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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Does anyone know anything about the emcee/announcer guy that seems to be at a majority of the competitions? Just curious because I think he has been in every season.
  2. I thought this was odd as well. I kept thinking that wouldn't a world traveler want something a bit more practical?I guess not.
  3. Hee! Well, then he would have to try convert himself.
  4. I finally got around to watching this episode and am so glad you guys cleared up the Chunk storyline for me. I completely missed the high school best friend line. I am surprised with what we have seen of Chunk that he would not want it known that he was Anna's father. It seemed like he had a good relationship with his best friend and Anna, so I wonder what the reasoning behind not telling Anna in the first place.
  5. My unpopular opinion is with the exception of Siggy I do not mind this cast. I do not like everything they say or do, but I am pretty indifferent to Margaret, Teresa, Melissa, and Danielle. Some episodes/moments I like them, some I do not. I did not mind Delores last season, but feel she has lodged herself way up Siggy's ass. So I would be interested in seeing her in a season without Siggy.
  6. I love The Ordinary. I was excited about this initially and maybe in the future I will go through Sephora when buying it, but it does not have their full line yet. I am sure they will probably get the full line eventually though.
  7. Siggy, just because the rest of the women (besides Delores) do not agree with you does not mean that they are bullying you. She just keeps getting worse.
  8. I wondered this as well. I loved Jessa's wedding dress. It was by far my favorite wedding dress that was worn at a fundie wedding and something I would actually wear. Her dress was not pieced together, was it? Having a non-strapless dress seems pretty trendy these days, so I would think they could find something that was not all pieced together. Also, Jessa's dress was more short sleeves, so I am curious why the girls need long or 3/4 length sleeves unless that is a personal preference. There are plenty of of dresses with sleeves around that do not need to be 50 different dresses in one. I think Tori's dress is on the better end of the adding material to dresses look. It is a low bar though.
  9. I do not know if I am remembering correctly, but I thought Tori did not have much interest in planning her wedding when the possibility of an engagement was brought up. I feel like I remember the girls getting their nails done or something on Bringing up Bates when this conversation took place. I could be wrong though.
  10. I do not get why Siggy thinks Margaret wronged her in some horrific way. Margaret made the Soggy Flicker comment, but I think she apologized for that and she made the Hitler analogy, but that seemed to be trying to make a point and not intentionally being malicious. Margaret also apologized for that. Is all this because Margaret did not take Siggy's side in with the cake incident or every other issue that Siggy has like Delores does? I really do not think Margaret was ever anti-Siggy, though I would not blame her if she was now. I think Siggy is far more anti-Margaret, because it does not matter what Margaret does Siggy will twist it into Margaret wishing her ill will.
  11. What I meant by "actual dance team" was similar to the one that was at my alma mater that danced at a lot of the sporting events. There were cheerleaders, but there was a dance team as well.
  12. Yeah, I got the impression from her Instagram that she dances at Desales, maybe part of the dance program or something. It did not really look like she was part of the actual dance team. I could have missed something though.
  13. Hee! This! I laughed when she said that. I am sure a con artist can be very nice on the phone. I doubt that he disappeared on her before he went to jail because he did not want her to get into any sort of trouble like Sheree said. Yeah, I am sure he has the noblest of intentions. Did she say he has four more years before he gets out? Porsha just gets worse every episode. I would like to see way less of her or none of her. I will take either. She mentions being a vegan almost as much as RHOC Peggy mentioned being Armenian. I did like seeing Ace's swimming lessons. He is a cute kid. I am glad Cynthia is dating, but I find watching her dates very boring. Wait! Peter has a spin off? Is he that much of a draw?
  14. I agree. I think it is my favorite cheesy Christmas movie of the year so far as well. I like both Bethany Joy Lenz and Andrew Walker, so I gave it a shot and I am glad I did. It had the typical cliches, but they worked for me. This is one I will watch again.
  15. I enjoyed this season. This is one of the shows where I like all the main characters. I may not like all their actions, but I can see their reasoning behind them. Nicola's boss is hilarious. I would not mind her hooking up with him. I like the relationship that Nicola and Eddie have this season. I do not know if I would call it coparenting or friendship, but there is an ease there. It does not mean I want them to get back together, but I do like the character's interactions. I can see both sides of the Paul and Allison conflict as well. I am not sure where Paul's issues are coming from, whether it is from living apart, the moment with Sophie, or even seeing a bit of Joe in Mark. I would like them to ultimately be together, but if not I am fine with that also. I did like the scene with Paul and Mark in the last episode. I enjoyed the conversation between Rebecca and Allison. Rebecca stating that she knows and has always known that she will have to take care of Joe in the future. It was a nice sibling perspective. I was not fond of Maurice's storyline this season. I do not mind Louise, but would have rather seen Maurice have a storyline that was not about his love life. I liked the scene in the previous episode with Maurice packing up his wife's stuff on the shelf and then putting it all back when Louise turned him down. Love Joe as always. This show has some great casting. I enjoy all the main characters, but love the side characters like Tom, Ralph, Mark, and Ramesh.
