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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Besides being extra poofy, I really like Kristen Bell's dress. I think it is very pretty.
  2. Anna Chlumsky's dress is horrible. I really do not have words to express how bad it is. I am disappointed with Sarah Hyland, because I usually like her fashion choices, but not feeling this one.
  3. I really like Sophie Turner's dress and Tracee Ellis Ross' dress. Chris Harrison and Lara Spencer's interview with Jerry Seinfeld seemed a bit awkward.
  4. This. It was nice to see Camryn not come out on top for once just for Mimi to be up in arms about it. Though I would think Camryn would admit that hip-hop is not her speciality. Does anyone know who were the remaining Dolls in the final round of the choreographer's challenge? I think I missed it if they did mention it. I though that Faith's party might have been paid for by Lifetime, but I have no idea. Does Dana work? I thought it was fine for Selena to bring the twins to the stand battle practice. Though Star and Sky should have at least looked like they were paying attention or try to learn the stands, even if it is off to the side. Though, like it was mentioned there were other girls sitting on the floor during the stand practice. This season is really making me dislike Tina, Rittany, and Mimi. I am sick of them rolling their eyes or making faces when one of the other moms is speaking about their kid. It is okay for them to go on about their kids, but not so much the "new" mothers, even if those mothers are not even that new.
  5. Watch out for Jackie Overton. I am sure if there are free tickets involved she will have one. Oops, I mean Sam will have one.
  6. I really liked Erin's design. It was not something I would ever wear, but it seemed well thought out and well made (as well made as it can be on PR). She also, did not really seem to freak out when she was getting low on time, which I appreciated. I like that she is not afraid of color either. I liked the drop crotch pants Tasha made. Again, I would not wear a drop crotch pant, but I think on other people they can look good. It also, was not something I would think to see during a unconventional materials challenge and the design was very Tasha. If I did not see her on the road to the runway episode, I would know what her design aesthetic is. I did not like the top though. I hated Dexter's design. It just seemed so overwhelming on the model. I did not like Brik's design.It did seem disjointed. When he said he was doing a glitter pant I kept thinking that those pants would be leaving a trail of glitter behind. I do think separately the pants and shirt could have worked if he paired them with different pieces. Roberi had a design I liked as well. I really thought he was going to be in the top. Yeah, we have seen that design somewhat before, but it worked for me. I really like Roberi so far. Ian was so full of himself. I did not think he could handle criticism well. He looked so angry when Tim and then the judges said that there were problems with the dress. It looked so sloppy. I feel like if minimalistic is your design aesthetic then you better execute it well. Jenni's laugh is a bit much. I also, thought she had a vocal fry, so I was annoyed with her pretty quickly. I liked Alex and his deadpan line delivery. I am sure since I like him initially he will be a asshole somewhere down the line. No one I really disliked except for Jenni. She may be a nice person but the laugh and vocal fry is so irritating to me. I did not like Ian either, because of his attitude, but he is gone.
  7. I do not follow any of them on Instagram or Twitter, but sometimes go read their pages for fun. Kayla posts pretty regularly on Twitter. Her Twitter is linked to instagram, so you could click on the links for her pictures there. Dianna has a Twitter account. I believe most of the moms have Twitter accounts as well. Sunjai, Camryn, and some of the none featured dancing dolls have Twitter/instagram. Faith and Dana have instagram, not sure about Twitter.
  8. I believe Kayla has referenced going to class on Twitter. There was also an instagram photo of Kayla in scrubs from a couple of weeks ago that said she had to wear scrubs every Wednesday, so I am assuming that was school related.
  9. Was Brenda raised with those sort of views/religion? I feel like they did talk about her background, but cannot remember really anything about it. Also, was it Brenda or Toby's parents that had the condo that they were going to stay at during the mold infestation? Was it one of their parents or was it some other relative?
