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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. This. I feel like this movie and the one from last year (October Kiss??) kept trying to make Ashley Williams into a Lorelai Gilmore type. I disliked her character here as well. She seemed to railroad everyone into what she thought was right. I never got the impression in the movie that the other townies cared about saving the tree. They had good memories at the tree, but they never seemed to care as much whether the tree stayed or went. I kept thinking that we were suppose to somewhat dislike the mayor, but I thought that he was the most rational of the bunch, well except the end where he went with the stupid above ground pipes and the town funding it idea. I was also, hoping they would chop the damn tree down early on in the movie too. I generally like Ashley Williams, but not in this movie. I did like Trevor Donovan even though his character was pretty bland. I liked that his character did try to provide alternative solutions for the tree like the bench idea, but of course that was not good enough for Ashley's character. I did like that Trevor's character pointed out that he was just doing his job. I cannot stress how much I really wanted the tree to be cut down.
  2. Erica reminded me of some sort of Kristin Wiig character from SNL or she thought she was on an episode of The Office with all the facial expressions after her or someone else answered. I really like Seth, and I usually like the more polarizing Jeopardy contestants like Arthur, Matt Jackson, and Alex Jacobs. It feels like it has been awhile since I have been actively hoping a contestant would win over and over. The end of last season was a big drought for me on contestants I liked.
  3. My boyfriend thought I was watching a show that had seals in it, so he was a bit confused when he saw me watching Project Runway. I liked Erin's. I thought it was really pretty. She really seems to think about her designs, and they seem well thought out. When she mentioned being concerned about the time while she was trying to finish, she looked fairly calm. It is a nice contrast from designers who freak out over the time. I really loved Roberi's. It probably wasn't the most striking under the black light, but I liked it. Jenni's was a mess for me. I do think her hand painting the designs were nice, but it basically looked like a leotard under a clear raincoat. It was strange to me. I like Laurence and I thought the top was nice, but I think she half assed the bottoms. It did not look like top and the bottom went together. Does that make any sense? I hated Cornelius'. I think if he spent more time on the emoji's or some other artwork it could have looked cool, but I thought it looked sloppy under the black light. I was not impressed with the white dress either. There was a weird dart in the front. I thought Dexter's fringe looked nice under the black light, but was not really wowed by his look. It might have been my boredom over another white dress coming down the runway. I love Dexter though. Rik's design was, in my opinion, tacky. I thought it was tacky when he was in the work room. His top might have worked if he had a different bottom, because when he started his design I was interested than it took a turn into tacky territory. Mah Jing's first design wasn't great. I think he could have done something with it than scrapping it all or at least using the wedding dress idea, but going in a different direction. He did admit that it was not what he wanted to put down the runway, which is one of the reasons why I think he stayed. The print Kimber used just did not work. If she wanted to use a print I would imagine a bigger, less busy print would be better. I would have liked to see what the designers would have done with more prints in this challenge. I was fine with Kimber going. She made a boring dress that did not really glow.
  4. I love Daveed Diggs so anything with him is a win for me. I want to know more about Charlie's secret letters about Diane that he sent to Dre. Though Diane is my least favorite of the kids I like the Charlie/Diane feud. I did not like this either. I figured that is where the scene was headed when it started and I was disappointed when it happened. Another thing that is tiresome for me is that it seems like most of the time Dre is the one with the more right viewpoint (at least according to the show). I would like some of the others to get more of a win. I know it is not always the case, but maybe it just feels like it happens so much of the time. I do not think I am making any sense. I find some of Ruby's insults to Bow funny, but it would be nice if Dre stood up for Bow with his mother occasionally. Then again it is possible I am forgetting times that he did.
  5. I like Hooten and the Lady so far as well. For me, it is just a fun action-y adventure type show. I like the characters as well.
  6. If he only sang "You'll be Back", he might have proved to me he was a Brian D'Arcy James doppelganger. I think you are right that it is the eyes.
  7. I might be wrong but I think Summer Slam is for the summer competition season where as Battle Royale might be more of the school year competition season. I assumed that, but like I said I could be very wrong.
