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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Probably because Schwartz does not take comedy as seriously as Ariana. Can you imagine how bitter Ariana would be if Schwartz had his own comedy show? She would be even more dour.
  2. I liked that Kelly basically did not think Nathan and Ashley alone in the carriage was a big deal. If that was the Duggar's, Michelle would have been sitting in the middle between Nathan and Ashley.
  3. I laughed at Sheree's "It's not organtic", when Nene mispronounced organic as organtic. I do wish they would they would make Sheree a full time housewife. So much has already been said about Porsha, but I feel like some of the women were trying to rewrite history and acting like Porsha laid her hands on Cynthia when Cynthia kicked Porsha. Porsha has a ton of issues she needs to work on, but I felt in that case up until the kick Cynthia and Porsha were doing what so many housewives do with the screaming, yelling, and getting in one's space. I think the reason why I like Kim is because she is not like the rest and that she can shut down Kenya. I did not necessarily like everything she did or said, but I did like how she handled Kenya.
  4. I always hated how the show kept trying to point out how gorgeous Donna was. They had that whole "Hot Donna" thing going. I thought Jackie was just as pretty or more so than Donna.
  5. I hadn't heard, but Yay! I always worry about my favorite Canadian shows, because so many of the ones I like get the axe. Maybe I just need to like the more popular shows.
  6. I could take or leave opening themes depending on the show. Some I thought were annoying or long (though they probably were not that long. They just felt that way), but some like Mad Men, The Wire, and Everwood I enjoyed over and over again. It really depends on the show for me.
  7. I concur. I thought during that time last season that it seemed like when Kandi did ask how are things going with the whole Apollo situation Phaedra would basically gloss over the whole thing and not really tell Kandi anything. So I do not know if Kandi really knew the extent of what Phaedra was feeling. I do think Kandi mishandled the situation as well and the whole thing is both of their faults. I can also see when they get to somewhat of a good place, then the show airs, and you see all of Phaedra's TH's it probably brings up everything all over again.
  8. I think Kandi is in a bit of a hard spot regarding Apollo. Todd and Apollo were pretty good friends, as were Kandi and Phaedra, so I can see her trying to just be middle of the road with it all. I feel like last season (and it is possible that I am not remembering it well) it was all about if Phaedra was going to take the boys to visit Apollo. She seemed pretty adamant at that time that she was not. I remember thinking at that time that if she was not going to visit Apollo with the boys would she do phone calls, letters, or emails (letters and emails more so when the boys were older) to let Dylan and Aidan have some sort of contact with their father. That never seemed to be discussed. Now this season we see her send cards and accept phone calls from Apollo, but maybe if Phaedra said they will be in contact via phone calls and such that would shut the women up regarding the visiting issue for the time being. I dread next week with Nene and her opinions. I do feel like Kenya had every right to get Glen out of the house. He was aggressive. I do think when Kenya jumped in when I believe Tammy was trying to get them to leave is when it all went crazy. So I wasn't wild about her way of handling the whole situation. If Tammy wasn't successful in getting them out Kenya should have asked security, instead of shouting the reasons why Glen had to leave to him. In a way I do think there is a bit of truth to Phaedra saying that Glen did not like her so she got irritated and wanted him gone. Though if Kenya felt threatened and wanted him gone, then that is fine as well. She just mishandled the situation a bit. I do think it did not do her any favors that earlier in the season she tried to kick Shamea off of the boat and now she was trying to kick someone out of the house.
  9. How did I not know this? Then again I never actively looked or maybe I should have paid attention more. I used to live in downtown Naperville, before moving into the city to be closer to my work. Thanks for the information! It is very interesting.
  10. I can't fault her either. The only reason under my bed is clean is because my Roomba goes under there, otherwise it would not be any sort of priority for me. Now I would think Jill could pick up some of the random stuff on her floors, because Iz is crawling and moving around more, but she is probably just so busy spreading the word of the Duggar to do any sort of cleaning up.
  11. I was hoping that Nev's joke about the Catfish being mute was true. Now I really want a mute Catfish episode. I know, I am the worst.
