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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Misslindsey


    I am not a fan of Ragan's floor routine. It just looked way too cutesy for my taste. I am underwhelmed by Ragan. I feel like I am suppose to really like her and she is just meh to me. I have not seen Trinity Thomas before, but I thought she was great. I really liked watching Jodan Chiles, Riley McCusker (who looked so much better at this competition), Margzetta Frazier, and Morgan Hurd as well. I am not a fan of Ashton. I cannot express how much I hate the wolf turn. It always looks so awkward and clunky to me even when it is done well.
  2. I could watch the "Clip, Clip, Clip" scene all day. It still cracks me up. I like Bethenny so it was probably why I did not mind her asking questions or anything. I think Andy is a terrible host at these reunions and drops the ball so much when questioning some of the ladies. With the exception of Ramona, I like all the NY ladies, so I hope they keep the same cast. Sometimes I do not mind Ramona either, but this season was one of her worst. Ramona tends to agree/apologize when people bring up her bad behavior, but then she constantly repeats it. I liked this season as well. There was drama, but it was not lying about cancer, lying about a cast member wanting to rape another cast member in their sex dungeon, panty-gate, and no Kim Richards. So it was a win in my book.
  3. I actually like Jess. The sibling I find the least interesting is actually Abby for some reason. I would be interested to learn a bit more about Conner. He did get some more to do in the last episode, but it was not much. I really thought last season they were going to put the chef guy with Bree. It looks like they are going with Jess this season, but I thought he had more chemistry with Bree. The switch up seems strange to me, but I have not watched the first season again, so I am unsure how all that was left.
  4. Vicki no one owes you an apology. No one. You are not the victim here. Shannon and Tamra are not bullying you. They are being far nicer than I would be if I was in the same room with you. Please tell me we get to see Peggy find out about Vicki's cancer scam? Please? That might make these episodes worth it. Then again it probably will not, but it would be the one entertaining thing that happens this season. Though considering Peggy's personality is lower than low-key she will probably not react at all.
  5. I actually liked Summer in the Vineyard. I was in need of some fluff last night and it fit the bill. I liked Autumn in the Vineyard as well, but have not watched it again in awhile, so I did not notice the recast of the dad and did not mind the best friend being gone. I thought there was a decent amount of chemistry between the leads. I probably was in a forgiving mood hallmark movie wise yesterday, so who knows. I found it enjoyable enough.
  6. I thought the it said "Noel, 20" underneath him. I could be wrong since I was drinking while watching. I did like Lu's talking head after Ramona's friend mistook Noel as Ramona's boyfriend.
  7. I did not think Meghan said she expected anything back from Peggy. I thought Andy asked if she heard anything back and she said no.
  8. This. Pretty much every time Vicki is on screen talking I am muttering bullshit. So are TPTB trying to redeem her by Peggy being her friend and the whole "I'm sorry" montage. She lied about cancer and now acts like the victim. I am disgusted that she is still on the show. I forgot the comment Vicki made about her last relationship. I just know I rolled my eyes when she said it though. Michael generally looks at Vicki the way I feel about her. If Kelly's mom wants to spend her retirement watching television who cares. If she is content doing things on her own that is her prerogative it isn't hurting Kelly. Seriously Kelly, there is not a puppet master. Just because people do not like her does not mean they are being manipulated into not like Kelly. It is very easy to dislike Kelly, I do not need help to do so. Also, if Kelly knows she lashes out when she gets angry why doesn't she take steps to remedy that? She will just do it and apologize, then do it again. I do not know how the others can stand to be in a room with Kelly and Vicki. I can barely stand to watch them on television, I would be all Shannon crazy with a dash of RHOA's Porsha, and I am not a violent person. Peggy is such a barrel of fun. I do not mind low key personalities on these shows, but Peggy is extremely low key. It is kind of boring to watch. If she put her fingers on my mouth like she did to Meghan she would be getting an earful. If it was one of my close friends and we were joking around then I would be okay with it, but to someone I just met and do not know well then I would be annoyed. Whoever said upthread that Lydia acts like a Duggar girl is so right. That sex talk was so cringeworthy. That kid just wanted to go in the water and play. The reason they were talking to the kid about sex is because he said something about a sexy woman or something? I missed the reasoning onto why they decided to talk to the kid about sex. Please Tamra and Shannon hold your ground and do not give into Vicki. I may have my issues with both of them, but if the continue to not be friends with Vicki it will be a win in my book. I am barely hanging on to watching this season. My lack of anything to watch during the summer is the only reason why I keep tuning in. If they got rid of Kelly and Vicki I might be more interested. Did everyone know that Peggy is Armenian? It is never mentioned.
