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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Since I recently saw Hamilton the musical (which was fantastic), I knew it wasn't him, but I did not know the answer to FJ either.
  2. From Maddie's Twitter Madison ‏@MaddieR_Brown 4h4 hours ago There have been a lot of questions on me finishing school. YES. I will go all the way through till I finish with my Law degree. It sounds like she moved to a different state. Anyone know where? So I do not imagine this guy is in it for the TLC money. Even if Maddie decides college isn't for her, she does not seem like the type to sit on her butt and do nothing. Then again who knows. I hope for the best for her sake.
  3. I kept staring at Meri's hair wishing she would get a keratin treatment or a deep conditioner. It looks so fried. Meri in her office cracked me up. Seriously Meri needs an office? Really? I had to laugh every time that they mentioned that the whole divorce/marriage was for the kids. I do not follow any of them on social media, but has the adoption happened yet? And do we know anything more on the kids' dad and giving up his rights? In the previews it said he was avoiding being served. I hate myself for agreeing with Kody that the marriage should just be him and Robyn, mainly because Meri and Robyn both wanted their kids there, but then Janelle and Christine (and their kids) were left out. Then again, it seemed as if Janelle and Christine were left out of the divorce discussion, which I thought should be a family discussion in the first place.
  4. I am sure they are waxed, but it looked like the models were wearing nude thongs underneath some of the underwear. I could be wrong though. I did not mind Merline's. I could see why it was in the top and why it won. It is easy to mass produce, but I thought the top seemed on trend to some of the bras I have been seeing around the past year or so. I will be at my table for one with not liking Kelly's. I thought the fit was good, but I hated the colors. I hated the colors even more with the leopard cover-up. I could see Kelly design aesthetic in it. Since I am not a fan of her design style it did not work for me. I did not really like this challenge. It seemed like all of the designers struggled with it. Nothing looked that great, and so many of the designs looked sloppy. Please Tim do not have an epiphany and save Blake next week.
  5. I liked the chanting too, and the dancing. I love that about Conan as well though. I do not know the exact quote, but when Stephen said "nation" at the start I was a happy girl. I am just happy to have Stephen back on my television again. I guess I am easy like that. So much has already been said, but I liked the set. I loved the desk, the various pieces of memorabilia, and the Captain America shield.
  6. I do not get what Rocky is whining about all the time. Kate is asking/telling her to do tasks that are related to her job and Rocky is acting like Kate is out to get her or something. Rocky crying to her dad was so over the top for what she was being asked to do. I like Kate, but did get annoyed that she put down where Leon previously worked. The guests so far have really enjoyed Leon's food. Though I did get her issue with not being let in on that the conch that they caught wasn't used, instead was frozen. I guess I wasn't a fan of Leon replying to her asking about it with basically it was none of her business. I also thought, that Leon did not have to give the guests the recipe of his super secret house dressing, but he could have said what the primary ingredients where or what the major ingredient was. I imagine you could pick up on the major flavors just eating it and just stress those ingredients to the guests. Don saying that he did not have to listen to the Captain. Haha! He was so belligerent with everyone. Glad he is gone.
  7. This. I think both Cait and Kris were at fault for their marriage falling apart, and it was not just about Cait's transition, which like you said, probably did not help, but there were other issues. They seemed to grow apart. Watching KUWTK there was so much disfunction in that relationship for the last so many seasons of that show. What I think bugs me though is that Kris, Kim, and Khloe would treat Cait awful a lot on KUWTK. Then when Cait says nothing all that extreme, especially if one watched KUWTK, about Kris in the Vanity Fair article. and they all pile against her saying that she does not have to take down their mom on her rise, when that is what they did to Cait.
  8. I concur. I also think that if Ashley somehow ended up on the guys team instead of Merline (or maybe in addition to) she would have brushed off being the last pick better, because that team was actually talking to each other, not over one another and working together. I think had Merline or maybe even one of the guys ended up on the other team they would have had the bus come for them as well, because it seemed obvious Candice, Lindsey, Amanda, and Kelly were going to stick together.
  9. Wasn't Ashley initially making pants to go with the top that she made? I thought she mentioned that she did not like the fit or something and that is why she scrapped them in favor of the skirt. I got the impression she was not wild about the circle skirt, but needed some bottoms for her top.
  10. This is how I feel as well. He might not of had a physical affair off of AM, but was clearly shopping around for one. I would not be shocked if he had an affair from meeting someone in the traditional sense or through a different app or website. I feel if people go to the trouble of signing up for AM, but not receiving the physical affair, then it is possible that they went looking elsewhere. Though who knows, maybe the AM bots satisfied all their needs.
  11. I think if any of the K's objected to Tyga, I do not think Kylie would not listen anyway. Who is really going to stop her? If Caitlyn had reservations about Tyga, I doubt anything would happen, because Kylie was living with Kris, and Kris seems think more about how this would help Kylie's "career" then her actual well-being.
