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Everything posted by drafan

  1. JB has a heavy hand in editing this shit. This is all his master plan to paint Jana as domestic (sewing, cooking), sweet (not complaining), and motherly (helping Josh and Anna with the kids , this Josie crisis). Didn't TheDashingBenjerminSeewald say he got the hots for Jessa by watching the show and then drove down to meet her? This is the creepy, fundie version of e-harmony, run by JB.
  2. Season 14???? Guess he thought he was gonna win it. Liar, liar, pants on fire, Quentin. You most certainly said what Ryan thought you said. The X disease has now spread from Jax's cheek to her ear. I'm surprised she hasn't tattooed on a "9/11", just so we remember her father was a first responder. He was, ya know. And the affected voice....are these girls all trying to be Meghan Trainor?? Wasn't that always The Dawg's thing....to copy-cat someone current? Nick continues to Daughtry-up every song. I like him but have to turn away. That's how much I hate it. Clark really is the Carrie Underwood of this season. Pleasant and drama-free, nice-looking, talented, probably malleable, kinda boring. Tyanna. Please do better next week. I like you. Rayvon. Had to screech, huh? Otherwise: Ho-hum.
  3. When I came on here, I saw the pic before I read anything. ....I thought it was Cousin Amy and she was preggers, and I thought it was awesome that the Duggars were in support of her. Then I came to my senses and figured that she was showing off her gut to be funny. That crazy Cousin Amy!!!! Jessa? Hahaha. Figured it all along. This is what the whole clan lives for....and I think that it includes every last one of them. Si and his GF will be having one shortly after their teen-age wedding. I'll bet Jana and Jinger are dying to get married and pop 'em out. JB has been inserting Jana into domestic scenes to 'sell' her to the next fundie guy. Barf-a-rama. I also think Mullet LOVES when any of them get married and get pregnant lickety-split ...I don't think she's jealous at all. She likes that they're following in her footsteps. Remember, she's the Queen Bee. And JB must be rubbing his hands together gleefully...if they can keep this coming, the show will go on!! Sad to say, but they will have 100s of grandkids. Jessa's face says , "Haha. Look at me. I'm pregnant by TheDashingBenjerminSeewald. You internetters thought I was gonna wait??? Hahaha, chumps. I'm cooler than anyone."
  4. I was noticing the credits and the two producers (or some kind of show executives) are named "Phil something", and "something Miller", hence the character's name. I'm still gonna call him Tandy until it changes. JJ always looks bored out of her mind, but I did love her delivery of the line "No you're not." , when Tandy answered that yes, he was related to Jessica Tandy. I keep thinking that the Mary Steenbergen character is going to leave any minute now, because she seems kind of guest-starry and expensive. Her sidekick, OTOH, is kind of a non-entity. She could leave at any time and no one would notice.
  5. Hunky new Phil will either be gay or have a thing for Carol. I wonder from where Carol steals her clothes? (See how I phrased that ?) I can see her leaving something in trade by the cash register just to make it legal. That dress was gorgeous on her. I'm kinda sick of Tandy in his stripey underwear. Makes me think it's always the same pair. Blech.
  6. Didn't they register for a ton of restaurant gift cards? The belly paunch could be the result of carbing out at Cracker Barrel alone. Is that the Miracle Child in the previews with JB and Mullet? If so, maybe the "big announcement" is that Josie is getting her own show, now that HoneyBooBoo 's been cancelled.
  7. OMG. Two hours of them mass-murdering the Queen songbook. I will apologize to Freddy in advance. The only thing that could be positive out of this, is that Adam Lambert could be the mentor (anybody know who it might be ??).
  8. This 1000% (tm Randy the Dawg, who, obviously never took math). Every time I get the slightest inkling that I like Ryan Seacrest, I remind myself that he was the mastermind behind foisting the Kardashian Klan onto the American landscape. Maybe he can grab Jax, who he seems to favor, and make her into the next Julianne Hough. Gag.
  9. I'm sure Jessa is already knocked up...she just may be stubborn enough to not tell anyone, not even her own family. The speculation that J'so-and-so will be the one who doesn't get pregnant right away is just wishful thinking. They'll all get married and start popping out babies in record time....the same with the Bates. The girls aren't trained to do anything else. However, they better hurry up ...that Willis family (per the previews) are just so ding-dang adorable. ALL camera-friendly and the girls wear jeans.
