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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I seem to be more interested in the rookies and the younger girls on the team. I am already bored of the twins and Knoxy. I am over all the nicknames already as well. Oh and the hair bows. I know that is a cheer thing, but I hate them. It is hard to take a 24 year old seriously with a ridiculous bow in her hair. In the grand scheme of things those are my relatively small complaints.
  2. I enjoyed the college dancing as well. It was a nice change of pace. I like that they were dancing in the bleachers. Diana looked thrilled for the girls during the whole five girls competing for the scholarship and the winner announcement. I must have missed it, but how were the girls suppose to fold the cape? I was glad Camryn did not get the scholarship. She was good, but I could not take Mimi's ego growing even bigger if Camryn did get the scholarship. She does already have one, so it was nice to spread the wealth a bit. I was hoping for Christiana to get the scholarship, but it was nice to see one of the other girls get it. Christiana and Faith are probably my favorites among the girls, though I do not dislike any of the girls. I did kind of dislike Camryn during the season of competing for the captain spot, because it seemed like her mother was rubbing off on her, but once that was over it seemed like Camryn went back to being Camryn. I really do not get Rittany's problem with Dana, but I like Dana (and Faith). I also like Dana's style compared to the other moms.
  3. Hee! Obviously it is a coded message from Katy to Spencer. He probably understands all the hidden messages.
  4. I like Willie a lot, so I miss him at the nine o'clock hour. I miss Natalie at that hour also. I think Natalie and Willie were a nice contrast to Tamron and Al. Billy Bush is so annoying for me. I would rather have Carson if they were going this route. Carson seems more chill and less "look at me" than Billy. Though I would imagine working around Carson's Voice schedule put a damper on the some things.
  5. I cannot say I blame them for continuing on with this mess. It is probably an easy paycheck for stupid storylines. Kourtney does look over it and a lot of the time over some of her family members as well, but she can half-ass the whole thing and still collect the paycheck. I cannot with all Khloe's Lamar drama. Lamar is a grown man, let him make his own decisions good or bad. He is the one who has to ultimately live with whatever decisions he makes. Also, did they put Lamar in some sort of program/rehab, because it really is not a shock that he would go back to his previous behavior. So I am assuming that Lamar had to sign a release to appear on the show, but back when he appeared at Kanye's fashion show he did not look all there or coherent. Would he have to sign the release or could Khloe do it for him? Rob and Chyna's show looks like a train wreck, but it looks a hell of a lot more entertaining than this show. Khloe needs to get over Rob being with Chyna. Khloe can say she is fine with Chyna but she is not. She probably thinks that Chyna took her place in Rob's life.
  6. I would laugh so hard if Joe took an Uber to go fetch Teresa! I would want him to tell all about it when they returned. Oh Joe, if only you made a podcast with all your random stories. I would have listened. I did crack up at Teresa's face when Melissa was telling her about the girls weekend and that Jaq was invited. Teresa looked like she would rather do anything else than go on a trip with Jaq. Though I would not want to either. Hey Jaq, you can retire your Teresa voice anytime now. She will never be fine with Teresa. She needs to stir the pot for story purposes. Yeah right Jaq. She likes to start so much shit. She is such a child and an emotional black hole. Melissa handled Jaq far better than I would have at that lunch. I would have punched her in the face when she went on about JoeGo. Okay I probably would not punch her, but I would want to. Hell, I want to punch Jaq when I see her on the television. Did Chris say that Ashlee's boyfriend reminded him of himself? Well, I hope he is a better businessman than Chris.
  7. This. So much of this. Billy Bush makes my head hurt. He is always so "on" all of the time. I never minded Tamron or Natalie, and loved Willie. I cannot stand Al or Matt. I am tuning into CBS This Morning more regularly. They do not seem to be cackling hyenas like Today and GMA seem to be. I like that it is more calm and I love Charlie Rose, so that helps.
  8. Hee! Can you imagine what Spencer would think if Katy threw some goodwill his way? He would still think they were dating and it was her all along.