  10. I can understand why Kelly, Heather, and Tamra wanted Meghan and Shannon to go, but I can also understand why they did not, more so Shannon than Meghan. Shannon has made it clear she does not want a relationship with Vicki, but Meghan seemed to be a bit more than cordial when she went to see Vicki for her birthday. So while I do not think Meghan and Vicki will be great friends, I do think their relationship was somewhat a step above coworkers at the time. It seemed that Meghan was on the fence. She looked like she was getting along fine with Vicki in Palm Springs, but when she was with Shannon she agreed with Shannon that she could not get past the faux cancer either, but then she goes to visit Vicki after the accident and acts like they are a bit more than coworkers. Maybe not friends, but maybe work friends or something? I think my problem with Meghan was she did not seem to have much empathy for the situation. I have had people and coworkers that I disliked get into or have family get into accidents or medical emergencies, and I feel bad and concerned for them and their family. The way Meghan sort of brushed it off by Mapquesting just felt off to me. I thought Heather and even Kelly were not sitting around laughing and popping open beers. Kelly did have a beer, but it did not sound like they were laughing off the accident. The repeated calls that they made did not sound like they were diminishing what happened. I would think Meghan would have realized it was bigger than she thought was when Heather said Vicki was airlifted out. Meghan did text Vicki, but I cannot recall what she said in that text. I can see her not visiting Vicki, but a phone call (possibly leaving a message) or text that conveyed concern and maybe if there is anything she needed, because she was closer than the others or someone she wanted contacted might have been nice. I would imagine if Vicki asked for a sick selfie from the crash site it would have been on camera or in the episode. I guess I assumed that someone who was there took the picture and sent it to Vicki. I thought Vicki was in too much hysterics during the whole thing to think of asking for a selfie. I do think Vicki cannot really complain that no one went to the hospital, because she brought that upon herself. The timeline is confusing (probably because I do not remember it well). Tamra appeared at the camp after three/three and a half hours? Heather, Kelly, and Tamra's mom were watching the kids. They facetimed Vicki somewhere in there. It was about two hours to get to the hospital where Vicki was from their campsite? I can kind of see why that did not go. Really, I can only see Kelly going. I could see Tamra if she was not injured, and Heather going if she was closer. Though, they were all in the accident so I could see why they would not want to jump in a car and go, or since they facetimed with Vicki they felt they could not really do anything or Vicki did not mention anything to them. I bet Vicki secretly loves that she had to go home in an Uber with scrubs on. She will milk that as much as possible. I hope she shows up to the reunion with her neck brace on.
  11. My thoughts were that Vicki might have said she went home in a paper gown. I could see Vicki misrepresenting her not having any clothes just by saying something as simple as "I did not have any clothes but the paper gown I was wearing." Vicki could have just left out the part where she got scrubs to wear. Who knows.
  12. I agree. They only seem to give a damn when they are filming. Then they want to reconcile for the sake of the family. I also, do not think that video with Kathy's mother (Is it her mother?) is the reason that Teresa does not want to really talk to them beyond being cordial with each other. I just think that is all Bravo has on camera and replays that over and over when they discuss that they are not speaking. Interesting. I go to Mariano's somewhat regularly (not as often as Standard Market, Trader Joe's or Whole Foods) and I have never seen them, but I have never actively looked for any of her products either. Maybe I will look on my next visit, but probably not.
  13. This! I have no idea why Joe was so cold to Rosie. He seemed to act like her apology and the reason behind it was no big deal than he booked it out of there. Of course, Joe usually does not have time for bullshit. Also, since he is off to prison soon maybe he just wants to spend time with Teresa, his kids, and the rest of his family before he goes and is not all that concerned about spending time with Rosie at this time. Also, Rosie and Kathy are upset about not being invited to Teresa's for New Years Eve? Sigh, just get over it already. Rosie, Kathy and Jaq seem to talk trash about Teresa when they are at parties or groups without Teresa there, but when they are at events where Teresa is they want to be friends. I am fine with Teresa being cordial to them and not wanting to go to lunch with them. It is the same cycle over and over. I feel like TPTB or Rosie and Kathy would get a reaction out of Teresa at the book signing and it did not happen. I do not know why Teresa is so shocked that the girls knew that she was not away working, but in jail. I would think that for sure that Gia, Gabriella, and Milania would know where she was. I might be a bit shocked about Audriana knowing or understanding where she was, but that is about it. Siblings talk, so if one did not know I could see another telling them and they have the internet and probably people at school to mention it. Though maybe it was wishful thinking on Teresa's part. Milania was great with Nicholas. I do hate Jaq making him give a rose to Audriana and stuff like that. I am like you. I like Teresa in the context of the show. I do not like everything she says or does, but I would probably not be watching if she did not return, because I find her and her family (Joe and the girls) interesting to watch more than the other NJ housewives.