  9. I read tweets back when the episodes aired that seemed to be a good amount of people rooting for Fiona and George. So I assumed that they had a decent following. Katie and George really did not last long for me to get feelers on where they stood in relation to Fiona and George. Besides Twitter, this really is my only place to discuss/read about the show. I do not know if there are big fanbases for either ship. Maybe someone in Australia or someone who sees more information on this show can enlighten me.
  10. How many children do Peggy and Diko have? I remember a scene from last weeks episode with the son playing ball in the house while the daughter was studying. Was that the same daughter who met Vicki and works at DVF or do they have three kids? I should pay attention better.
  11. I laughed so hard at this! Oooookay Vicki, maybe you should not lie about your boyfriend having cancer. She said she was not going to go digging into Peggy's medical stuff. Well Vicki, she isn't lying or telling contradicting stories. Sorry, but this Vicki redemption is not happening for me, maybe she should bring Peggy a casserole. If Peggy chooses to cozy up to Vicki than I am not going to like her. Peggy if you ever need a binder complete with tabs full of your medical records Vicki is your woman. Oh wait, Vicki never really looked in the binder she just saw it. If you need someone to sit with you at an appointment Vicki will be there. No, she will be in the waiting room. Then again, she might just drop you off and watch you walk into the building. If you need help faking a medical report, she will do it. There might be words smushed together, but she will help. Vicki can also sell you insurance or make you a weight loss smoothie. Kelly just because people do not like you it does not mean someone is being a puppet master and manipulating them. I do not like you and no one is influencing my thoughts. Meghan is right that Kelly behaves like a toddler. Lydia's mom is so annoying. Though I do feel like I need to see Jerri Blank (Kelly's mom) and Lydia's mom together. My mom was a better passenger when I learned to drive than my dad. I feel like David might be better in the car than Shannon. Though, besides drivers training I started driving in parking lots than went on to busier roads.
  12. I prefer Katie and George to Fiona and George. Though I do not really actively ship any of the perspective pairings. I feel like Katie and Gorge was over very quickly, but I like the actors chemistry with each other. So where do we put Jan in the mix? I did not mind Jan and George. I thought they had chemistry first season just over Skype/Facetime, but second season I thought it wore off, but that could be the writing/storyline. I did not love it. I can see why Fiona and George have a following, but I find Fiona a bit dull.
  13. I graduated from Michigan State and I knew people who did about an hour and a half to two hour commute each way. They generally tried to schedule their classes all on Mondays/Wednesdays/sometimes Fridays or Tuedays/Thursdays. They also had to deal with Michigan weather. So while tedious, it isn't that uncommon. I enjoy the show, but I still find Jane to be the least interesting of the three ladies. I find that I am more interested in Sutton and Kat's storylines than Jane's.
  14. I use Mizon's All-in-One Snail Repair Cream. It works well for my sensitive, combination skin. It's consistency is pretty much any standard moisturizer. It does not have a scent.
