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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. This is what I always thought as well. You put it so much better than I would have.
  2. You summed up what I was thinking when Khloe made that comment. Couldn't they just be glad that Rob is getting out of the house a doing things again. Also, I believe there were conflicting reports saying that Khloe kicked him out and some saying Rob moved out on his own. If he did in fact move out on his own then Khloe did absolutely nothing in cutting the cord with Rob. If Rob wants the money by appearing on camera again or just has a bit more confidence in himself I am fine with that. I do think it is one of his only ways to say his side of the story, because the narrative seems to be Rob is bad and the K women are good. I concur. I am no Kris Jenner fan, but Rob is her son and she can buy him a house if she wants to. Hell, Kris is the one who basically orchestrated Kim being where she is today. It was probably hard work for Kris, but when Kim says she got where she is with hard work is laughable. As for the Caitlyn and Khloe issue, I think it is on both of them. I have no idea what Khloe said on Howard Stern, but I did not think Caitlyn's Diane Sawyer/Vanity Fair comments were that big of deal. I thought Khloe and Kim blew that way out of proportion last season. They went in on Caitlyn about not speaking bad about family. It seems to be okay when they (Kim and Khloe) say not so great things about family members, but when another family member does so to them it is the worst thing ever. Now I do not know what Khloe said, but I just think in both instances that Khloe and Caitlyn made it all into a lot more than what it actually was. The Kendall getting mad about the iPad re-gifting was not a big deal to me. I do not think she has rage issues, Caitlyn's anger, or anything. Sometimes siblings fight. Kendall and Kylie always seemed fairly close so I could see her picking Kylie's side in the whole matter.
  3. I do not think Mariah will say anything really negative either. She will probably say she felt bad for her mother during that time or possibly disappointed, but I do not think it will be anything too major. Though Mariah was the one of the older kids that was pretty insistent that she wanted to have sister wives. I do think when she went to college she may have gotten more open minded, because she seemed to change her views in what I think was the last tell all episode or was it the one before? I do think the Meri/Catfish and the Meri/divorce issues might have shattered some of her views on polygamy also.
  4. I loved both episodes. I really loved that Jess and Cece were watching Anne of Green Gables. I love the AoGG films (even the crappy last one). Like Cece, I would have thrown it all away for Gilbert Blythe. RIP Jonathan Crombie.
  5. LVP rarely sounds sincere to me with her apologies, but I would imagine she is sincere with some of them at least. I do not think she gave Eileen a sincere apology, but I also think Eileen should have just let it go after the second go around. I believed they all talked about Yo/Lyme and the possibility of her exaggerating or her having some sort of illness in addition to Lyme. I wish they stuck to their questioning of Yo and stopped with their infighting. I was all for Rinna saying that Yo was the most manipulative person of them all, because I concur. I was fine with the bits that Kyle and LVP said when questioning Yo's treatment or her having something in addition to Lyme, because I had questions (still do). It was like everyone backed off of Yo, when I thought there was legitimate questions about her and her illness. None of them wanted to go after the sick person, even though I would have been cheering if they did. Instead they all fought with each other. This. Kim wasn't (perhaps still not) a nice person, but apparently she should get a free pass because she is an alcoholic. No matter how many times they trot Kim out I just cannot buy what she is selling. Has Kim ever admitted to having a problem with pills or other drugs? I still do not believe her issue is just with alcohol. I do not care if Rinna and Eileen went in on her last season. It seemed like at the time everyone was overlooking Kim's behavior. That said I do think Rinna and Eileen can not like Kim, but wish her well (probably away from them though). I just think you can not like a person, but wish them well with some of the crap they are dealing with. I was rolling my eyes at pretty much everything that was spilling out of Yo's mouth. I really think Kim and Yo are the master manipulators of the bunch. I have the unpopular opinion of still liking Kyle, LVP, Rinna, and Eileen. Kathryn does not bother me either. I wish Erika would go, but more than anything I want Yo gone.
  6. I think Brandi mentioned that she and her husband used to be out partying a lot, but he does not do that anymore so she goes out with Stephanie. It sounds like his priorities changed, as they should when you grow up a bit, get married, have kids, and a career. Brandi almost seems stuck in the pre-kids mentality. Brandi needs a hobby or something.
  7. I am a sucker for the Hallmark Hall of Fame movies Loving Leah and Front of the Class. Though neither are that old in terms of HHoF. Also, I now refer to James Wolk as Bob Benson no matter what his character's name is. I do really love Christmas with Holly as well, which is quite recent.
  8. My Doctor Who UO is that Clara is one of my favorite companions. I will be at my table for one for that one.
  9. I agree though I do think Kurt is smarter than him. Brodie does seem to get frustrated easily, especially with the puzzle last week that did not seem to be a problem for the other teams. I think Kurt can get frustrated, but he just calmly keeps going. I am not wild about snakes, so I would probably be a bit hesitant during the task. I would have power walked to the snake drop off to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Though I have a fear of garden gnomes so I would have a bigger problem during the leg where they have to carry the Travelocity gnome.
  10. Didn't most of the older Hallmark Hall of Fame movies air on network television? I could be misremembering. They might have had a way better budget and more time if they were in fact on network television. I like a lot of the Hallmark Hall of Fame movies, but I also like a good portion of the regular Hallmark movies as well. It depends on my mood. I generally get more excited for the ones that are not on as often in both movie categories.
  11. I have been staying out of The Daily Show forums for awhile now since I like Trevor and it seems that he can do nothing right for some people. Is this what is being said? I am fine with a mention or a small tribute, especially since I can go anywhere in the media/online right now and see major tributes/programming if I wanted to. I am also, fine with a small acknowledgment, because I would rather he talk about other subjects, but that is just me.
