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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I missed a bit during the Cam, Shep and Craig disagreement about Kathryn, which I do not care much about, if people want to hear Kathryn out they can do so and those who would rather not do not have to. Anyway, Landon seemed to be telling Craig that he needed to apologize to her. I was wondering what the hell for? Was it about Landon thinking that she has not said anything bad about Kathryn? I mean Kathryn (for the record I cannot stand her or Thomas) is no saint, but neither was Landon during all that drama. Like I said I missed the beginning of that disagreement, so I am probably wrong. I could do without Kathryn, Thomas, and Landon in this show.
  2. This is how I felt as well. I was fine with Francesca and Dev as friends. In the first episode I was relieved when Francesca had a boyfriend, because I thought she would be a love interest. My relief was short lived when she did in fact become a love interest for Dev. I did not see any real spark between the two besides friendship. I did not get the impression that Dev thought of Francesca as more than a friend until Chef Jeff sort of pointed it out at his dinner party. I thought Dev had a lot of chemistry with Sarah. I wish they would have run into each other. Sure, it might be improbable, but I could hand wave it. I even thought he had better chemistry with Rachel. Though, I would be fine if they did not do Rachel and Dev again as well.
  3. Is the Roseanne reboot actually a thing? Didn't the series finale end with everything being not as the audience saw, like Dan was actually dead and Darlene really was with Mark?
  4. If they do this we all know Gabby and Severide will become the main pairing.
  5. I am actually liking this season. I like all the current storylines (except Geordie cheating on Cathy) and interested into seeing where they lead. I figured at some point if this series went on long enough that Sidney would have a crisis of faith, so I was not shocked when it happened. I love Leonard. I really want him to have some happiness. I am at a table for one with liking Amanda, so I like her storyline. I cannot believe it took me until this season to realize that Guy is played by Tom Austen, who plays Jasper on The Royals. I am an idiot.
  6. Bobby continues to be an ass. I kind of feel a bit for Wes, because he seems like the only really knowledgable one on the deck crew. I can see why he has advanced so much while being fairly young. They could not found anyone with more experience on deck crew? Isn't Bobby the next in line and I think this is his only second season on charters? I could be wrong on that though. I like Wes so far, but that opinion may change because it so often does during both versions of Below Deck. I think Bobby is horrible, but I think Lauren is also, annoying. She isn't to Bobby levels yet. I thought her telling Hannah that Bobby was talking shit about her was a bit much. In the conversation that that she overheard seemed pretty tame with regards to what was said about her in my opinion. I also, felt that she was kind of flip flopping whatever Hannah did or did not say to her when she met her in NYC. Lauren saying "I miss you" to Ben over and over until he finally said it was laughable. Ben sounded like he was trying to avoid saying it and just did so to shut her up. I think Malia is fine, but it feels like all the guys want her. I like that even though Adam is not thrilled with some of these guests food requests he still does them with out getting too irritated or complaining too much. That does not mean he never gets irritated with the guests or the crew, but so far he is handling it more in stride. I felt sorry for Bugs, but she handled it well. I like Hannah and Sandy consoling her. The charter guests were so smarmy. Did one of the women actually refer to the guy as Mr. Skin? Does he not have a name that they could use instead? I would not be able to keep a straight face if I had to refer to someone as Mr. Skin.
  7. No one, but Phaedra can break Frick and Frack up. Gee, I can see why none of these scenes made the show. They were incredibly boring for the most part. I can usually find some scenes when they do these "secrets revealed" episodes that are interesting or fun. I do think Phaedra and Porsha hampered any amusement that I might have had for any of the cut scenes. Phaedra and how far she goes with her lies and Porsha's stupidity negate what I might have found as an entertaining or an easy watch episode. I thought Peter was drunk at the reunion, but the scene at the Hawaii dinner with him and Porsha getting into it kind of explained some of his irritation of her at the reunion. Oh and Phaedra, you can say over and over that you do not care what Kandi does or whatever, but you proved that you do care. So anytime those types of comments come out of your mouth I laugh and laugh and laugh.
  8. I agree with this. They should just show the Broadway performance instead of doing another version. It had Renee Elise Goldsberry, Will Chase, and a great cast. I am cringing at the mere thought of who they might cast for this.
  9. I would assume that most of the stuff Jason or his family has bought Brynn would be at his place. Haven't Bethenny and Jason been separated longer in Brynn's lifetime than actually together? How old was Brynn when Jason and Bethenny separated? I would think most of the toys and stuff Brynn had then she outgrew. When I think of my nieces, the stuff they are playing with at 6 and 7 years old is quite different than the stuff they were playing with at 1 and 2 years of age. This is all an assumption, so I could be very wrong. I did enjoy seeing all the women together at the bar. I do not mind the small groups or one on one's, but I do enjoy them in a group even though it did not last long. I do not mind Lu wearing a wedding dress or having a big wedding. My mom has a few friends that did the same thing, because like Lu, they did not have it the first go around. My mom was sixty years old and a bridesmaid, so none of that bothered me either. To each their own.