  9. This! I have to admit that it ranks as one of my top episodes of this show just because of Max and Nev's reactions and snark abut the whole situation. They were pretty constant with their sarcasm and reactions to the delusional guy, and for some reason it was hilarious to me. I always enjoy when not hopeless romantic Nev shows up.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. Brianna referred to Donn as "Grandpa Donn" when talking to Troy, which made me assume that her kids have met him and hung around him if that is how she is addressing Donn to her kids. It was said with more familiarity than just her referring to an ex of Vicki's.
  11. I have to admit I laughed at JoeGiu talking to Chris about Uber. It is strange that I find Chris likeeable when he is around JoeGiu. When Chris is around Jaq I cannot stand him. Oh Jaq, you never wanted to rebuild a friendship. If she did she would have never went there with some of her remarks. Jaq was trying to stir so much shit with all that Joe (and Melissa) stuff. I do not think Teresa has ever been great at trying to get her point across or at communication in general, but she was a lot more calm than I would be if Jaq was trying to start something with me. Also Jaq, I do think everyone was ganging up on Teresa during the season with the lovely deck/patio scene. I think that was the season where if it rained it would have been Teresa's fault. I know it was probably a one second clip, but I almost went all rage monkey when they showed Caroline in that old flashback clip. Yeah, I cannot stand her at all. I did not mind Siggy or Dolores' scenes. I still really do not have much of an opinion on them yet. I laughed at the bit with JoeGiu chasing Milania around the house as well. I thought the scenes with the Gorga's and Teresa and Milania were nice as well. I hope Jaq does not succeed in driving a wedge between them, because that is what it feels like she is trying to do.
  12. I agree that Summer in the City was enjoyable. I liked the leads and the rest of the cast, even though I kept referring to the male lead as One since I watch Dark Matter. I also liked that the drama was mostly about the store and not really the romance until a bit at the end, but even that seemed more about the store. I got a laugh at the movie description too! I did not think the female lead had some awesome sense of style. I liked some of the pieces that she wore, but not all together like so many of her outfits were put together. Some of her skirts/dresses seemed a bit short for a work environment, even though I generally liked the dresses and skirts that she wore. I had to also roll my eyes at the whole people from the city wear black. I live in the city and I wear colors and neutrals. Shocking I know. I think I am going to sit out the Debbie Gibson movie. From the previews she looks like a terrible actress and it just does not look interesting to me. If she is going to be a Hallmark regular I see myself not watching her movies like I do not watch Candace Cameron Bure or Shenae Grimes-Beech movies. Those are my deal breakers.
  13. So what is Kim going to do to get the attention back on her since she probably cannot stand that Kendall has a Vogue cover? Naked selfie? Some sort of photo-op with Kanye and the kids? Are Kim and Khloe going to lose their shit since Kendall mentioned that Kris knew about Caitlyn soon after they got together?
  14. I do not mind some of the make-up that they girls wear. If I was on television I would definitely be wearing make-up as well. I look deceased if I am not wearing some sort of lipstick/gloss/stain. I am pretty fine with mascara, lipstick, and some of the eyeliner. Some of the girls go a bit crazy with the eyeshadow and eyeliner which I am not really a fan of, but some make-up does not bother me at all.
  15. I agree that they knew they had no chance of getting a gold, but I just enjoy athletes celebrating getting a silver or a bronze.
  16. I loved the enthusiasm that Boudia/Johnson and Daley/Goodfellow had for winning silver and bronze. I always like to see when athletes are happy with winning a medal of any color.
  17. Hee! My mom walks away or turns the channel when she is watching her favorite athletes/teams play. I am glad Gabby had a good day, but wished she made the AA, because I prefer her gymnastics over Aly's. I am so sick of hearing the story of how Aly missed out on the bronze medal by the whole tie situation. It isn't just that story, it is all the stories that they reiterate a million of times about certain athletes or teams. It gets old. Oh four years later and Aly's parents still annoy me. For some reason though I feel like her dad looks like Alan Cumming. I was impressed by the 41 year old gymnast.
  18. I could see Diana being in on the Christiana not dancing in the call out rounds, but Rittany looked really upset when it was announced. I just do not think she is that good of an actress. I also, thought Camryn was crying when she twisted her ankle. So while I was thinking that it was very scripted as well I just do not think any of the ladies or girls are great actresses to carry it off. I also, do not think Mimi would ever want Camryn to fake an injury so another girl could dance. The whole thing did seem to work out too perfect though. I would not be shocked if it was scripted, but I think certain parts of it may not of been. I think they need to stop with Diana having a confrontation with whatever team they are battling against coach. It is so contrived. If she and another coach did actually meet up in passing that is fine, but having a meet up in every episode where they just happen to run into each other is so fake and annoying. Diana and most of the coaches she meets up with are the worst at acting through those scenes.
