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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Did Kenya say that Serena Williams is thicker than she is? I was like whaaaaat? Serena looks great and is probably all muscle. I think everyone here covered my feelings about Phaedra and her supposed sanctity of marriage. So she sent a text to Porsha who read the text to all the women. Phaedra did not seem surprised by that so I wondered if she told Porsha to read the text out loud. When Porsha was in Phaedra's room she said that she agreed with what Phaedra wrote. I mean Kenya threw a lame party, but that was pretty much it. Cynthia was not wild about it, but participated and ate cake. Sigh, sometimes I really hate defending Kenya.
  2. Mason made this episode for me. His critiquing Kourtney's outfits was great. I wish he would do it for Kim. Mason has a better eye for fashion than Kanye. I have to admit I found the episode boring. I am sure it was a horrible experience, but I was bored. It might be because there were so many details flying about after the whole thing happened. Kim said when she was talking to someone (I forgot who) on the phone that she was on the balcony hiding behind a bush. Also, if Kim called Kourtney yelling for help, did Kourtney in turn call the police? Didn't Kim or Kourtney say that Kim's assistant that was in the apartment (Simone?) text someone (Kourtney or Kim's hair stylist that were out together), so did she or they call the police? I did think the robbery happened when people were questioning it at the time, but I cannot get up in arms of those who said it was fake since the Kardashian's have rewritten history before. This. Kim said she did not have the guts to do what Kanye did. Kanye's "vision" was not that great if the outfit Kim wore was his idea. Then again, I rarely understand Kanye's visions anyway. What was Kanye doing before his concert where he was asking people to move the best pieces of clothing to a certain rack? It felt so random. I was thinking does he have a stylist, because he never dresses like he has one. I do not know if Kris had more plastic surgery done, but there were several instances where I thought her face looked really harsh, especially in her talking heads. It could have been her makeup. I give Kendall a pass on the shaken up comment, because if I had a family member or friend be the victim of a robbery or some other crime, I would be a bit shaken up for them as well as me. I have been shaken up before friend's and family sudden/random accidents, health problems, or crimes before. It did not affect me directly, but it freaked me out a bit, as well as for them. I also, thought when Kendall started out walking in fashion shows she did not want her family there, but maybe now she does not care so much. I have no idea. Weren't the NYC elevator cameras Kanye's documentary crew? I do think Kim or Kanye could have asked them to not film all that. If Kanye wants footage of him making an album or concerts is one thing, but having the cameras around during the aftermath was a bit much.
  3. Apparently the family loves The Andy Griffith Show as well. The show was on way before my time, so I only know bits and pieces of the more popular information about it. Pretty much all the family members thought Lawson was a Barney. I did think Gil's bike rack was a cool idea. It was not necessarily my taste, but it looked cool in the end. Lawson can not sing well. I have no idea if he takes vocal lessons, but he need way more of them. His songs are kind of basic, but I feel like he should focus on song writing or maybe the production side of the music industry. That might be where he fits better. Does he still have his lawn care business?
  4. I actually did not mind the two members of Erika's glam squad that went to Georgia with her. They seemed less thirsty than Mikey. Mikey drives me insane and lives so far up Erika's ass. He is always so "on".
  5. Rinna seemed somewhat fine with what Dorit said in regards to the pill baggie when they were one on one. I thought when Rinna brought it up to Eden that Eden kind of fanned the flames by making it sound more nefarious than what it actually was. I assumed Rinna switched to the six sense bit because she did not want to throw anyone under the bus. I am guessing Erika told Rinna what was said at the dinner in Mexico. I really do not have a dog in this fight. I can see why Rinna might think the comments were alluding to her having a problem with pills, because I think she trusts Erika (if it was her that brought it up to Rinna) and Eden (even though they had their issues) more than Dorit. I can see why why Erika or others may have taken Dorit's words another way since Dorit has brought this up before and I think Dorit brings up things under sort of a joking manor but really means otherwise. I can also see how Dorit's words could have gotten twisted and perhap she did not mean them in the way others may have. I see all their sides of this whole lame fight. I am not a Dorit fan so I like seeing Erika go in on her, but I am pretty indifferent to Erika so it really isn't a win either. Soon after the fight started Kyle went over and sat with LVP. It isn't a big deal, but funny to watch.
  6. I was surprised that Rittany is only 30 years old. I kept thinking I am older than Rittany. I assumed I was younger than her. I was not the biggest fan of the captain's challenge. The main reason is that then we have to hear Mimi whine about how Camryn might not get to dance. The first couple of seasons I liked Mimi, but then that whole season leading to Camryn being named captain and the seasons after it made me dislike Mimi more and more. I was glad to see Crystianna featured a bit, since we have not seen too much from her this season.
