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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Schwartz's constant whining would get old to me as well. Though I do not think Katie listens to him about what he wants for this wedding, even something as simple as the wood centerpiece that Schwartz liked. Just throw him a bone once and awhile. You summed up why I dislike Katie right now. I enjoyed her last season when she finally stood up to Stassi, but now not so much. Katie seems incapable of having a conversation about a problem without getting defensive. It irritates me just watching it, I cannot imagine living it. I am probably the only one, but I actually like Katie's bangs. I thought when Scheana said about Lala's relationship with a married man that it was not going to end well was her acknowledging her own past relationship with a married guy. Then again, I am probably giving her too much credit.
  2. I thought the sweet potato pancakes earlier in the episode sounded delicious. It made me crave pancakes. Yup, still cannot stand Gregorio.
  3. I thought Emily took the whole Kate telling what needs to be done issue in stride, but she seems to be able to brush off remarks and incidents better than Sierra. Sierra seemed to take the Kate issue personally and then was passive aggressive about it. I am one of the few that enjoyed this season, because I did not really hate anyone, except Trevor, but he was gone fairly quickly. Everyone screwed up a bit, but I did not really dislike anyone. I thought they all had their moments where I was not wild about things said or did, but overall they all seem harmless. I also liked that everyone seemed competent with their jobs (or at least wanted to be competent as with Kelly). That is one of the things I liked with Below Deck Med as well, that everyone seemed competent (and I am one of the very very few that liked Below Deck Med and Captain Mark), even Danny though he would cross lines. I do not need a Rocky, Leon, Kat, or any other villian type person to enjoy the show. Wasn't Below Deck Med renewed for a second season? I am just assuming that if that got renewed than original recipe Below Deck would get renewed.
  4. I think it was Louise and I concur with your statement. I thought the bartender guy and the professional skiing guy were okay-ish, but it took me awhile to get everyone straight, so they could have been assholes and I might have mixed them up with the others. Jenna and Mark are the worst for me.
  5. I enjoyed it as well. Then again, I am a sucker for lame Cinderella type movies. I liked that the male lead figured out that it was not the cousin that was at the masquerade ball fairly quickly for one of these types of movies and was more of does she actually like me problem. I liked that the uncle that the female lead lived with after her parents died was not mean, but basically oblivious.
  6. I concur with you whole post, but especially this. I thought that when Mariah mentioned being miserable the previous summer that it was not coming from an "all about me" place. I would imagine Mariah was caught in the middle between Meri and Kody. She sees her mom's behavior toward Sam, she tries to warn Meri off, but Meri does not listen because she is in love (or what the adults are selling she wanted to make friends). I think that would put Mariah in an awkward position of wanted to support her mom, but also trying to warn her about Sam being a catfish, and wanting to support or tell her dad. Mariah being around Meri and Kody more during her time home in the summer, she basically had to keep her mouth shut about what Meri was up to with Sam. I think Kody is an idiot a majority of the time, but he is Mariah's father and she seems to love him. So all around awkward. Watching Mykelti and Tony during the couch segments is almost like watching two strangers sitting on a couch. Okay, maybe not strangers, but acquaintances. Kody and his stupid negotiations. Mykelti has her own apartment out of state (and previously had an apartment with her sister) it is quite possible that she has already had sex with someone already. I think I remember during one of the question and answer or tell all shows that the older kids were asked if they have kissed someone romantically and I think pretty much all of them raised their hands, so I assume there was at least some dating going on, so it is not unreasonable to think that some of the kids have already slept with someone. Kody apparently thinks otherwise.
  7. I really liked Erin's design. It was avant -garde and I thought interesting. I was concerned when she was going on about a paper doll dress, but when I saw it I thought it looked great. She does use yellow a lot, but I did not mind it. Sometimes I will just take color any way I can get it on this show. I am fine with Laurence being a low key personality. I do think she needs to at least try to do something different with color, print, or something. She makes such well made and beautiful clothes that I would just like to see her step it up a bit more with her designs. It does not have to be crazy or anything, just a little something more than her usual. Overall I did like her design. It did need a bit more length, but she already knew that. I liked how Roberi molded some of the metal for his dress. His design was nice. I thought it was a bit reminiscent of his unconventional challenge dress from the start of this season. It was lovely though. I laughed at him when he discovered that his model spoke Spanish. Rik's design I thought was very nice, but it did not seem that avant-garde to me. I like Rik, but I kind of cringed when he raised his hand when Heidi asked something like who thought their design was best. I did not have that big of an issue with him doing that. It just seemed a bit random and stood out more because no one else raised their hands. I though Mah-Jing would have been a bit better served if he used the copper pieces on just the skirt and put it all over the skirt part of the dress, instead of what he did. That would be heavy also, so who knows. His model did need straps on her dress. Mah-Jing had a class act exit. I have not liked all of his designs, but I did like him. I thought Cornelius should have gone home. I hate that it seems like the Tim Gunn save automatically seems to put someone in the finals. I do not know that for sure because I have skipped or stopped watching some seasons, but those I have watched with the Tim Gunn save the contestants have made it to fashion week. I thought his look was way worse than Mah-Jing's. I cannot believe he thought the placement of the tubes were great. He does not seem to take criticism that well. I like all the designers left except Cornelius, but since he has the save I doubt he is going anywhere. More Swatch was good. Too bad Tim could not cheer him up with Pringles. I am not a Pringles fan, so I could understand Swatch turning them down. I could watch a show with just Tim and Swatch all day.
