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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I agree that I cannot see Katie letting Tom help either. Didn't Tom try to offer input on the budget? He was probably being a bit delusional about the wedding budget, but there is not any sort of compromise between these two. When Katie and Tom were at their wedding venue didn't Tom like something about the table settings, but Katie dismissed it, because she hated it? I might not be remembering the whole exchange correctly though.
  2. Hahaha! I love this! For me Katie gets more horrible each episode. Stassi and Ariana seemed to settle their issue as best as it is going to be for them, so I do not get why Katie needed to go on and on about it at the lunch, then at dinner with Tom. Just let it go Katie. Stassi seemed fine with the outcome. I thought Katie was making the whole thing a bigger deal than what it actually was. While I do think Tom can be passive aggressive, in this case with the Ariana situation, I think he is caught in the middle between his best friend and Katie. I also think that Tom seems like he is more willing to have an actual conversation about their issues, where as Katie gets mean if he disagrees with her. I get that she wants him to have her back, but often times I find Katie unreasonable, so I just do not care anymore. Why are these two getting married anyway? I admit since I find the coven unbearable that I find myself being more okay with Ariana (and Scheana) than I used to. I am glad she did not apologize to Stassi. I guess I do not get the big deal about Ariana attending various events. As for Scheana, I so wanted her just to walk out on that lunch. The coven is always going to make Scheana their scapegoat and nothing she does is ever going to be good enough. Well, unless Katie, Stassi, and Kristen get mad at each other or something. Sigh. I probably am a horrible person, but I am so sick of Stassi crying over Patrick. Also, while I think her little brother is the sane one in the family, stop trying to make him happen. Sandoval's photo shoot with creepy Joe Simpson seemed strange. I was thinking what the fuck the whole time. I had not thought of Creepy Joe SImpson since The Newlywed days. Then that was topped with Sandoval's acting. The thirst is real for Tom.
  3. Oh I probably was not clear in my original post. Sorry about that. I do not think it was about race either. I was just wondering if it was down to Al during the week. I just wish TPTB would go with more diversity than the Megan Kelly route, but obviously that is not going to happen, unless they cut some of the other Today Show anchors. I do like Craig Melvin when he shows up during the regular Today. I have only seen the Saturday Today a handful of times. I feel the same way about Sheinelle Jones as I did Tamron, sometimes I like her and sometimes I find her annoying.
  4. I enjoyed Today's Take when it was Willie, Natalie, Tamron, and Al. I could take or leave Al, but I thought Willie and Natalie provided somewhat of a balance to Tamron and sometimes Al. I like Tamron when she is doing the actual news instead of fluff. I gave up on watching when Billy Bush joined Today's Take. I do not watch the first two hours, so is Al the only POC on the show? I think Tamron, being a WOC is one of the reasons why I do not like that she was let go/left in favor of Megan Kelly.
  5. So is it confirmed that Kelly is back? I can see why Vicki and Kelly are possibly brought back due to Heather and Meghan being out, but I would have loved both of them being gone. Hell, I would have taken one of them being fired! I do not know if I can stomach Vicki and Kelly for another season.
  6. I could not stop laughing at James' "rapping"! It was hilarious! I loved everyone's reactions to it. From what little I gathered was that the two girls who slept with James were going to wherever it was James was playing to confront him and the rest were tagging along to see the drama. I missed the Jax/James interaction. Did James kick him or something? I saw Jax throw the drink, but missed the rest. FI Tom certainly likes to defend James. I know Jax and co. went there to screw with James, but I do not think they are the ones that got him fired from Sur/Pump, especially since Lisa gave him so many chances. I am not a big Ariana fan, but I actually like that Ariana does not care about Stassi. If they are hanging out in a group they do not not have to interact much or just be cordial. I was fine with how Ariana was treating Stassi at the paint thing. I do not understand why it is such a big deal to Stassi that Ariana either like her or get along with her. I did not watch the first two seasons of this show, but were Ariana and Stassi ever really friends? I thought Ariana looked more happy horseback riding than I have ever seen her look on the show. I give zero fucks about Katie's reaction to Ariana being a groomsmen and Ariana hanging with the guys. I am disliking Katie so much now that I do not care who gets under her skin. I wonder if the whole Ariana issue would be a problem if Stassi was not in the picture. The lawyer that Tom and Katie went to did look rumpled, but I loved his reaction to their finances. Oh Scheana I bet you wish you got a prenup now. Though I have no idea the details of her divorce, so things may have worked out for her. I am not complaining that Lala has been MIA, but I got the impression that Lala's exit was going to be more of a thing. However many episodes ago that we last saw her, if that was indeed her exit it was a non-event.
