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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I did not mind Felicity in the first season, but after that not so much. I do think part of the reason I started disliking her was the fandom. It just started getting so over the top. Everything Felicity or the actress did was the best thing ever and whatever character disagreed with her or she was up against was the worst. I do not think EBR is a horrible actress or anything. I find her pretty much on par with a majority of the actors on the show. I stopped visiting The Arrow forums because so many of the posts were all Felicity or Olicity love and less about other stuff that happened in the episodes. Don't get me started on if you disagreed with the Felicity love. I was never a Laurel fan either. I did not mind Katie Cassidy. I hated the writing for Laurel. I always thought they should make Laurel evil, because Katie Cassidy can play bitchy characters well. I stopped watching at the start of last season. I just was not interested anymore, especially with new Team Arrow. Thea was always a favorite of mine, but she was not around as much. I liked Oliver and his family scenes from earlier seasons, but his family started dying off or just wasn't around later in the series.
  2. I will be at my table for one in not minding Scheana. She is self absorbed and seems to always need a boyfriend/husband, but I find her easier to take than some of the others. I cannot say I like her, because I do not really like any of these idiots. I thought the disintegration of her marriage to Shay was both of their faults. They could not communicate to save their lives and I believe they had other issues as well that they both contributed to. I will also, be at my table for one in disliking Stassi. I just find her to be a horrible person, who thinks she is so witty. Also, if I have to see her brother again this season I may throw something at my television. Hell, I thought last season Jax was the funniest, and I really hate admitting that.
  3. I forgot about Logan, when I was side eyeing that whole scene when I watched it. It is so a Lifetime movie waiting to be made! I kept thinking that Logan might show up on an episode of Snapped or something. Then again, if I had to hang around these idiots I would lose my mind as well.
  4. I actually thought $100,000 was low. I wondered what percentage of partnership that gets them. I thought Sandoval was over the top in the restaurant scene. I get he wants input, but I assume that Ken and Lisa have way more money put in the restaurant than Sandoval. If this was an equal (or even somewhat close to equal) partnership I would think Sandoval would get more input, but I do not think that is even remotely the case. I laughed at Schwartz looking so very awkward when Lisa was confronting Sandoval on what he said. I usually do not mind Ariana and Sandoval, but I thought them bitching that Lisa and Ken were eavesdropping on their private conversation was ridiculous. Uh guys, you were in a public place and Lisa and Ken own it. I did like Ariana's haircut though. Didn't Katie do the non-invite thing during one of the previous seasons? I cannot remember if it was last season or the one before, but I thought she told someone (Lala?) that they were not invited to some party she was having. After last season I am surprised that Katie and Stassi are so shocked that Scheana does not want to be their friend. It did not seem out of the blue to me. Scheana strikes me as the type to always have a boyfriend and not like being single. She also, seems like the type who says everything is great when it really is not. That said I would not want to be friends with Katie or Stassi either. I did like Scheana's dress she wore to her party. Wasn't Faith the one that was hooking up or trying to hook up with Max last season? Shocker Stassi is back with Patrick, but really the less said about Stassi the better.
  5. Hee! Now I keep imaging the various Duggar's doing taglines like the women on the Real Housewives do during the intro.
  6. Stassi is scheduled to be on WWHL tonight. I am sure she will give some half assed apology if she is even called on it. I agree so much with what @RHJunkie and @HunterHunted have said. I also, hate that Stassi is using the free speech bit as some sort of excuse for all the hate directed at her. Yes, Stassi has the right to say whatever she wants, but others have the right to not like what she has said as well.
  7. This! I do not like Nene, but I really do not like Porsha. I do not know if Nene's whole problem with Porsha is what went down last season with Phaedra, but I do appreciate someone besides Kandi thinking Porsha is shady as hell. I feel like Porsha is getting a free pass from most of the ladies. Also, Porsha blaming Nene for "taking food off her table", while she sat there and spread Phaedra's lies last season about Kandi was a bit much for me. She could have been taking food off Kandi's table with those lies. Hell, she basically labeled Kandi as a sexual predator. The truth did come out, but it could have been very damaging to Kandi. I agree. I do feel bad that her grandmother died, but all the Kenya at home scenes seem so calculated. The first couple episodes it was her and her damn wedding dress. So when I saw her putting photos on her bed I rolled my eyes. I rolled them even harder when she did the same thing at the hotel in San Francisco. I hope the dogs did not pee all over the photos like they did the wedding dress. I know I am a horrible person. The less said about Kim the better. I get Cynthia defending Kenya. They are friends. I do think sometimes she goes overboard with her defense. I did not really think she needed to defend Kenya in the aftermath of the Kim/Kenya fight. I thought everyone who was left at Nene's were pretty much on Kenya's side.
