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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I think after awhile it was more about Vicki lying to the ladies and less about if Brooks has cancer or not. It was the various inconsistencies that made the women question it all in the first place. Then Vicki at the reunion was full of changing stories. I was glad the women did not forgive Vicki when she went on her 'woe is me' soliloquy at the end. I hate Vicki saying that she lost her mom and that the other ladies do not understand because they have not lost their mothers. It is horrible to lose a parent, especially a parent you were close to. It is also, horrible to lose a close relative or friend. I would think that some of the ladies have lost someone they were close to, but they do not use their dead relative/friend/parent to justify their lies and crappy behavior. I had to laugh when Tamra said she worried about Vicki, and Vicks responded "You should". It made my eyes roll so hard. She tried to say Tamra should worry because she (Vicki) was in a bad place, but it seemed so typical Vicki. I have always been indifferent to Meghan, but I actually kind of liked reunion Meghan. She may not have been best friends with Leann, but they seemed to get along well enough where she could be affected by Leanns death, especially watching Haley deal with it. At this point I would rather they keep Meghan and ditch Vicki. I doubt that will happen though.
  2. Ha! Didn't Vicki say in the baptism episode to Heather that she was out of town when Terry/IV-gate happened? I cannot keep track of all the lies Vicki and Brooks have told, but I do not feel sorry for Vicki at all anymore.
  3. I like Make Up Forever's primers. The have different versions for whatever your needs might be (hydrating, redness, matte, etc.). I also like Too Faced Primed and Poreless primer and Tarte's Clean Slate.
  4. Thanks for whomever mentioned the unseen footage on the Bravo site. Rocky cannot seem to handle when someone (or two people, Eddie and Amy) disagree with her. She gets all weird with hiding her face in her hair and then her shirt, and says "I don't want to talk about this anymore". Rocky does not seem to be able to have a rational conversation. Eddie and Amy were calmly explaining their points of view, but she does not want to hear it. Rocky also, seems to think that the reason Leon was fired was because of the fire, when in my opinion, I do not think that was the main reason he was fired at all.
  5. Ha! I love this so much! Should Eddie write Rocky a note like she wrote Emile? I never got the impression that Rocky and Eddie's laundry time was more than a friends with benefits type of situation. I did not think that this was some grand romance between the two of them. Really the most I have seen/heard them interact is when they are in the laundry room. I did not see actual talking between the two, just sex.
  6. I always got the impression that Eddie and Captain Lee have a pretty good relationship when they are working together and when they are not. So I do not necessarily think Eddie is sucking up to Captain Lee. Eddie did not seem to make or have a close friend on this charter. I am not counting laundry time with Rocky. Maybe with Ben around he will not be with Captain Lee as much. I would rather have Eddie hanging out with Captain Lee than in the laundry room with Rocky. I did not really mind Eddie's explanation of firing Leon and keeping Kate. I do not think Eddie cares that much about the Leon/Kate thing. I thought Eddie was attempting to be diplomatic about the whole situation, especially to Rocky, and not really saying that Leon was fired because he was an ass to the captain. I do not know. Maybe he just was not trying to take sides in the whole mess. Is it wrong to have a crush on the First Officer when he is barely seen?
  7. I do not think Captain Lee was looking to fire anyone regarding the oven fire. I thought he was just trying to get everyone's version of what happened and talked to Leon because he is the chef, even if he was sleeping during the whole incident. I think if Leon had a better attitude when he went to talk to Captan Lee about the fire he would not have gone home. If he owned up to the dirty oven and said he would try to work with Kate better, I think he would have stayed. Instead he was a bit combative with Captain Lee from the start and then the added that Kate was drinking, even though he was sleeping during the fire. So I think that just topped off how Captain Lee already felt regarding Leon. I think most people have worked with someone they have not necessarily liked, but most people can remain cordial and professional to get work done, but I do not think Leon would give an inch. Kate has made comments to Leon, but for the most part, I do see her trying to be professional when trying to communicate with Leon for the guests sake. I was hoping to be done with Leon and Rocky. I cannot deal with Rocky and her tantrums. I give Amy and Kate props for picking up her slack all the time. I loved watching Rocky's face fall when Ben mentioned that he was glad to be back and he has worked with some of the crew before. So does anyone know who the deckhand is? I thought Captain Lee said it was somebody they knew. I forgot who he was talking to. So who is Rocky going to attempt to hook up with, Ben or the new deckhand?