  19. I agree. I think some ( or a lot ) of the stress is about the construction at the house, which probably seems like it will never end. Then add to the house renovation that they are going to be parents as well, might pile on the stress a bit. I am fine they are not overly affectionate, especially in the work scenes. I just do not think that is either Gage or Jeff's personalities. I thought Gage had a pretty good read on Jeff to why his was picking fights with him in one of the earlier episodes of the season. I did love Gage's reaction to hearing the baby's heartbeat. Jeff had a good reaction as well, but Gage's put a smile on my face. I get why Jeff had to put a stop to the whole Mary situation, but I did feel a bit bad for her. Her house will never be done if she is that indecisive. I did laugh at Gage calling Jeff his Mary, because Jeff keeps changing his mind or adding to more house renovations. Does anyone know offhand how long Gage and Jeff have been together? I believe they were together for awhile before Gage appeared on camera, but I could be not remembering correctly.
  20. Of course there will be cameras. Kris may have injured her wrist, but she will probably have a cast on both arms for the sake of the show. Think of all the wacky hijinks that will ensue! Think of all the storylines it will give the show! Kris trying to use her cellphone, Kris trying to take a selfie, Corey and Kim feeding Kris, Kris using the bathroom, Kris tying her Yeezy sneakers, Corey still carrying Kris' purse and so on. So many possibilities!
  21. I like Temptalia as well. I really like Kate at The Small Things Blog. She has some great hair tutorials too. I would have to say one of my favorite YouTube make-up personalities is Wayne Goss. I like that a majority of his videos get to the point quickly.
  22. I think Teresa and Jac have a ways to go before they are texting and interacting on a regular basis (besides the show stuff), just because of all the stuff that went down between them. They had a one on one conversation and got along well at the birthday party. I just do not think it would be that easy just to pick up where they left off prior to their split immediately. It also goes both ways, Jac can text too. In this instance I can see why Teresa may precede with caution regarding Jac.
  23. I concur. I know it is just something kids do, but in my head I am pretending that Owen (or was it Troy?) really wanted to mess with Vicki. Tamra was pretty effortless with calmly getting him to open the door. I actually liked Meghan and Heather in DC. I have to admit I do like times when there really isn't any drama. I also, liked that they did not talk about the Shannon and Kelly drama until Tamra called. I do not think that Shannon asking Nina and Jacki to go to the other room points to a set up like Meghan thinks. I thought somewhere in there that Meghan and Tamra ended up with Shannon and the other two on the couches. I do not think that Kelly thinking that because both her and Shannon know Jacki means that Shannon knew that or it is some kind of smoking gun. I do not know everyone my friends know. Sometimes when they talk about about others they just use first names and such, so it is not something I probably would have taken note of. I did not get the impression that Jacki knew Kelly well at the party with her saying that Kelly was not with her husband at the event that they attended. Either way I do not think Shannon was setting her up. I do not think the fight at the party would have escalated that much had Tamra not went up to Kelly and Vicki and told them that Shannon's friends were talking about Kelly. I forgot which poster compared Kelly's mom to Jerri Blank, but I saw it in full force tonight. Too bad she is less hilarious than Jerri Blank/Amy Sedaris.
  24. Ashlee was stirring the pot with saying that Teresa should be texting Jaq and asking her what she is wearing and stuff if they are friends now. Uh, I believe that they were working their way toward friendship. Jaq and Ashlee cannot expect them to go from not speaking to being best friends. Hell, if I was Teresa I would not trust Jaq as a friend. Jaq always struck me as someone who wants to hear all the dirt and secrets and stores them up for the next time she is mad at you.
  25. I thought the episode was boring as well. Not much happened except Khloe endlessly talking about Lamar. Yawn. I did like the scenery of Cuba. I think I spent most of the episode trying to figure out if Kris' executive assistant Matt was the same guy from Flipping Out.
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