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Everything posted by drafan

  1. Bowties are the hot new trend......they're all over Pinterest, and we know fundies LOVE Pinterest. Jeremy Roloff and all his groomsmen wore them in Sept. Jessa looked absolutely gorgeous and that dress was beautiful.....so much better than those Pnina things on Say Yes to the Dress. "Modern modest" can be great if done correctly.....those modesty-altered hybrids are butt ugly. Can't wait to see the rest. I'm sure Mullet will provide some snark material.
  2. Everything about the Roloff wedding was flawless....well, I have a few little nit-picks (LOVED the bridesmaids' dresses but felt they needed to be a tiny bit longer) and I never thought I'd use the words "flawless" and "Roloff" in the same sentence, but TLC needs to show that episode to every other TLC spawn that wants to include a wedding. I was really impressed. Since Mullet was Mrs. Tinman in June, maybe she was Mrs. Scarecrow this time around. Wouldn't take much.
  3. The only "living" part of the hair is the follicle. Everything you see is dead. The oil glands are on the head....so it's farther to the ends when hair is long like the Duggar girls'.....thus, the dryness. I actually liked Jessa's very long hair at her wedding. She obviously doesn't have extensions....you can see her hair flowing as she's running in her rehearsal pic. It may never be that pretty again, so she probably grew it just for the wedding. Still love her non-modified gown....can't wait to see the bridesmaids' dresses and (gag) Mullet's.
  4. The wedding dress looks VERY pretty.......little wonder she chose the second one she tried on....I bet she researched it to the nth degree ahead of time. Good for her. Yay! for them for diffusing that pervy daddy-overseen kiss. It's just gross. But I bet the first kiss was actually many months ago. If so, .... also good for her. Surprised that Jinger was the only sister-bridesmaid. Interesting. Her rehearsal dinner dress was nice too....and..... KNEES!!!! So far...nothing to snark on. Although she's probably pregnant by now.
  5. Does ribbon candy come in grey? I can smell the clove just looking at the picture.
  6. I haven't watched this yet, but as much as I dislike the Roloffs, the son's wedding was rustic-done-right and probably the nicest wedding I've ever seen on TV....and it was ONE episode and it was aired a mere week and a half after the actual event. C'mon TLC....you can do it. The 'little girls crying' is probably either about something else...or they tell them that Jill is going away forever to get the drama shots....and then she shows up every single day after the wedding to further confuse them. Probably scripted by JB and his cartoon-inspired plots. So for my wine consumption....how drunk will I get with the word "bittersweet". Or should I go with "covenant" or "amazing"?
  7. I think Jessa's been pissed off this whole TV season. The new (scripted) bit was supposed to be about her courting...they were probably going to drag it on forever, making her and Ben the focal points of the season. Then Jill snuck in there with the whole DerickDillard thing and stole her thunder. Thus the sour grapes at not trying on a wedding dress, saying she's not the photographer at the photo session, etc. JB probably told her this guy was too young and had no job, so she had to wait. Meanwhile, he gives the go-ahead to DerickDillard and Jill. She probably gave him a tough time......so that's when he invented the job for Ben so he could live there and get more TLC face-time (for a paycheck). Bet she threatened him with eloping or something. Just conjecturing, but she does seem to have an underlying attitude all the time. Can't wait to see how this wedding plays out. I think she's had it planned out in her head for a year. Should be interesting to see if she loses the attitude. Anyhow.....she will be pregnant by this time next week.