  15. Heh. I barely remember that she has two kids. I always forget that Saint exists.
  16. That scene cracked me up. It was so odd. It looked like Romana did not even know how to run. I loved Bethenny, Carole, and Sonja snarking on her. I never need to her Romana speak about how she drinks tequila ever again. It is like she thought she was being so sexy, but it comes off as ridiculous. You know, kind of like her flirting tips to Tinsley. I actually like Tinsley. She does seem stuck in her it girl days, but she does not seem mean spirited to me. I would get extremely irritated talking to Sonja as well, which would probably make me sound like Tinsley when dealing with her. Sometimes I get emotional in similar situations when I feel like I am not being heard or the person does not seem to get my point. Sonja's talking in circles would drive me crazy. When Sonja was talking to Romana she mentioned that she would be fine with Tinsley to moving out. She sure does not sound fine when Tinsley talks about moving out of the townhouse. I liked this episode. It was light on the drama, and the drama that happened seemed to be over relatively quickly.
  17. I did not mind Peggy before the dinner, but she did seem a bit rude. I kind of understood what I think she was trying to say about not letting the David hitting Shannon rumors get to her if they are not true. I thought either Peggy was not good at reading a room or some of the conversation got lost in translation. I would like to see what Peggy's reaction is to Vicki's cancer lies. I am still giving Peggy a chance, because there are very few likable people in this franchise for me. Surrrrreeeee Vicki you trust people too much and they let you down. I hate to remind you that you where complicit in Brookes' cancer lie. So I am pretty sure he could not let you down in that regard, because you participated in it. I really do not know how Tamra let you down when you were spreading rumors about her husband. Could it be that you actually let her down? How about taking responsibility for your role in all that stuff. Oh right, we know that will never happen, because Vicki is always the victim. Vicki you lied about your boyfriend having cancer, frankly Tamra and Shannon not wanting to be friends with you is getting off easy in my opinion. I think Shannon would be way happier off this show. I would think if Vicki gives her so much stress than why continue to be on a show with her? Tamra was right (it feels weird typing that) telling Shannon that she cannot let Kelly's comments get to her, because Kelly wants a reaction. I hope she has an actual therapist and is not relying on Dr. Moon to help her. I thought watching Shannon last season during the affair aftermath was uncomfortable, watching her now is getting way more uncomfortable and we are only three episodes in. Lydia feels so embarrassed about the whole display at dinner? Uh Lydia, you set the whole thing up. Did she really think that they were all going to hold hands and sing songs or something? She is like a mean girl that uses her religion to give the impression that she is really a nice, quirky individual. I am not buying it. Kelly is the worst. TPTB can try to redeem her and Vicki, but it will never work on me. I do not mind Meghan, but I do not find her terribly interesting to watch. I would say her and Tamra are the least offensive to me. I am giving Peggy a bit more time to settle in before I decide how I feel about her. I never thought I would type "Tamra" and "least offensive" together. What is happening!? I hope there is another fun episode of RHONY this week to counteract this franchise.
  18. I have gotten the impression that Sandy is a bit socially awkward. She seems to be fine with anything job related, but in other social situations she seems a bit awkward. I do not think she would put her career at risk just to hit on Hannah, especially when there are cameras involved. I kind of dislike that was the first thing that was thought of as to why Hannah might not like her. I thought Hannah might not of liked getting called out on the deflecting her kiss with a charter guest by Sandy. Sandy was pretty diplomatic about the whole thing, but Hannah seems to hold on to those things. I like Sandy. I find that I prefer her to the much loved Captain Lee. I have been over Captain Lee the past couple of seasons now.
  19. I do not have much to add. Everyone basically covered my reactions to this episode. I am liking RHoNY so much better than the latest seasons of the other RH franchises. This episode made me laugh so hard. This franchise had a few episodes this season that have cracked me up. I was hoping the rest of the ladies would oust Ramona and replace her with the chef that was named Ramona. I did like Tinsley's reaction at the end of the episode when Carole told Tinsley and Sonja to kiss and make up. Tinsley paused and said "No" and walked away. It made me laugh.
  20. I completely forgot their conversation before they started kissing. Did Malia really say she would rather sneak around? Oh geez, that does not sound shady at all.