  12. When my brother died a few years ago we divided and conquered the thank you notes depending on the relationship with whomever sent the flowers/donations to charity. My sister-in-law sent them to her friends, family, co-workers, his co-workers, and their mutual friends. I sent thank you's to my friends and co-workers. My parents and brother did the same. So I do not think it is that odd that Meghan would write a note to Vicki and Brooks. I concur and even if they took away her cell, computer, or whatever she could always use a friends to tweet. I have not read any of Haley's tweets, but there are several Fuck Cancer charities and organizations out there, so she could be referencing them or it is quite possible she isn't. I honestly do not have a problem with her saying "fuck cancer" in any capacity though. Oh now I am going to have to read Vicki's blog. She said that? What have the viewers seen about them dealing with his cancer that would help them? Smoothies? Coffee enemas? That is primarily what their conversations about Brooks' cancer have been about. I see Brooks mentioning a bit about his treatment and Vicki either mentioning that her mom died or telling Brooks that he has to be there for her.
  13. I laughed at that as well! I was glad that he took Captain Lee's advice. I like Emile when he is being a deckhand and not flirting with the various women on the ship. At least he seems respectful to Eddie unlike Don. I have enjoyed the two episodes and this season thus far. So far I do not mind Connie, and Leon seems to be putting out great food without timing issues, but he does not have much personality. I liked Kate, Eddie, and Amy last season and continue to do so. I do not miss Kat at all and am actually fine without Ben. Rocky and Don are my only problems. They both do not seem to like authority and both do not seem to like the jobs they were hired to do. I do feel like Kate is trying to help Rocky learn her job, but Rocky seems irritated at it all. I think that if Kate gave Rocky a list she would have to be extremely detailed, because I think Rocky would forget some of the little details that Kate and Amy seem to excel at.
  14. I really like many of Ok Go's videos. They are creative and fun to watch. "I Won't Let You Down" and "This too Shall Pass" are probably my favorites of the bunch.
  15. Does Tamra know that David cheated? I could have missed something in the previous episodes, but I only thought Vicki knew about David's affair. Either way I do not think every comment these women make is a dig about the affair. I feel like the most innocent statement could be construed as a slight to someone. I was not upset that Meghan did not care that Vicki was upset or whatever Lizzie said to her at Heather's luncheon. If I was in Meghan shoes I would not care about Vicki getting upset either. They haven't been that friendly this whole season. If Meghan seemed to actually enjoy and was friends with Vicki her lack of reaction would bother me, but she isn't.
  16. Did Shannon really chuckle at that comment? I was on the phone a wasn't watching that closely. If she did giggle at that comment after how she went on and on last season about how no one should talk about her marriage then I am more over Shannon than I already was. I could not stand Shannon chirping at Vicki's side when I feel like in her TH's earlier in the season she sort of questioned Brook's treatment. She did not come out and say he did not have cancer, but it felt like it was hinted at. For me, it seems that her TH's and what she actually says to Vicki are not the same. I feel like Tamra is getting a pass with all the psychic said Brooks does not have cancer garbage. She is the one who sort of asked the question to the psychic. Megan is the one who relied the message to Shannon. It is almost like Megan is doing Tamra's dirty work without being smart enough to realize it.
  17. Did anything in Kanye's speech make any sense? Hell, even the running for president bit did not make any sense. It felt like something random thrown in at end.
  18. I am with you. I feel like all the stuff Miley does or wears is for attention. For some reason I can accept when Lady Gaga wears her various outfits, but with Miley it just appears that she is trying too hard.
  19. Nikki Minaj thanked her pastor while accepting an award for Anaconda. Yup, random.
  20. What is this mess? Nikki Minaj and Taylor Swift? Bad singing all around.
  21. I hate Selena Gomez's "Good for you". I do not think she can sing well and I hate all of her previous singles.
  22. This. I liked Maya in season one, because I thought the focus on the Riley/Maya friendship and the other characters was more even. Now I am so sick of Maya. It is like everything that I liked about her in season one had been watered down or gotten rid of. The Lucas/Maya ship and the increased focus on Maya is making me lose interest in the show. It is a shame, because I enjoyed it prior to most of this season.
  23. I though Tim was encouraging Edmund and Hanmaio to go more of a romper/shorts and shirt route with the long skirt, when he said sunsuit. I probably misinterpreted the whole exchange though. I liked the winning look. I thought you could see both Candice and Ashley's style in the pieces. I liked mix of prints as well.
  24. If Josh did have an affair and he might have if not through Ashley Madison, probably through some other site/app/met someone, who would really want to admit to having sex with Josh Duggar? Well, besides Anna and I hope she is rethinking that right now.
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