  8. I cannot find the link for the article that I read that said Kim is with Kanye all the time, except for when she is with her children. It also mentioned something about her feeding Kanye. There was some quote about how the Kardashian women stand by their men, which made me laugh hysterically.
  9. I believe Maddie is in school. On her Twitter a month or so ago she was talking about how she enjoyed her accounting class a lot. I have no idea what she is majoring in. It will be harder to be in school and having a baby, but who knows.
  10. I thought this as well. I just hope it really does not happen. If they are really going down the Sleepy Hollow path then Percy will be dead soon.
  11. I actually liked the routines that the junior girls did. I do think it was because it was different choreography than Abby's, so I was probably a bit more entertained by it. I know this whole the elite team leaves the ALDC is scripted, but I do not really get the point of it. Am I suppose to be rooting for anyone of these people. I dislike the elite moms, the mini moms, and Abby, so I am trying to figure who's side TPTB are trying convince me to be on. I mean we all know that as soon as Abby throws the elite moms a bone that they will come a running. Who cares if she treats their kids horribly. I do like all the girls. I feel like they all act their age, even the teens. They are sometimes nice and sometimes bratty. I feel like that is fairly typical. Hell, I am sometimes nice and sometimes a bitch. The mini's do not interest me. Some of them dance really well, but none of the mini routines hold my attention. I do not know why. I would love for there to be new people on the elite team. I am a bit surprised that they did not try to add anyone after Jojo left. Oh yeah, I still do not miss Jojo or Jess at all.
  12. This. So much of this. Her presence in the LaSalle baby mama drama is ridiculous. It does feel unnatural how TPTB are placing her in this story. She may be working with the rest of the team, but she does not fit, for me, with the rest of the members. I cannot put my finger on why, but she just does not work for me. I am one of the very few who like the possibility of a Percy/LaSalle relationship. So I hate this baby mama story even more. Even if they do not go there with Percy and LaSalle I do miss their friendship/partnership dynamic that I feel is lacking this season. I cannot say Meri was my favorite character, but she was pleasant and fit in with the team. I liked her well enough. I did like her and Sebastian together as friends or whatever it could have been. I miss the team camaraderie.
  13. This was on Kandi's Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/BNDkpnpDe8v/
  14. Oh please someone watch her Facebook Live launch for me and report the details. Please?
  15. Heather is one of my favorite housewives for many of the reasons that so many of you have stated. One of the reasons that I like her is she, in most cases, keeps a level head in an argument and is calm. That is one thing I liked about Meghan as well. It is nice to have some non-shrieking banshees on the show.
  16. I think I feel for Kelly a bit because I think he is trying to do a good job. I do think he needs to focus on the details more and have better managerial skills, but he trying. I think that is why I cannot hate on him for his bosun skills (I can hate on him for other things though). Kelly does not think that he is better than the rest (at least with his leadership skills) like Trevor and I do not think he is half-assing it all like Leon was as the chef from last season. He is making silly mistakes and perhaps when he has more experience in this role he will be better at it. I do think he wants to do a good job and has good intentions being the bosun. Nico bitching that Kelly told them the deck crew had to be in bed early and even Kyle, who handled the situation the best, saying that they got two punishments was a bit much. Those orders came from the captain and Kelly was just giving them the message. The Emily not hearing Captain Lee on the radio seemed strange to me. I find it weird that she would not have her radio with her or not on. I thought in one of the shots when Sierra was in the kitchen the radio was on the counter. I did not think they were talking that loud so they would not her Captain Lee. Kate could have just came and said that the Captain was calling over the radio to get the guests drinks instead of being somewhat passive aggressive.
  17. Was Captain Lee on WWHL somewhat recently? I got the impression from Ben's tweets that comments Captain Lee made on there set Ben off.
