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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. I would actually love to see Juan Pablo's season again as he just didn't care and the women were trying to appear to be oh so serious about everything. I remember that there were many "WHAT?!?" moments while watching that.
  2. Wow, Syngin sure spilled the beans and they were quite telling! Tania moved in with him uninvited-he was for it as he referenced amazing sex, but she till imposed herself on the roommates. Basically, she then falls into the 'married her vacation fling and then expects him to change' category along with so many other notable participants of this show. She knew who he was and yet is insisting on trying to change him anyway. I agree with so many other posters that Karine and Paul should not be filmed and she should go home so that she can be helped and supported by her family. Paul so tries to be a victim yet he ignores Karine's pleas to just be left alone. I think Paul's mother is in a very difficult situation in which she knows what he is capable of (arson, stalking, etc.) but wants to try to help Karine and Pierre in some way. She also knows that if she lets them in her home they will never leave. I do not envy the decisions she has to make. Asuelo's family is just horrible. I think that everyone in his life (including Kalani) know that he is easily emotionally manipulated and try their best to control him. I think some of the issues he seems to have may be due to how those around him try to manipulate him. He really seemed to believe that his children would die if he sent money to his mother. I just can't stand Angela. I have never liked her. However, I do agree with others that Michael could leave if he really wanted to do so. So, he does bear responsibility for this relationship disaster as much as Angela. Loved his aunt though. I fast forward Family Libby. However, I did catch the "projects" comment. Please. Family Andrei has been nothing but kind and welcoming. Family Libby's ignorance is so blatant and they seem to bask in it. Larissa needs to be deported. There's no reason for her to be on this season. And, if Eric could be deported with her that would be even better. Debbie is far too invested in Colt's romantic life. Colt is far too invested in his smothered relationship. Look, it's good and important to love one's parents and be involved in their lives. But, there are boundaries...
  3. I believe that they were matched because of his friends-the girl squad. I think the producers thought that they would bring the drama and tension with Christina, but it didn't look like she was going to go along with that plan when after the wedding reception she said that she liked them and thought they liked her. The only thing that seemed unique about Henry during the application process was that his female best friend (who he seemingly had feelings for) showed up with him and went through the process "supporting" him. Just like they matched both Miles and Woody (best friends who applied together) I think they were impressed that Kristine showed up with Henry and wanted to see if they could exploit that relationship with whomever they matched with Henry from some drama.
  4. I really enjoyed this episode. Loved the Maine vacay-makes me want to go back and eat Lobster! The house buying was interesting and I would have liked to see more about that. Anyone know how much they paid? They were trying to avoid saying it. I appreciate that Ashley and Danielle are supportive and friendly with each other. I hope Danielle gets through this pregnancy without too much stress and stays fairly healthy. How does Beth get her dog on the airplane not contained? He was in the aisle in one shot. I understand how they were able to take the small dog in the carrier. It was so weird to see how empty both the airports were in their scenes. Like an above poster, I was surprised that nobody wore a mask in the Greg/Deonna and Beth/Jaime scenes. They did look like they were having fun and that they are friends. Oh, Jamie and Doug? Fast forwarded.
  5. During a season in which there were already many changes and surprises being made, it's interesting that Chris Harrison will be out for a while. I wonder if they are trying to go in a whole new direction. As for me, it just won't feel the same without him there. After all, we all have his catch phrases and mannerisms down-we'll have to learn a whole new set with JoJo. Also, I look forward more to JoJo substituting for Chris than some of the other members of "Bachelor Nation" they may have pulled in instead (shudder).
  6. Although I loved seeing Luxembourg, I did not need to see them wear their shoes and get into the bathtubs (notably they did not do this in the home they actually rented). This is such a pet peeve of mine-show some respect towards other peoples' homes and apartments. I also would have preferred to see Luxembourg during the segways rather than hear about which children sleep well, have high energy, etc. I just don't care as I watch this show for the scenery and homes, not everyone's homelife. I did enjoy seeing Luxembourg and I did enjoy the agent.
  7. I still think it's a bit ridiculous that Deaven keeps referring to Druscilla as Jihoon's daughter. She's not. He may be willing to take responsibility for her, but how much time has he really spent with her than Deaven expects him to be responsible for everything Druscilla. It would make more sense to me if she had Jihoon carry his son in the carrier into the apartment while she accompanied Druscilla. Jihoon's family is trying to bond with Druscilla (well, at least the dad is), but they are still strangers to her. I feel the same way when people "fall in love" in a minute and move their new boyfriend/girlfriend into their home and immediately expect them to take on a parenting role. It will be especially bothersome to me if Jihoon does try to discipline Druscilla and Deaven and Elicia get bent out of shape over it. Do they expect Jihoon to be an immediate "father" and if so, does he not have a say in raising "free-range" Druscilla (love that phrase from a poster above)?
