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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I am somewhat assuming Janelle is a liberal also, just by the people she followed (or used to follow I haven't looked at her followings recently) on Twitter. I am actually fine with Mariah being pissed at her mom and really do not care that she is venting on television. The whole situation is incredibly messy. I would be pissed at my parent if they could not man up and get out of their marriage (or in this case long term relationship) before basically having an emotional affair with intentions to turn it into a physical relationship if they actually met, but the person isn't in fact a wealthy, good-looking man that is not going to save said parent. So now they intend to stay in what seems to be an unhappy marriage. I think Mariah has a right to be angry, but then again, any sympathy I had for Meri came and went awhile ago.
  2. This. So much of this. I feel like I missed something, because while I did not think LeeAnne was particularly fond of Cary, I did not think she disliked her so much either. Is it really about the rumors of how/when Cary got with her husband. I could see if Heidi is friends with Mark's ex-wife that Heidi would side with the ex-wife and be a bit more cautious around Cary. I feel like there is a whole lot more dirt there. I find myself getting annoyed by Cary's personality in general. I could have done without the nauseating talk between her and her husband during whatever plastic surgery procedure. Also, how many times do I have to see Mark buying Cary clothes? I feel like every episode has had Mark either buying or picking out Cary's clothes. The last one was a gift, but I am so tired of it. I do think LeeAnne was being sincere with Stephanie or at least trying. LeeAnne needs to learn when to stop talking though, but I did think she was trying in her own somewhat aggressive LeeAnne way. Oh, and I agreed with LeeAnne about Tiffany's hair. I hated it. I do feel for Brandi for all of her family issues that she is dealing with, but I just cannot warm up to her and still find her irritating. Then again, I am not really warming up to any of these women. I was a bit amused by Heidi. I did like her saying that she does make-up while chatting it up with Brandi. It made me laugh.
  3. I am with you. I also like the The Californian's SNL sketches. Also, Kristen Wiig's Lawrence Welk Dooneese character with the tiny hands is one of my favorite characters.
  4. So true. Max is better at cutting through the bullshit than Nev. On a completely shallow note, I just really like watching Max.
  5. Here is a thought Kanye, if you want to make a difference go do it, instead of these rants/tweets about how you would if only you had more resources. Please like you do not have any "resources". What did Stephen Colbert call him, a visionary toddler? Also, Kanye wants to eliminate bullying with his clothing line? I would think that would incite more bullying. Kanye is nowhere near being a Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, or the other people that he keeps bringing up repeatedly.
  6. Rey's conversation with Luann reminded me of the Kim Richards/Lisa Rinna car ride from hell, except Luann could escape. I was cringing a lot during Jules interviewing the possible new nanny. I do not know who she was hiring the nanny for her kids or herself. So the nanny can give her hair a blowout and stand in line for her at sample sales. Jules said when she is around that she would take care of the kids, but she seems like she does not know what she was doing half the time she is in her apartment with the kids. Hell, she did not really know how to make tea for Carole in the other episode. Though from what little we have seen of Jules and her kids they seem to be in control, well unless she bribes them with sour patch kids. I wonder what Jules does while the kids are at school? Obviously not waiting in lines. I was actually fine with how Bethenny handled Sonja. I think a lot of time Sonja is shady under the guise of harmless and oblivious. I do think this cast seems to have affection for each other. They might not all be great friends, but with the exception of Carole and Luann, I think they do get along okay overall. Even last season I did not think any of their disagreements were that bad considering. Really as long as I do not have to hear the words charity, etiquette, Lyme, and faking cancer I am good. I realize that is a low bar I have set.
  7. But Jen has worked on over 30 boats, so she knows everything. Bryan does not seem that bad to me either. Sometimes I think he is a bit in over his head, but he is learning and trying. I think he is doing well overall. Even when Bryan is correcting the deckhands I feel like he is saying everything pretty respectfully. I feel like if Jen wanted more responsibility than she would try to appear that she actually liked her job. I do not think Bryan is out to get her like she seems to think. Jen does seem to be a bit standoffish with the other deckhands and Bryan, so maybe he just does not have a read on her personality yet. This is so going to be hilarious though! I am enjoying this franchise so far. No one sends me into a rage blackout like original recipe Sam, Adrienne, Rocky, Leon, and even Kat. The cast members on Mediterranean that I am not a fan of like Jen or Danny really are not that bad. Everyone seems to have their faults/quirks, but nothing to really make me hate them yet. That could all change though. Danny's Tilted Kilt girl reminded me of original Lulu Spencer on General Hospital.
