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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. IF I wanted to watch any of the members of the Family Chantel, then would watch their show. I've never watched it, therefore I do not want to see/watch any of the members of the Family Chantel. Please, please, please don't make me give up Pillow Talk! Other than the actors who were promoting their movie, there has not been a featured couple that has not contained at least one direct participant in the K-1 process (or, for Before 90 Days, at least pretended to be considering it). Neither Karen nor River is a direct participant-so they should NOT be featured on the show. I want to hear what those who have been through it as a direct participant have to say. Not someone who accuses others of harvesting the American dollar when in reality they are the person doing everything possible to harvest the dollar via TLC.
  2. wow, they must really be pushing the Family Chantal show which I have never watched (have zero interest) and I also have zero interest in hearing anything that River and Karen have to say.
  3. I just could never buy Parker as this big bad villain because he always reminded me of a leprechan (sorry I can't spell it right).
  4. Oh, and there was a Henry sighting in this episode, so he is still with us (lots of puppy love this episode...).
  5. I liked the segments tonight, but to be clear I always fast-forward Jamie and Doug. I think Bobby is starting to relax a bit about the pregnancy but he seems cautious due to the emergency last time. Jepthe made me laugh with "the puppies are essential workers." However, I certainly hope that Keiki and the puppies all get neutered/spayed. It was very interesting that both Shawniece and Jepthe think Laura isn't well socialized. AJ "gets" Stephanie. They were cut together during her birthday surprise.
  6. Sometimes I think that sowing one's oats is overrated-especially if one finds a loving and caring person to love.
  7. Referring back to the comments about if Angela was male and Michael female, would that change people's perceptions of abuse? I have viewed her as abusive since their first season. However, to add to the conversation, don't forget that she frequently tells Michael "don't make me get mad" (so some variation). That to me is most alarming as abusers frequently (if not always) come from a position of "you made me do this-you deserved it." I know many people believe that Angela has a good heart-I tend to disagree with that. Does she love her family? Probably. But, a good heart indicates that one treats everyone well, not just their family. And, for the comparisons with Lisa? I dislike them both pretty equally.
  8. It seems to me that the acting in general wasn't as strong during the "second run" as in the original episodes. Very few well known actors during the later years and I think it had an impact on the show-although I still love those later episodes because, well, it's Columbo.
  9. The only way to save this at all is to have Tom come back as a contestant. Then we could show our love by voting him to the win.
  10. I loved the irony that Karen was so concerned about Miles being emotional when she was the one crying during their ceremony. I enjoyed the three weddings. I really liked what the pastor said during Miles and Karen's wedding. And, yes, because I am shallow-I really loved Karen's bouquet. Brett couldn't even look at Olivia during the ceremony and didn't ask her any questions during their get to know each other segment. He is so out of there. And, wow, I guess we learned about where former employees went when Barnum and Bailey closed their circus down. The Bennett and Amelia segment ruined the episode for me as I had been enjoying it prior to their appearances. I just "can't" with people who are so desperately trying to be the center of attention. I guess it's best that they were paired with each other as I would hate for either one of them to inflict their need for attention and quirkiness on unsuspecting spouses to be. Amelia seems to be the most "calculating" of how to be the mostest and specialest quirky person alive in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD to me. I think Bennett's look of disappointment was that he was obviously coming in second in that competition. They are just exhausting to me and I think the producers love them so we will be seeing quite a bit of them. Oh, and I thought for sure that I saw Miles and Karen at Woody and Amani's wedding. There were several shots of them (I think)-Karen had her hair up and was in a blue dress. Miles wasn't a groomsman but rather just a guest. If I'm wrong it won't surprise me, but I thought I saw them there.
  11. Not everywhere. When my nephews would come from the South to California to visit me, I had to explain to them that they were NOT to ask for another soda at restaurants as it was just too expensive (the same charge over and over). They were dumbfounded that they were limited to one soda at a meal as the refills were not free.
