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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. The character for whom I have the most empathy is Margaret as she is trying to deal with all of this mess created by Eugene and his cronies while he goes to dinner with Ginger and her mom. I feel like they found out about the cancellation and are now trying to tie up all of the storylines.
  2. I must be the only one, but I had to fast-forward the dental molds challenge segments. Just grossed me out-probably not the reaction the producers wanted. So, the second episode went fairly quickly for me. I think the brothers, boyfriends, and Hung/Chee have all talked together and somehow have justified that the NFLers are not helping while taking help because it's just not true but is effective in creating a new target for them once the blondes were eliminated (and a target in which they feel self-righteously justified. DeAngelo helped with the cello and with informing Hung to even look for letters, Gary helped in this episode with the turbans and columns, and there are probably other examples. I found it interesting that the blondes did not even know there was an alliance. They had great attitudes and I did not enjoy the fact that they were yielded twice. Once-fine. Twice just seemed especially cruel. But, they got to participate and race and that really should be the reward itself. Sure, everyone would like to win, but to even be picked to be on the Race would be, well, amazing...
  3. Sumit had some nerve to tell his parents they weren't there for him and were not on his side when they had to BORROW money to pay off HIS debt to his former father-in-law.
  4. I really liked Deaven's wedding dress-so much more elegant and flattering than what I see on SYTTD. However, I really dislike all this angst about their 97th wedding...that ship has sailed. I think Brittany realized that she could no longer play her game of trying to become a social media influencer once she was told that Yahzan's family might kill him. I really think her tears were for herself and not for Yahzan. Totally fast-forwarded Cheesestick and his ex-girlfriend (who could not summon any effort to appear sad about his leaving). I have no idea why they were even on this season as nothing ever happened in their story. Sumit and Jenny totally see themselves as the greatest love story never told. I agree with others that if they do marry that Sumit will very quickly realize that it was the drama he loved, not Jenny. I also observed that they were furnishing their home very nicely-huge AC unit, living room furniture, etc. So, they are totally living off of the TLC paychecks which go much farther in India than in the U.S. Jenny is totally about the deception-she lied to his parents when she first stayed with them and then she encouraged Sumit's brother and SIL to lie to his parents. I'm so glad they did not go along with that. Gee Jenny, you're confused about why Sumit's parents are not accepting of you when YOU started that relationship with a huge lie? Ari's mother with her "there are three against one (referencing Ari alone in Ethiopia with Bini and his family)" doesn't make the connection to three against one when it's Ari and mom and dad against Bini? And, if Ari did move back to the U.S, Bini would have absolutely NO say whatsoever. I also cringed when mom told Ari that if she never felt that happy feeling to come home. You know what? Life isn't always happy but that doesn't mean one should immediately run away. It also supports Ari's view that she should always get her own way. I did like seeing the baptism and celebrations and thought Ari looked nice in the traditional clothing.
  5. Although I have found them to be entertaining, I think the fact that they don't go away has led me to become very tired of how David "knows" what everyone should do and act. I have not forgotten his grifter ways and it irks me that he sees himself as an expert on how everyone should believe and behave. Maybe they need to take a break from the series for a while.
  6. I agree with many other posters about Hung. She could go on and on about DeAngelo 'stealing' their cab (which, in my opinion, didn't happen) for the entire second half of a leg (previous episode), but Hung better not be frustrated for more than 90 seconds or he's in big trouble. She also berated him in an earlier task for not talking enough to her when he was trying to figure out the task. And, she continually presents herself as the friendliest, nicest person on the race, even insisting on hugging people who clearly indicate that it is not culturally appropriate. I really feel for Chee if they lose... I am also all in for the sisters as they have not given up even when convinced they would be eliminated and have no alliance making the race easier for them. I think they were shocked when Leo did not help the one sister with the puzzle word, but they were not going to hold it against them as they were not initially going to yield them. I can hardly wait for the alliance to start turning on itself.
  7. I was annoyed when the boyfriends did not receive a penalty. Reading and following the clues have always been essential elements of the Race. Plus, Alana pushed the car while Leo steered to the hotel, so at the minimum, the boyfriends should have done the same thing. Much easier to run the short distance rather than mess with a troublesome car (or even have to push it as Alana did). Hung needs to get over "our taxi." They didn't claim it, they just saw it. It would have been much better strategy to have Deangelo wait for the net alliance member, then that person wait for the next one, etc. She was the one who said they all had to wait for each other.