  12. I think that it has been scheduled that Monday will have a guest co-host for her also, but I think that has been on the books before all this Michael leaving stuff went down.
  13. I hated Regis. Hate. I know that is an unpopular opinion. I thought he was so completely out of touch with everything. I also, hated that he seemed to subscribe to the Larry King non-interview prep. I do not love or hate Kelly. Sometimes I like her, sometimes I do not, but I do not think she is any worse than Regis in the not forgetting their roots/rich lifestyle department.
  14. I never really thought the were best friends or anything. I just thought they got on well while they were working. I have people at work that I get along well with, but do not hang out with them after work is done. I would be sad if they left my company, especially if I did not see it coming. I would get over it, but sometimes it can be an adjustment. As for Kelly and Michael, they both seem pretty busy outside of Live! to really hang out after work. I don't blame Kelly for taking the day off. If she was blindsided by it all and thinking everything was good there could be quite a mixture of feelings going on. The amount of money she makes should not override that she has a right to be upset or have other feelings about all of this. I do not think she needs sympathy, but since she can afford to take the day(s) off to digest the news that is her right. I do not expect her to come back and not be or pretend to be happy for Michael, and that is fine because I do not expect anything else. I think she cannot win either way. If she is actually genuinely happy for him (after she processes the news) she will be accused of being fake and if she is upset by the news, she should not be upset since she makes a ton of money. It doesn't matter what she does, for some, she just cannot win.
  15. This. I felt that way too. I thought Love by Chance was just okay. It wasn't great, but not the worst movie Hallmark has put out either. The acting was fine. I like Benjamin Ayres from Saving Hope, so I enjoyed him here. I also enjoyed the guy who played Claire's dad. Brenda Strong's character was annoying, but she was kind of suppose to be. Was there an actual song in this movie or am I misremembering or confusing it with another movie? I keep thinking that Hallmark is using more songs with lyrics that are from actual bands/singers lately than their usual generic background music. Maybe it is just me though. Sherry67 - Do you know what movies are included in the June weddings theme and who is in them? You probably already posted on it. I should go back and look.
  16. I agree that season two has started off better. There have been little things that I have enjoyed in the past few episodes, but not necessarily the main storylines. I do like the cast though. The storylines are not very original at all, but as a whole I do enjoy it.
  17. I could not help but laugh at Matt calmly leading his camels through the desert, while Dana was complaining while leading hers. I just loved his non-reaction to her complaining, especially the part where she was mad that he did not look like he was suffering in the heat even with a flannel on. He must be a pro at tuning her out. I would be if I was him. The other teams doing the same task seemed more Matt-like and less Dana-y, so it might not have been too terrible or Dana is all about the dramatics. Though when I was in Dubai I was not a fan of the heat either.
  18. I have never liked Shenae's acting from Degrassi to 90210 to these movies. I feel like I am watching a person attempt to act, but not actually acting. If that makes any sense at all. I enjoy her co-stars Sean Faris and Andrew Walker, but will probably skip her Hallmark movies.
  19. I like Trevor. I liked Jon too. I expected the show to be a bit different and it is, but it isn't really that different. For some, I do not think he will be able to do anything right.
  20. Well it does have a Target, so Kim might go in there and try to steal two carts full of random stuff.
  21. I like Bethenny Frankel. I still find her funny on RHoNY. I did not watch her spin-off or her talk show, so maybe that is why.
  22. This. SO much of this. I got the impression that Rinna's "why is Kim here" comment was more about why Kim decided to sit on the couch with Rinna and the others, not why she is at Kyle's party. Though I have no idea if that is what she meant either. I was fine with how Rinna was handling herself with Kim. Kim was, as usual, not taking any responsibility and thinking she was the victim. I do not think Kim was going to like anything Rinna said to her unless it was an apology. I thought Kim did seem to want to get into a fight or disagreement with her jumping on whatever remarks Rinna made. Kim wanting to talk about the photo of from the lunch ( I assume it was a drinking lunch ), when I did not think the reason why Rinna was pissed at the photo was because Kim and Brandi were in it ( though that did not help the matter ), but that Yo said she was so ill/in bed all day that she could not attend Erika's party, but wasn't too ill to go out to lunch with the sober sisters. I hold the unpopular opinion of still liking Rinna, Eileen, Kyle, and LVP. Hell Kathryn is winning me over with her blog and nonchalant attitude at the party. I think Rinna and LVP are both at fault for this whole mess. I think they were both probably being/been shady about this whole Yolanda nonsense. They both also, seem too stubborn to admit their respective parts in the mess and adamant that their version of what happened is the truth. Sigh. I liked the Rinna/LVP friendship.
  23. I thought FI was so defensive about practically everything. He looked irritated every time Kristen spoke, even when it was about something that had nothing to do with him or Ariana. I get that Kristen is his ex and he does not particularly like her, but he looked like his head was going to explode when she spoke. It seemed a bit over the top, especially since he is so in love with Ariana. I almost think FI would be more cordial to Kristen if it wasn't for Ariana, who does not seem to like anyone. Oh but she likes Lala, so who knows.
  24. I am right there with you. Without Abbie Mills, there is no reason for me to watch anymore. I stuck around for the chemistry between Abbie and Crane whether that be friendship or more. I hope to see Nicole Beharie in something soon. Since I am giving up on Sleepy Hollow regardless if it gets another season, I hope to see Tom Mison in something else as well.
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