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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. During the Amelia and Bennett scene I was a bit angry at Dr. Pepper. She bragged during Unfiltered that she made Dr. Viv and Pastor Cal match Amelia and Bennett. While they may be perfect for each other, my anger was directed towards matching two people knowing that one of them almost certainly would have to move within six months (there may have been a slight chance that Amelia would have been matched to a hospital in New Orleans, but it was far more likely that she would be matched elsewhere). Bennett ended up deciding to split his time between Richmond and New Orleans, but I feel it was unfair to intentionally place someone in the position of having to make such a decision so soon after being married. I'm a bit peeved at Amelia for even signing up to get married knowing she most likely would be moving, but it's the producers and Dr. Pepper who actually cast her instead of someone else. I also think that Henry "hides" behind his shyness. He started to justify his lack of communication to Pastor Cal by saying that is just how he is and he can't change it. I was so glad that Pastor Cal told him that yes he can change it. I was saying it right along with Pastor Cal. Maybe Henry just doesn't want to be bothered to even interact with Christina, but he certainly can clearly communicate with someone when he wants to. I'm 100% on Team Brett. Olivia has consistently complained about Brett's lack of communication when instead she means his lack of subjugating his goals to hers. I think Olivia believes that good communication is when everyone agrees with her, otherwise she will keep trying to convince them of her rightness and their wrongness. Her insistence on traveling during COVID may have just been the last straw for Brett. He stayed for the original timeline of the "social experiment" but was not interested in spending an unknown amount of time in an environment in which Olivia made her disdain known to him. I don't understand why she was upset that there wasn't any food in the apartment after he left as she often told us that she prefers to eat out (I'm assuming there was carry out/delivery available). I felt so bad for Miles as I think he is one of the most sincere participants that this show has had and that he really wanted to get married. I think it must hurt a bit that his best friend is so happy with his match (wife) while Miles is in a one-way relationship. Adore Woody and Amani, but I side with Amani about getting a puppy before having a baby. I've had friends who have gotten puppies and babies at the same time and it's just too overwhelming. Train the puppy before having a baby (IMO).
  2. I really enjoyed this. Loved the subtle story telling that slowly started peeling the characters' layers. I kind of like the "nosy neighbor" trope as it is reminiscent of Miss Marple and other mystery characters (seemingly non-dangerous but know everything that is going on). I am eagerly looking forward to the next episode.
  3. Ok, it's probably just me, but I liked Judge John wearing a suit-kind of implies the importance of court. Oh well. I over all enjoy these segments. And, dare I say it? I enjoy Harvey answering legal questions. I was really surprised in the no-prom party case that JM asked the mom if she was buying champagne for the party. She was probably kidding, but the mom answered it seriously (no, my child is autistic so she doesn't drink and we didn't serve alcohol...). I guess that I didn't like JM promoting the idea of serving alcohol at a prom party. Yes, I know that a LOT of teens drink-especially on prom night (high school teacher for over 30 years...) but that doesn't mean that someone in a seemingly powerful position (albeit a t.v. judge, not a "real" judge) should be seen as advocating or supporting parents supplying alcohol (which is a HUGE issue as many parents state that they would rather the kids drink at their home rather than elsewhere [of course, every kid there other than their own are drinking "elsewhere"]). Okay, I'm off of my soapbox now...
  4. I think Rabbi and Doctor Senator are the essential characters of the season. And, perhaps the nurse will take out other people through various misunderstandings. Like an above poster I don't know what she was trying to do with the pie (give the whole family diarrhea? to what end?). I hope that the story develops a bit more in the next episode.
  5. I don't get why Ginger is so very angry at Margaret rather than at Eugene and/or her own mother. Margaret didn't know she existed-sure she tried to buy her off (as would many people), but she never had a role in hiding or denying her existence. Ginger said her mother didn't want to hurt Eugene as she loved him, but shouldn't her mother have cared more about Ginger? I really like Antonio-he seems like he has a good heart, but there will definitely be something up with his own mother. I think the pastor is behind everything.