  8. I concur. Nicole's husband did not get all up in David's face, when he is in the same position as Shannon.
  9. I like Haley and Andy on Modern Family. I do like Dylan, but mostly in very small doses. I would prefer Haley to end up with someone smarter than Dylan. It does not have to be Andy, but just someone.
  10. I am probably misremembering, but I thought Eddie was scolding Rocky about the popcorn. He said something like 'If you do not hear popping for a few seconds take it out of the microwave'. I thought he was speaking to Rocky, not Kate, but I was not watching too closely at that point so I am probably wrong.
  11. With Leon's prized jerky box in the corner! Captain Lee was sitting down by the galley a couple of times in this episode. I would think that would make Leon be on his best behavior, but it did not. I feel that Kate has tried to keep it professional. She did get some digs in, but overall she seems to try to remain professional. As for Eddie and Rocky. Sigh...really Eddie? I feel like Rocky seems to be more into Eddie, while Eddie just wants sex. In his last phone call with his girlfriend didn't Eddie basically break up with her? It is probably just me, but I have never really seen Kate be disrespectful to Rocky while they are working. Rocky thinking that Kate and Amy are being mean to her when they are trying to teach her or tell her what to do is ridiculous. Rocky just wants to hang out with the guests, have sex, or cry.
  12. It seemed to me that Kate put the popcorn in the microwave and pizza in the oven. Then Rocky said she did not know how to start the movie for the guests so Kate went to help. I would think Rocky would have smelled something burning prior to when she took the popcorn out of the microwave, but who knows, that would have taken away from Rocky's banana sexual innuendo with the guest. I would imagine if Kate steps out of the room while in the middle of something to help the guest maybe it is not too much to ask for Rocky to keep an eye on things. Perhaps Kate should have told Rocky to watch everything, but Rocky does not want someone to tell her what to do. It really seemed like an honest mistake though. I cannot deal with Rocky whining again about Kate and Amy just wanting her to do her job. Amy was doing a lot of her work that night and then Kate picked up the dirty dishes that Rocky just left, because she was upset about being told what to do. Of course she had time to do Eddie in the laundry room. Amy and Kate are not being malicious. They are just trying to get stuff done.
  13. I was underwhelmed. I get excited when the advent garde challenge comes up, but most seasons, I see the actual designs and am disappointed. I thought some of their printing designs would be bigger as well, so I thought there would have been some really interesting designs. Of course it probably takes awhile for 3D printing. I did appreciate Merline's attitude at her auf'ing. I thought the bodice of Merline's design was going to be completely covered in her 3D printing, but it was not. It could have been a time issue though. I think Kelly won by default since her was the most advent garde. The judges kept saying it was so original, but I feel like I have seen that silhouette before on runways. I thought Edmond's dress was beautiful. I thought after Kelly's his was the next advent garde look. I felt a bit bad that Kelly won and got the 3D printer and Candice got Mel B wearing her dress. Edmond just got to stick around a week longer. I actually did not mind Ashley's without the cape. I wish she would have thought out her placement of the 3D printing when she started sketching. I know it is probably easier to get an idea of placement when it is in your hand, but it was like she did not even have an idea where to put them. I had the most problems with Candice's design. It felt like basically a standard mermaid gown. Oh wait, it was in red, so it was totally different than anything Candice has done before. I feel like it was a longer version of some of her previous designs. Didn't Justin from season 12 do some cool things with a 3D printer?