  8. I concur. Your whole post said it better than I could have. I loved college ( Sparty on! ), but can see how it isn't for everyone. I think with the amount of children they have it is unrealistic that they would all pursue college. It seems that if the kids are not in college they at least have jobs. I mean there is another big TLC family that I am not sure if any of their kids have jobs. I do not have any further info on her, but I just assumed that she was still in college (though was this filmed in the summer?) and just moved home while still attending. I wondered if it was just for the summer that she moved home and maybe she would move back in the fall since Christine did say their lease was up. It could be a cost cutting measure or she could be moving into a sorority house or a new apartment come fall. I have to give it up to the editors who constantly show shots of Meri on her phone. It cracks me up every time. Maybe she found another model-worthy multi-millionaire who she can try to have sexy times with at Disneyland. Also Meri, if you are trying to make your relationship better with Janelle maybe you should try to be a bit less bitchy in your TH's. Just a thought.
  9. I hold the unpopular opinion of disliking Love at the Thanksgiving Parade. I will be at my table for one. Autumn is usually hit or miss with me. This one was a big miss. So I would not be looking forward to another go around with Antonio and Autumn, though a lot of other people would be. I am definitely the minority on this one.
  10. Aren't Corey and Kourtney somewhat close in age? I could see why they might hang around each other. I might think it was weird or actually care more if I thought the Kris and Corey relationship was real. Kim excels at shit stirring though. I thought she was the one who had a hand in the Caitlyn going to watch Kendall at the Victoria Secret fashion show, though that seemed to have been forgotten during all that drama. If it is true that Khloe kicked Rob out, why would he want to reach out to her? If someone was to kick me out of their house I probably would not be very thrilled with them. Also, if Rob was with some other woman besides Blac Chyna would Khloe have kicked him out? I doubt it. Maybe Kyle should come a defend Faye, since no one is allowed to have their own feeling about her since Faye has been all sunshine and rainbows to Kyle and her family.
  11. I concur. I like Lucas Bryant so I was going to tune in (unless he was paired up with Shenae Grimes-Beech or Candace Cameron Bure. Those two are my deal breakers for Hallmark movies) I liked the movie. It is not one of my favorites nor is it some that I despise, but it was pleasant. I too liked that their was no misunderstanding between the two leads. I thought there might be one with her thinking he was in on the sabotage, but it did not happen. I am glad the major drama was about the tulip sabotage than relationship drama. I thought the leads chemistry was sort of middle of the road.
  12. Maybe it is because the last season of Below Deck had Rocky on it, who basically sent me into a rage spiral every time she was onscreen, that none of these crew members or their disagreements seem that bad to me. I like them all so far, except for Hannah and Jen. Though it is early in the season so that could all change. I agreed with Ben about it being the first charter and that Tiffany has the potential to learn and be better. I do not think she was intentionally not doing the work or screwing around. Hey at least she wasn't sexing up a crew member in the laundry room. I also agreed with Bryan in that Hannah confronting Tiffany when she was wasted wasn't going to get them anywhere. I feel like Jen thinks she is too good for the job she is doing or where she ranks with the other deckhands. She does seem to have a lot of experience, but I think if she worked hard to show Bryan that he may change his opinion about her. It probably did not help that she wasn't on deck early the first morning.
  13. I have seen Chlöe Grace Moretz on several talk shows the past couple of weeks. I think she speaks very well about why she did not like the reasoning behind Kim's nude photos or why she does not like the term "squad". She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I do not think she is saying anything that malicious. It is her opinion. Though, she seems to be way more eloquent and smarter than the Kardashian's will ever be. Oh wait, the Kardashian's are probably smarter about famewhoring than she ever will be. I do not get why the Kardashian's always have to respond when people speak out against them. I remember when Jon Hamm made a comment that he did not know why they were famous and they had to comment on it. I guess responding is another way to get attention. They are public figures and not everyone is going to love everything they do. They should accept it and move on. So why comment about it every time? They also, seem to respond to it in such juvenile ways. It all has to play out on social media for them.