  7. Did Erica ever say anything about all the other guys she was catfishing or was she not actually catfishing the other guys that Nev and Max reached out to and got a few responses? I missed some parts of the episode. Also, did Erica explain why she would stop talking to Alante and then start again after a few months? I initially thought it was Erica when she was introduced, but the girl that was Erica's friend showed up, so I thought it might be her as well.
  8. I agree. It does not bother me. Back when I did not watch all the Chicago shows, like I do now, I just treated the crossover characters as recurring characters that other shows have as well. Sometimes they do not add much to the plot like a paramedic popping up on Med, bartending at Molly's and sometimes they do. If they add more to the plot there are usually some throwaway lines about a character's background and other stuff. I imagine part of the reason of the crossover characters are for people who watch the other Chicago shows to tune in to this one.
  9. This. I like Alicia on the show as well. I like that she does not seem to have time for any ridiculous shenanigans. I get that Gwen in dating Blake (I mean it is never mentioned at all), but she laughs at everything he says. I kept thinking it was because I loathe Blake, so I am glad you said it too. I was over Blake's jokes about Adam's cardigan during the first episode. I guess Blake does not wear stripes.
  10. I agree with what many of you have wrote about Kandi and the lies Porsha was telling. I am Team Kandi on this one. I guess I do not mind Kandi getting angry about being accused of wanting to drug and rape Porsha. I have seen housewives go off about a lot less and go off a lot more than Kandi has. Screaming and yelling at each other seems to be a trademark in all the RH franchises. I did get a kick out of Todd 2 sitting at the end of the table looking like he was mainly there for a free vacation to Hawaii. I also got a laugh out of all the women looking for Kandi's sex dungeon in her house after she told them that Porsha said she had one. Did Sheree say something at the start of the show that all the blame is on Porsha, but that Kandi does not know that Phaedra kind of started this all? Also, do we know if Shamea is still friends with Porsha?
  11. I agree. I liked seeing some of the B squad girls perform as well. It was nice to see different girls do stands from the B squad than the usual A squad girls, especially Star and Sky. I feel like maybe in the last season or so I am seeing more spark in them, dance-wise at least. Then again, maybe they are just used to being featured more on camera. I did look at the time during the stand battle and saw that the show was almost over so I figured the B Squad girls would lose. I thought the mirror challenge was fun to watch too. I think Faith is probably my favorite dancer on the Dolls, but I really do not dislike any of the girls on the team.
  12. I agree. Gil was trying to get Jeb and Judson to understand, but they did not seem to grasp it, at least at that moment. Kelly seemed to want to talk to the boys, but was not getting anywhere over the phone/Facetime. I would think when she got home there was going to be some kind of talk as well. I keep wondering how the Duggars would have handled it. They might have glossed over the whole thing, but who knows. I thought that the lighter that Jeb and Judson used was one of those refillable butane lighters/fireplace lighter, but it was not clear if it was a standard lighter or something else. I could see people putting it in a drawer, cupboard, or just forgetting that they left it out. My niece knew her way around a step stool pretty early on to be able to reach stuff that she shouldn't.
  13. I think I would have figured it out because I would have known it was Oscar night and if we were anywhere near the theater. Also, if I knew I was going to be on television I would have dressed way better and put some extra makeup on. Was 2008 the year of the writer strike? I remember award the Golden Globe winners being read with no actual ceremony.
  14. I actually do not mind the non-period costumes or hair. Hell I watched Reign. It just does not bother me. I am pretty bored with the stories. I thought the first season had more story arcs going on. I get a bit sick of the random townspeople that appear for a story in one episode but disappear for the rest.
  15. I have to admit I loved watching the various people from the audience confused faces. It was kind of funny. Also, I liked seeing the two young boys from Moonlight as well.
  16. I loved Moonlight and it was my favorite film of the bunch. I did wish Fruitvale would have gotten more love. I really liked that movie. I love Michael B Jordan. I wish he would get some more award worthy roles. He is very talented. I also, sadly remember him as Reggie on All My Children back in the day.
  17. So how many awards did La La Land win? Six? I feel like I could be missing something.
  18. Warren did look confused and even looked in the envelope again. I thought he was sort of doing a bit or trying to be funny. I was thinking get on with it.
  19. I so happy that Moonlight ended up winning, but feel horrible for the La La Land crew who thought they won but did not. Such a awkward situation. Though Moonlight!
  20. The inevitable La La Land win. I so wanted a Moonlight upset. I thought all the performances in Moonlight were fantastic. Just a side note the movie theater that I saw Lion in must have been super dusty, because I ugly cried during that movie.
  21. I was hoping for a Ruth Negga upset, but knew it would not happen. I would have gave it to any of the ladies except Meryl. I like Meryl, but do not think she should have been nominated.
  22. I did not have a horse in the Best Actor category. I did think all the performances were quite good.
  23. I did think Casey's performance in Manchester by the Sea was pretty amazing. Too bad he isn't a better person.
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