  14. I guess what I actually liked about the show was that Rob and Chyna have enough real drama that it is not fake storylines at this point. Though it is only the first episode so I am sure we will get there. I thought when Rob was saying/texting Chyna about "texting bitches" I thought she read something like that he is texting women, but it is not what she thinks. I assumed that he met his family or friends, something like that, but we never really got the answer to it all. I do kind of like Chyna when she isn't screaming or yelling. I did find her crying about jelly somewhat amusing and her friend's reaction to it. I did like her friends and her nanny. Her son is cute as well. I do think Kris puts way too much of an importance on looks, but I do think Rob would be a bit happier with himself if he lost more weight. It is not the whole solution for him, but it seems like it would give him some confidence back. I did enjoy the Rob and Scott duo. Rob calling Kris about everything makes some sense, because I am not sure if he has a lot of friends. I have to admit I call my dad if I have any car problems or something goes wrong in my house even though he is not in the same state, because he can usually give me an idea of what the problem is or point me in some direction of where something is going wrong.
  15. This! I like Dana, Selena (for the most part), and Tamala (Is that right?). Dana and Tamala seem the most reasonable compared to the other moms. Was it Mimi who said she did not like the new girls or the new moms? I thought that was rude, especially to the new girls. I have no idea why they were giving Selena so much crap and lumping her in with the new moms, when she has been there for awhile now. Mimi, Tina, and Rittany were like mean girls.
  16. I wanted to know how the duck family was doing too! I thought there might have been something at the end of the episode, but there was not. I also felt bad for Jenni. I just thought her mom did not understand the IVF process or the wanting of another kid to go through all the processes that Jenni has gone through. I did not think she was disapproving, but did not get it or maybe was just worried about her daughter. Is the architect and the other guy that are taking their time with the plans and everything working on the home that Jeff and co. are currently in or is it another house?
  17. I forgot about that, but I remember when they showed the text and it said "I love who you are" that I thought it was not the same as an "I love you". He probably should not put love in any sentence, because she would take it as him saying I love you.
  18. I concur as well. I thought I heard when Nev and Max were reading Catherine's email at the beginning that she said they had not really defined their relationship. Then all of the sudden there was talk of marriage and other relationship-y things. So what he thought was a lighthearted joking with his online pen pal, she thought they were making wedding plans. I also, thought she was reading more into his texts and email from the get go. I forgot what was said, but Nev and Max told her that what he wrote was different than what she took it to mean. So yeah, I think it was an immature guy, and a girl who thought more of their relationship than what he did. I think Graham thought she was a catfish. She was the one who reached out to him via social media and she said she would take a trip to Nashville but did not. Of course he would not video chat, so they both had some catfish tendencies.
  19. This. Ashlee is feeding into Jac's insecurities. Though, I think the real possibility is Jac is the fake one. I thought Rosie's tantrum was ridiculous too. So Joe is not spending time with you. His wife is home and he is heading off to jail soon, maybe he wants to spend time with his family before he leaves. I do not think Teresa is keeping him from hanging out with Rosie. Rosie, just call the guy. Joe said in this episode that he does not have a problem with Rosie. I thought he was even joking/somewhat complimenting her when he was on the phone to Chris telling him why he was not coming. I loved the guy at Melissa's store that was giving her all kinds of "bitch please" looks. His facial expressions when Melissa was on his phone cracked me up! I do like the addition of Delores and Siggy. They are not terribly exciting, but they both seem to be as insightful as a Real Housewife can get about the rest of the cast, not necessarily about themselves. At least they are not Kelly from RHOC ( and Jules from RHNY, because I am at a table for one in not liking her).
  20. Did Kelly's husband Michael just drop her daughter off? I could not tell if he stuck around or was anywhere near the accident site during the chaos. I was wondering if Heather's driver left or something until they were going to leave. Did anyone else have their own vehicles at Glamis? I figured Michael did, but I did not remember seeing him after he showed up. I was also, assuming Eddie and Ryan did as well, but after the accident did not know if they or their vehicles (I know Eddie went to the hospital with Tamra) were around and why they did not take Tamra's mother with them? Did Tamra's kids go to Glamis, so that is why her mother stuck around the campsite to babysit? Also, what did Heather do to Kelly that was so bad (besides asking her to leave the party at the restaurant)? I thought they kind of settled everything as much as they were going to when Tamra set up the dinner last week for Kelly and Heather to make amends, but Kelly still seems to have a hate on for Heather. Kelly kept making comments throughout the episode about Heather.
