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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I liked season three of Arrow. It had a lot of Thea/Oliver, which is probably my favorite relationship on the show. I always liked Oliver's family relationships with Thea and Moira. I also, am not a fan of both, Laurel and Felicity. I did not hate Ray either.
  2. Didn't Tim's critique time turn into a fitting as well? So it was a bit of a surprise. While Swapnil should have had something for his client to try on, he did not know that time was going to also be a fitting. After Tim's outburst toward Swapnil, I thought maybe if the client and Swapnil had a bit of time to talk about the design maybe she would have liked something, but I think she and Tim ended up leaving. If they would have just let Swapnil flounder and auf him because of that, then even though I like him, I would have been fine, because Swapnil was losing steam. Tim's outburst, Zac's reactions, Swapnil's client, and the editing just felt so calculated. I was okay with the predetermined picking of the clients and the designers, because I admit I hate watching the heaviest client be picked last. I think they could have done a better job matching the clients with the designers. Of course then the show would not have the drama. I do admit that Ashley's crying is tiring for me to watch. Another reason why I would never do a competitive reality show or hell, any reality show, because I would be Ashley with all the crying if I was stressed or frustrated in that environment. People would hate me.
  3. This. So much of this. Candice's was the worst design for me tonight. It looked similar to so many of her other designs. I hate her talking heads. She comments about everyone choosing horrible prints, which while a lot were not great, but this season I get excited when anyone actually chooses a print to work with. With Swapnil gone, I only have Edmond to root for. I doubt he will win though. I like Kelly's personality, but hate her design aesthetic. I am really going to hate it when she wins it all. Watching Tim go in on Swapnil was uncomfortable for me to watch, and I hated that it was in front of the client. If I was Swapnil in that situation I would have pulled an Ashley and burst into tears.
  4. I feel like Robyn would be a bit more passive aggressive with the whole divorce Meri story. I could see her whining to Kody about how great it would be if he could adopt her kids and too bad they are not legally married to do so nonsense. Kody buys into that. Then both of them or even just Robyn could drop those talking points into conversations with Meri to get her to think about it all. I do not even like Meri, but I do wish she was legally and spiritually divorced from Kody to do as she wishes. Hell, I wish Janelle and Christine would leave too. I think they would all be happier leaving Kody and Robyn in the dust. Too bad I doubt it will happen.
  5. I pretty much agree with this. I think either way Heather would look like the bad guy. She either tells Shannon about the affair, when she and Shannon are not getting along which makes Heather look bad, or she doesn't tell Shannon, even though they are not on the best terms, which makes her look bad to some people. I think she did the right thing under the circumstances, but I like Heather, so I am biased. Also, I do not know if at the time Shannon would even believe Heather, if Heather told her about the affair. Shannon could go to David an ask about it, but he could deny it.
  6. Didn't Chris March take breaks and naps, while producing some nice designs? Did Tim ever run and tell the judges on him? I think that you can put 100% effort behind something and that still does not mean it is going to be great or the best. So someone can make an absolute crap garment, but since they tried harder they should stick around. So if Swapnil does get the boot Tim probably will not use his save on him.
  7. My UO is that I actually like Cassandra on The Librarians. Her wardrobe does not bother me either. I kind of like it. The only character on the show that I am not much of a fan of, so far, is Ezekiel. I do not love him or hate him. He is just there.
  8. I thought it was interesting that it seemed to be mostly Kim and Khloe going on and on about the VF and Diane Sawyer interviews. Kourtney barely said anything about it, besides "what did it say". I did not think that Caitlyn said anything in either interview that the viewers did not see on the show each week. I thought they were all making a bigger deal out of the interviews then necessary. I also thought it was interesting that Kris still had Caitlyn's gold medal as well.
  9. Thanks for doing some digging. I want to call you Meghan and hope that you wore your headband of justice. Sorry. That was a Real Housewives of OC reference. So does Aurora actually call her dad Preston or is that just for the show? I think I read around these parts that Robyn had her kids using Brown as their last name for awhile. I rolled my eyes when I saw that Kody, Robyn, and Christine put MSWC on their boat. I just cannot bring myself to type the name of their stupid closet. Also, them acting like everyone will be puzzled about "sister wife". Sigh...I just can't with these people.