  6. I had to turn this off after it started with Angela and her yelling. She never lets anyone else speak as she just yells over them and she demonstrated out of control anger when she kept yelling even after she was off of the screen/zoom. I just don't understand why so many cast members and viewers see her as funny and endearing. "That's Angela" should never be used as an excuse for her behavior. Yet, she keeps getting rewarded by the producers for her horrible behavior. She threw out "$200,000" for IVF then claimed being pregnant would get in the way of enjoying her (celebrity) lifestyle. However, she kept telling Michael that she would do whatever to have his child. I really wish the producers would fire each and every one of the cast members who threaten others with violence. No wonder we see increasing violent acts in the U.S.-via these shows, social media, other entertainment venues, threats and violence are seen as cultural norms. Shawn should have IMMEDIATELY shut down all of the threats and grandstanding related to violence.
  7. So what with all of the gnashing of their teeth over the fact that Asuelu didn't comfort Kalani when she was getting emotional, I noticed that nobody from Kalani's family was trying to comfort Asuelu when he talked about his mother and her disregard for his wife and sons. So, Kalani can just sit there "stoically" while Asuelu talks about something very heartfelt and emotional for him, but if Kalani talks about a difficult situation he BETTER be comforting her or Lisa will tell him his behavior is disgusting?
  8. I wonder if Timothy Olyphant's character is to be the "moral" compass of this season like Keith Carradine and Patrick Wilson in seasons 1 and 2. I kind of hope that the Fadda family does devolve into a civil war between the two brothers as I don't really care for those characters. So far I don't really see a clear story outside of two rival gangs. Like others, I think the story should be a bit more developed at this point.
  9. I don't blame Asuelu for walking out after Lisa called him disgusting. There's no hope after a descriptor like that. I think that Lisa lets him know on a daily basis what she thinks about him and I wouldn't be surprised if she has repressed feelings towards Low that she lets lose on Asuelu. I would not want to be married to someone like Asuelu, but Kalani chose him and certainly lets him know what she thinks about him. Colt really proved who he is when he started talking to Jess during the "break." He waited until everyone else left their cameras/rooms and then started that sickly sweet talking to Jess. Tania is another who knows who she married, but like Kalani, she wants her husband to immediately change into someone else. It was interesting that Syngin complained about the American work culture as it made me wonder what he expected as it is the norm in most countries that if you want money, you...work. He must have thought that somehow everything would just magically appear. Also, I think Syngin drinks specifically to bother her as she tries to control him and everything has to be as she says. I really do like his friends as they totally know what's going on in that relationship. I just don't like Angela and never have. Now that they are married, she has turned on Michael about having a baby. She so went along with all of that and is now "offended" that he still wants a baby. I never want to see her again, so unfortunately will have to limit how much of this show and its various forms I will watch. Andrei looked so happy to no longer be on the hot seat...
  10. If only it were true that there was a Season 7...I would actually start subscribing to Netflix. What a cruel, cruel prank Vulture.com is playing upon me...
  11. Totally being rewarded for abusive behavior. So many of these cast members demonstrate disturbing behavior, but she is actively portrayed in a humorous light in spite of her behavior towards Michael. It really encourages future poor behavior by cast members as they will try and get as many seasons as Angela. I tend to enjoy pillow talk, but it's too hard for me to fast forward segments as they intercut amongst the participants so quickly. I did not watch when Family Chantel was on pillow talk and I won't watch if Angela is on.
  12. Olivia can dish it out to Brett but sure can't take the slightest hint of criticism. She really revealed herself when she told Pastor Cal that she easily trusts people and when he questioned her about what Brett had done to cause her to not trust him, she had nothing. I think her image of herself skews her perspective of what she is experiencing. Brett was absolutely correct when he stated that her calling him disingenuous puts him in a position of not being able to defend himself because she will call that "disingenuous." And, her telling Pastor Cal that when he said she was insecure is something she can't get over. But, Brett has to just accept disingenuous and live with it. I believe that she totally wants to control whatever relationship she is in and the fact that Brett is his own person really bothers her. I also think she may be someone who will always find fault with others. I have no idea why the show is trying to make Brett the villain in this relationship (based on earlier episodes and Unfiltered). Christina also seems to have a different view of herself than others do. Is she the one who watched t.v. to see how relationships should be? I skipped quite a bit of this episode. All the playbacks of the weddings, Bennett's meeting with his sister (really, do some of these people ever do anything without having to be the center of attention or to prove how quirky they are?), conversations with friends, etc. I would think that being on t.v. would be enough for some of the participants, but then again there are others who are seemingly trying to prove their "more special than anyone else in the whole entire world" quirkiness.