  10. I love that there is a wine bottle sticking up from Josiah's head in the picture above. Is this his GFs house? No holy roller pics or sweet Hobby Lobby wall quotes for them! I love that he goes by "Si". Thank goodness.....you could yell "Jo" in that Duggar house and about half of them should respond.......if they'd like, actually listen. Si is a stylin' guy. Must've been raised by Jessa.
  11. But it was a cute little white poodle (or maybe a Maltese)!!!! Awwww.... No idea who that is....was he also a co-star of JJ? I love her. Never heard of her before this, so no baggage. Loved the part where she mentioned she was a notary in her former life and even had a notary joke. Did anyone see the official stamp on the divorce papers? I hope a hot guy with a great personality shows up, and he goes crazy for Carol. When Phil started giving Melissa the silent treatment, I was thinking "Buddy, she can out-silent you and probably out-stare you to the end of time."
  12. This episode was horrendous. Talk about wrapping things up with a neat little bow, circa NOW. First of all, there is no way that any of those people would have given a slow standing ovation in support of that Rose Queen (or whatever she was). And the macho FIL comes around too?? I thought I was watching Glee there for a second. Secondly, did Trixie (and I may be wrong, my blood was boiling so hard I lost my concentration) say you can "love who you want to"...well, this was not exactly a case of love...this was a quick hook-up in a public mens' room. He was CHEATING on his wife. Thirdly, the new nurse wouldn't have shown any outward support for them, for fear of outing herself. Fourthly, Tony "smelled good and was neat". Gross. And of course they had to make him handsome and buff. The year was 1960, writers. Do some research at least. The ONLY thing that was the tiniest bit realistic was the horrendous choice of treatments, and the conversation between the Dr and his wife. I HATE when these episodes are written now (obviously) and they try to make them set 55 years ago. I thought this show was better than that.
  13. I adore everything that Carol wears. I hope people are really watching this show, because I love it. I've become afraid the joke is that everyone else bails on this show, they see who's left (moi) , and then I'm the last one watching....hence...."The Last Man on Earth". Please no. I want another season at least. Mary S was a great "hot older woman". LOL She and January Jones talk in the same monotone, but hers is way sexier. And....Will Forte and JJ are dating in RL??? Really???
  14. I wanted to scream the entire time....first of all, that window is an OVAL....that big ole rectangle made from a sheet will look absolutely stupid, hardware or not. Sending back Josh's bathrobe and the hanger would be better. I bet Jessa got some nice window film (sold at Home Depot or Bed, Bath, and Beyond in lots of nice designs), or she looked on Pinterest for some ideas using brush-on stuff. I just saw a lot of great ideas the other day. Geez. LOL Erin Bates no longer has the pink room. She said she likes to constantly redecorate. I think it's dark now.
  15. That ^^^^ was the formula for winning season 2 (Reuben).
  16. This makes me insanely happy. I loved Bo and lost track of him. Oops! Topic: What is the theme next week???
  17. The only other ones I can even think of are Kellie Pickler, Kat McPhee, Jennifer Hudson, and (maybe) (??) Constantine. I can't even remember some of the other WINNERS, and I've watched every season except the first one. Good grief, I'm praying that creepy Scott doesn't have a thing for Jax, It will be annoying to see her nonsense plastered all over the media. There is so much schtick in this batch...the only ones left who seem to be about the music are Clark, Tyanna, and Nick. Has this show become so derailed that they can't allow one of those to win? Yuck.
  18. Nick: I'm supposed to like him, since he is a "local", but can't tolerate the Daughtry-ness of all his performances. And he's too old for "Teenage Dream". Ick. Jax: Can not stand one thing about her. Joey: I liked her vintage bridal gown and I kinda like her....but anyone who sings anything Miley Cyrus has serious problems. And there were a few crab hands. Quentin: When I saw the Michael Jackson suit and hat, I got goosies, and not the good kind. Couldn't enjoy anything about it after that. Clark: He really is the Carrie Underwood of this season....really good, somewhat bland, super-nice, camera-friendly. Lots of potential that all the other WGWG winners never had. Tyanna: She looks so terrified about everything now. What happened? So was loaded with confidence at the beginning. Qassim and Rayvon: They could've both gone home with no problem. Rayvon was so boring, that I thought we'd be stuck with Qassim yet again.