  8. Every week I turn on the show and tell myself to just get through Tyra. Instead, as soon as she so dramatically walks out and starts talking in that slow, overly dramatic style I turn the channel to The Voice. I just can't make it through her intros. Therefore, I am totally dependent on all of you and your posts to follow what is happening on the show. Thanks everyone!
  9. They kept announcing "season finale" but my understanding is that the show has been cancelled. I enjoyed the myriad of "secrets" that came out in this episode. I really hope we get resolution of these stories if this is truly the end of the series. I would really like to see the corrupt circle of men get found out. I wonder if Monroe will get the reporter's story printed/reported.
  10. I'm right there with you lh25-Jenny totally complains about Sumit's parents and how unfair they are and that it shouldn't matter what they think. Except that they needed to get $20,000 from them to pay back Wife Sumit's family. Pretty entitled to act like the parents are totally unimportant when Sumit would not have been able to get his divorce without the money THEY had to borrow. Deaven is living in some alternative universe in which she is in a fairy tale and have to get her family's blessing in order to marry her prince. The problem is that she is already married to Jihoon (Korean ceremony) and they have a child (and almost had a second). I'm just amazed at how many of the participants in this show make several bad (or ill-timed) decisions, claim they are stong and/or independent, yet quiver in fear that their parents may not give permission to marry. I have no words for Ari and her parents. Her parents are really quick to ensure that their daughter lives according to a standard that just isn't a part of the culture in which she currently resides. I did notice that as Ari was getting ready to throw a tantrum about the chicken that her mother told Bini to make other plans. I think that her parents have totally given in to her tantrums and give her whatever she wants to avoid a scene/tantrum. Bini has really tried to honor them (the live chicken was a very respectful gift for them-he ensured that he was buying a healthy and fat chicken). Maybe Ari should be encouraged to live within the cultural norms in which she finds herself rather than demand that entire countries change to accommodate her "requirements." My heart breaks for Bini as I truly believe that he is trying to accommodate her and make her comfortable. The way her parents dismissed the apartment that he found to be luxurious living was very insulting to him. There are no words for Brittany and her disregard for the cultural norms in Jordan. What is with all of these American women (both this season and prior seasons) who insist that the cultural norms of other nations do not apply to them as they are "strong, independent Americans..." Oh, I just fast-forward through Tim and his girlfriend. Really? They tried to force us to watch the same-old, same-old by having them go to a therapist and spill all of their issues. Remember when people would keep private things private? I agree with others that Sumit didn't know it would be easy to get married after the divorce. If they get married, the show may no longer keep them on and he might have to, gulp, get a real job.
  11. I was sad to hear about the cancellation. Although I have been enjoying this, I can see how the story could be confusing and maybe lead to some not to watch. They seem to jump around abit. Oh well-I am more surprised when something I enjoy actually gets renewed...
  12. What? Why didn't we know this? She is so brave to keep this to herself...
  13. Just watched the rerun of a truly classic episode. Defendant in the first case parked in a stranger's driveway and when she came back to get her car, the plaintiff had parked behind her and left. The defendant then entered the home, took the car keys moved the plaintiff's car and took her own. However, before she left, she put the keys back and locked both doors so that the plaintiff could not enter her own home. The entitlement of the defendant was off the charts. JJ tried to tell her that she committed several felonies but the defendant would not have it. The second case was unemployed mother suing her ex who now has their son full-time. No job, no support paid, etc. Plaintiff got so incensed that she stormed off (stomped off) walking past JJ and out through one of the "fake" doors behind JJ. It is rare that an episode has two classic cases in it, but this was definitely one.
  14. Very interesting that the "hit" man is now turning on the power group. Not sure what Monroe's plan is but I think Margaret is really suffering from the repercussions of the nefarious actions of Monroe and his group.