  13. Thank you so much for letting me know. I remember the scene but wasn't watching very closely so I missed him. I will make up for that oversight during Episode 3. Ever since Justified, I love me some Timothy Olyphant... (in an appropriate t.v. watcher/movie goer way...).
  14. I really enjoyed this episode. I am very interested in what will happen with undead Gerald McRaney's character. Will he go immediately back or will he try to find new purpose/direction? I am also interested in how the pastor got so much power within the t.v. network/dynasty. I am here for the duration!
  15. Somehow I missed Timothy Olyphant-can someone tell me when he appeared? I, too, thought there were way too many characters introduced but will hopefully be able to keep track of who is who. I am so very glad this is back. The story didn't pull me in immediately like earlier seasons, but that's okay as I know I will end up loving this season. It's been far too long since the prior season.
  16. I enjoyed most of Disney night as it brightened my mood due to all of the extenuating circumstances of life. I liked that there were not huge production numbers and instead they played excerpts from some of the movies on screens behind the dancers. The costumes were overall very fun for me. However, there is just something bothersome about Tyra for me on this show. I really missed Tom last night as he would have had fun with the Disney theme whereas Tyra treated it more as the MOST! IMPORTANT! EVENT! IN! THE! WORLD! I am glad that the judges kept Anne over Carole although I, too, remember Anne's manipulations of both Steve Martin and Ellen Degeneras. I agree with others that something just seems off about Shai and her dances. I think producer picks are now starting to emerge. What a shock that Kaitlyn and Nev do so well (both trained as dancers)... Johnny seemed very shaky to me and his posture was really bad when he pulled back his partner. There were others that didn't seem deserve the higher scores that they received. Not sure how much of the rest of the season that I will watch. I tend not to like most memorable year episode. If they have more "lighter" themes I may watch.
  17. So, after reaming Michael for daring to be on the same boat as a woman was on (a couple of seasons ago for those new to the show), for daring to look in the direction of a dancer in a strip club, and for daring to just talk to women, Angela with glee asks Colt for a picture, admits she dirty danced while at the night club, and kids about a relationship with Chuck. Yes, I know she was kidding (maybe?) about Colt and/or Chuck, BUT, if Michael dared to make a similar joke she would jump to angry while telling him it was his fault she was angry. I really wish this show would take a stand on domestic violence and abuse. Sure, they didn't include Geoffrey and Varya on Pillow Talk, and did not have Paul and Karine on the Tell All, but we have seen Angela push, hit, and verbally debase Michael without so much as a peep.