  21. I thought it was Wes' anchor watch and that Malia was taking over the watch after his shift was done. I could be misremembering it though. I do not think Malia is being honest with either of the guys. She tells them that she wants to be just friends for the duration of the season, but then she is kissing Wes and sending flirty texts to Adam. If the guys knew where they stand and Malia told them she wanted to date/had interest in both of them, then I would be a bit more okay with her actions. She seems to tell them one thing than do the opposite. I do think it would be awkward to date two guys that you live and work with.
  22. I agree. They both should be mad at Malia (if Wes ever finds out about the texts and the pre-show relationship between Adam and Malia). Sigh, they will probably just be mad at each other, because that seems to be a trend on these shows. This is from previous episodes but I liked that Captain Sandy was trying to teach all the deckhands with their turns at docking/leaving the dock, not just one person. I thought Bobby, Malia, and Max were about equal when they had their turns. I would not expect any of them to be perfect since I do not think any of them had the opportunity before. I agree. I guess Captain Sandy did sort of approve it, but Wes made it seem like she gave more input into the decision than she actually did.
  23. I missed the part about the texts. So that is what they were about? Malia texting Adam about hooking up somewhere down the line while she was hooking up with Wes? I do not think Adam's actions were at all right, but if that was the case I would be irritated as well. Of course I would not do what Adam did even if I was pissed. I hope Wes does find out about the texts and the Adam/Malia pre-show hook ups then. It would be nice if they both realized Malia was playing them. When Wes said he hadn't hooked up with a deckhand before, I wondered how many female deckhands he has worked with.
  24. I loved every minute of her questioning. I always went back and forth on Shep in the previous seasons. Sometimes I would like him and other times I would not. This season I switched to a constant dislike of him. His attitude about being too drunk at the airport, how he treats Craig and all the Chelsea/Austin stuff was so disgusting. I would watch every week if this was a show. How the hell didn't Gizmo get the spin off? I would figure he is the most popular cast member. Please Austin if you are single next season do not turn into Shep. I believe the show introduced him as Shep 2.0 at the start of the season. I felt like besides some specific instances TPTB could have put the previous seasons reunion on the air instead of this one. It feels like the same exact storylines each season. Can these people evolve or find a new storyline for next season? Please?
  25. I agree. I like that Jim does not care about the housewives drama. It cracks me up. I am fine that Meghan isn't all sunshine and rainbows about motherhood. I did not get the impression that she hates it or anything just that it is hard. I do not have kids, but was a nanny during college and taking care of kids is not easy. Some days are better than others and some moments are better than others. I do not really read too much into the women on the various housewives franchises saying someone is yelling or screaming at them when someone is just getting defensive. I get what they are trying to convey even though they are not describing it accurately. I thought during the scene with Briana telling Vicki that she was going to Ava's birthday party that she would take Vicki along. I am so glad that did not happen. I feel like my blood pressure rises when Vicki is onscreen because I find her to be such a horrible person. Lydia was stirring the pot. I hate the friendship whisperer title that she gave herself. I do not get why anyone would want to be friends with someone who lied about cancer (or really any life threatening illness). I just cannot believe that Lydia did not know about Vicki's cancer lies and is fine with it all. I did like Shannon saying that Vicki does not get to pretend like the cancer lie never happened. The rest with Shannon was such an overreaction. I would not like to be compared to Vicki at all, but Shannon was so over the top about it. It is like she hear one thing, fixates on it and then gets wound up over it. I can only take Lydia's mother in small doses. Her marijuana use does not bother me, but the rest of her personality grates. I hate the confetti that she throws. If I had to be around her all the time I would turn into unhinged Shannon. I was relieved that there was minimal Kelly tonight. I did not mind Peggy so far, but if she becomes friends with Vicki I will not be able to get through this season. Without Heather and Vicki/Kelly still around this season is already going to be tough for me. I feel like all kids birthday parties should include alcohol. They would be much more tolerable for me. What did she say? Do tell! I could not stomach watching Vicki on WWHL, so I opted out. Thanks to the editors that played the clip of Vicki admitting she lied from the reunion. Vicki is trying to rewrite history with the cancer lies and scam.
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