  12. I'm not being flippant, but I truly hope that Mother and Father Paul have named someone/something else as beneficiary in their wills and then shared that with Paul. I think Paul could very easily become violent towards them if he thought the only way to get money from them is through their deaths. He is just scary to me-especially as he always presents himself as the victim of everyone around him. He is also blaming his mother for not helping them when that is his responsibility.
  13. When Brittany was having her temper tantrum and yelling that she didn't know-THAT'S why she was supposed to study about Islam before going to Jordan and why the mother became so upset. Brittany seemingly agreed to learn about Islam with no intention whatsoever to do so. She can miss me with her "I didn't know" acting reel. However, her final tantrum was a bit scary. Just like we saw the real Angela during her breakdown in Sunday's version of 90 Day, Brittany showed her true self during the final tantrum. I think that Jihoon has worked out that if he says he is a loser and cries that people will stop asking him questions and leave him alone. How many times do we have to listen to him call himself a loser and that he has to change his ways-all without actually, you know, changing his ways. Also very telling that he borrowed money from his parents to pay his debt and yet it doesn't seem like he has started paying his parents back (his mom's statement that "you said you would pay us back" indicated to me that he has not yet done so. And, is it only me, or does Deavan look pregnant in their establishing photo? Don't care about Tim and his girlfriend. The mom will not allow her daughter to marry him due to his cheating issue. I finally got why Jenny and Summit are so connected. He lost his virginity with her and that made a deep and lasting impression on him. Agree with an above poster that she holds power in their sexual relationship and that feeds into her ego/desire for Summit. Their relationship is so outside of the norm for their culture and community that I understand the wives not wanting to be a part of it. Jenny really needs to do her own research about divorce in India and find her own professionals rather than relying on Summit. I was totally shocked that it seemed like he was telling the truth about his divorce as he had been lying about everything else and then, while reading other comments, I was like-"yep, they're right-he could have paid off the lawyer/friend."
  14. Oh, I so agree with you about the Janet Leigh episode. Was this the only time Columbo did not arrest the murderer? Also, too much signing and dancing from an actress not necessarily known for signing and dancing (there were so many stars from MGM's golden years still alive at the time of this episode I always wondered why they didn't get someone else).
  15. I love seeing "repeat" actors on Columbo. How many times someone was a murderer, background character, etc. My favorite observation is that Dabney Coleman went from police officer in an early episode to murderer in a later one. I often wonder if the repeat actors were friends of Peter Falk and he wanted them on multiple shows or how it was determined which actors/actresses would be invited back for future episodes.
  16. I really don't like the one about the artist who killed his first wife. Maybe they tried to be "cool" about the sexual relationships or the psychological aspects of the relationships. Not a big fan of the Chess Match episode. I don't really care for the Faye Dunaway episode as she seems too over the top or something. Agree with above poster that some of the newer ones don't interest me that much. However, I do really like the Columbo Goes to College newer one as I just love to watch the deflating of the two college-aged killers. Having said that-I do watch ones I don't necessarily care for as they are still so much better than most other shows on t.v.
  17. I'm really realizing how boring most of these couples are as they are stuck in the same stories and roles they had in previous installments of 90 Day. However, I am also really realizing the violent undertone of Family Kalani. I was quite taken aback when Low told Asulo that he didn't want to become violent, but if provoked... Lisa had to tell Low not to be violent when they were in California. The whole family threatens Asuelo with "say that in front of my father/Low." Some posters do want Low to give Asuelo a beatdown (lots of comments in the live thread) but that would not "teach" Asuelo how to interact with others, but rather to continue to be afraid of the entire family. Instead of Asuelo, Low should be talking with Kalani. And, the message should be "you chose this now live with it." Let her figure things out. Family Kalani, along with Family Libby, Mother Debbie, and Family Chantel all need to uninvest themselves in the decisions their children have made and let them figure it out. Take a lesson from Mother Paul.
