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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Hee! That would not be supporting Yolanda, because really that is all Yo wants in a friendship. Friends that support her, not the the other way around. Yo does not have to put work into a friendship, but she expects everyone to do so for her. She can always rattle off how she has not left her bed in two years and has zero brain function as excuses to why she hasn't been a real friend. Lisa Rinna's lemonade comment in her blog made me love her.
  2. You all summed up Erika for me, so thank you! I laughed so hard at Yolanda telling LVP that she should apologize to Bella and Anwar. Seriously Yo? I loved Lisa's reaction shots to some of the shit Yo was flinging at her. I want Yolanda off my television so bad. She is horrible.
  3. I will probably be the only one watching. I do not hate Teresa, nor do I like her. I will admit she was practically the only reason why I tuned in RHoNJ for that last couple of seasons. I pretty much hated the rest of the cast especially Caroline, Melissa, and Jaq. Hell, I actually rooted for Teresa during that season where everyone hated her. I guess if they actually cast more likable people I would be less indifferent on Teresa. I hate what she and Joe did, but I do think she is still interesting to watch. I always thought Teresa would diminish the severity of their situation at least on camera and in the public. Behind closed doors it could be different or it might not. I do not know. I probably should have followed the whole mess closer then I probably would hate her too.
  4. I have been disliking Mimi for the past few seasons or so. I think last season when she had so much attitude about how Camryn should be captain, and not even entertain the idea that some of the other girls should have a shot at it. Last season I disliked Camryn's attitude as well, but she really has not had much to do this season even though she is the captain. I still dislike Camryn as the captain of the team. I think she is technically proficient, but I think some of the other girls are as well. She just does not seem like a captain to me. I wish I could describe why, but I cannot put my finger on it. I know she is young, but wasn't Kayla around 16 when this show started? The mama drama does not bother me, because there does not seem to be that much animosity behind any of it. They get mad, it blows over. Well, except with Tawantza. I could do with a bit less of the coach drama between Dianna and the various coaches of the other teams. I am sure a lot is amped up for cameras and drama. Though some of those coaches seem really thirsty. I like Faith as well. Her and Crystianna are my favorites. Though I really do not dislike any of the girls. I do not mind Dana either. Yes, she can be annoying with all the "Faith this, and Faith that" talk, but overall I do not mind her. I thought her talk with Dianna was not as big of a deal as the other moms made it out to be. She was not pushing Dianna to put Faith back on the battle squad the way the other moms thought.
  5. Maybe he is actually Doctor Who and one of his planes is the TARDIS. Are we suppose to think Lindsay's antics are cute and funny? Lindsay is basically JO in this "Sam" fantasy world. If I was making up a person to be me in some sort of fantasy, I would make the person better than my actual self. Oh wait, Lindsay has a Bradley Cooper doppleganger as her husband. I guess that is better than her real life bucket of chicken as her husband. This cracked me up! I am a 5'2" straight female that hates Nicholas Sparks movies. Sam probably watches Nicholas Sparks movies in between shopping at Yankee Candle and Hobby Lobby.
  6. I am not a fan of his songs either. I just thought songwriting might be better for him to focus on then singing. What is Lawson's genre of music? Is it a country/religious mashup? If so, I can see his sappy sappy puke sappy lyrics resonating with some people. Not me, but there has to be someone out there who likes his music, right? I haven't watched American Idol in years, but with all the cliche lyrics he could write the coronation songs about rainbows, sunshine, puppies, and unicorns. That is if there are still ridiculous coronation songs. Oh wait, it is the last season. I guess Lawson missed his calling. Does Lawson still have his lawn business? Maybe he should focus on that instead.
  7. I think in the episode that focused on Lawson in Nashville recording I thought the family was pretty split on Lawson and his singing. I think some thought he sang well, while others kind of politely said he was just okay. If they critiqued him they said it in a tactful way. I forgot what sister said that he writes a lot of songs, so while his type of music is not my cup of tea, maybe he should focus on songwriting. I can see why Michael and Jana are good friends. They seem to have similar personalities.
