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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I believe Kayla was in college during that time. It might have been a community college or one close to home. She would tweet about going to class or studying. I remember her having a picture and saying she had to wear scrubs to class on instagram awhile back. I am not sure she still is in school, because I have not been on her social media in awhile. I never got the feeling that Kayla really wanted to be a professional dancer. I always thought she would be perfectly happy teaching classes somewhere or something like that. So far I like Madisyn and Princess. Faith is probably my favorite since Christiana left. I think Star and Sky looked like they have improved a lot from the first season they were featured to now. The leaving of the Dollhouse never felt like it was Christiana's decision. It felt like it was more Rittany's. I liked what I saw of Christiana's solo over the other two. Everyone acting shocked that Christiana joined another team was a bit much, since I would assume she would be dancing elsewhere if she still wanted to dance. I can't even with Mimi. She gets worse every season. Is it bad that I hope the two new girls show up Camryn? Mimi cannot even take the time to be nice to the new moms. Selena and Dana managed to. I should have watched the marathon of the previous season because I was wondering how much time passed from last season to this one? Also, Didn't Tina's baby pass away? @topanga where are you and what are your thoughts on the episode?
  2. That is what I thought as well. I was like are you selling a snowblower or a phone? I too, thought that the company with the phone was a bit late in the game for Christmas advertising, since that starts almost around Halloween these days.
  3. At least Tori and Bobby's registry seems like a fairly normal wedding registry with what they are asking for.
  4. My unpopular opinion is that I have not liked many of Danica's recent movies, because I find her line delivery so flat. It might be because I have watched many of her movies in a short period of time though.
  5. I concur. I would rather the focus on Joe and the family. I would rather see Eccleston interact with his girlfriend's son that got a job at the restaurant. I find that more interesting than her cancer battle. I wish Rebecca would ditch her boyfriend. I did understand his point how so much revolves around Joe, but I understood her reasoning as well. I just cannot warm up to his character. I miss Rebecca's snarky friend that she used to hang out at the bus stop with. I do like the whole Joe in a new school storyline.
  6. Lol! Didn't Kenya try the old comedy trope of "cooking" for Walter in her first season by hiding the take out containers? I could be remembering that incorrectly, but I thought it was her.
  7. I recognized Jean from Strangers with Candy. She played Tammi Littlenut. I kept thinking that the actress is one of those who barely ages.
  8. So we got more of Kenya and her wedding dress again this week? Is it bad I laughed that her dog peed all over it? If I see that wedding dress one more time I might throw something at my television. Her leaving never ending voicemails about how great it is to be married cracked me up. It sounded so desperate and clingy. She told Cynthia they are having so much sex, but I wonder how often they are together in the same city at this point since she is filming. Kenya may have a great marriage, but the way she speaks about it sounds so fake happy and extra to me. I was sick of Porsha last season. Her redemption tour is wasted on me. This whole salon idea sounds so ridiculous for someone like Porsha, but Oooookay. The only time I like Lauren is when she is yelling at Porsha. I know it will not last though. I get that Cynthia's storyline is her dating, but I find it so boring. The first couple of seasons I could tolerate Nene more. I found her more amusing then. Now, I find everything she does just so over the top. She must be taking lessons from RHoOC's Peggy on how to explain a medical issue. Sheree and the party planner stuff seemed strange. I felt like I was missing something. I would not think someone would want to be portrayed that unprofessionally. Something must have happened if the party planner just texted Sheree hours before the party, that she was not going to be there and that Sheree could just pick up the rest of the stuff.