  18. I felt that Shawn really went after the male spouses and let the female spouses have the one-sided story telling advantage. She even asked Michael why he did something when he knew Angela would blow up as a result instead of asking Angela why she gets angry all of the time. Angela talked about how Michael makes her angry as she is always blaming her for her own temper and outbursts. I also wondered why Shawn never questioned Libby about why she encourages her family to get involved in her relationship with Andrei. Stop telling them every little thing. Shawn also seemed to lay blame on Asuelu without any reference/thought to Kalani's actions or the over-involvement of her family (looking at you Kolini). I actually think that Asuelu had a point about volleyball versus stores, etc. (don't hate me...). He may be playing volleyball with the same small group of people and they may not even have 6 people on a team; plus, it is an outdoor activity. He also needs someone who will patiently explain things to him and I don't think Kalani is all that patient. Even the example of smelling the milk-I think in the U.S. that we may not understand the possibilities of contamination, etc., that other people have to deal with on a daily basis. When Kalani brought that up, everyone laughed at Asuelo without any consideration for cultural differences. I get why Asuelo may feel he's all alone and nobody is on his side as even when he tries to explain what he means, people are laughing at him. Shawn also went after him about teaching dancing during COVID-well, at least he is working. I agree with Kalani and others that he has other responsibilities and that playing volleyball 6 days a week is wayyyyy too much, but lately I have gone shopping and fewer and fewer people are wearing masks and those are people I do not know at all within the confines of a building. I guess the producers have decided who they want to show as being at fault in all of the relationships (Andrei, Asuelu, Michael). And it was obvious that Larissa worked on her "one-liners" prior to the Tell All as her first insult to Colt was that he was fatter than ever, yet he noticeably had lost weight. Hopefully the producers will start finding new people for these shows as I think I'm just overly grumpy as I don't really care for these participants. But, you can bet I'll be watching parts 2 and 3 of the Tell All.
  19. I would be so happy to not see Larissa and many of the others who come back season after season with no real reason or story (other than the same story over and over and over again...). I would be especially happy if TLC fires Larissa and therefore she has to return to Brazil.
  20. Was there really a studio audience there without masks or was it creative editing? And I was really surprised the security guys didn't wear masks or distance. I thought that maybe this was filmed before quarantine, but the judges were socially distanced. I think the snow owls are Donny and Marie. Of course, I'm probably wrong. No idea even for anyone else.
  21. I just couldn't stand Olivia this episode. When she snapped at Brett to stop looking at her like that, I didn't know what she was talking about. He just had a grin-but she told him more than once to stop it. Then, at their lunch, she ripped into him for telling Dr. V. that she had a beautiful smile. Who does that? He has given compliments to her and I think he is hurt that she has not given compliments in return. I think she may have a very high opinion of herself and see him as "less than" due to his priorities about money and spending not matching her priorities. Although he was very sarcastic with him comments about owning a home, Olivia could have given some type of acknowledgement about that. She doesn't have to love/like his home, but just some credit for buying one. I think she is super rigid and wants to control their relationship and activities. Brett doesn't play along with that and that frustrates her even more. Yes, I have seen that Brett didn't interact well with her friends, but maybe he just didn't like them (I know, I know--we all need to try and get along with the friends of our beloveds). I'm still on Team Brett mainly because I think Olivia is relentless in trying to control the relationship. I now think that Christina is purposely trying to hurt Henry. She may realize he will never like her so is intent on punishing him or trying to make him look bad. The show should stop using participants who are recently out of a relationship. It never seems to work out and is unfair to the other spouse. I really enjoy Amani and Woody. Although he identified himself as the life of the party when we first met him, I think he just wants to be loved and not have to "live up" to his reputation. And yes, like others, I think he will love the dog Amani chooses for them.
  22. For the second episode, I was surprised that they didn't verify the ID of the victim more thoroughly once they realized she had a twin. It seemed more haphazard that they discovered the switch. They should have asked the brother-he seemed to know right away. Like others, I love the dog...
  23. How sad is it that Bennett is talking about cleaning the apartment and doing chores when in the first episode he explained that he doesn't necessarily have a good relationship with the concept of hygiene. Things must be really bad in the apartment (in terms of cleanliness) for him to be initiating trying to keep the apartment clean.
  24. I thought that I would give the show another try as last week was not as bad as I expected. But, what was the first segment I saw? Tyra and her "smizing." With, of course, her critiques for the celebrities about their smizing. So, I just changed the channel. I can't take this if it's all about Tyra all the time. I watched most of the seasons of America's Next Top Model and think that Tyra is beautiful and talented in many ways. BUT, when I watch this show I want it to be about dancing, NOT smizing...
  25. I really enjoyed this and appreciate that the story seems to be moving fairly quickly. I did not catch what Jason did in the hospital room so thanks to those of you who explained. It helps me understand the story a bit more. I was surprised by the ending that Eugene is still alive. I don't know why I didn't see that coming.
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