  8. I am not sure what they served exactly. For some reason I feel like it was bbq chicken or something. I remember them going to the restaurant, and it was said that the owners were the parents of the kids that Michael used to nanny for. I thought the wedding was nice. I was not a fan of Michael's dress, but it seemed to be what she wanted. I still think Jessa Duggar had my favorite wedding dress of all the fundie weddings. Both Michael and Brandon seem low-key and reserved, but they looked happy. I thought the siblings in this family seem to have more normal relationships with each other. They all seemed sad, happy, and excited for Michael. I forgot what Nathan said on the couch in a TH that cracked me up. I adore Jeb. He does not annoy me like Josie from the Duggars. Judson was funny when he got bored during the wedding ceremony.
  9. That makes more sense. If Frank is like the rest of these idiots I could see him throwing out a random number, because well...they are all idiots, but your theory makes much more sense. I have a harder time believing that Lisa has no record of paying the $900 or something. That does not seem like Lisa. Has the tape ever surfaced? Also, between or during what seasons did this sex tape thing happen, with Lisa paying him off?
  10. Oh no! What would happen to the fake twins when Sam dies? Oh right, the mother will then probably decides to keep them. Even better if master hacker Lindsay takes them. Hahahahaha! And he is totally cool with his employees taking days off. Don't worry he will treat you like family, because as he said "I treat them as if they are family because they all are".
  11. Well, if I saw it correctly it looked like Kanye got another flower wall backdrop like they had at their wedding for Kim's birthday party. He was probably excited to spend four days photoshopping it. Kourtney saying that North called her mom was hilarious. I am sure it was a mistake for North, but I found it funny. Kim did not say anything when Kourtney was giving a play by play of North and Penelope's exchange on the way to ballet. I figure Kim was joking or at least I hope she was when she said while blowing out her candles that she would take a rough delivery if she got a gorgeous baby. Ugh Khloe and the non-divorce.
  12. I agree that it seems like Cynthia has been distancing herself from Kenya a bit this season. Though she was still referring to Kenya as "my girl Kenya" when she was talking to Nene in the first episode that Nene showed up in this season. I believe Nene got all indignant when Cynthia said that. Who's ass will Cynthia crawl up next? Thanks for looking! Kenya looks so stupid for bringing up Kim's body of work when Kenya's does not compare. Now I wish Kim would have pulled up her imdb page on her phone and showed it to Kenya.
  13. This is me as well. I loved Grease when I was younger, but I think I too overdosed on it during that time, so I became less enamored with it as the years went on. I think I prefer the more onstage feel like the NBC live musicals have over this version of Grease. I cannot stress enough how much I hate the live audience.
  14. I wonder if the lagging energy was because it was a bit too ambitious. The singing, dancing, quick changes, being rushed from set to set, and other factors could be part of the reason it seemed to lack energy and fun. The ending is when they all actually looked like they were having fun.
  15. This. Chris called it. I think both Cynthia and Kenya handled the situation wrong, but Kenya took it over the top. Cynthia should have told Kenya privately and before the trip. She should have tried to shut down Phaedra asking about it on the bus until she talked to Kenya. Though Kenya should have realized if she hadn't talked to Cynthia about the commercial, and Kenya was sitting on a plane to Jamaica then whatever part she would play in the commercial would probably be minimal. Also noting that Kim was doing work on the commercial prior to the trip. Kim said to Cynthia when she sat down for the meeting with Kenya and Cynthia was that she shaved more money off the budget. She was working. I think Kenya expected Cynthia to just hand her the project and when she did not Kenya got her feelings hurt. Kenya should have addressed it all with Cynthia, because it was not about Kim ever saying that she would not work with Kenya (though I would not blame her if she said that). Kenya then went batshit crazy on Kim. I have not been the biggest fan of Kim the last few episodes, but she is a better person than me when she is on the receiving end of Kenya's crazy. I would have hit below the belt too. I should check imdb.com to see who has more producer/director credits. I am guessing Kim. I get that Kenya and Kim have had their issues, but none of them in my opinion seem to warrant Kenya's hate-on toward Kim. It just seems so over the top for very little reason. I did laugh at Porsha and Phaedra calling Cynthia a flip flopper, because she has always been that way. A bit less so since she crawled out of Nene's ass to Kenya's, but she is back in Nene's. Cynthia always seemed to go whichever way the wind was blowing. Sheree and Nene getting along made me like Nene again. Well, at least for the scenes they were in together, beyond that not so much.
  16. I do not know if PBS still does it, but they used to air musicals and plays (not live) that were shot onstage. I remember Cats, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, In the Heights, and others that they would show occasionally. I have no idea if they still show them.