  7. I guess I would rather have new people come onto the show than any past housewives. There are not any past housewives that I would like to see return. I definitely do not want Brianna as a housewife. Ugh. Though if the new castmates are in the Kelly Dodd territory than I am out.
  8. I am with you. I am disappointed, but if the whole Terry had an affair rumor is true than I am glad the aftermath is staying behind closed doors. I disliked when Shannon did it. It is real, but not very fun to watch. I liked Heather (as much as I really like any of the RH's). I always thought I would be more of a Heather if I had to hang around this group of OC housewives. I also liked that in most cases she could argue and disagree with people while keeping a calm speaking voice. Meghan was pretty good with that also. Neither of them turned into shrill harpies that often.
  9. I concur. Who cares if Kandi is into women and men. I do not. If she is having threesomes with Todd than I am guessing he does not care. They are consenting adults so I would assume no one involved has a problem with it, if it is indeed true. I hate how so many of these housewives in the various franchises throw out gay as an insult. I think Kandi looks bored and over it. I think she has a new baby, her husband, and the rest of her family and businesses and is just over it. I actually kind of like it. Didn't Kandi have a disagreement with Porsha last season? I thought they were over that then they had that lunch with Sheree where Porsha said that Kandi should not speak ill of Phaedra and they never recovered. I actually thought last week during the anger management fight that Kandi and Cynthia were trying to ask questions in a more calm manor, because Porsha was upset that it was coming from Kenya. I did not think they had bad intentions, Kenya probably did. Of course everything then spiraled. I wish Porsha could have calmly shut it down instead of everything getting crazy. I did not think Hazel was Kandi's mouthpiece. I think she genuinely wondered why they were suppose to ask Marlo questions about beauty, fashion, and whatever else. I have to admit I was wondering the same thing and rolling my eyes at Marlo. Porsha not remembering herself not defending Shamea in that conversation with Phaedra and Sheree about Shamea sleeping around and Shamea and Kandi, was convenient. I hate this Matt storyline so much. Kenya cannot take any constructive criticism about herself. She is a drama queen! She proved Cynthia's point right there. I do not know why anyone would even try to fix the situation between Kenya and Matt. Their relationship seems pretty toxic by both parties. Sheree is messy, but Sheree does not care. She has a death grip on her peach. Though I have no idea why anyone would reveal anything while Sheree is around. Then again all the RH's are pretty much about people talking behind each other's backs.
  10. I thought most of the kids did really well with the fit of their designs, especially since so many designers on original recipe PR seem to have fit issues with real women challenges. Overall I thought it was a pretty good runway for these kids. I definitely thought Izzy should have gone. Her dress made her model look huge. I thought I liked the idea initially, but the execution was awful. The panels looked messy and just added volume where the model did not need any. I did not mind Allie's so much. It was not very exciting, but I would take dull over ill fitting any day. I wonder if she went for her original design, if it would have worked better. Not so much a voluminous skirt, but I thought the leafy print was going to go over the whole thing. I agree with others that if she took the overlay off it might have made a better impression with the judges. I thought Allie has been pretty consistent, so for them to dismiss her because she had not made any clothes that wowed them was a bit much. I would have put Hawaa in the bottom. I though her outfit for her client was very her, but it looked kind of tacky for however old her client was. Tieler's was my favorite. I liked the bodice. He seems to mostly have well thought out looks. He is my favorite of the bunch, so he probably will go next. Cartier finally made something interesting. I have not been the biggest fan of her designs. She does classic pieces, which is great, but not so much in context of the show. I liked the red dress and the inside detail that she used on the outside. It was something a bit unexpected from her. I liked Molly's design as well. The color blocking worked very well with her model and I liked the overskirt. I was not sure how I was going to like Chelsea's design at the start, but I ended up really liking it. Chris' design was boring and a bit dated. I did think that the jacket, even though it had construction issues is what kind of saved the look. The belt also, saved the look a bit. Besides Izzy's ill fitting dress, I did not think anything that was sent out on the runway was that horrible.
