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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I missed the wedding dress shopping/trying on scene from one of the earlier episodes, but wasn't Tony at the dress shopping? Did he give his input? Mykelti seems to defer to him a lot.
  2. On a shallow note I think Max Parrot is very handsome.
  3. I concur. I may be remembering wrong, but I believe there was an episode that was pre-North where Kourtney said something like Kim uses Mason to get likes on social media. Now Kim just uses North for that.
  4. Thanks for the info! I used to follow skating closely, but the past couple of winter olympics I have become less enamored with it and more of a casual olympic skating fan. The sport had problems with judging and CoP before, but I hate the emphasis on quad jumps for the men, backloading programs, getting rewarded for attempting harder jumps even with falls, and probably numerous other things that I cannot think of at the moment because I may have drank too much wine.
  5. For me it was the outfit paired with the white skates. If her skates were darker or black to match her pants it would have looked better for me. I would love for anyone to shake up what I believe is the designated top two ladies when it comes time for individual events. I must be horrible because I would love someone to knock Virtue/Moir off the top spot in ice dancing. It just feels so anticlimactic and less fun to watch. They could just hand them their medals now at this point.
  6. Has it ever been mentioned what Trace is majoring in? Please tell me it isn't ministry.
  7. I have to admit that when Bobby did not know where his mother put the ring that it would accidentally be knocked off the edge. Then Bobby could have told Tori if she wanted the ring so much she could retrieve it. Though that probably would have given us way more of her asking "where is the ring?" over and over.
  8. Maybe it is the wine, but Ron Jeremy hanging out with the Duggars sounds like it would be hilarious.
  9. I thought so, but then wondered if I was reading too much into it. I initially thought they would pair TJ and Buffy. I was not a fan of that direction, but I like the idea of a TJ and Cyrus pairing.
  10. Only if the announce it at the top of each episode, "The role of Derick will now be played by........". Now I am spending way too much time thinking who Smugger, Anna, Jill, and Derick's recasts would be.
  11. Tori was annoying with the constant ring talk. I read on the Bates Family Blog that she and Bobby are moving to the Nashville area, because Bobby has a job at a church there. I guess Tori wants to use her teaching degree at some christian school nearby. Of course, that really means until she gets pregnant. I agree that Josie and Kelton are the ones that will probably do pretty well if they get married. I guess Josie graduated in December and passed her licensing exam. Kelton is a plumber and has a finance degree. The ones I will be curious to see is Evan and Carlin. I have no idea what Carlin's major is and I really do not know how much income Evan generates with his family band. I guess with the Bates girls I am just glad they have other things to do. I think most of them went to college. I know it is Clown College, but with this lot I will take it. Alyssa helps clean with John, Erin has piano lessons/albums, and Michael still babysits and I think tries to sell clothes that she makes online. I feel like in fundie-land that is more than some other families allow their girl children to do. It seems they have a leg up on the Duggars when their television shows disappear.
  12. If there is another season can we please go back to stand battles?
  13. Oh lord. I live in Chicago, but am originally from Michigan. Sigh. It is about thirty minutes aways from where I went to college. If I went I would so wear my "Nasty Woman" shirt.
  14. I remember the episode where Jessica was sick, so I think it was Jasmine that was going to fill in for her. Jasmine seemed petrified to sing lead vocals and was crying during rehearsal because Toby was forcing her to sing. It was uncomfortable to watch when it aired, but it sure does put it in a new light. On a side note, is the guy Jeanette (Jett) married the same guy that appeared on the show? I think she was shown on a date or something during the shows run.
  15. It could have been a rental. I have had rental cars with different state plates than the state where it was issued.
  16. I can watch Everwood over and over. I love the cast and all the different relationships between characters. Friday Night Lights is another one I can watch many times. Too bad it is not on Netflix anymore. The West Wing is a favorite of mine to watch again and again. I love the characters, minus Donna (I know. I know unpopular opinion). There are a lot of comedies that I do not mind rewatching like Parks and Rec, Brooklyn Nine Nine, 30 Rock, and some of the earlier seasons of The Office.
  17. All four seasons are now on Hulu.
  18. Damn. I was going to give it a go because I like Dulé Hill, but I cannot stand Katherine Heigl. Katherine Heigl and Donna sounds like a nightmare for me. Maybe I can just FF everything but Dulé and Gretchen.
  19. I think it was said that the photoshoot happened after Siggy's retreat. I cannot remember if Kim D's charity fashion show was before or after the retreat. I was kind of hoping that Siggy's father would throw his birthday cake across the room. I did think this episode was more enjoyable than a majority of the actual season.
  20. Overall I like the show well enough. My unpopular opinion is that I do not like the possible Conrad/Nic pairing. I like the characters separately, but together not so much. I admit I am very hesitant about predetermined couples anyway. Some predetermined couples work for me and some do not. Nic and Conrad are not.
  21. This. I think Kandi also mentioned that she was friends with Porsha, so she know the rumors that Phaedra fed her were false. I am fine with Kandi and her friends, employees, and family not caring for Porsha. I wish more of the ladies in the cast would side eye Porsha, because if she can just throw out random lies like that at one person like they are the truth, than I would not be surprised at it happening again. Kandi is doing better than I would if I was around Porsha. She is cordial to Porsha, which is more than I ever would be. The Will thing is so stupid, but he did get upset very quickly. He could have just said that he was not together with the woman that Eva saw him with anymore. If he was together with the lady while dating Cynthia, well, they really were not exclusive or anything. My problem is that he said in that flashback at the party that it had been two years since he was in a relationship. Now maybe the woman that Eva met was not a longterm relationship, but who knows. For me, it does feel like Will is not being truthful about something. I am just not sure what it is. Ace was adorable. I rolled my eyes so hard when Kim said that she does not wear the same outfit twice, while she was watching the chef cook at Porsha's.
  22. I could be not remembering correctly, but I though in one of the season one episodes or possibly season two that Lasalle mentioned having a sister. I do not remember what episode it was in. All I can find online is that he has an unnamed sister. It looks like the writers forgot that detail or do not care. Good to Samantha Marie Ware as Josie who played Peggy in Hamilton one of the many times I have seen it.
  23. I prefer Baez way more than Jackie. I just wish Danny's partners were allowed to solve the case, be right occasionally, and do more than prop Danny. I am the one person that likes Eddie, so I would keep her around. I just wish the writers would either drop the Eddie/Jamie as a romantic pairing or put them together. Just decide and stick to it. I would get rid of Frank, but I know that will never happen.
  24. Hee! I almost expect the other show to be about a woman who joins the cast of a reality show with her sister.
  25. I think Tori was going for a teaching degree. I could be wrong though. I cannot remember what Carlin was getting a degree in. I am just glad the Bates girls went to college, even if it is at Clown College. It is more than the Duggar girls, which really is a low bar.
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