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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. LisaR and Eileen are my favorites too. I like seeing Eileen work at Y&R since I used to watch it. I do not find LisaR annoying like a lot of people do either. I can see why they do, but I do not. I was fine with Kyle, Eileen, and LisaR staying elsewhere. It sounded like the hotel turned into a nightclub at night, so I would probably not love it either. I do think they should have notified LisaV prior to her arriving though. I find Erica a bit boring. Sometimes I like her, but most of the time so far, I find her boring. I have the unpopular opinion of liking Bethenny so it will be interesting to see whatever drama play out. I am liking the low drama season so far, but I am sure that will not last. Kyle brought up Kim at the party by saying she has been dealing with Kim stuff. I cannot really fault the other ladies for bringing her up, especially after last season with Kim lying repeatedly that she only took one pill because she was in 100% pain. From what I saw LisaV was the only one really prying, but even then it seemed to me that they all could have said or asked a hell of a lot more. I did agree with LisaV when she said Kyle should focus on herself and not Kim at the beginning of the episode. Was Kim's trip to Target before or after the Dr. Phil interview?
  2. I like DiNozzo when they let him be competent and especially without the Ziva storyline, but I am fine with MW leaving. I feel like DiNozzo has been kind of stagnant as a character since they really cannot have him advance, because he would be leaving the team. I tuned out for the last few Ziva years and tuned back in when she left. I like the dynamic of the team now where there is not any inter-team relationship angst. I have the UO of liking Bishop. So I will miss the team dynamic as it is now with the McGee/DiNozzo relationship and the brother/sister vibe with Bishop , but I am surprisingly fine with MW leaving. Also, I am hoping this means the end of Tony's dad showing up. So I will still be watching. I hope they get someone good to fill MW's place.
  3. My NCIS Los Angeles UO is that I have never been a fan of the possibility of and now actual Kensi/Deeks relationship. I like both characters, but hate them in a romantic relationship. I can see the team turning a blind eye to their relationship, but I have a hard time buying Hetty and Granger just dismissing it, but they have. I have finally caught up with this seasons episodes and am thinking, really no characters have a problem with it? Some of my hate might have to do with watching too many shows where a male/female team always seem to have romantic feelings for each other.
  4. I had trouble really siding with Porsha or Kandi. Really they both should have been irritated with Shamea who was there during the incident with Porsha, Phaedra, and Don Juan, then ran to Kandi. Though not really about anything that was said just that she was running between the two. I believe since the start of the season that Kandi has said she and Shamea are friends. I thought Kandi's real issue with Porsha was that she blindly follows Phaedra's stories and does not get Kandi's side. I think that point got lost in whatever the back and forth was. I do not think Porsha did anything really wrong either. For me I do not see that Kandi wants Phaedra or Porsha to pick a side and not be friends with people she is not friends with. I think the whole Nene and Phaedra are now friends came out of nowhere for Kandi and she did not want Phaedra to get burned by Nene. I did not think she was mad that Phaedra was friends with Nene, just kind of side eyeing the whole situation. I also think that before the drama at the video release party that she though things were getting back on track with Phaedra, but then the drama happened. I never got the impression that Kandi does not want Porsha to be friends with Phaedra either. Porsha and Phaedra acting like speaking to Don Juan or Carmen was beneath them because the are they "help" was so ridiculous. Porsha would be livid if someone spoke about Lauren that way. I did not really have opinion on The Lauren/Porsha assistant issue, because I do not think we have seen Lauren too much from when she announced she was pregnant/Duke's party to now. So I do not know if she has been slacking off or how much she works in the first place. Do I think Todd supports Apollo over Phaedra? Yes. I think Kandi has been pretty neutral since it seemed until now, that she wanted to be friends with Phaedra, but also, not giving much of an opinion because Todd still seems to be friendly with him. Cynthia and Peter arguing about the restaurant/apartment in front of Kandi and Todd was uncomfortable. Of course Peter had to leave before Cynthia's second eyewear party. Kim's small clip of her out to eat with her sons seemed to be weirdly edited in. I think is was sandwiched between Kenya and her dad talking. It felt so out of place.