  8. Okay, I know this will be unpopular, but (big gulp), I am over Kenny's tears. The farewell scenes between him and his children were those of someone going off to war who may never return. Then, we find out from him that he has been in Mexico less than a week and had two of his children fly out to celebrate his engagement. He hasn't even been gone from Florida for two weeks at this point. Yet, the farewell indicated they would never see each other again. Okay, I'm ready-throw those tomatoes at me.... However, I am happy at Kenny and Armando's engagement. But, there is a bit of over dramatization going on. Fast forwarded through Tim and his girlfriend. He must feel that he has to tell everyone who exists in the world about his affair. Confessing or bragging? I'm not quite sure. Don't care about Brittany, she has been deceptive about her intentions and marital status since the first episode. Elicia needs to sit down. Deaven chose Jihoon and not everything is Jihoon's fault (maybe most of it is...). Agree with an above poster that it's not really Jihoon's fault that Druscilla ran off. A basic concept of parenting is teaching and protecting children. I do like the apartment where they ended up in this episode.
  9. The biggest laugh of the episode was when Larissa was saying that she was sexually inexperienced so Eric shouldn't be mean to her. Really? Three children, multiple marriages, etc.? The saddest moment was when Asuelo realized that his mother only wanted money from him, not a real relationship. The biggest eye roll of the episode was when Chuck said that he always treats his guests well and respectfully. The biggest cringe of the evening was when Debbie was trying to get Coltee to sleep in her hotel room (Asuelo's mom's kiss greeting was the second biggest cringe for me). The biggest lie was when Paul told Karine that he was only online to network and find a job. By the by, it isn't his criminal record that stops him from being employed, it's his behavior once he has a job and can't keep it (previous season when it was discovered that he was going to get fired from his job shoveling cow manure). The biggest "what are you thinking" moment was when Tania totally overacts to Syngin's driving and connecting it to her accident while NOT wearing a seatbelt, or at least not wearing a seatbelt correctly as many posters are giving her the benefit of the doubt about at least wearing one around her waist. The biggest "yep, you're right" moment was Syngin's statement to his brother that you have to pay for things in the U.S. Really? You thought everything would be free? That you wouldn't have to, like, get a job as an opera singer, woodworker, or firefighter in order to pay for things? The biggest response of "well, you married that person" belongs to all of the participants.
  10. I can't stand Ed and he's the reason that I have never watched an episode of the B90 show. However, I pretty much loved it when he was saying it was good to find out about someone's past and if they don't like the questions it's because they have something to hide like Rose and then his own mother contradicted him and said that the past is the past and doesn't matter. He tried to tell her she was wrong and she insisted the past didn't matter. He sooooooo was trying to justify his own actions towards Rose and his mother was like "nope." So, they got rid of Family Chantel and gave us Ed instead? Just get Tim and Veronica back.
  11. Back in the day, it could take us a while to figure out who someone really was (some are quite good at hiding their true selves for a while, but it always emerges). However, today with social media and the internet, it should be a bit easier/faster to find out who someone really is-having written that, many people are in denial about their beloved (see Dr. Phil's successful career...).
  12. I actually thought that during Leonard and his father's last scene that the story would be that Leonard's mother was pregnant with him (by someone else) and they married each other to cover for each other. Obviously, it didn't turn out that way, but that was what I expected to happen with their story.
  13. They really seem to be pushing Wells as a "star" of Bachelor in Paradise. He was on Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition (he won) and he was continually labeled as "Star of Bachelor in Paradise." I really don't recall him being predominantly featured. If he is on this next season, I think it's more due to who his fiance is rather than his being a breakout star of this franchise (Sarah Hyland).
  14. Jihoon seemed to show some anger issues which may help in understanding why he only has a part-time job delivering things. He, like Paul, may have a hard time holding down a job.
  15. I am dumbfounded as to why the twins started their journey of plastic surgery after viewing their high school pictures. Really beautiful back then in my opinion.
  16. You're absolutely right! I think I was focused on the impact they have on victims, I mean people, more than their methods of draining their energy...
  17. I think one reason I really liked Alex on this show (and am glad that she won) is that she truly seemed invested in her team. Her encouragement to Ari during the finale was just so heartfelt and sincere. I agree with others that I never liked the "Shirley" bit (and visuals), but I guess all of the contestants need some kind of gimmick, which I wish they would drop.