  14. Heh. Maybe she got Dr. Moon to order one for her.
  15. This. I gave it a try because it was getting raves from critics. I do think Gina Rodriguez is absolutely charming on the show and in interviews I have seen her do, but I lost interest halfway through the first season. The acting was fine, I just did not warm up to the story, which I thought I would because I enjoyed Ugly Betty. Hee! I always thought Lana Lang from Smallville was at the top of the Mary Sue list. I would add Kurt from Glee as a Stu.
  16. So did Vicks claim she was out of town when Brooks supposedly had Terry send someone over with an IV? I thought she mumbled she was probably traveling. Then she was in Oklahoma when Brooks supposedly showed Billy his PET/CT scan? Am I getting that right? It is so convenient that she is traveling when everything is happening. Vicki is lying about something whether it is Brooks' cancer or him not having cancer, something hinky is going on somewhere. Thanks to whomever upthread who pointed me in the direction of Shannon's blog. It was a good read.
  17. I agree Janelle's tears seemed genuine, since she is not one to wear her emotions on her sleeve. Somehow Meri making Janelle wait four months for an answer cracked me up. It is just so ridiculous. I guess Meri was too busy chatting up her catfish to get back to Janelle. Was it just me or did Gwen and Savannah seem pretty quiet when they were doing their couch sessions with the other girls? Some of those girls seemed so starved for some attention from Kody, and not just the ones that are always hanging on him....cough.. Aurora..cough. I was so rooting for Kody to fall off that mechanical shark. The annoying surfer accent that he kept doing made me shabby, but that is generally how Kody always makes me feel.
  18. If I could give you more "likes" I would. I loved that Gia said while she appreciates Melissa offering to be there for her that she just isn't comfortable with it at this time. I kind of liked seeing the Giudice girls. Gia seems to be growing up well. She seemed pretty articulate in her talking heads and a bit insightful about Milania's behavior. Overall they seemed like normal siblings and kids, sometimes bratty and sometimes nice.
  19. My speculation is that Riley will be okay that Lucas and Maya like each other, because she will realize that she "only sees him as a brother". So everything will be awesome. Either way I hate that they are doing this. Sigh..does there really have to be couples already? Great....more Maya stories.
  20. I do not think Tim will use his save on Swapnil. I would love him to, but if Tim went so far to as asking the judges to auf him, then I doubt he would save him. Not sure if this is a spoiler, but putting it under spoiler tags just in case. It is from Swapnil's instagram.
  21. Does Tim have a producer credit for Project Runway? If so, I would think that him going to the judges asking for a designer to be auf'd might fall under "producer manipulation".
  22. I concur. Heidi mentions every week that Tim is at the runway show, but isn't part of the judging since he is their mentor. So for him to go up the judges and urge them to auf someone seems so hinky to me, because it shows that he does have input in the judging if he so chooses. Swapnil was running out of steam, so let him fail on his own without some elaborate machination. My issue isn't that Swapnil went home it was how the whole thing played out.
  23. I know it is very unpopular, but I loved Arthur and I love Matt as well. I thoughts Matt's Halloween costumes were hilarious. I like creative costumes, because I see a lot of the same old stuff on Halloween so I appreciate anything a bit different.
  24. Thanks for the update. I remember it being mentioned that she had an instagram post that showed her at her job in Utah. So there were some questions. I get where you are coming from and think that a bit as well. I guess I am waiting to see how this whole wedding and everything plays out.
  25. Can Nev and Max come film a very special Catfish episode? They can wonder why Meri did not see the obvious signs. Max can roll his eyes and snark on Kody. If angry Nev came out it would be worth it. At least "Sam" did not say his profession was a model or a rapper. I am perfectly fine if Maddie and Mykelti (is she still in school?) decided college wasn't for them. I graduated from a Big Ten school, but my brother took some time to figure out what he wanted to do and eventually went to culinary school. As long as they get a job, have a trade/go to a trade school, or if Maddie wants to be a stay at home wife it does not bother me. As long as they are not intending for the show to be their main source of income, but really who knows.
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