  9. It sounded like Siggy was reciting platitudes or memes when she was at her retreat. I am kind of with Danielle when she said Siggy bringing up the whole Margaret issue at the retreat was about Siggy showing how great she was at dealing with it to the people that were invited to this retreat. Too bad Siggy's previous behavior this season negates at how well she deals with conflict. I am sure Siggy was teased because of her name when she was younger, but I did not think that was the reason why she was mad at Margaret in the first place. I thought it was about the memorial on the beach, Margaret not siding with Siggy about the damn cake, Margaret hanging out with the other ladies, and whatever else Siggy dreams up. Margaret's Siggy impression gave me life! I loved the rest of the ladies reactions to it. I like Margaret. I like that she just isn't blindly loyal to one person just because they are friends. She pointed out that she thought Delores bringing up Danielle's possible drug use was shitty. The other week when she was not on the best terms with Delores she said that Danielle bringing up Delores living with her ex was not anyone's business. Margaret is pretty diplomatic and calm when she disagrees with others as well. I do not love the pigtails, but I feel like I am used to them now on her. If that preview was showing Melissa (I am not sure it was her or if it was in fact about Siggy) doing her own version of a Siggy impression by flopping about on the ground when she embarrassed Melissa at that purse party I am all for it! I am sure Danielle is still a bit crazy, but it is possible that she changed some since her last appearance on the show many seasons ago. So if Delores is rehashing "the book" stuff as to why she does not trust or like Danielle I am thinking Delores spends way too much time with Caroline and Jaq. So far Danielle really has not done anything worse than the other ladies. She stirred the pot a couple of times, but so has the rest of the women.
  10. This season was such a chore to get through. This episode basically had everyone apologize to each other with flashbacks every other moment. It was boring the first time I watched it, so watching the flashbacks made it even more dull. I am going to try to make it through the reunion. I wish someone would go at Lydia and Peggy harder, but I doubt it. Kelly seemed so hostile with Michael during her previous seasons as well. Didn't she leave him at a Costco or something? She always seemed to be having issues with Michael, but it seemed like a lot of her hostility toward him was on the back burner this season until this the past couple of episodes. I would not mind seeing Tamra, Shannon, or Kelly again next season. I can tolerate Kelly more when she is not around Vicki. Meghan I do not mind, but she really did not do anything much this season. Though if next season gives Meghan PI something to do I would be all in for her returning. I really want Peggy, Lydia, and Vicki gone. I doubt Vicki will ever be fired though. The only past housewife I would welcome back is Heather. The others not so much.
  11. I am usually fine with low drama episodes, but this one was so boring. Aren't Sheree's kids in their late teens or older? I would think they would already know about the abuse. I am pretty sure they probably saw last season, read about it online or on social media. I guess they could have questions, but I am assuming they have already found out about it all. I really hope Kenya has more of a story than staring at her wedding dress. Kenya, if you played rent-a-boyfriend before you cannot really blame people for questioning it. I am sure there were questions and comments when the news broke that she got married, but Kenya was acting like it was some big global news story. I agreed with Kandi when she said Porsha should just say straight out that she does not want to go to Shamea's wedding. If Porsha wanted to go she would make it happen. I cannot stand that Porsha is still on the show, but if they insist that she is I could do with way less of her. I do not know if TPTB are trying to redeem her or what. Cynthia's bathtub scene and date made me roll my eyes so much.
  12. I rolled my eyes at everything with the nurse and Danny during their one on one scenes. I was thinking of course she is a nurse. Of course her husband was a cop. Of course she is also a widow. So they killed Linda off so Danny can possibly date a Linda clone?
  13. Did Derick delete his Twitter account? I tried to read it and it said it does not exist. I do see an @Derickmdillard. Is that him or a fake him?
  14. I did not mind Alison in the first season. She did have a lot of tunnel vision going on where Joe was concerned which I thought was understandable. One thing I liked about this show was that I may not like a character's actions, but I could understand why they were doing it. I really liked all of the main cast. So did season two do an almost two year time jump? I was confused for a moment there.
  15. If you really like the softness of the leggings you can go on Amazon and search "butter leggings" and find some. They have solid color ones and not all the crazy prints. I have been seeing more and more butter leggings in retail stores lately as well.
  16. If I had to deal with Peggy I would go crazy. When she was talking to Lydia about Aspen crying she was definitely implying that Meghan was a bad mom. I do not like Lydia, but she was trying to explain to Peggy that Kelly's response was not some dig that Peggy's dad died. From the little bit of grainy footage it looked like Kelly and Tamra were laughing about Kelly's "I'll have my dad call your dad" comment and not laughing at Peggy. Though I would not blame them if they did at this point. I was fine with Shannon and Tamra going in on Peggy at the dinner. I laughed when Tamra said Diko is a little bitch, because I concur. Of course Lydia had to get a Shannon dig in by mentioning Shannon getting worked up about the whole thing. I would get pissed if someone was implying my friend/work friend was a bad mom. David has been checked out for awhile now. He always seemed like more of an introvert, so I can see him being over this housewives drama. That scene with him and Shannon felt like they were already separated. Neither of them really saying anything. I did like that Shannon is not going to be friends with Vicki just because Vicki gave her a bullshit apology. She was polite, but knew it was all bullshit. When Vicki walked out of the restaurant and said it was not her fight. I immediately thought of her not defending Kelly during the whole Ireland fiasco. Vicki will not defend her "friend" when she is on decent terms with the other ladies. What was that "I am not turning my back on you, but I am turning my back on you" lunch with Peggy? Also, no amount of medical emergencies, being friends with Tamra, or anything else is going to make me like Vicki. Nothing. So you can stop trying Bravo. Did Peggy say that she considered Vicki her big sister?