  19. I've mentioned before that the sister who's one up from Josie copies everything Josie does, and says things the way Josie says them....she's smart enough to know that Josie gets all the attention and she figures that's how to get some. Pretty sad. I think derickdillard is just super-awkward on camera, and since Jill is the "old pro" , he defers everything to her. Also: I noticed that his wedding ring is already too big for him after what??? nine months of marriage?? That's some stress right there. I'll give him a pass. I'm sure the J-girls are at Hobby Lobby right now getting upteen million frames for all the new pics of the baby...to add to the billion of the D clan and the jill&derickdillard wedding already covering the walls of that huge place. Barf. The "Jill" headband is so funny....reminds me of pre-schoolers acting out nursery rhymes....kept thinking derickdillard should have on a "Jack" hat and they coud be carrying a pail of water. As for the name: not so bad....his nickname could be "Ray" or "Al" , if he ever gets out into the real world (just kidding).
  20. Phew. Daniel is gone. It wasn't his fault that they picked him when he wasn't really ready, but I think it was stunt-casting of a lowest-age possible kid (15) who looked even younger (10). Adios. Nick reminds me way too much of Daughtry when he sings. He has all the same mannerisms, but he's better-looking. Daughtry's OK, but I was insanely happy when his smug self got cut from Idol back in the day. Jax has too many focal-points going on. It makes me tired watching her. Clark is hands-down the best musician/singer of the bunch. Quentin is still fun to watch, but his costumes are too distracting (I think HCjr tried to say just that), especially the bottom of whatever it is that he is wearing...too much ankle action or something. Please, Joey, sing in your real voice just so we can hear what it sounds like. My guy walked in as KC was singing, and said, "That old woman is so going home". (He has absolutely zero, or less than zero, knowledge of pop culture.) She was an OK mentor though. The rest? Whatever.
  21. OMG...just flipped by this and....... the minister is marrying Jessa and BEN-JER-MIN !!!!!!! So, so, so funny. OMG...more framed up shit to put on the walls (the vows). No wonder these fundies love Hobby Lobby. Yeah...the first kiss was "long and slow and romantic".....hahaha...and took place at least a year ago. ETA: Jessa to Benjermin: "You like cherries?"
  22. This is the part where I wished I had DVR-ed it and could FF. LOL Todd = John Candy playing Del in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Even the way he was standing in the road with the riding-up pants. Which makes me say "Awwww." Still love this quirky show. Loved the arrival of the cow. Everything about this show is absurd...like where did they get the ice to make the ice cream (I guess another generator thing) , why does the cow still look so healthy, etc, etc...I just roll my eyes and look past the rational. I love Carol's line delivery and facial expressions. (Like I've said, I'd never even heard of her before this.) I hope it doesn't get cancelled. ETA: Was the woman in Phil's flashback birthday party supposed to be his wife or his mother? Can't tell.
  23. I finally realized who Ben reminds me of....... Penny on The Big Bang Theory used to bring home dumb lunky guys and Leonard would feel all inferior because they were bigger, better-looking, better-built, etc. They were always cliched big dopes. I'm sure the pickins are pretty slim in Fundieland. HATED the football game with the "girls" watching from the stands. Was wondering why they weren't wearing Sandy (long skirt ) cheerleading outfits from Grease. And shaking pom-poms. So that was Jessa's "Bachelorette Party" , huh? Yay.
  24. I'm really enjoying this show...maybe because the only actor I've ever seen before is January Jones, who is usually at Kardashian levels of boring and monotone. She's pretty good here. I thought Phil was John Ritter's son (Jason?) when he finally shaved off the beard. I love Carol. The new guy seems interesting. I hope they don't cancel this show until we get to see where it's going.
  25. This often is the magic formula for winning this thing....see Ruben, Kris, Lee, Philip, and Candace. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz........ Actually, Clark is growing on me since he has great musicality. A camera-friendly Alex from last year. I want to like Joey, but she looks like Art Major 101, and I didn't realize until last night that her singing voice is always like that. Can she sing in her real voice? Anyone ever heard it? Daniel is not cute. Please stop telling him that because now he's believing it. Jax is just too much of everything...styling and singing. Too exhausting. Qaasim (sp?)...last night was better, but also too exhausting in general. The judges will need bodyguards when they finally cut him. The two who went home....haven't we seen them before? Like every year? Quentin....I could look at his face all day. The others? Can't remember them.
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