  18. This. Also, James telling the people at the event to remember to pickup their dog's poop. Oh and James claiming that whatever happened at Pump was because everyone is jealous of him. Hahahahaha! Does anyone know if James is actually a good DJ? I mean, I have no idea from whatever we hear on the show and I am already predisposed to hate him because he is such a tool, so I am just curious. Anyone get the gist of James' living situation? He has a roommate that is a stoner, older guy that lives in a penthouse? I feel like I probably misheard or did not catch his whole explanation on his living arrangements. I think Jax embellished the story. I just have a hard time believing anything that comes out of Jax's mouth. Regardless if it is true or not, if Jax still wants to be with Brittany he better shut up about it. If he does not want to be with Brittany, then he needs to break up with her instead of spreading a possible rumor about her to maybe get her to break up with him. If my boss ever brought up a random rumor about my sex life like Lisa did to Brittany I would be very embarrassed. I did like that Katie (and even Sheana) just brushed off James' non-apology. They know it will happen again with James saying something horrible and then apologizing. I do like Sheana's shorter hair. It is not extremely short or anything, but I like it better than before. Lisa just needs to fire James and actually stick to that. Lala looked like she overdid the bronzer at her lunch with her mom. I missed what Lala was crying about to her mom on the phone during the brief flashback clip. One second Lala claims she does not want to speak poorly about the other girls then does just that. She seemed to realize it in her conversation with James, but I doubt anything will come of that.
  19. I do not really like that he put some of the blame on Emily about Ben serving the conch. She said it would not bother her, but Ben is ultimately the one who decides whether or not he is going to serve something. I do not see Emily as someone who would have cared if Ben decided not to serve the conch. I am sure Nico and Lauren will blame Kelly for not having their backs regarding their behavior in the master suite and they will blame Kate even though problems with the interior is her problem. I wish some of the other crew members would get Bravo blogs. I think Captain Lee can claim he would fire them all, but I doubt it. Hell, he should have fired Rocky last season and she stayed the whole time.
  20. I concur. Kenya can make all the digs she wants at the other housewives, but when one of them says anything about her she gets extremely defensive. I cannot stand her talking heads. Kenya is not as witty as I assume she thinks she is. They are still together? Really? He broke her garage windows and they are still together? Was it mentioned how long they were on the outs after the first incident and her housewarming? She took him back pretty instantly in the episode. Sheree's talking head with her drinking Red Bull with a straw saying "Hell no-o-o-o-o" gave me life and cracked me up. One of the things that I liked about Sheree was she was never afraid of Nene or even Kim. So if she wants to go after Kenya, be my guest. Peter is awful. He was so emotionally blackmailing Cynthia with his hospital visit, because he thought he was having a heart attack. I still think there was infidelity on his part. I do not know if Cynthia just does not want to admit in on camera or if she really is that stupid. I am not really a Porsha fan, but she did leave Kenya's party when asked (or sort of asked because Kenya never got the words out). I also liked her reasoning behind not doing a food and drink setup for her event. As for the locked room event, I wish there was more footage of it. I wanted to see how poorly the team of Cynthia, Porsha, and Kenya did. At least Kandi, Sheree, and Phaedra were trying to give it a go. I feel like some of the other women from the other RH franchises would have gotten into it more.
  21. I agree. I am in my 30's and I know I would be the most annoying Jeopardy contestant because I would be so nervous. My nervous energy would probably have me moving around, messing up category names, and making stupid, silly mistakes and possible blanking of answers. I was not surprised about Pretty in Pink. It is on cable a lot, but 80's teen movies are not everyone's thing and probably less so for some teens. It could be just as simple as them blanking on the name. Perhaps they have only seen it once (unlike me who has seen it many time) and forgot the title. I am an idiot because I blanked on Boo Boo's name. I could see the cartoon character in my head. I kept thinking I know the name, but I could not remember it. When Alex said the answer I felt really dumb.
  22. I was getting confused as well, especially when they were in a group or not really onscreen speaking. I will be pissed too, though he started chugging fireball toward the end. If there is more to the scene next week where he is an active participant than I will not be pissed if he gets in trouble. I do give Kyle a bit of credit for trying to keep everything clean. He did point out Lauren does not have respect for the interior as well, which I agreed with. I will also be irritated if they give Kate shit or even Kelly since he was sleeping. I do not really get what Nico and Lauren want from Kelly. I get that Kelly is not a great bosun, but it is also his first time having this position so I do not expect him to be great. Nico said that he wanted Kelly to have the deck crew's backs, and for the most part I think Kelly has, but he is also the one getting scolded from Captain Lee and he is relaying that to the rest of the deck crew. I guess I think that Kelly is trying (and I do not even like Kelly that much) to be good at his job. His trying just is not that great. Nico and Lauren are competent deck crew, but they are quickly losing whatever I liked about them in the first place. I do think that Kelly was trying to be well-intentioned with Kyle and Sierra talking at the beach picnic, but it was not the best place for it. I could not tell when things were getting testy between the two on the beach if the guests were still around. If the guests were gone then I do not care if they aired their issues there. I thought that the whole issue of are the guests ready to go to the beach/when is the lunch going to be ready was just a miscommunication that they both blew way out of proportion.