  16. I do not think the fame has gone to any of the girl's heads. I find that the girls seem to act their age at least on the show. Sometimes they are bratty and sometimes they are not. I thought Camryn's tears might have something to do with whenever she tries out against the other girls for solos and other things she usually makes it. This is why I thought for sure Camryn's team would win. Mimi getting mad when Miss D criticized Camryn's routine was a bit much. I did not think Miss D was hard on Camryn just giving her input. I have my issues with Rittany, but at least she acknowledged that Miss D was probably right with her critique of Crystianna's routine. I always wonder if Kayla is floundering or if that is the shows narrative. On Twitter and Instagram she posted a screenshot of her grades and Tina replying that she would take her to dollar tree to celebrate. It looked like she got A's, B's and one C. It was an interesting episode. I did like seeing the choreography of each team. I liked parts in each routine, but I think Crystianna's fit in with Todrick's show a bit more.
  17. Hee! I think I am just glad that they serve something besides the traditional Duggar wedding snacks. The Duggar's set such a low bar that a tablespoon of chicken salad seems like a feast.
  18. Yup. I really have no idea why Siggy dislikes Margaret so much other than she is jealous that the others like Margaret more than her, or that Siggy thinks because she "introduced" Margaret to the group that Margaret should be blindly loyal to her like Delores is. I just do not see anything that horrible that Margaret has done to Siggy and even Delores to warrant their dislike of her. Siggy being upset about the Hitler comment seemed to come out of nowhere in the last episode. The rest of the women were trying to explain that the Hitler analogy was just that, an analogy and not some vindictive remark. Apparently you cannot say Hitler around Siggy. I do not know how she got through history in school. This! I also did not understand why Delores and Siggy thought Melissa and Teresa should defend them at the dinner. They did not agree with Delores or Siggy so why would they stand up for them? I could not stand Delores this episode either. For some reason I feel like she does not want Siggy and Margaret to get along. I like Margaret and think she is one of the better new castings in awhile. Though, RHOC's Peggy is a pretty low bar.
  19. I think jobs in Duggarland means another gofundme grift. I feel like if they get super close to cancellation that Jim Bob will play the Jana is courting card.
  20. There are quite a few theaters that do this in Chicago and in Chicagoland. These are where I normally go. If I am visiting my hometown in Michigan, I have been known to bring wine into the theater.
  21. Was it Ariana's birthday party? I thought Raquel said, when she and James were meeting with Lisa, that they were going to some guy named Jeremy's (Is that Ariana's brother?) party and that is why she was dressed that way. I did miss a bit at the start of the party, so I could be wrong. I did laugh at Patrick's expression when Stassi said she could be a party planner because she watched YouTube videos, because it mirrored my own expression.
  22. I concur. Kandi is still getting comments on her Instagram that compare her to Bill Cosby and such, even after it came out that it was all a lie it is still doing damage to her. So yeah, Porsha can miss me with her "Kandi feels I wronged her" garbage. You did Porsha. Did anyone know Kenya was dating Marc before they got married? I think Kandi was the only that raised her hand when Marlo asked if anyone thought Kenya was really married. Kenya eloped so the not inviting anyone to the wedding issue is not a big deal to me. I am trying to remember when I saw the pictures of her wedding if there were guests there. I know Marc does not want to be filmed, but I do think it is strange that Cynthia never met the guy either pre or post wedding off camera or prior to filming.
  23. This. So much of this. Kandi and Nene not being friends with Porsha are the only consequences that Porsha has faced regarding her behavior last season. Cynthia and Sheree seem so cool with all things Porsha, and believe that she is truly sorry. If I saw a friend do what Porsha did to another friend I sure as hell would not want to be friends with her. I wish more of the women were bothered by what Porsha did last season. Nothing Porsha does is going to redeem her to me. It is like Vicki from RHOC after the cancer scam. TPTB can try to redeem them and keep them around, but it just is not working for me. I think Porsha is getting off easy IMO. I did laugh when they were on the train and Kandi in her TH threw some underground railroad shade at Porsha. This cracked me up as well.
  24. The Spirit of Christmas was on Netflix. I am not sure if it is still there, but if you have Netflix you might want to take a look.
  25. I love the part I bolded. It cracks me up! I actually like Bughead, but I do agree with your post. It is a bit much. I am fine when they do not share scenes and such, because I like when different cast members interact or have a storyline together. I do think this season we have not had much of the Veronica/Betty friendship which disappoints me. I also agree that Cole and Lili are on par with the rest of the cast on the acting front. Didn't some of the fandom attack the girl who played Toni on social media? That is something I really hate when people attack the actors for doing their job and cannot differentiate between and actor and their character.
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