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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. 3 hours? Really? Thank goodness I was able to fast-forward Jamie and Doug... And they must have bought out anyone who just happened to be walking past the studio. Past couples, astrologists, who did they leave out? I still think most of these matches are going to be disasters. Having said all of that, I really like Kevin Frasier as host.
  2. And yet she did not bother to tray and talk to him during the cocktail party.
  3. I agree, I watch and snark on the contestants while the season is on and then I forget about them. I'm always so impressed with posters who remember so and so from many seasons ago. I barely remember the leads... I will rewatch them when they are on BIP or some other iteration of the show. However, there are many I actively hope to never have to see again. I am soooooo not someone who will follow them after the show, so obviously I'm not the target demo as I do not follow any of these "influencers..."
  4. I just can't get over the litter box scene with Natalie. Of course it stank! Nobody had cleaned it for a good while-she should scoop out the messes on a consistent basis, not ignore it until there is nowhere left for the cat to poop. It was disgusting!
  5. (small voice) I actually liked the La Quinta in the previous season-it's just that they were there during the summer (!!!) and that none of the "dates" were that creative or off of the property. Okay, now I'm moving on... This property was also beautiful-I really appreciated the lushness of it. However, the elegance of the property did not translate into an overall elegant selection of contestants. Am so over all of the gimmicks, but Matt seemed to appreciate them. I agree with an above poster that Matt looks very different in different scenes. I think that his beard line is too high on his cheeks. I also found him to be kind of boring-I wonder if he is used to getting by on his looks. And, as a model, it seems like he should be more comfortable in front of the cameras. The laugh out loud moment for me was when Chris introduced Matt and said "America here is your bachelor" and the mics picked up...crickets. I am always amazed by the women who do not attempt to speak with the Bachelor and then lament that they might be going home. Do they think that they are so very special that he will seek them out? Or, do they decide they're actually not interested and therefore want to ensure being sent home. I was really surprised that the ballerina did not seek him out as I initially thought she was there for the exposure (because of her dancing in the hallway, etc.). I think this will be a true train wreck as the women seem almost overly invested in him and the drama that will result from this will be amazing. I actually hope that Matt finds someone he loves and will be happy with this experience journey (sorry, had a temporary memory lapse). His mother also seems really nice and sincere.
  6. I can't believe that the intro to this entire season was a woman gifting her (presumably used) dildo to Matt. Stay class The Bachelor and ABC...
  7. Natalie is all about how Mike has to change in order to show respect to her, so how is she showing respect for him? And, her dinner probably cost the lives of 6 - 8 scallops while his only involved 1 living being. Oh, and all the fish is she going to cook? They, too, are alive before being killed. Her ridiculousness is...ridiculous. I did not realize how much I don't care about Tarik and Hazel until I saw them in this episode (this is only the second episode of the season that I have watched). He is way too hyper and she has hardly any energy. Just get married somewhere and then live your lives. Just don't care and actually get bothered by the energies they have on screen.
  8. I am glad that they are rerunning older episodes as I enjoy seeing them and don't always remember everything about them. I was so tired of the trend (and with People's Court) of showing episodes from just the previous month and am glad to see the older episodes.
  9. I really don't like Clara while I really like Ryan, so am doubtful about that match. Pretty doubtful about all the other matches as well. I wondered about their matching Chris due to his recent break-up along with his expectations of his wife. This season is looking to be a disaster and I am here for it...
  10. This bothered me as well. However, what really got me was the defendant's disappointment that her ex-husband just took the bag of coins to the bank and let the bank tellers take the time to reroll them rather than her husband doing it by hand. So, her gleeful spite-filled act of paying him all in coins only meant that other people not involved in the dispute had to take the time to reroll them. And, JM totally supported her in this. Just like she finds it adorable when teen girls cause damage, etc. Oh, and I agree about the "only 1500 dollars" comment. I sold my home because I could no longer afford the $700 mortgage after I retired (and income dropped substantially). I don't know why I worry about being responsible when others aren't and are actually rewarded for it...
  11. I don't always rewatch the reruns, but I had to today as the first case was the one in which a "car girl" buys a 1984 fiero and then blames the tow truck guy for everything that is wrong with the car. She so started with the "who? innocent me?" demeanor but as JM unraveled the true facts her demeanor completely changes and she becomes aggressive and angry. She "blamed" someone for telling her to declare the vehicle to be operational as the tow is cheaper than way (it so wasn't operational) and then she tries her incredulous "he didn't have tools with him for putting in the battery..." She was such a blatant liar and it made me really happy to watch JM tear apart her story lie by lie. Good times.
  12. I think Alexis' "happy ending" was knowing that she was capable of achieving things without having a boyfriend/significant other-that she alone was competent. I think that there are many, in both fiction and real life, that think they are not complete without a significant other and throughout the series Alexis had stories that showed her competence and intelligence even though the focus of the stories seemed to be about relationships.