  8. I thought the "I'm scared!" from Erin Bates was more an issue of walking down the aisle in front of a gazillion people while being filmed for TV. Mullet did NOT have those multi-blinged nails when she wore her bibbed mummy dress to the wedding. That was all for show and to have her requisite narcissist camera time, scripted by her "wonderful husband". This wedding is getting painful to watch being stretched out longer than the courtship. And the "reenactment"? That was worse than watching somebody else's kid in a tap dance recital. Does JB dream this crap up at home and then pitch it to TLC? And why do they go for it? The Roloff wedding (very beautiful BTW) was on within 10 days of the ceremony. Did Jill think she could get pregnant flopping down on that mattress with DerickDillard.........with her brother and the camera crew there? I thought she was going to swoon onto the fainting couch like in an old Elizabethan novel. JB must've scripted that one too. Gag. I still maintain that the edit for Jana is to make her look marketable to find a Fundie guy. I'll bet she's had plenty of suitors, but JB has rejected them all. Josie? Delayed? Why should they care? What is she getting prepared for? She's never even going to be a Sister Mom. She's just waiting for Prince Charming. And the "interior decorators"? That was Hobby Lobby on steroids. Eighty bazillion photos of the Duggars, all hung way too high, staring down from every wall of the house..... kind of like Jesus eyes following you around. Ick.
  9. As I've said before, that was most likely her saggy vagina that was blacked out in the water-skiing segment. This was the worst episode ever on this show, and that's a low bar. 1) Derick and Ben are putting up with this nonsense for the paycheck from TLC, pure and simple. 2) JB must conjure up these plots from watching vintage cartoons. 3) They must be reading on here ((waves)) since we haven't seen/heard a flipflop all season. 4) Josie has to have been fathered by either Art Garfunkel or Richard Simmons. Maybe there was a mix-up at the fertility clinic. There is no other explanation.
  10. Jill's Pinterest had a modesty slip-type extender on it. I bet the thing underneath was a slip, but of course, the Duggars didn't buy the nicer one she pinned....they probably bought Walmart slips in the old-lady department. I think the "Jana is slaving" edit was JB trying to 'sell' her to the fundie guys out there. Gross.
  11. They all said something in a continuum .....things about the bride (I think) and then , just before her dad walked her out, the last sign said "and now...", so then his said "she's yours". I wanted to snark on this thing, but it was beautiful. Best reality TV wedding ever. Absolutely perfect.
  12. Joy looks like a mini- Kelly Clarkson in the 'after'. This episode looks epically boring. How much longer are they going to drag this crap out? The Little People kid got married a week and a half ago and the previews of the wedding episode were already being shown last week. Jill is being filmed for the show and she's on her cell phone? Who is she talking to ? Her 'friends' are all with her. If it's DerickDillard, isn't she supposed to have her chaperones listening in? What's next? The Duggar girls shop for those cafe curtains to put under their dresses?
  13. Yeah, that was it. The rest reeked. Free Ty Burrell from this mess. Remember when this show was, like, good?
  14. I think these fundies hit the "In stock. Buy it now." rack at the bridal salons, since the engagements are typically so short. Didn't Erin say she bought the only one in her size and then had it modified (no pun intended!) ? That's what this MOTB dress looks like. I'm sure Mullet will fakely sob out the whole story of her fellowshipping with Kelly Bates over sharing this hideous dress with her. By the time she pays for the bib, the hemming (her osteoporosis seems more advanced than KB), the steaming of the lapels, the Spanx (OMG, now I'm in a full sweat), and the dry-cleaning (Ew, let's hope), she could've bought one in any department store in her size, probably for less. Can't wait to see what was on her feet. Silver Easy Spirits, Casino Collection is my guess.
  15. I saw parts of the old shows last night.....everything on the girls including Mullet....the Laura Ingalls dresses, the convent shoes, and the Warren Jeffs Compound hair ........was horrifying. That said, the kids (all of them, including now-bloated Josh) were adorable. The interesting thing about the part I caught, was the kids' aspirations....most of the little boys wanted to be "a fireman" or "a carpenter" (they were building the house at the time), some wanted to be "a missionary", one boy wanted to be "an artist" ((That's probably been beaten out by now.)). The girls' answers were "missionary" , or "midwife" (Jana, surprisingly)....and BEAUTICIAN....by guess who??? Jessa Blessa!!!! Surprise,surprise. Josh said "attorney". I can't remember the rest....they are kind of a blur. Josh was the only one who wanted , at the time, to go to 4 years of college and beyond. Of course, most of them were pretty young, but the aspirations seemed to be honestly their own. I wonder how many of them will get to do any of it....especially the boy artist, or Jessa for that matter. (They probably de-programmed that out too....image if her first client asked for blue hair or a half- shaved head. LOL) Rather sad. I think the original premise of this show was to have them march in line in order of birth all day long to show how crazy-big the family was....seems like JB got stuck on that concept and never let it go, for fear of losing the gravy train....hence the inclusion of Josh, Anna, and kids to every event....and that continual marching in order business. I think this is the fate for Derick and all future spouses until the TLC money runs out. Also, if Mullet and JB ever made the girls go back to that old frumpity-dump look, we'd see departures ASAP. They are soooooooo beyond that (insert Jinger eye-roll).