  18. I just remembered who Henry reminds me of-Collin the Energy Vampire on What We Do in the Shadows! For those who do not watch the show, an energy vampire is one who sucks all of the energy out of people in order to feed oneself.
  19. Totally Team Christina here. I get that her continual references to travel may get tiresome, but I think she's trying to find a point of conversation-i.e. we're both traveling to Mexico, so let's talk about traveling. She seems to be trying to engage him in conversation, but he is just not participating. I believe that the "experts" cast him thinking that there would be drama between his "friend" Kristine and his wife Christina. I found Bennett's position on children off-putting. NOT because he doesn't want them and would prefer to adopt (that was my preference), but because he puts it in "moral" terms. By declaring it unethical to have children, he has placed judgement on everyone who has their own children. Including his parents... I also think the reason his sister brought this up at brunch was because their mom kept going on and on about how fabulous Bennett is and sister felt overlooked so wanted a big "moment" for t.v. and the brunch. Brett looked disappointed when Olivia said she didn't want children. To me, this is a definite deal breaker when one partner definitely wants children and the other doesn't. One is bound to feel pressured and it could turn into long-term resentment. I loved that Brett had the old school suitcase. Used to be that we only packed what we could carry and lift (when I used to take students to Europe back in the 20th century I explained to them that nobody was going to help them with their suitcases so to make sure they only packed what they could physically handle [that went for me as well]). The resort looked fabulous! I will probably research it a bit in the next few days. Loved that Bennett and Amelia could jump into the pool from their room. The beach looked amazing. I think Karen is being won over by Miles' sincerity and respectfulness. Loved how her straw hat looked on her.
  20. Unfortunately, I think that because TLC and other channels think outrageous behavior brings higher ratings, more and more people are being showcased who demonstrate such behavior. Even on this board there have been statements that seemingly "normal" couples become boring. I don't know what the remedy is (well, I guess everyone could stop watching these shows), but it is worrisome that someone like Paul, who many of us were concerned about starting with his first season, gets showcased and almost presented as what others should aspire to if they want to become "reality stars." I've been amazed that both Paul and Karine have fans who send them gifts (and surprised that many of these other "stars" also receive gifts and money from their fans). I know that many believe that mother Paul enables him, but I wonder how much of her actions are more from self-preservation. After all, if Paul tried to destroy their home through arson, what else may he have attempted to do? I really, really, really want to hear from his father.
  21. Ricky Bobby is starting to come back. Much more relaxed in this episode. I think his bad mood was related to Danielle getting pregnant again (due to the complications from her first pregnancy) and as the pregnancy is progressing, he is relaxing a bit more. He was in good humor talking about how he looks like a taco with the weight he has gained. Happy for Antony and Ashley expecting another baby. I had wondered during this season if she was pregnant. Their daughter is very cute and they seem like a happy family. I'm glad that Jessica is able to cut back some of her hours and have fun with Austin. Their dog seems to be settling in and just loves them.
  22. Party of One...so far I kind of like Christina. I think she was trying to be positive about Henry, and like Olivia, her nerves were apparent. I tend to have patience in relationships, but he would irk me. I don't think it's just being an introvert as introverts tend to be able to make conversation. There is just something off about him, and his friends are horrible. His friend Christine was so proud of herself for being judgmental about Christina being a part of MAFS. I think someone told Amelia that she looked cute when she gaped her mouth as that was a very purposeful face to make and she made it several times during the event. Part of her quirkiness.
  23. I kind of wonder if Jihoon's parents have had to bail him out throughout his life and that his mom might be the Korean version of Ari's mom to a degree. Jihoon's mom obviously was keeping secrets from his father in order to bail out Jihoon and hide his spending habits. The father really seemed to be trying to reach out to Deaven and was surprised that Jihoon had put money in his mother's account (maybe) rather than sending money to Deaven. I think the vision that Deaven had of getting pregnant by a Korean and marrying him has blown up in her face. Hard-working successful Koreans probably didn't have the endless time to spend on social media communicating with her and then taking off on a quick vacay to visit her. Start putting two and two together to try and get the answer and a clear vision of who Jihoon was and is. However, I still maintain that the best thing for Druscilla would be to stay in Korea as this was the most behaved, engaged, and clean that we have seen her. Oh, and Tim's girlfriend literally and figuratively let the cat out of the bag when she said it was her cat and she missed it. Tim put together the "emotional support" story to be able to carry the cat into the passenger section of the plane. I think she really only wanted Tim to come to Colombia in order to get her cat back. I think she'll cut him loose very quickly now.
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