  14. Hee! I am surprised that Kanye did not have a nude bodysuit and a muppet coat for Lamar. Who was the lady that was talking to the Kardashian's backstage and said she could put some holes in her dress and call it a Kanye design? I believe she was being complimentary, but it was like inadvertent snark to me.
  15. I agree. Lamar and Scott were in their lives for awhile, so while they made shitty decisions that affected family members. I do think when the dust settles that the family can care about them and want them to do well. I think they are nicer to Scott, because he has children with Kourtney, so it is probably best if they get along or at least are cordial. I think even though Lamar was making bad choices, Kris was concerned for him. Then everything went down with Lamar so I can see them helping out, glad that he is doing better, and helping him get back on his feet. My issue is with them trotting out Lamar like a sideshow. Obviously Lamar had to sign a release to appear on the show, but something about it to me just felt smarmy about it. He was talking and almost saying the right things, but for me it was like he was there, but not really there. I am probably not making sense.
  16. I concur. I think Maddie tweeted after she got engaged that she still has plans to go to college. Maybe she is waiting after the wedding. Though if she decided college wasn't for her. I am fine with that. I loved college, but it isn't for everyone. She does have a job, so at least she isn't just sitting around and doing nothing.
  17. I thought Maddie and Caleb looked very happy together. Unlike the Duggars I do not think any of these kids need to get married to escape their lives. They seem to have freedom. Though Maddie is probably very happy to escape from Kody and his idiocy. I think Caleb sees Kody for the douche that he is, but just pacifies him. Then again, I think pretty much all the older kids just humor Kody when they are around him. I love the snark that the current crop of older kids that are still at home (and the ones that are not at home) provide. They all seem to see the ridiculousness that goes on around them. Too bad the adults cannot see it or they do but will not admit it.
  18. Robyn's wedding gift will probably be a creepy painting of her kids with Maddie and Caleb. Hell, she will probably add her and Kody in the painting as well. Then she will give them said gift while weeping uncontrollably. As this is all happening there will be shots of the older kids giving wtf looks.
  19. Whenever I watch "Hoarders" I start to clean, even when it is not necessary.
  20. I kind of liked Rose (well at least in the Camverse), because she irritated everyone else and for me that was awesome. I kind of liked anyone that made Annie mad.
  21. I am right there with you. I find Bethenny amusing and she is one of my favorites too. I do not take every comment she makes seriously and like her sarcasm. I tend to lurk more in this thread, because I thought I was at a table for one with me liking Bethenny. I agree that Carol is not up Bethenny's ass. I think Carol has no problem telling people she does not agree with them. If she is friends with someone she can approach it in a calm manner one on one and not in a group setting. Now if she isn't really friends with a person I do not think she cares that much. Can everything John related be done with? Please? I pretty much like all these ladies. They all have their faults, but overall I do kind of like them all.
  22. I wish that the above quote would be worked into her tagline at the start of the show. Come to think of it they all need new taglines. Meri's could be "I'm only here because my catfish wasn't a handsome multi-millionaire."
  23. You are right they all have lied about what was going on with Caitlyn for years. The say one thing then contradict it later on. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle, because I have a hard time believing exactly what Caitlyn and the K women say. I would think Khloe would have had an inkling that Caitlyn was going to transition. When did Caitlyn get her show in relation to when she announced that she was transitioning?
  24. I was underwhelmed with a lot of the Met Gala gowns/outfits. They had a great theme. They could have done some fantastic, out there stuff, but I feel that so many played it safe. There are some exceptions though.
  25. I can usually find someone I like, tolerate, or that amuses me on the various installments of The Real Housewives of wherever, but I do not really like any of these ladies. Even if I do not like anyone on a particular housewives franchise they are at least a bit more entertaining to watch. These ladies are dull. I do not care about this lame feud between Brandi and LeeAnne. Tiffany, Stephanie, and Cary really do not have any story outside of the LeeAnne/Brandi feud. I do not have a side in the Brandi and LeeAnne fight. I think they are both wrong, and they both have issues. LeeAnne is so overdramatic. It is like extra bad soap opera acting.
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