  18. When I went to the Taj Mahal in Agra from New Delhi (I believe that the pink palace shown in this episode is in New Delhi), it was an exhausting bus journey. Had I known, I would have rented a carriage and gotten there after a pleasant ride (sarcasm). And, such a symbol of love-the sons threw their father into a cell in the fort across from the Taj Mahal for the rest of his life as he was squandering their inheritance (he had just started to build a black marble mausoleum for himself across the river from the Taj Mahal). So romantic. So, I guess it was way easier for Captain Parker to develop this complicated plan to get Beecham to London rather than just asking him to leave India to testify at the hearing and then returning. When the reason for his villainy was revealed, I just rolled my eyes. Because, of course, let's make things as complicated as possible rather than just ask. I am so confused by the timeline-Beecham's wife had the baby, was alive for a while (as we saw her holding the baby at their new home by the river), then was killed and Beecham was secretly sent to Beecham House to raise the baby in secret, but shortly thereafter his mother arrived to live with him. How did time travel work with that scenario? How did she know, enough in advance to plan her journey and sail to India, where he lived? And, apparently in a scant 2 to 3 months after his wife's death, he is declaring that he thought he would never find love again and proposed to Margaret. I barely get over a hangnail in two months... Agree with an above poster, PBS should have just cut out the last five minutes. Really? Nobody knew what happened? Only redshirts were killed (well, there wasn't a clear outcome for Beecham's main bodyguard)? Mrs. Patmore's turn around was far too quick. And the maharajah himself certainly spilled the secret of where his grandson was living, which he made arrangements for, secretly. Interesting how so much of the drama was about how the British (and French) were trying to gain control over India when the Emperor and Maharajahs benefited from the Mughal Empire that came to power through their conquest of the Indus Valley. And, there really wasn't a reference that the rulers of India in this story were Muslim while the vast populace was Hindu. I know, I know, for this story one conquering people were seen as victim while another conquering people were seen as despicable. One of the problems (yes, only one as there were many) with the story was that the baby did not noticeably age, therefore there was always the impression that hardly any time passed throughout the series.
  19. I just don't see how this makes sense. Yes, let's fire the one person the audience seems to agree about: they love him. Yes, we'll save sooooooo much money. Sure, we may lose some viewers, but we'll gain diversity and youth. Yes, that's the ticket! Wait, what do you mean ratings are down and the advertisers are dropping out?
  20. I would have been right there out back with Olivia and Christine (Olivia left earlier and Christine later). It's not about having fun with your friends as it looks like there are only 2-3 friends for each fiance; it's about being comfortable with a lot of people one doesn't know while still being super anxious about the upcoming wedding. I must be the only one who finds Bennett annoying and a bit pretentious. "This jacket is too aristocratic" get over yourself-it's a tux for your wedding. Also, his desire to wear the brightly colored hat as part of his wedding attire was a bit much. Oh, and the dirty socks? Who doesn't figure out one should have a clean pair of socks on your wedding day? I truly think he works hard to be so "quirky/special." I also feel that Amelia loves being "quirky/special" as it lets her be the center of attention. When there was the scene of the five women talking together with three of them sharing a small sofa and Amelia sat there cross legged to the point that she used most of the space and one of her knees was resting on another woman's leg it felt like she had a lack of consideration for anyone else. Sit like everyone else when there isn't enough room, or sit on the floor. I agree with everyone's observations about Brett. I have no idea why they matched him. My heart goes out to Olivia. Maybe if Christine and Henry don't work out... I wonder if the woman who watched all of Miles instagram videos was coding her response in talking about how emotional he was and that in reality there were other things that she didn't like but just didn't want to specify them so went with a generic "too emotional" response. I like most of the women and a few of the men, so we shall see how this season goes. I do enjoy watching the women pick out wedding dresses as it does reveal their tastes, etc. I was surprised that Olivia did not pick a dress with illusion sleeves as she seemed so concerned about her arms. I am excited to watch the weddings next week.