  10. I did not mind Bethenny cleaning and getting rid of Brynn's toys. My sister-in-law does the exact same thing with my nieces' toys and general stuff, mainly before birthdays and holidays. My nieces get so much stuff from various family members and friends. They are Brynn's age and older. My sister-in-law tries to go through it quickly as well, and she has to do it when the girls are gone, because they will see something they have not played with in awhile and claim they need to keep it. They rarely ever know their stuff is gone or miss the toys that my sister-in-law got rid of. Nothing bothered me with that scene, because I have seen it done and have participated in it before.
  11. I know some find it boring, but I kind of like the low drama episodes, where if there is fighting it is not some crazy screaming episode. Maybe, I like it since coming off of RHOA (which ended up being fantastic just seeing Phaedra exposed). Ramona's always been messy, but it was more like a harmless messy. I feel like she has gone extra messy this season. She did her patented move after the betting on Lu's wedding remarks, where she is is all over the person telling them that she loves them and other things. I liked the gravesite scenes. Seeing Dorinda's family was nice and I liked hearing the stories about Richard. Carole showing up because She and Dorinda do share a bond that the other ladies might not understand as much. I did not mind Hannah in this episode at all. I liked the stories she had to tell about Richard and that she wore Richard's jacket. I will be at my table for one in liking Bethenny's lipstick. I am extremely fair skinned and I love a red lip. I am sure people would think it is garish on me, but I love a good red lip. I was not wild about Lu's dress. Actually, I did not mind the dress, but something about the the fit/cut of the sleeves on her arms did not look that flattering to me. Though, if she is having multiple dresses then who really cares about just one. Does anyone know if Tinsley went to college? She just sounds a bit flighty to me. I do not mind her so far. Also, was it the first episode where she said she wears her hair the same way because when she was in her more of a socialite days the media would recognize her? I guess I would like to see her do something different with her hair than the same curls all the time.
  12. I am kind of with you. I hate this show and family, but yet I still watched over the years. I do not know what that says about me. Even if I dislike them all I was somewhat entertained and/or irritated by them, which is fun to commiserate here. I tend to find them boring. They really do not discuss anything of substance (not that they every really did) and they spend so much of their time on their phones with their social media of choice. I would go look at my teenage cousin if I wanted to watch someone on their phone al the time. The show is basically a time waster for me. I am so bored watching the show that I am always doing something else while watching. I was not watching that closely but when Kim was talking about going to NYC to speak about the robbery to Kourtney (I believe they were at Kourtney's house), did she really say something about how since the robbery happened she realized that there are bad people in the world? I hope I got that wrong with the context in which she was speaking, because I was thinking really Kim you just now realized bad people exist?
  13. The book was pure fluff, which can be entertaining. I read it awhile back. I do not remember too much about it anymore, detail-wise. I think besides the character's names and the basic premise of an unknown girl being picked to be the lead in a franchise movie there is not many similarities between the book and the series. I believe the love triangle was between the the main female character and the two male leads in the movie. Some of the television series characters do not exist in the book. I cannot remember much more.
  14. Wasn't Dylan working as a nurse? Now, he probably is not a RN (I could be wrong), but at least it is something toward the field he wants to go in. I have a friend who went to med school in his 30's. He was a lawyer prior, but decided he wanted to be a doctor, and he did it. So it is possible. It probably isn't the norm, but it is possible.
  15. I would rather watch Craig and his many hobbies, preferably near Gizmo, than watch Shep drink and sleep around or whatever is happening with TRav and Landon. At least Craig has different hobbies. It feels like the same story over and over with some of the rest of the cast.
  16. I enjoyed Manor House, Frontier House, and the other similar shows that PBS has done (Except Texas Ranch House, I hated the family in charge of the ranch in that one). This was depressing, but I found it very interesting. I thought a majority of the participants seemed to have fairly good attitudes about the whole experiment. I was particularly impressed with the kids. The two girls from the one family that sold watercress and the girl and the boy from the tailors family were all great. I felt for the grandfather that had back problems and could not go back to work. That looked tough just watching it. I probably would have been all thumbs with the matchboxes that some of the ladies did. I did feel bad for the single mother. It seemed like the other people and families were making sacrifices regarding buying food, while she kept going back to the shop to get food even when she could not afford it. I am sure she wants to provide and not have her kids be hungry, but I was side eyeing her when she kept buying food. I figured she would not be able to pay for that or make rent. I was hoping her or her kids would find some sort of job besides making boxes. I cannot wait to see what the next episode brings.