  16. ......yes, but Erin doesn't have the Yup-Yup (from Sesame Street) mouth. Mullet had a different bolero ( I'm sweating just thinking about all those layers of satin), and of course, she had to fill it in with a bib. Bet the cost of making the bib plus the new bolero would've bought her a decent dress from Dillard's on-line (ironic LOL), which is the dress capital of the USA. I know Mormons who get dresses for weddings there, all modest and gorgeous. There is a way to do "modest" that doesn't scream it at all. Saw a couple minutes of the old Duggar show tonight....egads...they were in prairie dresses with clodhopper shoes. All the girls had Mullet hair. They looked like that Warren Jeffs bunch. Very scary.
  17. Maybe this will show up on "Who wore it better?" in People Magazine. LOL Or on that Fashion Police show. Shirts tucked in are very out of vogue right now. I think this has more to do with thinking they are stylish. Kind of like the flip-flops.
  18. OK, this is a mess on so many levels. 1) The 1988 bi-level mullet-do. 2) The insert of curtain-quality brocade. That thing looks like an assisted-living bib. 3) The necklace which looks like she spit up tapioca on her assisted-living bib. 4) The wintery satin fabric of the whole thing, which is too tight and also choking her (which might explain the tapioca blob). 5) The groomsman boutonniere. 6) The nutty look on her face. 7) The styrofoam cup. Otherwise....um....her nalis look nice?
  19. In her defense, anything is going to seem "quiet" and "not busy" after leaving that houseful of bedlam. And any vacation she ever took was wild and crazy with kids sleeping on top of each other and running rampant over everything and stuffing junk food into their mouths at all hours.
  20. Oh, really? You're sure about that? It's been almost two weeks. My guess is that she will do nothing but stay at home and wait to get pregnant. While wearing a skirt. And curling her hair. And making lunch for Derrick. And changing her Pinterest from "wedding planning" to "babies". In her beach pic, she's wearing a T-shirt with shortish sleeves (I actually think the sleeves look shorter when the J-girls are taking selfies cuz the arms rise), and you can see something darker under it around the neck....either another layer...or one of those fundie swim dresses. Nothing's changed.
  21. So Mary sits on the couch crocheting yet another of those blue and black ripply-edged afghans......or is the same afghan used over and over in every scene involving Mary's goods? If so, I hope it's getting it's own paycheck. Did Ree-becca take her TLC funds and buy those boobs? She looks like she's loving the fame-whore life to the Nth degree, so I figure she's angling for a Maxim spread. (Gag. Belch. Puke.) Sabrina....I just can't with her...is anyone on earth that dumb? And that guy seems like a keeper (snerk). I hope someone is watching out for that baby. Abe, and then Ree-becca, both sat on their kitchen counters. Remind me not to eat there. Poor Kate.....making bibs now too?......oh, hell no. Just when I thought that particular fake story-line was going to die, along comes the flashback to that fake shirt-sewing guy from the other Amish show. Can't TLC come up with anything better than that? Didn't they even have him hauling his sewing machine around with him? They'll make Kate do that next.....she'll be rolling it around NYC and then "home to Punxsy". Oy.
  22. I think when Michelle says "knees", she actually means "vagina", which is most likely around knee level at this point.
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