  21. Although I don't want to defend anyone in the Kalani/Asuelo mess, she did call him a liar first and then he responded with the "lying bitch" comment. Of course it was uncalled for, but it seems that Kalani started it. However, just like with getting pregnant, Kalani's parents will put all the blame on Asuelo for the "lying" argument and not their precious daughter. I also do not like all of the implications that Lo will beat up Asuelo. Uncalled for as well as an ongoing threat which I think also is an underlying cause/reason that Asuelo does not want to interact with anyone in that family and why he really was heartbroken not to be able to go to Samoa. Kalani relies too much on her parents to resolve her decisions and issues. They need to let her figure it out.
  22. I find it hard to believe that after securing access to all of these locales, creating amazing costumes and sets, that they forgot to invest in the script (or, at least a script that was interesting)...
  23. Actually, I'm totally relieved that I can stop watching this show without any lingering guilt over it. Whew! I couldn't bring myself to watch very much of Hannah Brown's season and I was dreading Kaitlyn Bristrow from The Bachelorette being on the show (I know that I totally got her name wrong-it's not intentional, it's just that I can't remember it). So, I guess that I owe the producers a big old "thank you" as I can totally delete this from my dvr... Having written that though, the news does make me sad as this show and Tom have been a part of my life for 15 years. He is delightful and I hope another show picks him up.
  24. Wow, Jenny just doesn't blame Summit for anything. It's always someone else's fault. His parents made him get married. His wife and father-in-law are making him pay back the dowry (money THEY gave to his family, but obviously they spent it and now Summit is playing the "poor me" victim of these terrible people wanting THEIR money back). His friends didn't tell Jenny that Summit was married. We never saw her grill Summit like she did the friend. Jenny, it's Summit that you need to grill-but just know he won't tell you the truth. I may be hard-hearted, but I didn't need to spend 10 minutes watching Armando's arts and crafts project... Brittany is horrible-uncaring about her promises to convert and marry Yazin and how it would impact his family. Uncaring about ignorant statements about being Muslim versus being black. Uncaring about the customs and expectation of a country in which she is a tourist. Go home. I did not care for Ari's mother-"I'm not a snob, but..." Instead of telling Bini what was wrong with everything he was trying to do for her daughter, she should have been telling Ari what she needs to do in order to get ready for the baby. This is often a result of helicoptering parenting-it will just never end as the child doesn't care about decisions/circumstances as he/she knows that the parent(s) will always step in to "fix" the consequences. It is time to start letting Ari try to figure out how to deal with the decisions that she has made. I find it interesting during Deaven and Jihoon's scenes that Deaven keeps telling him that he has to be responsible for his kids. Well, Jihoon has a child. The other child is Deaven's with someone else. Yet, she expects Jihoon to take responsibility for Druscilla. Deaven very much wants others to "fix" the consequences of her decisions. She chose Jihoon-now there's a consequence. I think that Jihoon thinks that if he tells someone how "sorry" he is that he has no responsibility beyond that.
  25. Like a previous poster, I thought Miles (?) at 26 was too young to be a school administrator. After college, one would take graduate courses to earn a credential, and then there would be additional coursework involved to earn an administrative credential (I have done this). Plus, there is usually a bare minimum of years one needs to teach before becoming an administrator (unfortunately it is often only two years [so many administrators do not even understand how to develop curriculum, maintain classroom management, and actually...teach-many administrators try to get out of the classroom as soon as possible as they do not enjoy being a teacher yet want to create policies under which teachers function: have experienced this many times throughout my career]). Apologies, I know I went on a tangent for a bit. So, I do have questions about his being an administrator (could be administrative assistant or the director of a program [like before and after school care...does he know that guy from the previous season?). Maybe some type of emergency administrative credential? I like him so I hope it's only an issue of the producers picking a not quite accurate title.
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