  17. I kind of hate when the judges do the mini collection thing to eliminate someone. The judges are giving them their input, but I feel often that it is too late in the game for the designer to really fix their collections. They can make minor adjustments, but when the judges tear into some of the mini collections it is like what can the designers really do to change things in such a short amount of time? I do not see Brandon's comments as arrogance. I do think he has come along way from the first episode where he was extremely nervous and drinking martini's left and right. I thought his comment on moving on to what is next possibly post show was in reference to going back to doing his menswear designs. I did peek at his instagram and it looked like he did some designs for the band Imagine Dragons. I would think most of the designers that are left would be looking forward to what is next whether they win or not.
  18. I believe Nene was on after the Phaedra/Porsha rumors were exposed. I want to say after one of the reunion episodes last season, but I might be wrong on that. I thought if there was already a two year gap from when they spoke last to when Nene saying that Porsha (and Phaedra) should not return it should not be that big of a surprise that Nene might not support Porsha, especially if Porsha was irritated at Nene for her comments during the previous reunion. So while Nene basically did say Porsha should be fired, it sounded like that friendship had been dead for awhile. I was rolling my eyes so hard when Porsha was filming her podcast and asking if when a man has a baby with a younger woman if it comes out looking old. Sigh. I did laugh at Cynthia saying that she speaks to Peter all the time since the divorce, cut to the awkward Peter phone call.
  19. Hey Porsha, I am with Nene thinking you should have been fired. I honestly do not feel any sympathy toward Porsha. So Nene and Porsha do not speak for two years and Porsha is acting like what Nene said almost a month prior to filming is what she is mad about. I am better with Nene is small doses, but if she is going after Porsha then I may like her better. I am fine if Kenya's husband does not want to be film, so we the audience will not see him. I thought at least one of the housewives would have at least met him, knew that she had a boyfriend, or even knew who he was. I thought it was weird she would not mention his name, even just his first name. Was his name in the blogs and media when they got married? I just read headlines that Kenya got married when it happened, but never delved deeper into the articles. What was that wig Sheree was wearing in one of her talking heads? It almost looked like a Sia wig.
  20. This. At the end when Pride was talking her down, I kept thinking if they wanted me to be sympathetic to Chloe they failed miserably.
  21. I probably will not re-qualify for VIB this year either. I have been at least VIB for so many years now. I have found myself buying more from the actual websites of certain brands when they have had sales and I have bought a good portion of my skincare items from The Ordinary. I will use my 20% on a few things, but I have a good supply of my favorites already. Usually there is always something I really want, but I am not that excited about any of the new products that have been coming out these past couple of months.
  22. This is how I feel as well. I just do not care about her. I did like the conversation between Tani and Junior where Tani told him that she got kicked out from the academy and ended up joining the team. I wonder if there is going to be a follow up with Junior and Steve about him telling Junior that he has to go to the academy and then join Five-0.
  23. I did not care about the cliffhanger either. The only problem I have with it is that when the show returns we will be in for more Gabby angst whatever the outcome is. Though I do not care about Severide and Stella either. A lot of that is probably because I am indifferent to Stella. I do not dislike her, but I don't really like her either. I am just not that interested in her character. I was more interested in seeing where this Hope storyline leads. I do not think we have seen the last of her.
  24. I got the impression that Kentaro likes Meisha because her measurements are similar to his own, so he can try the clothes on himself to see how they will look on Meisha. Oh and he likes her because she can speak Japanese. I thought earlier in the season when he got a plus sized model he was pretty diplomatic and said something like it will help him learn and be a better designer. I could be wrong though.
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