  11. I did not like Lilly's solo either. I feel like she is capable of more than these cutesy, acro routines. I hate the pigtails too. I would like to see her do something different than her last two solos. This. So much of this. Lilly's mom was so overdramatic. I am sure it would have been fine if Lilly was the one that was sick and wanted to dance.
  12. I have to admit I agreed with the moms about Abby just picking a team already. I am so sick of new girls that are there one week and gone the next. I was the same way. I would like to see more of Jane dancing. I do like all the girls, but I do think that Brynn does not act at all when dancing. She is a beautiful dancer, but she does nothing with her face. I keep thinking she is like Kendall, but can actually dance well.
  13. My thought was they want Christopher and Tammy to get together. Isn't that how it always starts with bickering? I was hopeful after the previous episode that the Sonja and Christopher dynamic is alive and well, but it still feels lacking. If they have to hook Christopher up with one of his co-workers I would rather it be Sonja.
  14. If I had to hang out with that group of women (or really any of the Real Housewives franchises), I would probably be annoyed by them too. That is one of the many reasons why I am not on a reality show.
  15. I will be at my table for one for preferring this format to the previous Apres Ski. I like that everyone had pretty much one actual job. I do think the whole partying with guests stuff needs to go if this show gets another season. I think they can find enough drama without the hook ups and drinking with the guests. Overall I liked everyone cast except Mark (mostly just the early episodes), Jenna, and Cynthia. I have to admit I liked Jamie and Louise the best. I just can't with Jenna. The previous episode Mark said that they should not be together anymore, to which Jenna replied something like "I knew that four days ago." In that same episode she told him how much above him she is. Then she proceeds to pretend to lose her phone to basically cock block him. Sure, it was skanky (and normally inappropriate, but apparently is a part of the five star service at TCL) of Mark to sleep with the guest, but Jenna and him were not together. At least he did not lie about it when she asked him and he did seem remorseful. Nikita said the woman he slept with was acting like a 12 year old girl, I thought no Jenna is. She is the one who could not serve the guests in the morning and then proceeded to act like Mark cheated on her or something. What the hell was Cynthia even thinking about wandering to the guest house in her boy shorts and t-shirt? I mean Jamie had to tell her to change into her uniform? Really? That should be pretty logical.
  16. I agree that it was tacky for Scheana to talk about the bridal shower cost with Katie. I do not mind her having issues with Stassi and Kristin since it sounded like she was not aware of how the cost was going to be split. Then again, in Vanderpump Rules world I do not care if she goes to Katie and makes Katie even more stressed out. I am so sick of Katie and her coven. I might be misremembering, but wasn't there a rumor that one of the reasons that Scheana and Shay broke up was that he stole/took some of her money? I think Schwartz can be passive aggressive and mean as well, but I think he is more than willing to have a conversation about their issues, where as Katie just gets defensive so quickly. Then she points out or says shitty things about Schwartz. He responds to her and it all goes to hell. These two should really not get married. I never really thought Scheana and Shay were going to last, but at least they were not arguing all the time. Then again, Shay never really says much. Also, I would think when multiple people point out that Katie is mean when she drinks, one would think that she might try to not drink as much and be more aware that she is a bitch when drinking. Though now that she has Stassi and Kristin back as friends she is kind of a bitch when not drinking as well. I barely could keep track of all the mean texts that were sent to and from some of the idiots.
