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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I was rooting for John Lithgow or Ron Cephas Jones, but liked all the nominees.
  2. I am the one person who did not like Stranger Things. I thought I would, so maybe it just did not live up to my expectations.
  3. I thought Claire Foy looked great. I really liked Elisabeth Moss' dress as well. As usual Viola Davis looks awesome. I love the color.
  4. This is what I thought as well. On a side note I have been at a big Irish festival in my hometown this weekend and saw Jessica Willis selling various leather goods and necklaces that she makes in the market area under the name Bard Craft Co. It took me a moment to figure out where I knew her from since she is more of a brunette than blonde now. She had a lot of customers and seemed quite busy in her booth.
  5. I hate River Song as well. I found her so smug, but I also hate the whole River Song storyline. I do like Alex Kingston as an actress, just hate River Song. I liked all the companions except Amy Pond. I always felt that I should like Amy, but I never warmed up to her. I am the one person who liked Clara. She would be among one of my favorite companions. I liked all of The Doctor's, but Capaldi. I thought I would like him, because I have liked what I have previously seen him in. I was disappointed that I did not like his version of The Doctor. Though I have not watched the most recent season of Doctor Who, so who knows.
  6. I watched the pilot on Hulu and enjoyed it as well. I really liked the whole cast, especially the lead actor. Also, anytime Daveed Diggs shows up on screen is enjoyable for me.
  7. If I have to hear that Free Fall song again from Trace and Leigh I might throw something at my television.
  8. I love the TWoP recap of the musical episode. It cracked me up!
  9. I thought that it was not over the course of one year, but that for three of the victims it was three separate years (2002, 2004, and 2011) and the other victim for about a month in 2013. I have a hard time believing that he stopped during the period of 2004-2011.
  10. This! So much of this. I kept thinking that maybe the rest would drop back and let Joe ask Kendra without them so close. Of course they did not. Also, which sibling had to sit between Joe and Kendra in the truck while they were driving to the slab of cement? He could not sit in the backseat? I do not think Joe and Kendra would jump each others bones if whatever J'sibling was in the backseat. Sigh, I should not be surprised with any of it.
  11. I think my favorite part of the one on one interview was Andy's intro when he said the Tom/Lu divorce news sent shockwaves around the world. That comment just made me laugh. I do not think many people were shocked by the divorce news. It was just a matter of when it would happen.
  12. When Heidi and Tim critiqued Shawn's look in the workroom Heidi brought up the bathroom issue. Did Shawn address that in her garment or not? I was wondering because Heidi brought it up with Kenya's design on the runway. I cannot stand the twins and them tag teaming each other to work on each of their designs. I forgot which designer said that the twins designs are probably 50% each of them. It is hard to judge them on their sewing and construction skills when I am not sure who did what. I would be interested to see how the twins would work if one was auf'd. Claire might be fine, but Shawn I think would be over her head. I do enjoy all the other designers reactions to the twins. If I was around them I would probably go crazy. I am glad Kenya is sticking around. I agreed with Deyonte's auf'ing. I really wish Samantha would make it into the top. I think some of the designers had trouble because there should be some design with even a simple garment on this show. So making simple sleepwear probably would not cut it. It would be deemed boring or nothing special. I can see why Michael and Kentaro were in the top because while somewhat simple their print made their designs more interesting. I actually do not mind the models discussing wearing. I like her their opinions. I really liked Kentaro getting help from Samantha on designing for a plus size woman. Though most of the designers have said they are nervous, but are willing to learn how to design for various shaped women.
  13. I prefer them as friends too. I would have rather had a genuine friendship between them as well. I thought in the pilot episode that they were setting it up to look like Alex had a thing for Jane. I was wrong though. I liked Sutton and Richard, so I was dreading the inevitable love triangle when Alex and Sutton were interacting in previous episodes.
  14. Can we add Mother Teresa to the list? I cannot believe anyone would think Kim Kardashian posing as Jackie Kennedy in blackface was a great idea. Kim is the antithesis of Jackie Kennedy.
  15. I was wondering the same thing. They are putting her in a lot of jackets, strategically placing props, and other hide the fetus moves. A lot of people here are way better informed than I am about the actors and other stuff. I thought for sure someone would know here and it would be mentioned. It is very possible that I missed it. I still find Abby the least interesting of the siblings. I hope they do not go the love triangle route though, but I am sure they will. There are brief moments when I do not mind firefighter lady, but than TPTB go overboard with her schtick. Yup, I am still the only one that likes Jess. I actually find the relationships within the family more interesting than possible love interests.
  16. "America's first lady"? Hahahahahahahaha! What the hell? I cannot believe they thought darkening her skin was a good idea. Like @Fostersmom said so many kinds of wrong, it is hard to know where to begin.
  17. I really like Hourglass Vanish Foundation Stick and their Immaculate Foundation. I would not mind finding less pricey dupe for the Hourglass Immaculate Foundation though. For the summer heat I am liking Dr. Jart Black Label BB cream. I am very fair skin so it works well for me. I am also, really loving The Ordinary serum foundation and their coverage foundation. The serum foundation is very light, which I like in the warmer months.
  18. I believe there was something mentioned in that scene about Kat staying with them because her place had bedbugs. I thought when Sutton got her job in the fashion department in one of the previous episodes and she was upset over the decrease in her salary that one of the ways she was going to save money was by moving in with Kat. I am probably misremembering though.
  19. I am not a Taylor fan and I am not a big fan of pop music either, but I can usually see why others like her music. She makes catchy music. This song is awful. Of course it is more of the same with Taylor playing the victim, but so much of it just sounds like she is talking or chanting. It is extremely repetitive and not in a good way. An article I read said the song was about Kanye. Was it? All of you are so much better with Taylor lyrics/references than I am, and I could only stand to listen to the song once.
  20. I enjoyed part two of the reunion. I still think the NY ladies are entertaining even when it is a very low key episode. I cannot say the same for the OC franchise, because that is a chore to sit through. I like this cast. My like or dislike of each of the ladies vary from scene to scene and episode to episode. They might not always get along, but I do feel like there is some affection there, especially with the women who have been around for many seasons.
  21. This. It makes me like her daughters more. At least her daughter's seem to have a personality. If I had to eat Shannon's 383 calorie dinner I would be pre-eating along with David. I did not mind David's hesitation about Shannon's dream of opening a restaurant. The restaurant business is not easy. Also, I would assume there would be a good amount of restaurants with Shannon's concept or similar in the area. Vicki irritates me every time she is onscreen. Her outfit at the Nobleman party was horrible. Oh and Vicki, no one owes you anything. Tamra is not a great person, though I do think Tamra has mellowed a bit these past few seasons. I will also root for Tamra and Shannon over Vicki and Kelly any day. I haven't a clue why Vicki says Tamra hurt her. Uh, because she won't be her friend? I do not know. Vicki, Tamra and Shannon are not following you around, they have the same job as you. Hell, them ignoring you is far nicer than I would be in the same situation. Lydia acts like a child. She grates on my nerves so much. Kelly not listening to anything Michael had to say and then twisting it to fit her narrative was ridiculous. She did empathized with Shannon, but I do not think Shannon's marriage problems are quite the same as Kelly's. I still cannot believe the kept Vicki and Kelly on this show. Also, they thought Peggy would bring the drama? Really? She does seem to annoy Meghan and Tamra, but she still adds very little.
  22. I always want to run a brush through Leigh's hair.
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