  8. What drew me into the show was the Mike/Harvey camaraderie and banter. I liked the show when it was more lighthearted, amusing fluff. Then it started taking itself way too seriously. I will echo @Valerie and say I would be fine with the show ending with a Mike and Rachel wedding and the other character's stories wrapped up. I will probably give Jessica's spin-off a try, but I cannot see myself tuning in to more Harvey and Donna. I might think about it if Dule Hill was sticking around and they made Gretchen a main character, but otherwise not so much.
  9. I agree that did seem like a genuine reaction from Dianna. In the scripted coaches banter the coaches seem to go after each other more than the kids. I was surprised in the first scene that we saw Quincy with his team that he was kind if dismissive of Princess. I forgot what was said exactly, but I thought he would be a bit more savvy on camera about Princess. Though he did follow it up later in the episode saying Princess was an upgrade so who knows. I did crack up when he was crying when his team won. I also laughed at Dana saying that some of the babies on the other teams looked like teenagers. Mimi just keeps being insufferable. Faith is one of my favorites so I hope her knee gets better soon and that she gets some solos in the future. I do not mind seeing the other categories that they compete in at different competitions, but I am missing seeing the stand battles.
  10. If I had to be on a plane with 16 Duggars There would be a good chance of me becoming unhinged, especially if I had to hear Michelle's baby voice. Then again one Duggar on a plane would have me irritated as well.
  11. I actually like Matt for the most part. Sure, his food isn't the most inspired, but I have not really been that impressed with Ben, Adam, or Leon's food either. I think they all have been pretty hit or miss. I cannot remember if it was Ben or Adam who made pretty lackluster breakfasts. I thought Matt's speciality was more rustic and simple or at least I think that is what he said in one of the early episodes. What I do appreciate about him is when he gets critiques he seems more disappointed in himself. He does not seem to yell, freak out, or take it out on others like some of the previous BD chefs have. I like that he is pretty chill in the kitchen. As for the mean girls comment from Kate about the others treatment of Jen. I think there is a difference between venting about coworkers and ganging up on them. Unless there is some major editing going on I did not really see anyone gang up on Jen.
  12. Hee! That look is going to be on their Christmas card? I feel sorry for the recipients of those. Though if I am being honest pretty much any picture of Kody gives me nightmares.
  13. Yeah, once she said that it was all over for her. I thought Delores stuck up for Teresa more in her TH's than when she was actually with Kim D. Delores did stick up for Teresa, but it almost felt half-hearted if that makes any sense. It was like she was saying the right things, but was not that firm about it. I would think if the shoe was on the other foot I think Delores would be as angry as Teresa was and expect more of a defense as well. I thought Teresa throwing the glass did seem very staged, but it was way more entertaining for me than the OC and Atlanta franchises have been. I am already dreading Beverly Hills, because last season I did not really like anyone and I get Teresa angry whenever Kim Richards appears onscreen. I may be horrible, but Danielle's tears/reaction over her kids hearing Teresa call her a prostitution whore, however many years ago, were a bit much. I may be not remembering correctly, but didn't Dina have Lexi taken out of the room and the rest of the housewives had their non-adult kids leave the room as well while Danielle let her kids stay? Margaret and Teresa sharing actual issues (maybe some of the others as well) then Delores inviting everyone to her event was all kinds of shitty. The only way I would go to Siggy's retreat is if Margaret played Siggy.
  14. I did not see the first episode in the crossover. I imagine it started with Barry and Iris' wedding. Was Joe or Wally there? I felt that Joe's presence was missing especially since a part of the story was Barry and Iris' wedding.
