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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I thought Peytie's (my autocorrect keeps changing her name to peyote) design was fine, but preferred Maya and Zachary's outfits. I really liked all the pieces to Maya's the best though. I thought Bridget's design was nice too. I am sad that they sent Jesse home. His look was not exciting, but it looked well made and so much better than Jaxon's silver romper with a mesh vest. I thought Jesse has been more consistent than Jaxon overall as well. I was fine with Victoria going home because everything she seemed to design was a black crop top and some kind of black bottoms. Also, because Tim told her how to redesign her outfit. I wonder if it is going to be like Masterchef Junior where if one of the chefs/judges step in to give someone who is in the weeds a lot of help then they usually go home. It kind of gives the kids some dignity in actually finishing something even though they get cut. I said last episode I am over Samantha's design aesthetic and I stand by it after seeing her outfit this week. It was like her first challenge outfit and the last episode challenge outfit combined. I do not want to see another giant, boxy jacket from her.
  2. As someone who has seen the musical Hamilton a few times and loved it, I enjoyed Lin-Manuel Miranda giving the clues. I loved the "dead hunchback" answer. It cracked me up.
  3. Merry Kissmas was awful. The whole Doris Roberts forcing herself on the male lead was so disturbing, and not at all funny, which is what I think they were going for. I was cringing all throughout that scene. Poor male lead. I enjoyed A Christmas Kiss as well. I even did not mind a Christmas Kiss 2. Cliche yes, but watchable mindless fluff.
  4. Lala certainly has a type for douchebags with James and Jax. I would rather watch FI Tom and Schwartz doing anything than more of James/Lala/Jax/Kristen drama. Where has Anthony been hiding? I would not mind seeing more of him, but apparently to work at Sur you need to have, for the most part, an awful personality, so Anthony would end up a douche too. Lauren trying to get away from the cameras when she had to know it would come out sooner or later that she slept/bit James. I do. Also, where I go they will retake the picture if you do not like it. It is kind of nice.
  5. I have noticed Kourtney stays silent a lot when Kim, Khloe, and Kris are talking about various things and people. I wonder if it is because she disagrees with some of what is being said and just does not speak up about it on camera or something. I noticed it a lot when Kim and Khloe were so up in arms about the Vanity Fair article which I did not think was as bad as they were making it out to be and the fact that many of the family members did not treat Caitlyn well pre-transition and still married to Kris. I kind of like that Kourtney keeps her mouth shut, because then she isn't feeding into Kim, Kris, and Khloe's bullshit.
  6. Is it wrong that I am curious to know the answer to Porsha's question? Kenya seems to throw out "best friend' as much as Taylor Swift and all her best friends. I feel like most of the women know Kandi and Phaedra are not as close. Maybe Phaedra and Porsha, but Phaedra was not even on the boat. So I am curious to who Cynthia was referring to or was she just saying random shit because she was irritated that they were teasing her.
  7. From the preview they showed at the end of the movie for the next part, one of the two main characters said it has been so many years since they saw each other. I forgot how many years they said that passed because I was irritated with not seeing part two until next year.
  8. This is the best! I could not stop staring at that romper every time Kenya was standing. It was like a train wreck. I concur. I did not mind Kim being upset at how these women act, even if she has watched the show. I think seeing the drama unfold on television and actually being in the same room as it is all going down is a big difference. I have no idea why Kenya really needed to have a sit down with Porsha before all the women were going to meet up. Porsha and Cynthia had a fairly mature conversation about the incident on their own without anything added in from Kenya.
  9. I feel like Kim and Khloe look like centaur's with their giant asses trailing behind them. I cannot with Caitlyn and Kris. I cannot stand either one. One of my many issues with them is that they cannot seem to communicate well regarding Kendall and Kylie, even when they were just separated. If they do not want to invite each other to things that is fine, but give each other a heads up. They have assistants that can send out a text. I have a feeling if their wasn't the whole marriage/divorce and Kris met Caitlyn they would be best friends. They have a lot in common. Hell, I would throw Kim in as well, since they are all self absorbed, narcissists. I did not watch the sit down between Kris and Caitlyn again, since I saw the bit the showed on Caitlyn's show. I feared I would have to hear about the damn Vanity Fair article again.
  10. This! So much of this! Like others I thought Part 2 would be a sequel, which it is, but the main storyline was unresolved. So I have to wait till Christmas 2016 to actually get some sort of resolution? Sigh....I was, like you, enjoying the movie until they said we had to wait till next December for the next part. For some reason I thought part 2 would air sometime this winter, because I am an idiot like that.
  11. Was Michaela Deprince playing Clara? I know she was playing Clara in a few performances, but I doubt she was playing Clara in the competition. Just had to ask. She was in the documentary First Position.
  12. This Michigan State alum is extremely happy! Also, happy that I managed to get a hotel room in Indy when I got my tickets.
  13. This. I was rooting for sassy Renee to stay over Grayson. Renee seemed to have a solid showing last night. I did not mind Grayson on Top Chef Texas. I did not love her, but I did not hate her either. Now, I want her gone. I do not get why they brought her back. She seems so bitter about everything. She has done this show before, so she know she isn't always going to be making something in her wheelhouse. I am just at a loss why she is so bitter all the time. I do not know if I can take more of her complaining. Don't they have Top Chef All Stars or something that Grayson should be on instead of a new season of regular TC? Marjorie winning was nice. Team Persian did work well together. I am glad they were in the top. I did kind of laugh at the team of chefs snarking on Phillip's giant picture of himself on his restaurant as they passed by in the car.