  21. It was! I cracked up at his comment about Vicki. I see both sides of Meghan not visiting Vicki issue. On one hand they really are not friends, though they seem to be in somewhat of a cordial relationship at this point. On the other hand it was an emergency situation she is sort of close by and they are co-workers. She could just sit with Vicki until, maybe someone else showed up. Though I would not want to be around hospital Vicki either. I personally would have gone, because I would feel guilty not and I would feel bad if Vicki did not have anyone else. I would definitely go if I was being filmed though. So I see both Meghan's and Heather's side. I have always liked Heather. She did end up embracing the sort of camping that they were doing. She also, seemed to like the ATV ride before the crash happened. I would want her around in a crisis as well. She does keep a level head in these situations. Yup, I still cannot stand Kelly.
  22. I will echo the statements that Zoila did not take any responsibility for her part of what happened. Did she apologize to Jeff for walking out? Or apologizing for half ass-ing her job? I would have even been fine with an acknowledgement of her working harder when she is there part-time, but that did not happen. I do not remember the last therapy session or why they had it, but was there anything for Zoila to take responsibility for and did she? I was fine with Jeff apologizing for yelling at her, and he did offer her two options for their situation. So I did like how he ultimately handled it all. What happened to Jeff's grandmother? Did she pass away? I could be misremembering, but wasn't she on a season or so ago. Jeff was doing some sort of remodel at her house. I thought Zoila cleaned at her house a couple days a week.
  23. I agree. I thought when she said she had fun on her time off and shopped a lot that she seemed to think she was above it all. I thought the tears at the therapy session were initially about possibly losing the money, not so much about losing Jeff. I think Zoila is too comfortable in her situation with Jeff paying her while she watches her soap operas, takes the dogs out, or makes drinks. I am pretty sure that the other housekeeper (and I forgot her name. Is it Laura?) does pretty much all of the work. I would love less screen time for Zoila, but I doubt it is happening. I like Gage and Jeff, so I hope everything is alright on that front. I do think it is probably a stressful time with all the worries of a new baby, work, and all the construction at their house.
  24. I found it strange and irritating. I thought when Rob was talking to Kris about everything he was making perfect sense and he was justified in his feelings, but Kris telling him to put it all aside because Khloe needs him was ridiculous. Khloe is finally going through her divorce and has Lamar drama. Sigh, so what else is new? I honestly think Rob being away from Khloe was a good thing for him. When Rob called Khloe and she was squealing like a tween was so over the top. Really Khloe? Is she going to act better about his relationship with Chyna or is she still going to act like a bitter ex? I do think the Chyna and Rob reality show looks like a train wreck, but it looks way more entertaining than this show. Sadly I will be watching it because I apparently hate myself.
  25. I felt bad for Jaq in her talking head speaking about how Nicolas' accomplishments are different and he might never be participating in team activities like other kids. Then I was think about her older son CJ and how he probably has activities and such that are happening, so she could have spoke about that, but CJ is the forgotten child. It seems Jaq can talk about Ashlee and Nicolas, but barely anything about CJ. Half the time I forget CJ exists. I also, think if Jaq talked about some of Nicolas' accomplishments (no matter what they are) the ladies would have been supportive. Jaq still has such a middle school mentality with all this "they are talking about me" stuff and the not talking to Teresa at the start of the vacation. Just because others are talking about you does not mean it is necessarily bad either. I guess Siggy needs to be around her 24/7 to keep Jaq from going crazy. I did like the episode overall, because I like when everyone can get along or at least be cordial. I am liking calm Teresa. I liked JoeGiu and Rino. I liked Rino on the previous season, I just did not like his wife or her sister. I thought TPTB were trying to make it look like JoeGiu, but it did not sound like him, so I am guessing you are probably right. I rolled my eyes at what appears to be Rosie drama. Rosie always seems so thirsty to me.
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