  10. I loved Jon Stewart a lot, but I am enjoying Trevor as well. I think he did great his first week. There are always kinks to iron out, but overall I enjoyed it.
  11. This. She always seems so "on" all the time. She is a good teacher and her team is great, but I cannot take her personality.
  12. I agree. I wonder how Linda infiltrated the Regans, when pretty much any other significant other isn't liked very much by the family. I feel like Jamie should have gotten some sort of promotion by now. It doesn't have to be detective, but something. I would take anything at this point.
  13. This episode episode did not bother me, since I usually categorize this show as a fluff procedural, even though it isn't trying to be fluffy. I was actually interested in all the storylines. Danny going in without backup...sigh. Seriously? Who did not see that coming? I will be at my table for one for liking Janko, so I did not mind her dad storyline, but as someone already mentioned there was an episode where she visited her dad. It was like the writers forgot that one. Every time the mayor appears I get taken out of the scene wondering why Diggle is hanging out with Frank.
  14. I love Matt, but then again I seem to like the more hated players like Arthur Chu and Alex Jacob. I actually prefer them over more pleasant people, but that is just me.
  15. I could understand his frustration too. I did not think he should win this challenge, but I thought he should have been in the top over Kelly. I appreciate her going outside of her comfort zone and presenting a nice outfit, but until Heidi pointed out the seam in the front I just thought her cocktail dress had a lot of puckering. I do hope Swapnil keeps his head in this though. I liked Edmond's outfit best too. I did not mind the purple vest with the outfit either. I knew Candice's outfit was going to win when I saw who was in the top and bottom. I liked it, but hearing Candice go on and on about the inspiration got old. I just wanted her to shut up when she was on the runway. I enjoyed Merline's design as well. It did seem in the "safe" group this week, but I liked it. I could see where Ashley was going with her look. It had potential. Too bad it wasn't finished better and did not have a great fit. I am fine with Lindsay going over Laurie. Lindsay really hasn't produced anything that was that memorable and has been in the bottom repeatedly. Laurie's outfit was horrible, but I could see why they kept her around over Lindsay.
  16. I like Haley and Andy too. I was hoping something would happen to move this story forward, but nothing really did. Something just felt off to me about this episode. I cannot put my finger on what felt so off about it though. I did enjoy some of Luke's lines and Mitchell with his painting, but other than that everything kind of fell flat. Has Stella always been in the opening credits? I probably haven't noticed it before but I did like that addition.
  17. I know not everything gets shown, but it isn't all the inconsistencies in Brooks and Vicki's stories that makes me question him, it is Vicki's non-reaction to Brooks' cancer. She is someone who can get worked up over such small things, but she seems completely unfazed by Brooks having cancer. I would have pegged Vicki as someone who would be researching treatments, clinical trials, doctors, and know the ins and outs of everything, but she does not seem to. I know I shouldn't be comparing the two, but my brother passed away from cancer and he and my sister-in-law spent a lot of time researching various aspects of treatments and clinical trials up till the very end. I do agree with the posters who have said that they believe that Brooks was treated and is in remission, and he and Vicki are just playing it out on camera now.
  18. Vicki actually convinced Brooks to use his cancer as a storyline for the show so people could see a couple dealing with it? I have barely seen anything about Vicki and Brooks dealing with cancer besides coffee enemas and smoothies. Of course that could be editing, but who knows. Sometimes I wonder if Brooks and Vicki are purposely acting shady with the other women just to make them look horrible for questioning it at all. I watched Bill and Jen on The Little Couple deal with her cancer, but I have seen very little of Vicki and Brooks actually dealing with his cancer, besides everyone talking about whether or not he actually has it. So if Vicki thought this was going to be a great story for her this season she was wrong. I am not a Shannon fan at all, but I loved that she stood her ground with Vicki and did not give in. Vicki trying to manipulate Shannon by saying she was having a bad day and such. I am surprised Vicki did not add that her mother died to the list of things as to why Shannon should quit talking about it.
  19. Now can the Emmys just not give the comedy award to Modern Family. I think I will accept any other show winning, except for maybe The Big Bang Theory if it is in fact nominated.
  20. Yes Viola! I do not watch the show, but love her. I would have accepted Tatiana or Elizabeth as well.
  21. I concur with both of these. I really loved Sarah dress, but I usually like her award show fashion choices.
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