  14. I too, thought Team 60's could have done a lot with their decade. They could have done anything from hippy bohemian to Mad Men. I thought three of their dresses looked very similar and very little of it gave me an updated 60's vibe. I did not mind the crop tops since they are trying to be a bit more modern with their designs, but it is getting to be overkill. If Matt was going to do a crop top he could have paired it with a more bohemian type of bottom if the team went in some sort of direction. I am not entirely sure what direction Team 60's was going for. I like all the kids, but I am tired of Samantha's aesthetic. I liked her first episode look, but haven't really liked what she has made since then. I did not like Samantha and Peytie making the decision to get rid of Maya's vest without consulting Maya. Didn't they have phones? I do not think there was anything nefarious going on, just that they were not very organized when at Mood. I thought Bridget won over Zach, because it might be an easier pattern to put out? I have no idea. I was fine with either of them winning.
  15. I was waiting for it too. I like the ballet and the actual dancing in the show, but for me, I find the rest not really enjoyable to watch.
  16. Is Connie on the Mediterranean season? I just saw Ben in the previews. I got the impression she stayed on with Captain Lee, but I am probably wrong. I suspect most of them drink on charter. They just do not get drunk and unable to do their jobs. They cannot really have a glass of wine or a beer after work like most people, until after the charter guests leave and they have free time. I do not care if they have a drink now and then on charter if it does not get in the way of their job.
  17. Hee! No one seemed too enamored with Rocky, even Emile, who still seemed to like her when they departed Eros. Did they ever show Captain Lee's response to Rocky asking him if he was going to hold on to his issue with her not owning up to her actions for the rest of his life? I thought they cut to commercial and when they came back it felt like that was skipped over. I might have not been watching as closely because I was a raging drunk with my mug of wine. I concur. If they hooked up two more times why would she even bother? Does she have low self esteem or something, because I think Eddie's behavior on the boat was pretty clear that it was never going to be more than a hook up. Hell, if she hooked up with him once after the show and a relationship did not happen, why would she think it would happen after another hook up? I do not really buy Rocky thinking they would have a relationship off the boat and that this was anything more than friends with benefit. That was a shitty thing for her to say while Emile was there. I call bullshit on that too, because she did seem to be attracted to Emile at the start of the season and when Dane came onboard she seemed interested in him for a bit. Unless it is all a game to her or another way for her to get camera time. Who knows.
  18. Do we know all the treatments Yo has tried? And in what duration of time? I was exhausted listening to her talk about what she has done since last season at the start of one of her segments. I am all for her finding something that works for her, but it just seemed like a lot. Like others, I do think she is sick, but probably embellishing it a bit. I too, do not really want to watch sick Yo all season not really doing anything besides treatments and showing up briefly to events. If this is the case and Bravo really wanted her on, I wish she was demoted to friend of the housewives.
  19. I cosign all of this. I did find it interesting that Connie said she had nice conversations with Rocky, but when a camera appeared she went all over the top. It doesn't surprise me at all, but I am a bit surprised that Connie mentioned it.
  20. I think one of the minor things that can irritate me in these sort of cheesy Christmas movies is when they give the lead character a Christmas-y sounding name like Mary, Holly, etc. I think there was one movie this year where the character had "Holiday" as her last name. Of course all of these names are pretty common, so it isn't that bad, but for some reason in a Christmas movie it feels extra cheesy for me.
  21. Hee! I am a MSU alum, so I am extremely biased.
  22. A Gift Wrapped Christmas was my first of the Lifetime movies this season as well. I enjoyed it also. I thought the female lead was great and charming. I agree the male lead did not have tons of charisma, but it still worked for me since it seemed like they wanted him sort of bland in the beginning. I preferred it over 12 Gifts for Christmas with the personal shopper angle. At least the female lead did not make Christmas art for fun, which was unintentionally funny for me in 12 Gifts for Christmas. I did think the kid was annoying and not great, but everything else worked for me, so I can disregard the kid.
  23. I thought some of Kate's reaction to the fire, especially when she was telling Captain Lee what had happened on her end, was because she was tired. I thought there was an exchange with Eddie asking how much sleep each of them had gotten in the morning. I still do not think anyone was going to be fired because of the fire. I got the impression Captain Lee was going to interview everyone, file a report and that would be it. I think that if Leon acted a bit more humble when interviewed, apologized for the dirty oven and possibly gave an impression of working better with Kate, he would have been around a bit longer. I wonder if Leon told Rocky that Kate had been drinking sometime during charter, then later admitted to lying about it, and Rocky did not get the memo. I think if Leon had anything on Kate he would have been shouting it from the rafters way sooner. I would not be surprised if most of the crew had some sort of stash of alcohol onboard. Not to drink to get drunk or unable to do their job, but a bit here and there. Unless there is some legitimate proof out there, which I think Bravo would have slipped it in during the exchange, we will never know. Wine-gate is starting to remind me of the Real Housewives of OC Brooks' cancer debacle.
  24. I tend to skip any movie with Candace Cameron Bure. I just can't with her. I won't be watching A Christmas Detour because of that. Normally I give most Hallmark movies a chance. I enjoyed A Crown for Christmas as well. I should be getting tired of these royal storylines, but I do not. I thought all the leads worked well together. It is always nice to see a person of color in these Hallmark movies, but of course he had to be the villain.
  25. Let me know what you think of it. I have been eyeing various curling/wave tools like that, so I am curious how it works.
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