  5. I would hate being a family member or even a friend of Kim's. She is just so critical of everyone and everything. If she kept some of her comments to herself that would be one thing, but she doesn't. It is like she does not realize that some of her comments are quite hurtful. It seems that most of the time she isn't in a fight or angry at someone when she says cutting comments, so they are not in jest or in a heated moment. The Rob tattoo comment is another reason when Rob actually appeared on the show and sometimes went on random Kim hate rants that I did not feel sorry for her. I never get the feeling that she likes Rob that much.
  6. I thought Love in Paradise was just okay. It wasn't horrible, but I did not love it either. I did not feel any real chemistry between the leads, though the acting was good so who knows. I think I liked the dad the best. I had a hard time believing that people would be so horrified that Luke Perry's character wasn't a real cowboy or fluent in ranch life. I am usually fine with most of the standard Hallmark cliches, but this movie did not really sell it well for me. Maybe I will watch it again sometime and see if I warm up to it more. I have to admit that I am a sucker for these new movies every week regardless of what theme/fest they are packaged as. Though the movie that is on next week looks the least interesting for me. I am looking forward to the movie that looks like it will be lumped in with the Valentine's batch that had Kristoffer Polaha in it, because I kind of like staring at him.
  7. I always wanted to see a bit more of Mr. Willis from the Mr. Willis of Ohio episode of The West Wing. The scenes between Mr.Willis and Toby are still some of my favorites from the series.
  8. This. When I heard Erica sing I questioned why I have not tried to sing club/dance music with my horrible voice and autotune the hell out of it. I could have eight dance hits! I guess I do not think Rinna's kids are that bad. I could be a brat sometimes when I was a teenager too. I just wasn't on camera. Hell I can be a brat now sometimes. Sometime teenagers (and adults) act like brats and say stupid stuff and sometimes they do not. I think there are Real Housewives children that are worse than the kids of the BH's cast.
  9. I know the very basics about Lyme disease, but seriously both Bella and Anwar have it too? Is that really possible? I would think it would be a very very small percentage that three family members have Lyme disease. Yo passes on treatments to them? I would not be surprised if Yo told Bella she has it so she has to ease up on the modeling, so she does not upstage golden child Gigi. I thought Anwar was joking about buttering bread, but who knows. I do not see him on the show enough to get a feel of his personality, which is actually a good thing. I thought it was a win last season when he had a brief scene where he turned down Yo offering him almonds. I get that Yo is upset about people possibly doubting her illness. I do think most of the women have said that she probably has something in addition to Lyme or possibly questioning the treatments. I do not think any of the ladies think that she isn't sick with something. I am probably a horrible person, but I really do not think what Taylor or Lisa Rinna said was that bad. Rinna seemed to regret it after she said it. Unless either of them go full Meghan PI on Yo, then I do not care if they are somewhat questioning what she puts out there. Erica is just there for me. So far she bores me.
  10. I am in my early 30's and thought her party looked fun as well. I do love me a bounce house. I did not think the party was as epic as Ariana claimed it was.
  11. I wonder if filming for the SyFy series "Killjoys" where he is one of the main characters coincided with the filming or something. Though interesting information regardless.
  12. This cracked me up. Ariana is crying and Tom is all BULLDOZERS! Hilarious! Wait FI Tom forgot to bring his flat iron to Vegas? I guess I am easy, because I do not need Kristen/James/Lala drama or even Stassi drama. I could watch Schwartz and FI Tom be idiots for an hour and be way more entertained.
  13. I really hope Anna has her own bank account so she can pocket whatever money she is making for appearing in these specials. Sigh...She probably does not, but I would hate for Josh to use her earnings on more Ashley Madison bots.
  14. I could not get into Dashing Through the Snow. I was not really that familiar with Meghan Ory (though I imdb-ed her while the movie was playing). She reminded me so much of Bellamy Young from Scandal which might have distracted me from the movie a bit. I might give it another try. So far I enjoyed On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, A Crown for Christmas, and A Gift Wrapped Christmas best this year, but I still have some left on my DVR.