  8. I agree that it does seem like Jaq does not like that Melissa and Teresa are getting along now. I am wondering if Jaq wanted Melissa (and by extension JoeGo) to be against Teresa with her or she wanted her and Teresa to be against Melissa and JoeGo. It looks to me like she really wants to start something to cause some tension in the Teresa and Melissa relationship. I thought Teresa spelled it out pretty clearly to Rosie and Kathy. The whole open door comment did seem out of politeness or perhaps further down the road maybe they could try again. I do think if something really bad happened that they would be there for each other or their families. Well, I could see that more with Rosie and Teresa than Kathy and Teresa. I feel like Jaq expects that since her and Teresa are in a better place that they should pick up where they left off when they were good friends. So much garbage has gone down between them that I would think it would be a slow road to get to that place, if it is possible. I hate the constant questioning if Teresa has actually changed. I think Teresa's demeanor has changed and that she is a bit more calm in certain situations than old Teresa. She was a more open with Melissa with not saying everything is fine with JoeGiu las week, and the crying after the Rosie/Kathy non-lunch seemed like a change to me. I do not think Teresa is perfect by any means, but I do think she has changed. I was glad Melissa has Jaq's number and was a bit more surprised that Teresa has Jaq's number as well. Instead of worrying about whether Teresa has changed Jaq, maybe you should try changing. So Jaq says she felt threatened, but she seemed like she was trying to provoke something with the "Rage on my ass" yelling. Did she also taunt Robyn a bit to hit her? It is like she wanted something to happen so she could be the victim. Robyn seems like a hothead, but Jaq also seemed unhinged. JoeGo skiing into the woods was hilarious. I loved Teresa and Melissa talking as he went skiing by in the background. I thought Melissa was fine with Jaq and Teresa getting along because it made things easier. Maybe because she was somewhat in the middle or something? I really cannot remember, but I thought she had some reasoning behind it, but that was when she was on better terms with Jaq. I thought Melissa thought something was off with Jaq when they were at Rich and Kathy's house the other week talking about, you guessed it Teresa! Then with the stuff on the bus to Vermont I thought confirmed to Melissa that Jaq was trying to shit stir. So much of this. I guess Teresa can only have Jaq approved friends, which probably means just Siggy and Delores, because Jaq seems awfully jealous of Melissa's relationship with Teresa as well. Milania did have some nice pancake making skills.
  9. Was it Tina or Rittany? I cannot remember at this moment, but I thought it was Rittany. Last nights episode was a mess. I generally like Dianna and usually can see the method behind her maddness, but the whole situation with Quincy was ridiculous. Those girls practiced hard during the week and to not even get a chance to dance or really defend their previous win was horrible. Dianna needs to let the comments go and not get so worked up about them, especially when the ones who seem to get screwed are the girls. I did like seeing Star in choreographer challenge. I really enjoy these choreographer challenges that they seem to be doing. I thought both Star and Sky looked good when they had solos during the Kayla/Dianna team battle in one of the first episodes of this season (or part of this season). I do think they enjoy dancing, but just may have more low key, passive personalities when it comes to it. Also, does anyone know a way to tell Star and Sky apart? I usually cannot unless they have their names on the screen. I did like everyone's reaction to the team that had a panda dancing in their creative dance. I liked all the wtf reactions. Did another team do a black lives matter dance? I missed what team it was. When did the dolls do theirs, a couple of weeks ago? I have to admit I laughed at Dianna's captain comment to Camyrn. It was kind of a crappy thing to say, but Mimi acts like Camryn is a special snowflake or something. Rittany thought it was directed at Christiana, but did not get nearly as worked up as Mimi.
  10. I really liked Erin's design. I feel like I am enjoying her design aesthetic. I am not wild about neoprene, but I liked the dress. I did not mind the sleeves. I like the way she seems to really think out her design. I hated Laurence's jumpsuit. A low waist, drop crotch jumpsuit would be my worst nightmare. The back looked like the model had a saggy butt complete with pockets. It did not work for me. I like Laurence, but really hate this jumpsuit. Alex's I liked as well. It did look well made. The pieces were not anything new, but they worked together for me. I thought the pants were great. I did like that they were separates as well. I actually enjoy his snark. Was Jenni the one who made the extreme drop crotch pants? If so I though she would be hovering near the bottom. Those were ridiculous and I cannot imagine a ton of women wanting to wear them. I always hope the older contestants on Project Runway will do well, but it seems like a lot of them do not. Though I skipped some PR Lifetime seasons, so I do not know for sure. I wanted Linda to do well, but that knit dress with the urban Kimono was just sad. I was hoping she would add the urban sombrero to her urban kimono to complete the look. Cornelius needs to have a seat. His reasoning that he listened to Tim, but was not in the top three during the first challenge, and that he would be irritated if the same thing happened was so over the top. Then him going around the room to practically every designer saying "I do not mean to shade, but.......", was a bit much, especially because he did mean to throw shade. Brik's design was so bland to me. I feel like he needed to add something else to make the outfit more interesting, maybe something under the jacket. I do not know, just something. I am getting a sense of what most of the other designers are about, but not so much with Brik. I did want him to stay to piss Cornelius off. I would like to get out of the drop crotch pant trend and the oversized jacket trend.
  11. I could not stop laughing at Abby and the squeaky chair! That made the episode for me.
  12. This. Chris Jackson is why I tuned in, which is slightly bad because whenever he is onscreen I just want him to sing.
  13. I think I could watch a whole hour of Michael's reactions to Vicki. Hell, even Brianna and Ryan's reactions were great. I also, loved Brianna reminding Vicki that it was her birthday. Oh Vicki, I think Brooks was your soulmate, because you are both horrible people.
  14. Tatiana! Yay! Though somewhere in season 2 I stopped loving Orphan Black.
  15. I agree. Though I hold the unpopular opinion of always liking Sansa. I always thought I would like Arya more, because on paper she is a character I would normally really like, but I do not.
  16. I only know her from Mad Men where she played Sally's teacher who of course Don slept with.
  17. I was lucky enough to see it three times. Very lucky. Extremely lucky.
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