  12. So much of what I thought about the reunion has already been said, but I cannot stand Kenya's form of arguing when confronted by others. She just keeps ranting while the other person is trying to speak, even when the other person is speaking in a civil manner. She does this on the show also. It is like she thinks if she keeps talking over someone she has won or something. Kim should have printed out her imdb page and gave it to Kenya. Kim has been working as an actress and director well into the 2000's. I laughed at Kenya thinking that because she is on the RHOA that she has a better body of work and is more relevant than Kim. I would like to see Kim stick around, because she seems to not fear Kenya like some others. She can also dish it back to Kenya way better than Kenya can dish it out. Kandi and Sheree had me laughing as well with their comments. After Kenya declared herself the star of RHOA and how it was her show, was it Porsha who asked Phaedra "Is she paying you?" That comment cracked me up. I do miss the Kandi and Phaedra friendship, but it seems that after they get to some sort of good place, the show airs and they see all the petty comments being made. I do not care about their fight anymore, nor do I care one way or another about Don Juan and that whole argument. For some reason it feels like it happened ages ago. I think both Kandi and Phaedra were wrong in certain parts of this never-ending sort of feud, either move on or don't. I do not really care at this point.
  13. I am with you. I really enjoyed season two, more than season one. I also did not like Elektra either. I thought I would like her going into the season, but ended up not liking her. My UO would be that I liked Karen in both season one and two. I did not always like all her actions, but I understood them. I liked her more than Claire, who seemed to get a lot of love, especially in the first season.
  14. I could not stop laughing at the shot at the engagement party with Sandoval waving the fan and Ariana blowing bubbles. It was so unintentionally hilarious, as was Sandoval's band. I loved Lisa's reaction to his bands performance, because it was pretty much mimicking mine. I will be at my table for one with preferring the show without Stassi. She still did not serve any real purpose and bored me. I know Scheana is no prize, but it would have been nice to hear some sort of remorse/apology from Ariana for being such a raging bitch. Scheana apologized to her, but their whole friendship falling apart was probably on both of them. It would have been nice if Ariana acknowledge some of that. For some reason I kind of like Brittany. I mean she is with Jax so there is probably a lot wrong with her. Maybe because she seems like a calm person. I have no idea, but I like her. I did like hearing about Schwartz's background about his family.
  15. Shocker Camryn got the Battle Royale solo. I feel like anytime Camryn gets a solo audition she gets it. She is technically good, but I prefer watching some of the other girls over her. They just have more spark or something I cannot put my finger on to why I prefer them over Camryn dancing-wise. It was good to see Sunjai in the latest episode. I did not realize that I missed her until I saw her again. She seemed to have more drive with her dancing over her sisters. Star and Skye always look like they would rather be somewhere else. Neva is too much for me, but both her and Dianna went too far in the latest episode. Though Neva's crying about it afterwards was a bit much as well. I did not care too much about Dianna pulling the girls out of the creative dance category. It never seemed like she had the full team there to practice. So I could kind of understand it.
  16. She irritates me even in the small amount she was shown tonight. Of course Yo and Daisy had to point out that Yo was wearing LIME green. Get it? Lime and Lyme! That Yo, so hilarious. Tomorrow, I am going to bail on having dinner with my friend by saying I am sick. I will tell her this while Face-timing about an hour beforehand. I will make sure while I FaceTime to be in a white robe in bed, with no make-up, looking all feeble. I hope she does not see the pictures I plan on taking and putting on social media with my friends at lunch. Don't worry my lunch friends do not like alcohol at all.
  17. I loved everything LisaR said about Yo at the beach. I agreed with her, especially when she somewhat said that no one will really question Yo, because of said illness. I cracked up at her whipping out the picture of Yo having lunch with Brandi and Kim, when she supposedly was resting all day so she could go to Erika's dinner. It could have been editing, but the reactions of some of the ladies when Tom scolded Erika was funny to me. Was it LisaR that said something in her TH that Erika acts all independent and such, but is basically a shrinking violet when around Tom?
  18. I could not stop laughing at the unintentional hilarity of everything to do with FI Tom's music video. The song and the video were so bad. I did get a laugh out of Scheana saying that Sandoval would be way involved in the wedding planning, when Schwartz was saying that a lot of guys are not that interested in the planning of the wedding. I could so see Sandoval being all groomzilla while Ariana sulked in the corner. No kidding. I would be more surprised if they did not show up somewhere where they are not welcomed. Everyone on this show always crashes places/events where they are not invited. It would be more shocking if they did not go, but who are we kidding of course they are going!
  19. I kind of do. I usually celebrate my brother's birthday and anniversary of his death with a nice dinner either in or out ( preferably at a good restaurant ) with friends, mutual friends, or family. Really anyone who wants to get together and eat, drink, and have fun. Always champagne and good wine are involved, because we both were/are foodies and winos.
  20. Hahahaha! She would try to teach him the patented Erika Jayne dance move "pat the puss". She could probably figure out a place in "Ave Maria" where it was appropriate. Then afterwords she could call him a c*nt.
  21. She should get in touch with Brooks from RHOC. I would bet they have a lot to talk about.
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