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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I hate those fingernails. They look so tacky to me, but Khloe (and a majority of the Kardashian/Jenner family) are extremely tacky, so why should I expect anything different.
  2. I think Rob was being an immature ass about the blocking family members on social media and his other excuses for not going to MJ's birthday or anywhere else for that matter. I do think that he would benefit from some therapy and not some televised therapy sessions either. Sometimes I feel that the family is glossing over the fact that Rob was basically a recluse for several year and Khloe throws out a line here and there about it, but has any of his issues been addressed by medical professionals? Khloe in that shirt at the end was ridiculous.
  3. I love this! What makes this more laughable is that Vicki does not defend Kelly, nor does she seem to want anything to do with Kelly when she is on good terms with the other ladies. With all that Kelly still wants to defend Vicki. I just can't with Vicki. I have never really been one to find Vicki amusing, even in the earlier seasons. Vicki acts like everyone should just get over the cancer lies, so when most of the ladies are trying to do just that she pulls more of her patented Vicki bullshit. Kelly constantly hits below the belt when she gets angry. Then she apologizes and expects everyone to forgive her when she keeps doing the same thing over and over. At the start of the season did she say that Michael took a test or something that said he had narcissistic personality disorder? I guess from what short scenes that Michael has been in that he does not seem like a raging narcissist, but who knows. I know where Vicki would score on that test. I will be at my table for one for still enjoying both Heather and Shannon. This season I did not mind Tamra too much either, which I never thought would happen. Oh I have always really liked the way Heather dresses which really has nothing to do with any of this.
  4. I think that is what Dolores was saying as well. Isn't Dolores friends with Jac, Teresa, and Caroline? I would imagine off the show that she can be friends with them all and not speak ill of the others. The drama that the ladies have with each other probably does not come up in conversation when hanging out with the others individually. Though being on the show almost makes everyone talk about each other all the time, but overall I think Dolores handled herself well on the show in regards to her being friends with all of them and being fairly diplomatic.
  5. Maybe she did not want to hear Rich make the foursome quip again. I know I did not want to hear it. This! So much of this. I hate the "fake" narrative as well here and other reality shows. Sometimes it is nice to just be cordial and polite in situations so there is not any drama. I also hate the "keeping it real" garbage when many times it just means they are being an asshole.
  6. I laughed when they used that shot of her looking out the door at the end with the what the housewives are doing now bit. I actually like Delores for the most part. It must be exhausting to be these ladies friend, but she is usually fairly realistic at the possibility of everyone getting along and she does not lose sleep over it. Jac calling all the shots when Teresa and Melissa walked in was ridiculous. I would have been put off by that too. Of course, when she cannot control the scenario she walks. Also, Jac kept saying she was so hurt by what happened in Vermont, but I thought the only thing that Teresa was trying to communicate (which Teresa does not do well) was that she was disappointed Robyn left and thought Jac was antagonizing toward Robyn. I do not understand why Jac would want to speak to Teresa but not Melissa, because really Melissa just seemed like she did not want to rehash past disagreements again by keeping her mouth shut. Can someone refresh my memory, but what season or how many years has it been since Teresa and Jac were actually friends? Not just one of their of the moment reconciliations, but when they were actually friends. I find it silly that Jac seemed to think they should just go back to being as close as they were. I guess I was fine when Teresa ceased being friends with her however long it may have been. Siggy acts like Jac is some delicate flower with all the Jac is just hurt garbage. Sigh, I did like that Siggy was not a screeching banshee, but everything is always about her and she rarely shuts up. Sigh, can this be the last we see of Rich? Please? Apparently he does not know how to be cordial, say hi/how are you then go elsewhere. I thought Kathy's hair looked nice, but I hated her makeup and dress. Small voice......I kind of liked Melissa's fashion show dress, but I would never rush to Envy to buy it. I am probably being naive but I can buy that Teresa and Danielle get along now or at least like going to yoga together.
  7. Ulta carries Lorac. I just bought the Pro Matte Palette there a couple weeks ago.
  8. Now I want this to happen so bad! It would automatically be the best episode ever if it did in fact happen.
  9. Congrats to Jeff and Gage. I really like the name as well.
  10. Thanks @Athena! I will probably order a bunch soon, because at their prices I am okay with getting a dud in the mix. There are so many I want to try.
  11. Is she Jewish, because I hear they are hilarious. I have to admit that I would be like Heather around these women. I would speak to them all with disdain.
  12. I agree. Good for Teresa for working on getting her yoga certification. I have no idea how many classes Teresa has taught, but like you said she may get better with more practice.
  13. Besides all things Martha, I was a bit amused that they let Sam's son use his actual accent when Martha told him the character in the book had a British accent.
  14. Has anyone tried Deciem's The Ordinary products? I was just curious because I have similar versions of some of their products from other more expensive brands and was wondering how they stack up.
  15. Wait so Delores calling Jac asking if she was coming was her trying to set Jac up? What? I do not really know why Delores called Jac when Jac texted her that she was not coming, but Jac starting a fight with Delores over a seemingly innocent voicemail is crazy. Then throwing out something about how she ( Jac ) was not on the sign? What is Jac going to share with the ladies night ladies? How to drunk tweet? I have no idea what dinner Chris was at when he claimed Jac did not go all shebeast on Melissa. Joe has to reach out to him? I am so sick of everyone claiming that Jac was so hurt and that is why she lashed out. What the hell was she hurt about? My guess is she was either jealous that Melissa and Teresa are getting along or she was hoping Melissa would be on her side so they could all be against Teresa. Please someone get Rich Wakile off my television screen ( He can take Kathy with him ). He is so smarmy. Kathy must hate it, because she actually tells him to stop with the foursome remarks, which she does not seem to do too often with his other disgusting comments. Hell even Joe looked like he gave a fake laugh about the foursome comment. I do like seeing the Gorga's and Teresa getting along. It is much more pleasant. Overall I think Gia is a good kid, but just has her bratty teenaged moments and often finds her siblings and parents annoying, which seems pretty normal. I do find Audriana adorable. From what the small bits that we have seen of them I think Delores has some good kids. I did not love or hate Delores' kitchen. I did like her level headed approach about how she was not worried about the Jac, Melissa, and Teresa drama. Siggy kept asking her about it and Delores did not seem to care that much. Oh Siggy, I am assuming the second your son can get away from you he will do so. She might be joking with her breastfeeding and other comments that she makes about him, but embarrassing him is probably not the way to go when you keep talking about how you want to be a close family. I was glad that Jac was sick and could not speak much. I could imagine the shrieking that would have ensued. She was certainly proud of her shirt though.