  17. I just hope it gets a second season, so we can hopefully see some of the other big moments from the books.
  18. I do not hate Ryan Seacrest either. I am pretty indifferent to him. There are times I like him and times I do not. I feel the same way about Kelly Ripa as well.
  19. I kind of like Captain Sandy. I kind of see both sides of the Hannah/Captain Sandy issue where it is annoying to be micromanaged, but like Sandy said she has a fairly green crew and I liked that she seems to be willing to help out. Probably not the best time to have deckhand girl learn to more about the boat, but I can see why she did that. I was probably the only one who liked Captain Mark from last season. I have been over Captain Lee for awhile now. Bobby is so immature. I was really hoping that since he was back he would be more about the work and less about the women. I thought he was a dick last season, but was hoping that he saw himself on television and changed. That did not happen. I hate to give Bobby some credit, but he did say (Was it him? If it wasn't I take this all back) something like Captain Sandy working with them would help the rest of the crew learn her style of being Captain, and how she expects things to get done. I found myself more annoyed by Hannah this episode. I was pretty indifferent to her last season. Sometimes I liked her and sometimes I did not. I just found her annoying in this episode. I am not really sure about any of the new people yet. They have not done too much yet. I think I might like the Bosun, but it is too early to tell. He seems competent though.
  20. It is a bit sad that I have wasted some time on Gizmo's Instagram page.
  21. Anne or as I believe Netflix's is labeling it Anne with an E. I adore the Megan Follow's version of Anne of Green Gables, but this series pleasantly surprised me. The cast is great especially Amy Beth McNulty as Anne. It is darker than the 1985 version, which worked for me. I looked forward to watching it every week. It also has gorgeous opening credits.
  22. Austen's expressions when Landon was going on and on about Aspen were hilarious. I laughed at his comments about Roam as well. I am very well traveled, but definitely would not hold it against someone if they were not. Landon acting like never going to NYC was some kind of indicator of a person's character was ridiculous. Her voice....I just can't. Her lunch with TRav was so cringeworthy. Oh Craig, when you got your sewing machine I was hoping the whole hour would be you sewing with Gizmo. Then you had to ruin it with the Naomie dinner. I do think Craig seems to be throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Craig has a lot of faults, but overall I generally prefer him to the rest of the cast (Austen might be creeping up there as well. He seems somewhat normal.). The bar is set extremely low though. I would very much prefer to watch Craig sew clothes for Gizmo than watch a possible relationship between TRav and Landon. Kathryn was so cold to Jennifer. That was hard to watch. Have a little empathy Kathryn. I thought this Cameron pushing Shep to date Chelsea would be over once Shep and Austen talked about Austen dating her. Sigh....Cameron, Chelsea gets to choose who she wants to date, not you.
  23. I think what I hate about this particular issue is that when Kourtney and Scott were together the rest of the Kardashian's wanted Kourtney to dump him a majority of the time. Kourtney and Scott are not together so they both can date whoever they want. I think it great that Kourtney and Scott can coparent and take family vacations together, but I really do not see any mind games going on. I do not think Kourtney is intentionally leading him on. I think Scott may be reading too much into some things. I think this is all for lame storyline purposes I think both Scott and Kourtney know where they stand with each other. Ugh Kourtney's tweet. None of you have the right to be mad at Scott. None! Gah, I just can't with these people.
  24. I have not really liked a lot of the actors that she has had on a lot hosting. I should rephrase that, I like many of them when they are in their acting roles and most of them seem like fine people, but not wild about them doing the talk show host thing. I am pretty sure I will be disappointed, but I really did not have a favorite among the rotating cohosts. Did it say that it was specifically a man they were leaning toward? I was wondering if the person joining Kelly could be a woman? Though I would be surprised if they went with a woman.
  25. I will probably be at my table for one, but I enjoyed this season of RHOA. Sure, it was messy as hell, but I was entertained. I normally agree that these reunions could be a smaller amount of episodes, but overall I was entertained by all the Atlanta reunion episodes thus far. If Frick and Frack gets what is coming to them in the next episode then all the episodes will be a win for me. I thought the RHOBH reunion was extremely dull, so I am glad Atlanta seemed to have more going on than not wearing panties, Kim Richards, or a bag of pills. I am glad Shamea stopped being friends with Porsha after the initial episode aired about the Kandi/Shamea rumor. It still seems like Shamea misses the friendship she had with Porsha, but has her issues with her. Porsha gave her an apology, but it did not feel all that genuine to me. I do hope if Shamea resumes her friendship with Porsha she keeps her eyes open. Peter was so drunk. I did get a laugh when it seemed that no one cared that he walked off. Andy asked his obligatory question about Peter walking off, but everyone was kind of like who cares.
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