week??? Oh wait, doesn't matter....it will be any song they feel like singing (or have been forced to sing).
  16. That was all so boring. Really. So, the famous Jax, with all her visual focal pints on overload, gets selected to perform (I can't actually use the word "sing") with the leather dog chew , who is all visual focal points on overload. Gah. HCJr is a hunk to look at while judging, but looks absolutely NUTS while singing. Clark has been painted into a corner and doesn't seem to know how to get out. That mentor guy is visibly drooling all over Jax while his same-looking but older bleached-head wife stands by. Can you say "John Derek"? I was expecting DaddyJax to show up wearing his NYFD uniform and helmet while his daughter was performing the NY song. Did we actually go a whole episode without being reminded about 9/11? Nick seems like a nice guy, but I still can't watch him sing. But, Yay! for CT finally getting a hometown visit. Did we finally get to see Rayvon's real head? Bye Tyanna.....you started off great.
  17. Nonononono !!! I mean the REPRODUCTIVE equation. She is great. Agree about the sidekick tho....quite boring. Phew. fixed it above.
  18. Well, Mary Steenburgen's character should probably be taken out of the reproductive equation since she is 62 years old. (Looking damn good!) I'm surprised that Carol or Melissa aren't pregnant yet. It would be funny if Carol was, since then it would be a question of is it Tandy's or is it newPhil's. Which could be solved pretty quickly once it was born, which is maybe why they made newPhil AA. Wasn't the cow already downstairs last week???
  19. Uh....I think he should've been practicing singing in key.
  20. This is the whole list????? Looks like an AARP tour.
  21. Hmmm....I could swear there was an episode where JB referred to Mullet as the "horndog" of the two.
  22. The show itself is now calling him Tandy (in the preview description) , so I guess we're allowed. I predicted that new Phil would fall for Carol. Well, she is the most thoughtful of all the females...hahaha.... not really...she's just the most fleshed-out character (besides Tandy). I still love this dumb show.
  23. If you yelled out "Mason" or "Sophia" on a primary school playground, half the kids in the school would come running. The Jacobs and Emilys are a bit older, but there are still a gazillion. Yup, Jessa looks happy as a clam in that pic....she already knew she was pregnant, so her destiny is being fulfilled! So...........yay?
  24. Oh, he doesn't need to be there at all. They probably send him the footage and he picks it out. I'm sure he was the mastermind behind the thwarted knee porn (Mullet water-skiing).
  25. I actually cheered when that happened....one less framed Duggar photo on the wall of a Duggar home. All their decor is either photos of themselves or inspirational quotes. Is there ever anything else? And what is the bit (It may be a new trend. I don't honestly know.) of framing up a gigantic wedding-day picture of the homeowners themselves, and having many more around the house. Are walls the new Facebook? Don't they live there and can't they look at each other in person every single day? That's what wedding ALBUMS are for. geez. Mullet looked pretty happy in that store and I can relate. That thrift shop looked awesome. Don't get me started on those stupid locks. The bridge is going to fall in and/or be destroyed and the keys are ruining/polluting/filling the river. I hope they pry them all off and melt down the metal and build a statue of Narcissus.
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