  15. The only character in which I was invested/interested was Mary. I like the idea of an above poster-have Vivian sell the house and watch as Mary works her way into another family's life. I was fascinated with how Mary would ask an "innocent" question and it would redirect the other person's thinking and inquiries. Her influence over the children was huge as it was mentioned numerous times that she watched the children when Vivian worked. I wondered throughout the series if Mary killed the husband/father as his death was mentioned throughout the series. Perhaps she felt she would have more influence over the family without the father. Many plot possibilities when focused on Mary-did her own husband really "leave" or did he mysteriously disappear?
  16. I believe that the cast members took Olivia's side because she is the only one who played victim. I really disliked how they talked about Brett behind his back, but I think he was smart to not participate in the group discussion. When asked by Kevin what she learned about herself, Olivia replied that she knows what she wants and she doesn't want children. So, basically, she did not learn anything about herself but she can certainly tell everyone what is wrong with Brett. His going on dating sites has nothing to do with her, and, like others, I think he does want to settle down-just not with her. Judge Judy always states that when someone's neck and chest turn bright red it's because they are lying. I do believe Olivia is trying to sell her story as the truth while it may be partially true, but not completely true. I think Olivia hurt herself with her vindictiveness towards Brett as potential partners may not risk her reaction if they break up. Once again Amelia and Bennett were working really hard to prove that they are the quirkiest quirks to have ever quirked. As soon as Bennett started signing I started fast-forwarding. Dr. Pepper mentioned that they were authentically themselves and I still don't buy that. I find them exhausting. I hope Miles is now happy, but Karen certainly made him jump through hurdles for the four months. Although I thought Henry went a bit too far in exposing Christina, I hope she starts to realize that there may be consequences when one starts their "flamboyant lying" in order to try to control/manipulate others. For those who want Henry and Olivia together, I think that would be a horrible match. Once she starts lecturing him, oh, excuse me, telling him what to do, oops, did it again, talking with him, I think he would shut down completely. Christina did seem like she just wanted to get to know him a bit at first, whereas I think Olivia would just start dictating to him at the beginning. However, she might fit in better with his mean girl friends. I still really like Woody and Amani, but do wish she had worn either a different top or a bra.
  17. Olivia sure put all of her arguments in the "disingenuous" basket that she created earlier in the season. Again, she makes comments about Brett to which there is no defense because one can't really prove one is not "disingenuous." She is putting all blame and responsibility onto Brett so that she can be a victim and garner sympathy in my opinion. I think that's why the other participants are supportive of her. While they are both partially responsible for the demise of their marriage, it's the "experts" who hold the largest responsibility as "they both have cats" means absolutely nothing other than they both like cats. I think the having children difference should have prevented the match from going any further. I am so at a table for one as I thought Amelia was going to say no until Bennett showed his tattoo. She seemed caught off-guard and didn't know what to really say. I agree with an above poster that the quirk she acted to be on t.v. will disappear once they move to Virginia and Bennett will be perplexed. I do believe that Christina gets attention from men but does not know how to sustain a relationship. I really hope she finds a therapist/counselor and works through her issues. However, I also believe that Henry is hard to get to know-not that excuses anything, but could be frustrating. I also agree with others that Miles and Karen will eventually divorce. I wish Miles would have just ended it at that point, but it could be the 'sunk cost fallacy' and he may have truly believed that Karen was changing. If something happens to Amani and Woody's relationship I'll be mad AND sad... Overall, a good season.
  18. Amazon is pre-selling the complete series dvd that comes out in November. I'll be getting one for myself and one for my sister. I don't like to take chances that one of my streaming services may not have this available when I want to watch.
  19. I never heard of Kendra Scott before this episode. I have heard of some of the other guest sharks (especially due to their bringing actors and athletes), and typically enjoy the comfort of watching sharks I know-especially the "originals." It's always amusing to me to hear the sharks mention their "success" stories to try to influence the presenters. Sure enough, Wicked Good Cupcakes and Lace and Grace were mentioned this episode. It seems like the same small group of products continually get mentioned. Of course, these companies are very successful and were good deals for the sharks, but I know there were other good deals that just don't get mentioned.
  20. I felt like something finally happened in this episode... It seems to me that in previous seasons, events would start their domino effect and new integral characters would join as the season went on. Whereas this season it seems like they introduced all of the characters from the beginning rather than allowing the twists and turns to develop as the story grew. I am glad that Rabbi and Satchel are going on the lam. I think this will create a lot of confusion for the other characters as the story progresses.