  17. I hated the live audience. It just did not work for me. You are right that the actors fed off of it and they get immediate reactions from the live audience, but I did not like it. I love Aaron Tveit. I loved him in Next to Normal and he was one of the bright spots in Les Miz, but he did look too old. I thought he looked younger in all the press leading up to this than styled as Danny Zuko. For me, I think it was the styling that did not work with Aaron. It was obviously necessary to have the certain Danny style, but maybe it was too much. I do not know. He looked old, but I could let it slide more than the Lost Men during Peter Pan. I still love Aaron's voice though Grease isn't necessarily the place for him to really show it off. Carly Rae was a surprise for me, and one of the better parts. I give Vanessa mad props for doing very well tonight under the circumstances. Julianne was just kind of there for me. I did not particularly love anything she did (well she danced great, but that seemed like a given), nor did I really hate anything she did. Her singing was weak though. The production values were great and all the people that were involved in the logistics are awesome, but I did not love it. I liked The Sound of Music Live more than Grease, though it was better than Peter Pan. I still prefer The Wiz over them all. I do like that more networks are attempting the live musical.
  18. I have to add that I thought it was endearing when Hannah seemed glad that Zachary was still around and Tim used his save on him. It was just a nice moment.
  19. I will probably give the movies next week a chance, but who knows how I will like them. The other week I expected to like Unleashing Mr. Darcy, but hated it. Tonights movie will probably be a pass, though I might catch it some other time. I like Sarah Rafferty, but I still associate Sam Page as Dr. Rapist on Mad Men. I too was hoping that they would make Meghan Markle's character biracial, but there was no mention of it. Though we did not see a picture of dead dad.
  20. I liked it a lot too. I liked all the leads. I pretty much always like Kristoffer Polaha. The sister was annoying, but I think the audience was suppose to find her annoying as well. I also liked that it was more Cass' fault that it was not going to work with George, because she was not being herself. They did not make him a bad guy, just a harmlessly more serious one. He just was not the one for her.
  21. Hee! Nope it would not, nor would Reign's costume choices either or even Mary's ladies-in-waiting basically never doing their job and their modern names. I just roll with it. I do not care if a show takes itself far more seriously than a Reign-like show. I still do not care about it not being historically accurate. I used to, but now, I am just easy that way.
  22. I do not mind when period piece television shows are not historically accurate. It used to bother me when I started watching various shows, but somewhere down the line I just let all the inaccuracies go and enjoyed the story and characters.
  23. I guess I hold the UO opinion of liking Amanda. I do not need Sidney and Amanda to get together or anything, but I did enjoy their friendship. I liked Hildegard as well, but think she made the right choice of not being Sidney's second choice.
  24. I agree. I will be at my table for one in thinking their collections were not horrible. Maya's collection was my favorite overall. I liked the yellow flower brocade fabric, especially with the black and white. She had a lot of pieces that I really liked. It also, looked like she really spent her time well, because her designs looked close to be done. I have liked her ideas that she has for her designs throughout the competition. She seems to think things through very well. I admit I liked Zachary's collection as well. It was probably my second favorite after Maya's. Zachary has a more mature design aesthetic, but his designs do not bore me. It isn't like he is Ven from original recipe PR. I love Zachary's fashion knowledge as well. I did like his hesitancy about what the judges would think with him getting the Tim Gunn save. I do not think Zachary will get the win, but I do enjoys his designs. I was expecting to like Peytie's collection more, but I did not. I like a couple of her pieces, but it felt like a mish-mash of everything. I am glad she decided to get rid of the orange dress, because I was questioning it from the moment I saw it. I did like her sister's painting on the fabric. I liked her designs more during the regular competition than the ones that she made for her collection. I admit to never warming to Samantha's design aesthetic at all. I liked her first challenge design in the first episode, but beyond that not so much. I feel like it is more of the same with oversized bulky coats, lots of pockets,and cargo pants/shorts. I do want a Maya win, but I feel Samantha will get the win. I like all of these kids so I cannot really fault any of them winning. I do hope if there is another season of this show they do not try to amp up the drama with catty personalities and such. I liked this show because it was low drama. It was more about the designs and with the drama primarily being about the clothes/ideas/time issues. The kids were nice, with few nasty remarks and got along well even if they did not have the best collaborations. If they said anything questionable it was fairly mild. For me, this version of PR was a breath of fresh air compared to regular version.
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