  16. I liked the episode, but I did miss Sonja. I am glad Sebastian got a chance to shine a bit. Also, I would love Gregorio to go back to DC. I cannot stand her.
  17. I wonder who they are going to replace Billy with. I liked Willie and Natalie, because they balanced Tamron and Al out for me. I would hope they would get someone with more of a Willie/Natalie demeanor. Though I do like Tamron when she is doing actual news, not the Today's Take news. I do not mind Carson, but I would imagine The Voice takes up a lot of his time.
  18. I never warmed up to Chili so I was not very disappointed when her character left (how she left was ridiculous), but I did actually like Jimmy. Though part of that is because I liked the actor in other things. New characters do not seem to fair too well on this show. Sometimes they basically disappear and other times their character gets thrown under the bus. I guess do not get too attached. Now Stella is a character I would not mind losing. Something about her character just does not work for me.
  19. I have been enjoying the CBC's This Life. I really enjoyed the first season and am enjoying the second season so far as well. I am a sucker for a dramas that focus on a family. I love the various relationships of the family members, but my favorite would be Romy and Oliver.
  20. I did not understand why they were warning Chris off. I do not think Teresa really has a problem with Chris. If he wants to go and see Joe for a bit he should be able to go. It will be his last time so see him before Joe leaves. Chris does not have to stay long. Though I can see Jac as one of those people who say go and I will stay home, but will then use that against him every chance she can get. Jac revising history with Teresa bringing up strippergate in Vermont. Also, Jac playing the victim again. Jac was throwing out anything she could think of during that fight when it had nothing to do with the topic of the Jac/Robin fight. Oh Jac, I think you wanted it to be everyone against Teresa again. Also, Jac if you are so over your friendship with Teresa find something else to talk about. Why was anyone acting surprised about Ashley being pregnant? She certainly looked pregnant. I get not wanting to put your foot in your mouth by asking with the slim possibility of being not pregnant, but acting shocked when it was announced was too much. I would have been like no shit you're pregnant. So anyone know how Chris' popcorn business is doing?
  21. Thanks for the info. I would almost expect the comments in the video from a high school/college student, not so much a 33 year old man.
  22. I found this so hilarious! He does not seem to age. So how old was Billy when he made these comments? Was he married/have kids at the time? Billy Bush always came off as smarmy to me. I do not know if it is all those years on Access Hollywood, but it seems like he lives up any celebs ass. Please get rid of him. I would be so happy to see Willie back, but I doubt that will happen.
  23. I love Daveed Diggs so I am glad he is on for multiple episodes. I would hang out on the couch with Daveed Diggs anytime. I did not love or hate this episode. I guess I was pretty indifferent to it. So far I have been pretty indifferent to the first three episodes of this season. It was good to see Pops again, since I prefer him over Ruby. I always got the impression Zoey was pretty smart. A bit self involved teenager, but smart, so I was surprised at what her initial college essay topic was.
  24. I missed seeing this episode, because I am visiting family in Michigan and their local channel played Thursday's episode because a local woman is one of the contestants for that episode. I guess football is preempting Jeopardy tomorrow and they wanted to show this local woman playing. It was strange. Though I am kind of glad not to see Seth lose. It is only a game show, but I hated watching Matt Jackson lose and even Alex Jacobs in his first go around as well. I obviously get way too invested.
  25. I got the impression that Vicki told Kelly Shannon's secret when they flashed back to two or three days ago with Tamra and Heather, Kelly said something like the secret is bad. Way to keep that secret Vicki. I would not be surprised if there is something that Shannon told Vicki back when they were good friends. Now I am sure Vicki will embellish said secret, but there might be a bit of truth to it. I just question the validity of whatever the gossip is, because Shannon changed her tune with Vicki pretty quickly. Shannon wasn't just cordial with Vicki at Heather's party it was like they were back being great friends again with all the joking and such. It was a bit weird. Vicki being mad at Shannon was ridiculous. Shannon was pretty clear that she did not want to be friends with Vicki, so Vicky getting mad that Shannon left her a voicemail concerning the accident was so stupid, but so very Vicki. Didn't Brianna and Michael at that awesome lunch in one of the previous episodes say that Vicki should respond or something? My aunt use to love Yankee Candle so whenever we would go shopping she would have to stop in and the store would give me a headache from all the smells, so I can kind of understand Heather's leaving during the opening of Jimmy's dream candle store. I also, had a friend who would get headaches from Victoria Secret, because of all the pink. I do not think Victoria's Secret is as pink as it used to be, so she might be okay now. Kelly is really trying to paint Michael as a horrible person, but I do not see how he is any different from her for the most part. I do not really see Michael as a narcissist. Well, at least not as big of a narcissist as Vicki. So basically Kelly is staying with him for financial reasons and he might get custody of Jolie. Wouldn't Michael have to have something major on Kelly to get full custody of Jolie?
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