  21. This episode confirmed my lack of love for Amelia and Bennett throughout the season as I felt that Amelia's quirkiness was forced and to establish how quirky she was compared to others. Her quirkiness would be the most quirkiest quirkiness that ever existed! I'm glad that she revealed that she wanted to be on (reality) t.v. as it puts her persona into perspective. It also seemed to me that at times she was competitive with Bennett about who was actually the most quirky. Her telling Bennett why she wanted to be married at first sight revealed who she is while simultaneously breaking Bennett's heart (or so it appeared). I was actually not happy when she pursued the "flip a coin" in response to Bennett asking what her decision would be, but when she added this other info it just turned me off completely (and I had consistently not been a fan during the season). Some posters have written about Christina being the worst person this season, and, while I agree that she definitely has issues, I would nominate Amelia as being worse than Christina as Amelia never thought through the long-term consequences of her actions. For her, it was a lark that had an end date-especially as she "has" to leave due to her residency assignment. If she left someone broken-hearted behind her, she would not be there to deal with the ramifications. I think that Christina truly wanted to be married even though her personality and false image of marriage took a toll on her spouse. I agree with others that Miles should leave Karen. He has been clear as to who he is and it seems that Karen continually rejects him or shows a lot of respect for who he is. Earlier in the season I asked if anyone had found the videos that Karen saw and didn't like, but it seems like nobody has found them. My heart is happy when I watch Amani and Woody. Loved his grandmother and her words to him.
  22. I did not like that DeAngelo told the greeter he could do the same stunt. The greet was probably really proud to be asked to greet and Phil had pride in the greeter when he told the pair to watch him. Let the greeter have his moment. It's not important to prove to be the best at everything. As for the three teams at the bottom, I was most nervous about the father and son team as, to borrow discount Gabby's words, "they seemed nice." There's something I really like about them-especially as the father said he felt that he would need to rely on his son. I like it when parents acknowledge the growth and abilities of their children and they mutually respect each other. I also like that they did not react in crisis mode, but rather just kept working together. I, for one, will not necessarily miss the Olympians. I think the show casts a lot of athletes because they think it brings a prestige. And, as noted by another poster, it's not all about physicality. I liked the earlier seasons when the racers had to figure out much harder clues than "honk the horn" which seemed to be a bit hard for some of the racers. I could not have done the tightrope walk. I was impressed with everyone who tried it-good job! I would so have freaked out.
  23. I found the veto competition pretty boring as I watched them watching the match-ups. I finally just watched something else (old repeats of the Big Bang Theory).
  24. I couldn't remember if Courtney and Ben were first or Clare and JP, so I took a shot... Courtney and Ben could have influenced Clare in that Courtney was Ben's #1 for however long they lasted.
  25. Clare has been overly dramatic (IMO) during every season in which she appeared. However, I think the producers love it because she is so dramatic there will be footage they can use to create a storyline to draw in viewers. There is still talk about her raccoon therapist from Bachelor in Paradise, and her sex in the ocean with Juan Pablo was a first for the series. Of course, she interpreted that to mean that Juan Pablo was "forever" hers and he interpreted it as she was "easy." Even in the others series in which she appeared, she would act frustrated if others were not acting the way she thought they should act (i.e. fall in instant love with her). I'm hoping that the roadrunner that they keep showing can talk some sense into her. I agree with others that she seems far more into Dale than he is into her. Again, I think she has an expectation of how others should feel/act and doesn't really read the signs of how they are feeling. I was quite surprised how she went after that guy who didn't watch her seasons-she has an expectation that all of the participants have watched her, know her, and want her. I really did not like the strip volleyball. I will also state that I don't like the situations in which they have placed many of the participants. Someone above mentioned the nude charity photos-I agree! I also don't like the boxing matches (poor Ames), polar bear plunges, or any other activity that humiliates or endangers the participants. But, then again, everyone should know which show they are applying/signing up for in order to start their journey for true love. Having said all of that, I do appreciate that she can put sentences together. See? I wrote something positive...
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