  23. Wasn't it in one of the first episodes of the season that Vicki said she would still be with Brooks if he hadn't broke up with her and that she was crying in the street when he left? That does not sound like someone who was duped. I would think most people would be pissed if their significant other lied to them about having cancer and be the one doing the breaking up, not the other way around. Vicki being too busy working to notice Brooks did not have cancer. Bahahahaha! Bitch please, you still cannot keep your lies straight. Oh and Vicki, I would be extremely happy if you got fired from "your" show. This show was never called "Vicki Gunvelson and these other women". I was glad and a bit surprised that Andy shut Vicki down when she did not want to talk about Brooks. Vicki, you lied about your boyfriend having cancer so you could get some casseroles, I think it should be brought up in every interview you ever have. I wish Vicki's cancer scam charity would get discussed. Shannon has every right to be mad (especially at Vicki), but she needs to learn more about playing the game from Tamra. I never thought that Shannon set Kelly up at the 70's party or in Ireland. I do not think that Shannon would take the time to set someone up that she does not know well, in the case of the 70's party. Why does Kelly's mind automatically go to set up in these situations? Also, why does Vicki not get that she can be forgiven by Shannon, but that does not mean that Shannon has to be friends with her? Kelly is such an idiot. Did she actually say moot point, because I thought I heard mood point? I was probably hearing things. She regrets how she treated her husband? Interesting, since I thought she came on the show to reveal that her husband was an ass for a possible divorce. Kelly, Shannon was not pouring drinks down your throat. She ordered you a drink. It was up to you whether you drank it or not. If Shannon did not order a drink for you would say you were not included and if she did, she was pouring drinks down your throat. I still think Vicki sent herself those flowers in Ireland. I laughed when Heather said it was funny and that she should know because she is Jewish. I was so hoping that when Tamra was talking during the narcissist discussion how she knows what a narcissist was like, because she was friends with Vicki at one time. I agreed with Tamra that she had been pretty forgiving to Kelly up until Ireland, when even Tamra had enough. I forgot what was being discussed, but Meghan had the best reaction shot, then I think it cut to Tamra laughing at Meghan's reaction. I though Heather, Meghan (I liked her dress and hair), Tamra, and Vicki (I liked her hair) looked good. Shannon did not look bad, but not great either. Kelly looked horrible in that dress.
  24. Sheree cracks me up. I am so glad she is back full time this season. She entertains me and does not make me al rage-y like some other housewives do. Porsha's anger management therapist/life coach/whatever looked like he was not listening to a word she said. It made me laugh though. I probably would not be listening to her either. So bullying is the reason Porsha lashes out? Is this the first time it was mentioned or the first time I remember it? I knew Porsha would show up at Kenya's housewarming one way or another, but it was a bit shady of Phaedra to bring her as her plus one since it seemed like she and Porsha knew that Porsha was not invited. I should not be surprised though, it is Phaedra. This. It is why I will never like Kenya as well. Her default mode is to be catty and make bitchy remarks about the other women constantly and in her talking heads, when they really have nothing to do with whatever she is doing or saying. Does anyone know the status of Kenya and Matt? I must be even more heartless than usual, because Kenya trying to be all teary when talking about Matt did nothing for me. Peter is trying to hang onto that peach for dear life. I rolled my eyes at Cynthia saying there was not any infidelity. Right. Maybe not on her end, but I would not doubt that Peter has been with others. Wasn't he the one that was mad the Cynthia had fibroids? It did not bother me that Kandi and Todd are putting Ace on the toilet already. To each their own. I cannot imagine that they are doing it all the time. Ace is adorable.
  25. So bee costumes equal Muhammed Ali tribute? I am not really a fan of really gimmicky dances in general though. I will be at my table for one for disliking the mini's. I do not find them cute. It might be because I am not really a fan of little kids dance routines. A lot of the time they seem so cutesy for me. Abby watching them all gleeful seemed so fake to me. Almost like it was for storyline purposes that Abby is favoring the mini's. I did dislike Abby saying that the mini's won because she kept Peyton out of the group dance, while Peyton was in the room. I prefer the elite girls, but I think they should add some new people on the team. I wasn't a fan of the boxing gloves and shorts for their initial dance. I did not see enough of the dance to really judge it. It could have been fine. I hate the mini's vs. elite storyline that is going on. I dislike the elite moms and the mini moms. I think the girls are all fine though. Jill and the rest of the elite mom's asking to use the commercial choreography for the elite routine instead was not a smart move, but I also thought Abby was being petty and passive aggressive about it after she said they could use it. I guess I would be fine to Abby being a bitch to the moms, but I hate when she takes out her issues with the moms on the girls. The whole lying to the competition director was not cool. Also, Abby being a bitch to the commercial guy was not great either.
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