  15. I feel like they would have shown more of them ganging up on Jen. Wasn't Bruno the one Jen always cried to? I thought there was a moment during one of Jen's cry sessions that Bri tried to bring up her issues with Jen regarding work. Baker does seem to try to stay out of the drama and do her own thing. I think Matt could have been annoyed by Jen, but if he had to work with her in the galley that he would keep his mouth shut. I could see Bri venting to them about Jen and maybe some of the others if they had to do Jen's work in the morning when she was late. Maybe all four of them were just as annoyed as Kate was about Jen. I do not know, but I think if it was a big thing they would have shown it.
  16. I have a hard time maintaining interest in these crossovers. I gave up on Arrow a couple of seasons ago, because I got sick of Oliver and Felicity, so all the Arrow stuff bored me to tears. I also, gave up on Legends very early, because I have never been a fan of Caity Lotz as an actress. Her line delivery is so flat to me. I thought The Flash episode would be heavier on the characters from that show, but it felt too Oliver and Supergirl heavy. This! I sporadically flipped back to Legends and saw this. I would have been annoyed if I did not.
  17. I might be able to hand wave some of the stories and stuff if I liked the characters more and they had more depth. I really feel like I only really know Hondo and Street, with a little of Deacon and Cortez thrown in here and there. Aren't there three other people on the team? I know basically nothing about them and we are four episodes in. I feel like at least in the first three episodes Street had a decent sized subplot.
  18. This! Peggy says she wanted support, but when the others tried to ask questions and maybe understand what she was going through better she got all defensive. I did not get the impression that any of the other ladies thought Peggy was faking cancer, but that they just did not understand her story. I would have loved them to go harder on Peggy, but she started crying so no one really did much to confront her about her shit. Meghan did do well with Peggy pinching her lips bit, but other than that no one really went in on Peggy and her bullshit. Lydia is the worst. I cannot even express how much I dislike her. Did Shannon kick her puppy or eat her baby or something? I just do not get why she dislikes her so much. I would have loved Lydia getting called on her crap more as well. Every time I felt that the reunion might get interesting Andy kept shutting everything down with the "we are not going to get anywhere with this" garbage. That hug at the end made me want to vomit. For me there is no redeeming Vicki. They can try as they might, but it isn't happening. They can try to have her, Tamra, and Shannon go back to their previous shenanigans, but I loathe Vicki. No amount of that will ever redeem Vicki for me. I prefer Tamra and Shannon (and even Kelly) when they are away from Vicki. I do not want anyone to forget her cancer scamming ways. I would love if they brought it up all the time. Vicki you did participate in a cancer scam. You lied for him and your stories kept changing. Also, didn't last season Vicki say something like she would still be with Brooks if had not broken up with her? I do not know about anyone else, but if my significant other lied to me about having cancer I would be pissed. I would not be saying I would still be with the guy or crying in the street when he left. I would have kicked his ass out. I really wish Lydia, Peggy, and Vicki would get fired. I know Vicki won't. If Meghan is sticking around I want more Meghan PI. I did agree with Tamra when she said nothing looked good on Vicki.
  19. He is in a Lifetime Christmas movie called Snowed-Inn Christmas with Bethany Joy Lenz. I enjoyed A Joyous Christmas well enough. I thought the leads had chemistry. As soon as the male lead said he was adopted I knew Joy would end up being his bio mom. Though all these movies are predictable, so I can get over that. I did think the female lead's event at the end was laughable.
  20. I was just glad I did not have to see Kenya and her wedding dress this episode. I realize that is a very low bar.
  21. Tom! I forgot his name was Tom. He gets some of the best lines. I was glad Rebecca's annoying boyfriend left. I hope he stays gone. I wondered the other week if they were going to go there with Paul and waitress lady that has an autistic son as well. I really hope they do not act on their "moment" though. It looks like Joe is doing well at his new school.
  22. I tend to avoid Hallmark movies that star Candace Cameron Bure, Jessica Lowndes, and Shenae Grimes Beech. I think I might have to add Alicia Witt and Danica McKeller in that mix.
  23. She is a main character on the UK show Lovesick on netflix. I watched the first two seasons. I am not sure when season three will appear on Netflix, but I enjoyed the show.
  24. I am with you. I am one that does not care for any of the classic Christmas movies or specials (Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, any holiday Charlie Brown special, It's a Wonderful Life, The Grinch, A Christmas Carol, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, etc.) I know I am the worst.
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