  15. I also liked that Zach told the woman from Finding Neverland that the death scene was beautiful, after he asked if she played the mother. I thought it was endearing. Another thing I like is that these kids do not shy away from making pants that much. On original recipe PR sometimes it feels like the designers are afraid of making pants (Hell, Anya never made sleeves).
  16. I actually liked all the designs on the runway, even Zachary and Matt's red dress. I liked that they were all different looking. I know there were only four designs, but at least there was variety among the designs. This would have been the episode where I would not have wanted anyone eliminated, because I think they all did well. I would have rather someone not be sent home when there seemed to be four decent designs as opposed to an episode where there were two obvious not great designs. I understand that Matt and Zachary's design was the weakest of the bunch but I still liked it, especially over the outfits Matt and Samantha did in the episode where neither went home. That said Matt was the right person to send home. A third chance would be a bit much. I thought Matt was very gracious toward the judges and Tim after he was cut. I am really glad I did not have to see another baggy jacket by Samantha in this challenge. I enjoy these kids, but I am so over the term "girl squad" (and "squad goals") said by anyone.
  17. Watching the judges react to Philip plating under the tablecloth cracked me up. I am so glad Grayson is gone. I still have no idea why she was here in the first place. She cannot take responsibility for anything. Also, getting defensive with the judges is never good. What was she saying when she shook the judges hands after she was knifed? I thought Tom tried to say something and she responded, but I missed what was said. Then her "fuck this" as she walked off, so disrespectful. I would have gave her props if she left with some self awareness and class, but she did not. Being an extremely pale girl I would have had to bring a ton of SPF 50 with me if I was out in the sun like the cheftestants were.
  18. If only Yolanda would get up and do a tap dance like Ken Cosgrove then maybe I would care about watching her with an IV every episode. It would be a bonus if she tap danced with the IV stand.
  19. I liked that Eileen was worried about Ken's shoes when he was pushed into the pool.
  20. I am not surprised. Even though I wasn't a fan of Alex, he did look like he cared about hygiene. Maybe he likes women who look like they do not wash their hair. Jax and Kristen both look like they need to shower more. Jax in particular looks so greasy. The good news is for Alex that when he and Kristen break it off he can be on a boat in the middle of an ocean, so maybe she will not go all psycho stalker on him like she did for FI Tom.
  21. I kept thinking when she referred to her date as Alex a yacht captain, that it might be Alex from the first season of Below Deck. Isn't he a captain on a yacht? It is probably a coincidence, but I know how Bravo shows like to intermingle.
  22. I enjoyed On The Twelfth Day of Christmas. I liked both the male and female leads and the cheesy story. I could not tell if they were taking a selfie with a phone or a digital camera. They made a point at the start to show the female lead with a flip phone, so I have no idea. While selfies were not as popular back then my friends and I still did them when we were places. We called it the obligatory self take with our digital cameras, and of course, took about a million of them since the forward facing camera wasn't a big thing then.
  23. Well, Didn't TMZ report yesterday that Kourtney and Scott were getting back together? I sincerely hope she isn't with Bieber. Didn't Kendall or Kylie hang out with Bieber a lot a few years back?
  24. I would love this, but like you said Lin-Manuel Miranda is incredibly busy with Hamilton (which is fantastic by the way) and if he was not involved in some way I would be irritated. I agree it is probably not that well known to general audiences. Family friendly that has a story/songs that the general public has heard of is somewhat hard to think of. I feel like Annie is so overdone. Little Shop of Horrors is a good one. Maybe a Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?
  25. I really enjoy Kwame, so I am glad that he had a good showing tonight. I do not mind most of the cheftestants though, but I do like Kwame's demeanor. So no Grayson complaining throughout the episode, but i still want her gone, especially since I have no idea why she is here in the first place. I really liked Frances. I do not think she would win the whole thing, but I liked her personality. I really thought that they were going to get rid of Angelina. She spent a lot of time in the bottom in this episode. So did the curly hair cheftestant that was in the bottom during the QF just not see the eggs? The other guy (was it Carl?) had some. Did he take them all? I really wish they would go back to the old opening credits so I could learn their names better.
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