  17. I am not usually a fan of Kelly Osbourne in other places/shows/whatever, but I do like her on this show. She is not mean spirited (though I do not think any of the junior judges are), but she does seem to work well with the kids. I have to admit that I liked that the judges were all over the place with each design. They were very split on all of them. I agree that it was A'Kai's time to go. I did feel bad for him though. I do think he is probably a better designer outside of this competition. I think the whole competing and time limit thing was not for him. I preferred Tieler and Molly's designs. I thought Tieler's was simple, but the placement of the lights was well thought out. His designed looked complete and not rough like some of the others. Molly's look was well made. I liked how she used lights with the print of her dress and I liked the design of the dress. Molly does seem to always send well made designs down the runway, even her first challenge dress that was not that good seemed well made. I did not mind Izzy's look. I agreed with the judges that the flap on the jacket was not a good idea, but I liked that it was a more casual look than the others. Hawaa seemed to have construction issues. I kind of liked the look, if the coat was removed. I liked that she intended that the lights be their own pattern and that is why she did not use a print. I did not like Chris' look. The prints did not work for me together. I thought he was going to be in the bottom. Perhaps, if he either used either the dress or the jacket prints with some solids I could get behind it more. I like mixing prints, but did not feel the two worked well together. Though he said they work because he put them together, so I guess I am wrong. Tieler is probably my favorite overall designer, but I do not really mind any of them.
  18. I think they are in Wyoming now. I really have no idea when this was being filmed but I guessed that it was during a school break/summer because Mariah is around. I have no idea though.
  19. I did not mind Kandi's reaction to Kenya deciding to stay with Kandi. My interpretation was when Kenya was on the phone with Kandi that Kenya was not interested in staying with her. Also, it looked like some time passed between when Kenya called Kandi and when she actually decided to possibly stay with Kandi. I would think that if you were going to take someone up on their offer to stay with them you would give them a heads up that you are coming over or a call asking if the offer still stands. In my opinion Kenya should not have invited Cynthia to stay as well, that is something Cynthia should take up with Kandi. Where was Noelle in this scenario? Though I think it was all some producer shenanigans that think it would be hilarious for Kenya and Cynthia to stay with Kandi. I am probably a horrible person because I have offered to let people stay with me, but secretly hope they do not take me up on it. Though I cannot get mad if they do, because I did offer. I agree with everyone about the Matt situation being hinky. I believe that Matt has issues, but I think this storyline is all Kenya's doing. Gee, what storyline is she going to come up with next season? Again I am a horrible person because I laughed at Kenya's bad acting at Phaedra's office. I do think if Phaedra had more food at her pop up shop than just Ayden's cookies that she may have mad more money. Was Phaedra just selling t-shirts as well? With the space she had I thought she would have more vendors than just the rest of the housewives.
  20. Wasn't it Sky who made it to the battle squad? I could be confusing them though. Whichever twin it was did look so much more alive than past seasons. She also, looked like she was having fun as well. The new uncle was a bit much, but I do appreciate the show highlighting other girls. The one that made battle squad cuts (Angela?) was entertaining to watch. I hope to see more of Crystianna and Faith because they are my favorites, but I really do not dislike any of the girls. As for their mother's/uncle/aunt I was glad Mimi was in the background more this episode. I thought Tina looked good in her talking head where she has a bob. Neva.....sigh....She is just too much. It was nice to see the other teams and coaches supporting the girl who was having hair issues. She was a cute girl. The team she was on was fun to watch as well.
  21. I already know I hold the unpopular opinion of liking Jenna Coleman. I liked her as Clara on Doctor Who and she is one of my favorite companions. I probably would have watched Victoria anyway, but she added to me tuning in. In my biased opinion I thought she was quite good as Victoria throughout the series. I really liked the whole cast though. I feel like I am seeing Alex Jennings who plays King Leopold in Victoria everywhere. He was in The Crown and popped up in The Halcyon.
  22. I am so with you on this! Jimmy and Kara were a snooze for me. I like Mon El and think that he has more chemistry with Kara than Jimmy. I did like Kara with the character of Cat's son, but since I read Melissa Benoist and the guy who played him (sorry, I cannot remember his name) are divorcing I am sure nothing will ever come of that.
  23. I have not tried the First Aid Beauty sunscreen, but I do love their red clay mask and cleanser.
  24. Doesn't Alyssa Bates help John clean various businesses in the evenings? Erin has also put out albums. I think one was Christmas music and one was a lullaby album. I could be wrong on that. I have no idea how well they did. I feel like the Bates kids have either gotten jobs or went to Clown College, even the girls, which in fundie world is something at least.
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