  13. My PBS channel just showed the season 5 premiere. I am so excited as this is the only place I watch this show. Yes, I have seen seasons 1-4 numerous times, but I enjoy the show and am excited for the new (to my PBS channel) season 5 which I guess is 5 years old.
  14. I could not believe how much the furniture salesperson overstepped boundaries. She totally thought Yara would be buying big and so picked her to back up in their argument. Who was she to tell the boyfriend to keep Yara happy, apologize to her, that he can't say "my apartment," etc.? She could probably have saved the sale by immediately showing them other white rugs, but instead she doubled down on supporting Yara over him. Natalie is beyond exhausting. Yet, Mike chose her so he is getting exactly who he saw in Ukraine. Natalie believes she can manipulate him into whatever she wants and he is either going to give in on every issue or have to live with her tantrums. I felt sorry for him on their previous season, but this season? Not so much as he knows exactly who she is and how she acts. It boggles my mind that so many of the foreign participants don't look into where they will be living and are shocked! that they are living in rural areas. And, getting their fiances to move to big cities? Most likely unaffordable and difficult to find appropriate employment. If someone says they don't live in a city, believe them...
  15. At least he has a home and is not free-loading off of family or friends. I lived in a mobile home for a while and it was really nice. And, I think there are many who would love to own a mobile home rather than continue to rent, etc. Not everyone can afford a "stick-built" home. I think there are a lot of issues this couple have, but at least they have a home in which to live.
  16. I had heard about Bing Crosby before and am glad he turned it down as I just can't even imagine how different the show would have been with him in the role. I never heard of the other two. Any idea if the older t.v. episode is available anywhere?
  17. I think that some of the differences in Columbo run time was due to how Columbo was being presented-as part of the Murder Mysteries (or something) series in which there were three rotating shows (McMillan and Wife and the Dennis Weaver one) versus stand-alone. Later episodes seemed more padded when they were expanded to fill the 2-hour time slot. I guess we would need...a Columbo to solve the mystery of the varying run-times...
  18. I recently moved (last month) and my new cable provider has ME t.v. I've started watching Columbo on ME t.v. and believe that they leave all of the scenes and original content in the episodes. And, what a difference! Some of the content cut out on Hallmark and other channels really adds to how Columbo solves his cases. I am seeing more scenes in which Columbo is observing the various people around him and involved in the cases, so it makes his deductions much more intentional and based on observations and the small details involved therein. Columbo is also shown as talking to more bystanders and getting info that way. I really am enjoying rewatching these episodes on ME t.v. as the story along with the characterization of Columbo seem to be more developed.
  19. Although not enough scenery of Hawaii, I did enjoy this episode. Liked that they called Gordon pretty quickly rather than getting overly involved before calling the HPD. I was pretty certain Magnum was going to change places with the one terrorist when it was repeated multiple times that Higgins thought one of them looked like him. I really do like the various supporting actors they bring on the show. But, I also wish they would bring more of the supporting characters from Hawaii Five-0 to this show as I really liked many of them as well.
  20. Rachel should have known how production worked as she had already been a part of Bachelor Nation prior to leading her own season. She may not have watched the show before, but she certainly experienced a season on her own (can't remember who the Bachelor was, but I do remember watching her on that season).
  21. Maybe two of the teams now regret targeting the weaker teams while in an alliance with stronger teams (i.e. the sisters, the brother/sister, etc.). Things that make you go "hmmmmm."
  22. The highlight of the episode for me was the obvious bitterness of Riley and Maddison. Sure they had bad taxi luck, but the blonde sisters had bad taxi luck on every leg (it seemed to me). I think what really bothered them (based on nothing but my opinion) was that their gleeful, and at times spiteful, participation in their alliance came back to bite them. I wonder if they considered at all that if they had honored their super secret alliance with the NFLers that they might have won. They may have thought that since they were professional athletics that they would win by out-running the other teams. I also liked that as bitter as DeAngelo was last episode, he certainly looked happy for everyone at the finish line. So, if they didn't win, would there still have been a proposal?
  23. So Gwen finally got a win. I'm glad for her as I think she really was a good sport and filled in last season after Adam left with short notice. I don't necessarily think she is one of the better coaches, but I do appreciate her positive attitude. It will be interesting to see/hear what will happen to Carter's voice as he matures.
  24. I found the entire two hours kind of boring. For me, it was definitely the most boring Whomever Tells All that I have watched. I guess that being quarantined before and during the show really created bonds amongst the men so there really weren't too many "rivalries" to exploit. I am so over the Noah/Bennett whatever. And, I am so over Bennett. He is very self-aware and intent on projecting his selected image. He should have stayed as entertaining and in on the joke. The moment he tried to become a "finalist" he really lost any good will he had previously created. Don't really care who Tayisha chooses, but will continue to watch. Hopefully the hometowns will be more entertaining.
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